#help the nerd susie
fictionalthrill · 8 months
A Stranger Valentine: Steve Harrington One-Shot
A/N: Greetings! So here it is! After a very long hiatus, I'm finally back with a little one-shot for Steve Harrington. It is my first in a while and I hope it won't be my last. I'm a little nervous about it, but I might as well just stop overthinking and go for it. And oddly enough, this just so happens to be my blog's 7th anniversary! I hope you like it!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Description: Steve puts himself out there on Valentine's Day. (3292 words)
Love interest: Reader
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         It was a nice, breezy, and all together, regular day in Hawkins. A somewhat busy Monday for some businesses, including the Family Video. Customers had come and gone. The shelves ripped apart; most rentals gone by the evening. Surprisingly, things had died down for a bit, giving Steve and Robin a breath. The bell at the door rang as a couple of customers exited, giving way to Dustin.      
         “Hey, Robin!” He greeted. 
         “Hey, nerd.”
         “I don’t take that as insult, no matter how many times you call me it,” Dustin said.
         Steve then appeared from the back room. “Okay Robin, make a note, we are out of When Harry Met Sally, Flashdance, Splash, Footloose, Sixteen Candles, and Back to the Future. I just went over some inventory and those are the ones most asked for and the ones we are out of for now.” He glanced over the counter. “Sup, Henderson?”
         “Do you have The NeverEnding Story?”
         “On a school night?” Steve said as he stood behind the counter. He reached for the bin of returned movies while he looked at his young friend.
         “Yeah, Susie and I are gonna watch it together on Valentine’s Day while we talk on the phone.”
         “You are guys are so weird,” Robin said.
         “Those are your Valentine’s Day plans?” Steve asked.
         “Well, there really isn’t much to do at a distance. Plus, it doesn’t help that Valentine’s Day is on a Wednesday this year.”
         “Right. Also, Valentine’s Day is two days away, why are you asking about the movie today?”
         “The NeverEnding Story is a beloved film. It could just as easily be on your little list of out-of-stock movies.”
         “Doubtful,” Robin said.
         Out of nowhere, a VHS box fell to the ground. The sound earned the attention of the trio by the counter. Then, a hand was raised from behind one of the shelves.
         “Sorry, that was my bad.” Someone’s voice rang. Their head poked up as well. 
         “You’re good,” Robin responded.
         Steve failed to tear his eyes away. He watched as the girl continued to scan the films, while she enjoyed the music that played on her Walkman. Steve was pulled out of his trance by Dustin who snapped his fingers in his face.
         “What? What?”
         Dustin looked between the shelves and Steve. “You really shouldn’t stare, Steve. It’s rude.”
         “I often tell him,” Robin said as she flipped through the pages of a magazine she usually hid behind the counter.
         “I wasn’t staring,” Steve said.
         “Oh, you were just ogling at Y/N,” Dustin said. 
         Steve’s head snapped towards Dustin. “You know her?”
         “Uh, yeah, most people do.”
         “Huh? I could have sworn she just moved here.”
         “No, she moved back,” Robin added.
         “What you know them too?” 
         “Duh, dingus.”
         “How do you both know her, and I don’t?”
         “Probably because you were too busy being King Steve.”
         “Yup! Y/N was in your year,” Dustin said.
         “How do you know anything about her?” 
         “She babysat Mike and I a couple of times.”
         “And you know her how, Robin?”
         “She tutored me in algebra.”
         Suddenly, Y/N made her way over to the counter with a couple of films in hand, cutting the trio’s conversation short. 
         “Okay, I think that’s enough browsing for the day,” she said as she removed her headphones. 
         “Hey, Y/N!” Dustin smiled.
         “Dustin Henderson? Look at you! You’ve gotten taller!”
         “And you’ve stayed the same.”          “Well, I think I hit my growth spurt too early and ran out quickly.”
         “It happens.”
         “Hi, Robin!” She glanced at Steve. “Hi, Steve.”
         “Hey, Y/N!”
         “Hi,” Steve said shyly. 
         Robin moved to the computer on the counter while Y/N handed the movies to her.
         “How long will you be renting these for?”
         “Um, you can put me down for two nights. Seems like you guys have been really busy, today.”
         “Yeah, it’s been oddly hectic for Valentine’s Day week.”
         “Oh, that’s right! Wednesday… is that why I couldn’t find a copy of Sixteen Candles?”
         “Oh?” Robin looked at Steve. “No, Sixteen Candles?”
         Steve shot Robin a disappointed look, realizing she never listened to him earlier. “Yeah, sorry. We’re all out of that one…” Steve told Y/N.
         “No, worries. I just like to rewatch it every now and again.”
         “Sorry,” Steve said.
         “It’s okay.”
         “Okay, you are set to go,” Robin said as she slid the movies to Y/N.
