laylaclove · 2 days
born to write the beginning and ending, forced to write the middle part.
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laylaclove · 9 days
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laylaclove · 9 days
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laylaclove · 13 days
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june is about reading under the sun and smelling the roses and frolicking 💌💌💌
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laylaclove · 14 days
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i missed it here!!
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laylaclove · 18 days
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laylaclove · 22 days
Some people turn sad awfully young. No special reason, it seems, but they seem almost to be born that way. They bruise easier, tire faster, cry quicker, remember longer and, as I say, get sadder younger than anyone else in the world. I know, for I’m one of them.
Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine
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laylaclove · 23 days
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laylaclove · 23 days
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laylaclove · 24 days
You have to keep making new goals so it won’t be the end when you’re done with one. Think of “because I reached this goal, I can probably reach a higher one” and make new goals. You have to make new reasons for yourself to keep going.
k.b. // lee know from stray kids
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laylaclove · 25 days
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laylaclove · 1 month
"I was looked at,
but I wasn't seen."
Albert Camus, The misunderstanding.
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laylaclove · 1 month
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home aesthetic
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laylaclove · 1 month
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laylaclove · 1 month
We talk about the battles that we fight alone, the ones everyone experiences at some point in their lives. But what about the battles that we've lost, the ones we can't seem to pay ourselves on the back and feel proud of. The ones that are messy and seem larger than ourselves. The ones we feel no one could really understand, for none before us not after us will fit into these same shoes. The ones we long to talk about, to ask for help with but are too scared to. What about the ones who don't really feel close enough to the people in their lives? The ones who feel that their mere existence is enough of a burden for the people who love them? The ones who feel guilty for simply existing. The ones who feel alone and scared and lonely. Who can they talk to? It's overwhelming to fight battle after battle when no one's got your back. When you have to patch up every wound by yourself and pull yourself back up. It's okay sometimes, but the old wounds ache and the new ones sting and every time you lift yourself back up, your weight gets heavier and heavier to pull until you cant get up anymore and so you crawl but what then? What if one dreams of flying as they crawl? Can they really do it all alone? Can they just for once feel like an equal to somebody rather than a burden?
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laylaclove · 1 month
Not "never been loved" but rather "never felt loved". I think that so many people have been loved, just not the way that they needed to be, not in a way that made them feel loved but in ways that made the other person feel like they've loved you. Because it was done more for them that it was for you. That's why you didn't feel loved.
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laylaclove · 2 months
The chaotic storm of anger, hatred, jealousy and pain that had never once before faltered for anyone, stopped when I looked at you, when I listened to your soft voice as you sang, my mind calmed and my body relaxed. It's like your voice was magic to my tortured soul. I think that was the moment I fell in love with you.
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