lawtsuno · 6 years
Hey all... probably to the surprise of like, no one, jfdfjfdd: I think I might put this blog on a slow activity status. Well, I guess officially, at least, as I know I kept doing that anyways, much as I wanted to avoid doing that. I hate to do this, because I really did want to try keeping up with the promise of balancing this blog and my Shuichi blog, but I guess DR just took over more as my current interest than AA.
So, until my drive for this blog comes back into full gear, I’ll be on slow status, as I don’t wanna exactly say hiatus since I still MIGHT try to do things here and there, but: most days, I probably still might be silent until I, I guess: my drive for AA comes back full gear, jfnfdjfd
So I’m real sorry to everyone who probably wants to write with me and I ain’t even fucking been here, fjnfjdjd: but if you’d still like to, you can of course, always find me over at ahogedetective. I do have an AA AU for my boy, so no worries about that~ Until then, stay awesome, you guys!
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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          no matter what the truth is that’s waiting ahead, I won’t be afraid !   after all, I’M FINE and so will EVERYTHING ELSE BE !  //  private,  selective,  indie apollo justice,  written by hammy.  
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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there’s not a word that could make you comprehend “ TOO WELL DRESSED FOR THE WITNESS STAND. ”
independent simon blackquill, penned by vladimir. promo template.
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lawtsuno · 6 years
His legs felt like jelly, but as the older of the two here, he couldn’t just freak out. Not yet at least. That could come later when he was in a nice, quiet area where no one would be looking at him. Gods, this was probably what he got for not being more outright with his answer. He had been hoping the guy would lose interest sooner or later.
“I’m alright, it’s not a big deal.” Calum said quietly, eyes still on the young woman’s hand. “But I don’t think you should just ignore your hand either. It looks like it’s already starting to bruise.”
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His eyes wandered back to the man sprawled on the ground. He bit his lip, both relieved and a little bit guilty too. Even if the man had been a pain to deal with, even he doesn’t deserve to take nap on the cold hard ground. “We should probably move him to a safer place…or, at least, get someone to move him.”
“Ah, b-but-” Athena didn’t want to trouble the man just because her hand was injured. Then again, if he really wanted to help with that, then she’d let him. Her hand was starting to bruise a bit, which was starting to make it hurt more. 
“Oh... s-sorry, I guess I overdid it a little. Um...I guess we can make him at least sit up against the wall, or put him in that chair over there? If we both move him, I’m sure he won’t be a problem to move.” 
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lawtsuno · 6 years
heat wave
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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          ❝ Me ? ❞ Cue the rise of an awed expression when the other pointed at Susato. ❝ Hmm, I’ll be glad to help out ! What is it that you want me to do ? ❞
— ( * STARTER ! // @lawtsuno )
Athena had been reading the menu outside the wall of a ramen shop. She wanted to know what she wanted before she went in to order, but was having a hard time deciding what she wanted. Almost everything on the menu looked really good, after all.
She was there for almost 10 minutes deciding before she decided she’ll just ask someone to help decide for her. So, seeing the other almost about to enter the place, she calls out to her. “Hey, you!” When Susato asked if she meant her, she nods.
“Yep! Come here for a second: I was hoping you can help me decide what I should order off the menu? Weird request, I know: but I’m having such a hard time deciding because all these different ramen choices look so good! So I was hoping to get a second opinion in; it’d help so much.”
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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lawtsuno · 6 years
Hoo nelly, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve really been on, huh? Sorry for the constant drops of activity at times!! It’s mostly cause I be on Shuichi a lot more if you ever wondering why I’m so quiet on here [he’s got an AA AU if u wanna interact with me there too~] 
But yea, I know I keep saying it, but I really will try my best to be more active on here!! Thx for being patient with me ! <3
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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San Fernando Valley
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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|| 光 || :: “ a-aah … y-yes … they are … wings, indeed … ” the VALKYRIE couldn’t help stumbling over her words a little. she didn’t think anyone would be up so early in the morning so she got careless and let her white wings sprout from her back. a bashful scratch of her cheek where she lowered her head a bit, as well as her voice.
              “ please don’t tell anyone … ”
Sometimes when Pearl woke up very early, she likes to take a morning stroll around the area. The sight of the still pink sky, along with the birds tweeting in the background: made for a very peaceful way to start up the day.
Usually the streets were still empty, save for the occasional car or people passing here and there, usually people heading to work or high school students. In short, nothing too unusual: but out of all possible strange things she may see, never did she think she would see a girl with literal wings sprouting from her back.
Sure, it might be ironic for a girl who can channel spirits to be shocked by this, but she couldn’t help it. A small gasp leaving her, she eventually snaps out of her thoughts. “Ah, of course, I won’t tell anybody.” She nods in understanding.
 “Are you an....angel?” 
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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It snows sakura… by  dreamspy
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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Quiet summer outfit, with ro iromuji paired with tsumugi (rough silk) pampa grass obi (seen on)
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lawtsuno · 6 years
you can’t protect everyone.
                                                 I have to Try.
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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blackbird singing in the dead of night; you were only waiting for this moment to arrive.
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lawtsuno · 6 years
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lawtsuno · 6 years
Taylor’s had some great friends at school, but he always favored Trucy above anyone else. Besides being cute, she was a magician and one of his best friends as well. He had plans with her after school today. They could go to the arcade and play some games before returning home.
So, after packing up his stuff, he waved at her to grab her attention with his casual smile while the others left the classroom.
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“Hey, hey, Truce! Wanna go to the arcade? C’mon, it’ll be a blast!”
Today at school went pretty slow, since not much happened. Though, it wasn’t boring since Trucy was pretty good friends with most of her classmates, especially Taylor. With both their dads being such close friends, it wasn’t a surprise their kids would end up growing close as well since the two knew each other outside of school as well.
Once the final bell rang, indicating classes were over for today, Trucy got out her desk, putting her stuff in her bookbag. Looking over to Taylor, she eagerly nods and makes her way over to him. “Oh heck yeah~! Let’s make it over there before it gets real crowded!” 
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