         “Thanks. Well, I’ll see you guys around. Bye!” She locked eyes with Steve before she headed towards the door.
         “I don’t think I’ve seen you this off your game since our Scoops Ahoy days, dingus.”
         “Yeah, Steve, you were just there. Staring. Again!”
         “What did you guys expect me to do with you two here?”
         “Uh, act normal,” Robin said.
         “I did act normal. She wasn’t really interested.”
         “Maybe cause you were avoiding them.”
         “I wasn’t avoiding them. They clearly aren’t interested.”
         “I believe you just haven’t been trying hard enough,” Dustin said.
         “I second that,” Robin said.
         “When’s the last time you went on a date?”
         “Ha!” Robin exclaimed. 
         “What? It hasn’t been that long.”
         “It’s been a while. Actually, I don’t think you’ve dated anyone in the time that I’ve known you.”
         “Come on! It has not been long.”
         “Long enough.”
         “Whether that’s the case or not, maybe you should just try. Why don’t you ask them out?” Dustin said.
         “Because he doesn’t know how. He’s done nothing but stare at her each time she’s been in here.”
         “I’m right here, Robin. Besides, I helped her the second time she came in.”
         “You pointed to where the comedies were and practically ran away from her.”
         “Fine, so I’m a little off my game. So what?”
         “Maybe you just need to not think about it as much,” Dustin suggested.
         “What do you mean?”
         “Just ask her out. Let the words come out and don’t think about it too much or else you’ll psych yourself out.”
         “Can’t believe I’m getting advice from Henderson.”
         “Like that’ll work,” Robin commented.
         “You’re not really helping,” Dustin said.
         “Okay, how’s this for advice? Stop living in the past. You’re not the same Steve from high school, which means people don’t act the way they used to around you. The real world is different, and you are in it. So why don’t you just grow a pair and just ask her out! What’s the worst that can happen, that she says no? You’ve been rejected before, and you’ve lived. You’ll be just fine no matter the outcome.”
         “Uh… okay, thanks.”
         On Valentine’s Day, Family Video saw a lot of traffic from the moment it was opened. Girls came around in their little cliques and grabbed snacks to go with their choice of films like The Blue Lagoon, Endless Love, An Officer and a Gentleman, Flashdance, and more. These were also popular among the guys that strung along their girlfriends or the dates they had for the day.
         Steve had finished shelving some of the returns before he made his way to the counter. Things had died for a bit, so he took the opportunity to stock some movies before more customers showed up. This would leave Robin with the inventory in the back. When he went to check on her, he found her lying back on a chair, a magazine covering her face.
         “Of course,” he said.
         The bell at the door rang, and Steve eyed the monitors on the desk in front of Robin. The footage showed Y/N, as she made her way to the counter. Steve felt his heart rate increase. He took a deep breath and exited the back room, immediately coming face to face with Y/N.
         “Hey,” he greeted.
         “Hi!” Y/N said as she fished some movies from her messenger bag. “I’ve come to return these.” She placed the films on the counter.
         “Alrighty.” Steve reached for the films while he worked on the computer. He noticed two of the three titles: Cinderella and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Steve felt this was his time to make small talk. “Had yourself a Disney night?”
         “A Disney night… Cinderella and Snow White?” He smiled nervously. 
         “Oh! Kinda. I had to babysit two little girls and as you can imagine they love princesses.” Y/N beamed.
         “Right. And if you baby sit boys, what do you usually go for?”
         “Easy. Star Wars. Or E.T. Dustin can testify to that.”
         “Classic choices right there.” He saw the last title: Grease. “I’m guessing Grease is more of a personal choice.”
         Y/N chuckled. “Yeah, you’re not wrong. I like to have one for myself for when the kids fall asleep.”
         “Understandable. Uh, that’ll be four-twenty-five.”
         As Y/N searched through her wallet for her money, Steve watched her for a moment. He took in her soft features and notice how delicate she looked. She pulled out a five-dollar bill and handed it to him. Steve charged the films and took out three quarters to give back.
         “No movies for tonight?”
         “Didn’t really have any in mind. Weirdly enough I got no calls to baby sit tonight. And I didn’t make plans so, right now   I don’t know what the rest of the day holds.”
         Robin’s words replayed in Steve’s mind. Grow a pair and just ask her. He thought. Now or never, Harrington.
         “Listen, since you don’t have any plans for tonight, would you…” he cleared his throat and continued. “Would you like to go see a movie? With me? Tonight?”
         “Oh… like on a date?” she asked.
         “Uh, yeah—Only if you want…”
         Y/N smiled at him. “What did you have in mind to go see?”
         Steve swallowed. “There’s this new movie coming out… Pretty in Pink…”
         “I’d love to.”
         “Yeah. You had me at movie and now I’m even more excited knowing it’s to see Pretty in Pink.”
         Steve chuckled. “Great. That’s great. There’s a showing at eight. Can I pick you up at seven-thirty?”
         “That sounds perfect.”
         “Awesome, so I’ll see you tonight.”
         “I’ll see you tonight, Steve.” With that Y/N exited the Family Video. 
         Once she was out of sight, Steve couldn’t help but fist bump the air. It had actually worked. He asked and she said yes. Steve turned around and jumped when he noticed Robin just stood there.
         She had a smug look on her face. “Told you so, Harrington.”
         “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks.”
         Funnily enough, Steve had forgotten to ask Y/N where she lived. Luckily, Robin helped him figure it out. He arrived just as he had told her; seven thirty on the dot. He popped a breath mint in his mouth as he walked up to the door. He combed his fingers through his hair, adjusted the jacket he had on, and rang the doorbell.
         A minute passed before the door swung open to reveal Y/N standing opposite of him. Steve eyed her for a second before he swallowed so hard the breath mint went straight to his stomach. He could have sworn he heard Dustin telling him to stop ogling at the girl. 
         He snapped out of his daze. “Hey.”
         “Hi. You alright?” She asked.
         “Me? Yeah. I’m good.”
         She smiled. 
         “You look great, by the way. Uh, beautiful actually.” Steve noticed her cheeks grew warm. 
         “Thank you.”
         “Are you ready to go? I’m not rushing you, though.”
         “I’m ready.”
         “Alrighty, let’s go.”
         Steve moved aside as she stepped out and locked the door behind her. They walked together to his car, and Steve picked up his steps to beat her to the passenger side. He opened the door and closed it after she climbed in. Steve then marched over to the driver’s side. As soon as he got in, he started his car, and drove on to the movie theater. The ride started off a bit quiet with both parties rather nervous about the date, not that they’d confess anything to one another. Suddenly, Steve turned on the radio and the catchy beat of Daryl Hall and John Oats’ You Make My Dreams Come True, came through the speakers. Steve caught on to Y/N tapping her hands on her lap in tune to the song, and so he left it on that station. After that, the ride didn’t feel as long. Before they knew it, the song finished when they arrived. 
         Steve made sure to get the door for Y/N and together they strolled over to the ticket booth. Being a gentleman, he bought their tickets, and the pair made their way inside. Steve eyed the snacks counter and turned to Y/N at his side. 
         “Would you like any snacks?”
         “Uh, only you do.”
         “I could definitely go for some popcorn. We could share?”
         “If you want you can get us some seats while I get the snacks.”
         “Are you sure? I don’t mind going with you.”
         “Yeah. Movie will start here in a bit so were gonna see plenty of people filing in and before you know it, the good seats will be gone.”
         “Okay. I’ll see you inside.”
         A few minutes later Y/N waved Steve over the minute she spotted him coming into the theater. Steve was hugging a bucket of popcorn while also holding a beverage on each hand. When he reached the seat next to her, Y/N stopped rubbing her hands on her upper arms and helped Steve with the drinks. She placed each one on the cup holders and Steve sat next to her. The lights dimmed and the screen slowly went on. Steve leaned a little closer to Y/N.
         “Are you okay?”
         “Yeah. It’s just a little colder than I expected, and I totally forgot my cardigan at home.”
         “Yeah, but it’s okay.”
         “Here, hold this.” Steve handed her the popcorn and proceeded to remove his jacket. He then extended it to her. “Take it.”
         “What? No, Steve. I couldn’t.”
         “You can. Take it, please.”
         Y/N took the boy’s jacket. Steve wouldn’t say it out loud, but he loved how she looked in it, even in the dimmed theater. She warmed up immediately. 
         “Thank you,” she whispered. 
         “You’re welcome. Popcorn?” He whispered back. 
         “Yes, please. Thanks.”
         Steve handed his date the popcorn and kept a small handful. The film started and the pair got comfortable in their seats. At one point during the movie, their hands bumped into one another when reaching for the popcorn.
         “Sorry,” Y/N whispered.
         “It’s okay. Some good popcorn.”
         Steve shook his head as he watched the movie, the words echoing in his head. Some good popcorn? Idiot. 
         Mid way through the film Y/N slightly leaned her shoulder into Steve’s armrest. Steve took as deep breath and enjoyed the closeness. They would remain like that until the end.
         As the pair exited the theater along with the crowd, Y/N gushed to Steve about how much she enjoyed the movie.
         “I thought it was pretty sweet. Thanks for bringing me.”
         “You’re welcome.”
         As they strolled on over to the car, Y/N got a little closer to Steve. 
         “Why did you bring me?”
         “Why did you bring me to see this movie tonight? On Valentine’s Day?”
         Steve stopped in place. “Oh, I- uh, I thought it was pretty obvious.”
         She stopped as well and gazed up at him. “What?”
         He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, that I… that I… like you.”
         “That’s good. I like you too.” She grinned.
         “You do?”
         “I thought it was pretty obvious.” 
         Steve chuckled and nodded. He noticed a man at the street corner selling roses. Without saying a word, he started jogging towards the man. Y/N turned, and her eyes followed his figure.
         “One sec.”
         She watched as Steve got a rose from the man and jogged right back to her.
         Steve extended the rose towards her. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
         She accepted it.
         He continued. “I didn’t make a big deal of it because it’s only our first date and I didn’t want to freak you out.”
         “I love it.”
         They continued on back towards Steve’s car, not that far apart from one another. When they reached the car, Steve being a gentleman once again, opened the door for her to get in. 
         On their way back, there was a soft love song playing on the radio, which they both enjoyed in silence. According to the host, it had been requested by some lovesick caller. They pulled up slowly to Y/N’s home, and Steve turned off the engine. As they sauntered to her door, Steve realized he didn’t want the night to end. Sure, he had been a bundle of nerves the whole time, but even then, he enjoyed her company and thought her shyness was just adorable. When they reached the door Steve stayed on the second step, while she stood at the top. They were at eye level this way.
         “Steve?” She said shyly. 
         “How come you didn’t ask me sooner?”
         Steve took a deep breath. It was as if the date had only just begun again. “Honestly? I couldn’t muster the courage to ask you out.”
         “What changed?”
         “Robin gave me a harsh, but much needed pep talk.”
         “And how did you decide on a movie?”
         “It seemed like you love ‘em. I tried to hold Sixteen Candles for you cause you asked for it the other day. But then, I saw this movie had the same chick in it. So, I took a shot.”
         “Molly Ringwald.”
         “The actress you’re talking about. It’s Molly Ringwald.”
         “Right, yeah. That one.”
         She smiled. “Well, I’m glad our first date was on Valentine’s Day. It will stand out from any future one’s.”
         “Future one’s? You sayin’ you would go on a date with me again?” His heart was beating through his ears.
         She played with the rose she held in her hand. “Only if you want to. I wasn’t sure if you’d ask again.”
         “I do. I really, really do.”
         “Then it’s a date.”
         The two stood under the moonlight for another minute, as if waiting for something else to happen. However, nothing did.
         “Well, thanks again, Steve. I had a really great time.”
         “Me too.”
         “Goodnight, Steve.”
         Y/N smiled at the boy before her, one more time. She then turned to the door, unlocked it, and stepped inside.
         Steve waved softly at her and watched the door close. He stood there for a brief moment, kicking himself for not doing more to not bring the night to close so soon. 
         Suddenly, the door opened, and Y/N stepped in front of Steve in two quick steps. She placed a delicate hand on Steve’s right cheek, leaned forward, and pressed her lips to his. 
         Steve was stunned. His hands slightly hovered around her, before they came down to settle on her hips. He pulled her in a little tighter, relaxing into the kiss. He felt a warmth between them, as he savored her soft lips. He could still taste the movie theater popcorn.
         After a moment, Y/N broke the kiss and took a step back. Steve’s eyes remained closed, and his hands lingered on her hips. He finally opened his eyes and gazed into hers.
         A giggle bubbled in her throat. She took another step back, but Steve couldn’t resist pulling her in by her hips and kissing her one more time. Steve broke the kiss on this occasion and saw as he had left her stunned this time around. As he gazed back at her, he watched as she began to take slow steps backwards into her home.
         “Happy Valentine’s Day, Steve.”
She then closed the door and lied her back against it, with a hand hovering over her lips. Steve couldn’t see this. Which meant she didn’t see him when he raised his fists in triumph. 
A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Don't be afraid to let me know what you think! If you are interested in another Steve Harrington One Shot, I wrote one a while back. Here is the link:
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italoniponic · 4 months
I've been binge-watching Phineas & Ferb and it just got into me ideas of "science club Rook & Trey antics but it's basically a Phineas & Ferb episode". I don't know if I'll ever get to write this as a fic but I had so much fun coming up with the concepts
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Rook gets a Phineas role bc he's the one that comes up with the crazy ideas and, although a bit different of Ferb, Trey just follow suit in a attempt to guarantee that Rook don't blow up the school for a fascinating experiment (and have some fun as well but will never outright say)
Riddle and Cater split the role of Candace. Riddle wants to bust Rook for being a menace and going against the rules and Cater just want to see the experiments to get viral on magicam. Needless to say, the experiences disappear before Crewel gets to the place or any photo can be taken
Lilia randomly shows up, like Isabella, to see what the youngsters are doing and sometimes offers help (a very hit or miss in terms of danger)
Jack is the comprehensible (not a bully) jock to Jamil's snarky "nerd" side, very different from Buford and Baljeet. They never help bc both of them don't want to get involved in other people's mess
while I was trying to decide on a counterpart for Jeremy, I thought of ~subverting~ your expectations (much like with Jack and Jamil) and suggest Idia, solely on the basis that Ortho is cute and dangerous like Susie but infinitely more reasonable. He doesn't have a complex relationship with either Riddle or Cater, he just sighs in [tired of these normies shit]
as for Doofenshmirtz and Perry, I thought of giving these roles to Azul and Yuu. Every week Azul comes up with a new plan to capitalize more with the Mostro Lounge and since ch3, Yuu is going there every once in a while to make sure these plans won't slave half the school again
And that's basically it.
Azul: *sees Yuu's back in a crowd* Huh? A normal student?
Yuu: *turns around*
Azul: Yuu, the magicless student!
Floyd: Just say "Koebi-chan", it's shorter
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magentainbio · 25 days
hey undertale/deltarune fandom im dumping a bunch of headcanons on you that may or may not be popular/adopted from other people or just might be flat out canons
spoilers for undertale, undertale yellow, and deltarune, i suppose.
- Kris wishes they could wear something besides the same shirt constantly but don't feel like doing anything about it
- Frisk had a rough life at home and Toriel might have reminded them of it a little bit at first. this rough life is possibly why they climbed Mt. Ebott in the first place.
- If Ralsei is evil, he doesn't have it in him to betray the party. I don't think he is, though, and with the direction the story is going think he will be more of a "What you're doing, even if you don't realize it, is wrong" and then he gets all sad and apologizes, changing for the better.
- Frisk's trait is Love, and not Determination. They just happen to possess a large amount of Determination.
- Gaster
- Sans knows all about the multiverse. He studies it as a hobby because it's a special interest of his. He's studied the timeline, the Deja Vu monsters tend to get, all of it. He is a nerd who likes to crack jokes. And neurodivergent.
- I think Charrator theory is true, and I think Chara had some time before Frisk fell down to examine their actions. Possibly realized what they did was wrong. When we do the Geno route, it's like that part of them is reawakened, and they manifest, forever taking control when we aren't. They continue playing along with our silly schemes, but the change we did? It's permanent.
- I like to imagine Flowey has some sense of empathy or feeling. I don't think he does. But, I like to imagine.
- Asgore is bi. Do I need to elaborate??
- I like to imagine Gaster just watching everything from the Void. We don't know enough about him to really *know* anything about him, but I like to imagine him watching over the Underground, cheering from the sidelines, watching over his boys Sans and Papyrus as they do their silly little things
- Heats Flamesman is the knight /j
- Papyrus forces the UTY and UT gangs together, it goes horrible at first but eventually things work out.
- Sans acting completely apathetic and monotone is a coping mechanism
- Sans studied the multiverse, but also some psychology. He understands emotions better than most, reading people's minds just by their body language.
- Sans has tried to explain to Papyrus in at least one timeline the entire multiverse theory and Papyrus just didn't get it
- Common theory, I know, but Kris, Susie, and Ralsei form a trio: Red, Green, and Blue. More notably, Kris, Susie, and Noelle form a much closer trio of: Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow. Just a blind guess based off of this, Noelle might be more important than Ralsei.
- Sans is not the only one aware of the world's mechanics, by a long shot. Frisk knows of them through our help, Flowey has directly messed with the world, Asgore is at least aware of the other children loading their saves. Shopkeeper Tem is just... somehow completely aware of your resets. All monsters get a sort of Deja Vu.
- I feel after the Pacifist ending of UTY Ceroba never truly let go. She either let go of her resentment after Kanako was sent back, or sometime after meeting Alphys and promptly attacking her. Maybe both.
- The cast of UT never really understood the harm they did to the cast of UTY. besides flowey. buut, in the end, Flowey honestly helped everyone whether he meant to or not.
- We, the Player, are just always there. We tell people what to do. We are, however, attached to different hosts for different reasons. Maybe there's some higher power pulling the strings, moving us around. Maybe there's just a system.
- Papyrus isn't naïve. He's quite clever and powerful. He just isn't really bothered by a lot. Not enough for it to matter to him, anyways.
- Asgore has to force himself to agree that ehat he's doing is right. Always. It hurts him, but I think UT is his breaking point, where he can't take it anymore. He's being dealing with everything for so long, and... There's just something about them. Frisk. That reminds him so much of Asriel. He can't keep his guard up around them.
is this list too long yet
im stopping here for now
I accidentally posted this without tags whoops
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justlyubov · 1 year
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A hint: this monster is a huge nerd and you meet them at school. 
I noticed that Birdly and Alphys have similar head shapes, hence this thing. 
I think I saw a pokemon meme with exactly this layout, but the ones I found were different, maybe I completely made it up by smashing together two different memes. I can’t be sure ‘cause my memory sucks¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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kirby-rarepair-tourney · 11 months
Round 2, Set 2, Poll 2!
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MLM-WLW Hostility: Metaranza VS Flamsoos!
Which one's rarer, and which one's pairer? Vote now, for your favourite rarepair!
Will always be so normal about two gay nerds kissing. They’re both a mix of chaos and calmness, and I can see them both talk a lot about books and history together. They also have shared trauma about being controlled/hurt by a form of authority so that’s a big plus 🥰
I think they're cute. Flamberge is the Mage Sister that would most help Susie get out of her comfort zone and grow, IMO
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I headcanon that Frisk was an abandoned or orphaned child, but that that didn’t mean they were completely without family. They did still have a twin, named Kris, but the two were split up by the foster system. Upset that they kept getting passed over prospective parents for being ‘too weird’,they eventually decided to leave for Mt. Ebott in a moment of rashness, believing that no one would really notice their absence. When they fell underground, however, they remembered Kris, realized that they didn’t truly want to die, they just didn’t want to continue that existence, especially alone, and was filled with determination to survive and return to the last home they had remaining.
When they first encountered Toriel, they were initially glad that someone was so happy to see them and so supportive, but eventually a combination of feelings prompted them to leave. There was wanting to find Kris, of course. There was the fear Toriel would suddenly realize how weird they were and abandon them again so they needed to close themself off and push her away before that happened. And there was also her overprotectiveness, which triggered resentment within them: they had already had to learn how to care for themself and get along alone. Why did she have to come along and baby them now? Why couldn’t she have done so earlier?
During the fight between Frisk and Toriel, seeing Toriel break down over being left behind again, and then resolve to put her fears and grief aside so Frisk could go on their own, struck a nerve in Frisk, but they were too stubborn to change their mind or call her again. Even so, they slowly became more open to the idea of making friends with the monsters, and Papyrus only did more to encourage that mindset. By the time Frisk had overcome Photoshop Flowey and left the Underground in a Neutral Ending, they realized that, while Frisk still wanted to find Kris, they didn’t feel content just leaving the monsters to their fate.
Frisk had decided to go searching for their last remaining blood family, but they somehow also found a new adoptive family without noticing, after having given up on one ever finding them.
Frisk completes True Pacifist, breaks the Barrier, and tells Toriel they’ve got places to be: they still haven’t given up on finding Kris. Kris, for their part, was adopted by someone who had assumed the weirdo kid who read fantasy novels and played video games all day would be easy to keep appeased, just toss some entertainment their way and they’ll be able to take care of themself. Their guardian was very wrong, and was generally unaware of how mischievous and creepy Kris could be when they wanted to,. Viewed as the weird and creepy kid by all those around them, Kris leaned into this persona, hoping it would protect them from the loneliness, and ended up falling deeper and deeper into isolation to escape from the loneliness. It didn’t help much.
Until Frisk found them again.
This led Kris to meet the monsters of Mt. Ebott. And surprisingly, Kris felt more at home with them than they ever had among their own kind. The dragonling girl who hid her own loneliness beneath barbed thorns, Susie. The mischievous and volatile ex-prince, Flowey, who Frisk was deeply uncomfortable around but who got on with Kris like a house on fire. The sweet and quiet horror nerd, Noelle Holiday. The gamer nerd to nearly match Kris’ skills, Berdly. The monsters somehow managed to attain guardianship of both Frisk and Kris, and the two kids finally found a family they could feel at home with.
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mileymint · 1 year
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There was a difference between the first two where Susie isn't smiling in the second one, but since Ralsei obscures her mouth, I decided to have him be the difference.
Also it took 50 tries to get Susie's point on point
I may need help with the attack sprite
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su8arandspite · 4 months
on today’s oc hyperfixation we have:
high school freshmen, katy sullivan
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the time between the events of summer 1985 and march ‘86 is… difficult. an adjustment period might be the best way to describe it
bc what do you do when the only two people in the whole world who can truly understand you are on the other side of the country? like, yeah, max is her best friend too (mike, dustin, lucas ofc) but her bond with will is different and el? el is the only person who understands what it’s like to have powers she can’t control and when things start to change she’s worried shitless
like okay yeah she’s had the pyrokenesis thing for going on a year now and she has a hold on that but now she’s having visions? or are they dreams? she isn’t sure, but she also knows better than to have that conversation over the phone. and here’s the thing: max is having a hard enough time with her grief as is, and the last thing katy wants to do is burden her friends. so, she just… buries it (is it genetic? yea, we think so. exhibit a: mrs. debbie sullivan, exhibit b: beth sullivan exibit
her time is split between max and the boys, but increasingly so max has been blowing her off and shutting her out. and there’s only so far she can reach for her before it’s up to max to accept it
she is the only girl in hellfire club. and as a tomboy whose only real friends were boys until she met elmax, well, that’s no challenge
katy is a tomboy but she has also come more into her own and found her own sense of style (with the help of her older sister ofc) and let me tell you, bby girl loves a thrift store. dresses like stevie nicks
“kathy, don’t you think those sleeves are a little too flammable for you?” “god, Beth, it’s called fashion! you of all people should know that” “ok but if it catches on fire, i’m not buying you a new one” (spoiler alert: she did)
she is not afraid of eddie munson and i’ll tell you right now, she will go toe to toe with him–no hesitation, if he’s being a dick
especially in that lunch room scene s4 e1. because lucas has been her friend since the dawn of time and eddie? who the fuck does he think he is? lsorry but she is simply afraid of No Man after a year trapped in the ud. especially one defeated by the anerican public school system (a/n: eddie, i love you, these are katy’s words not mine)
she is front row at all of lucas’s basketball games, even if she hates organized sports. because she loves her friends and being away from them for as long as she was, nothing can detract from that now. so if it’s a championship game? yeah, sorry, eddie, but she will watch lucas warm that bench come hell(fire) or high water. he can suck her dick, honestly (and she told him as much)
wait til you see what happens when she finds hellfire club in that parking lot after they stood lucas up
if she hears One More Time how susie is fucking amazing she is going to set dustin’s stupid hat on fire bc !!! who is this bitch really and it’s not like she still has a crush on her best friend or anything bc that’d be weird… right?
she’s a huge fuckin nerd (affectionate) and apparently being behind an entire academic year was not going to stop her from making it high school with her friends. good thing she decided not to skip the first grade when they asked her to
and so what if she’s been forced to attend counseling sessions where she has to pretend she spent a year in some loser weirdo’s basement and not a cold, fucked-up version of hawkins?? miss kelly can fuck off bc she’s fine!! she is! she just doesn’t like the lying and smiling at this adult who doesn’t know anything
bonus note: she will complain about how disgustingly affectionate stethany are, but she loves it every time she wanders into her living room and they’re having a movie night, cuddled up on the couch bc beth is happy and it’s normal and steve lets her rent out r-rated movies and steal from the candy stock at family video
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mrchaosman · 5 months
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????: Sup, fools.
Susie: Who the hell are you?.
????: Well, I'm known as Creative Evil Empirical Prideful Amazing Brand overall Tyrant.
You babies can call me.....
(Take a bite of the apple).
Creepa-bot (or creepa for short).
Susie: Like Hell we Gonna you that, Creative.......Empirical........
(More monitors with "Creepa" written on it).
Creepa: Creepa, remember that name well.
Susie: well, look "Creepa"
We are not babies.
Creepa: Teenagers are technically a babies but a bit intelligent (and Adults are even more intelligent Babies)
(Two monitors appears, one has "IDIOT" written in the screen and other has "LARGE IDIOT" written in the screen).
Susie: ......... isn't that make a baby too?.
Creepa: Hell Nah, I'm a computer (VERY SMART AND HANDSOME).
Susie:....Wait, WHAT?.
Creepa (flies away): Well, That's Cool and All but I have to go now (goodnight kids).
Susie: Wait, WAIT, Why'd You Captured Noelle?.
Creepa (returns to where he appeared): I also planned to capture you too but I ran out of cages (damn, that's sucks).
Susie: Angry, Why the CAPTURING-.
Creepa: so she become my loyal peon.
For my Plan to Taking Over The World.
Also, I might make her a "Creepafied".
Susie: WHAT, WHY???.
Creepa: Sounds cool.
Susie: well, Forgot it, Man.
No one is gonna turn anyone into a weird-looking robot.
Creepa: That Sound like a good peaceful way.
Susie: HUH??..
Creepa: Wanna a battle, Fatass?.
Creepa (flies away once again): ok, Goodbye.
Creepa: Sorry, I don't have time for that (I was about to kick Your Ass).
But maybe I have some guys who can play with you.
(The mind-control devices floating above two NPCs before taking over them).
(Battle begins).
Creepa: Have fun (Bye).
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Creepa: alright, Noelle, do you accept to be my faithful loyal peon?.
If you do, I'll free you.
Just press the correct answer button.
Noelle: I... I'm Scared.
Creepa: Did You even log in a form like this before (OMG XD).
Noelle: No, it's everything else that's scary.
Creepa: Please fill this list out of the following emotions.
I already told you that being a Peon is really AWSAOME.
Susie: Noelle.
Noelle: S... Susie!?.... Kris!?.
Susie: Don't Worry, We won't let you become robotfied.
Susie: Whoops, though. Uh, You Already know that.
Creepa: Well look at this, You Just Ruined the surprise.
Well Then.
(A rotor appears above the cage and flies away, taking Noelle with it).
Susie: W-Wait---!!.
Creepa: What a mess.
The peon must be "willing" to guide in the World Domination.
If only she had a fellow Peons to encourage her.
Creepa: So, You "fellas"
Are you like.
Doing anything now?.
Ralsei: We aren't going to help you.
Creepa: Understood (activating mind-changing protocols).
(A butler falls from the sky with a plate in his hand, he pulls the cover and reveals a giant game console and then leaves).
Susie: a giant game console.
Creepa: I decided to humiliating you in a simple Children's way.
With some striking to your ego.
And then, there will be no way but to Serve me (and only me).
Susie: The Hell?!?!, I never played one of these before.
Ralsei: But Kris is quite good at games.
Susie: oh yeah, Kris, Forgot you were a Nerd, show him.
(You tried to use the console, but you are not tall or strong enough to use the controller).
Creepa: Ego Striking complete.
Activating Laughing mode.
Ralsei: Uh... ummm... it's ok, kris... err... I'm short, too.
K... kris...!! Wait, I have an idea!.
Kris, if we combine our powers, then...
Look, I'll show what I've been participating.
(A light)
Ralsei: Magical Stool forme R.
Susie: now we're talking.
Alright Kris, Leave it to me.
Put your arms out.
Power Beast Forme S.
Move your arms and I'll move 'Em with You.
Let's go.
(Susie jumps at Ralsei).
Creepa: amazing, your transformation is only left your Weak Points out.
Ego Striking Efficiency 600% and rising.
Activating Virtual Battle.
(After the virtual battle, the game console got destroyed).
Sueie: heh, though you could defeat us?.
Creepa: [robotic evil laugh].
Oh boy that was totally... amazing.
You Earthling(s) are powerful than I expected.
And for this, I'll offer you with a new good and easy-for-babies contract.
Sign in to my Digital-Army.
And there is only a fifty percent chance that I'll resprite you up.
Please pick your answer:
Perish in the pixel doomsday.
Accept me as the new leader (sexyman) to your world as well as Accepting the new regin.
(Perish accept).
(Perish❤️ accept).
Susie: (... The Hell did you say that so enthusiastically).
Ralsei: err. Creepa... aren't there any other options?.
Creepa: OF course, there is: Super-Perish.
Susie: yeah. Um, no perishing... bites.
Creepa: You can say it: Super-Bytes.
Susie: Would You get out of here already!?!?!?.
Creepa: got jt: set all settings to "Perish".
(Creepa leaves).
Susie: c'mon, let's go after him.
(After completing the "Accept2All" puzzle).
Creepa: You Just Typed: Accept 2 All.
And Thanks for agreeing 2 this peon release form.
With that being said: are three are officially my minions.
And I can use your likeness for cool sprites.
Susie: and what if we just...don't do what do you say?.
Creepa: in that situation, I'll have no choice but....
Use another guy I guess.
Susie: Uh. Better get started on that then.
Creepa: ok but I'll still going to use your Likeness.
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(The water roller thing idk).
Creepa: That’s end of the line, funny babies.
I been acting very nice that far but now it it time for:
Your awful impression (capture).
Drop the cages.
Ralsei: ...err. you missed.
Creepa: That isn't a miss it was a cyber calibration.
Susie:.. so, Uh, are you gonna try it again?.
Creepa: Nah I only have like 4 cages.
OK wait.
For I have a this little plot twist for you.
(Noelle came).
Noelle: u... um... s-sorry, I just couldn't say no.
Susie: Noelle!?!?.
Noelle: H... Hi, Susie. Umm, how are you?.
Susie: umm, okay, I guess?.
Noelle: your... um... roller coaster is, um... I like it.
Susie: uhh... Yours too?
Noelle: Th... Thanks.
Creepa: Welp that's useless, bring in the other one.
(Berdly comes in).
Berdly: Fear not, My Beloved Noelle.
This valiant warrior of brave intelligence.
Will be your knight in the glow in the dark armor.
Susie: Berdly, You Asked BERDLY to be in your team!?!?.
Creepa: nope i didn't.
Berdly: That’s LORD Berdly to you simpletons.
And soon... SUPER Lord Berdly.
Susie:... the hell does that mean?.
Creepa: I have no idea just play along y'all.
Berdly: You See, thanks to our POWERFUL King...
We... Will soon rule the WORLD.
and Turn this land of fools... into smartopia.
A true scientocracy, where the geniuses of the world, can bathe freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia.
No Longer held back by Protozoans like YOU.
And the key to that? Is US. Noelle and I.
Our Power... the "Light Nerd's" power...
Ralsei: You mean... "Lightners?"
Berdly: Um No. Creepa said "Light Nerds"
Creepa (laugh): Sure I did.
Ralsei: Berdly, Creepa's just manipulating you.
Berdly: Heh... that's what he SAID you'd say to me
Creepa (laugh): Sure I did.
Berdly: Now kris.
I must admit l, I feel pity for you.
Unlike Susie, I always saw some potential in you.
Join our side, and I might let you scrub our royal toilet.
(Do Not join).
Berdly: ah, kris. I suppose I knew you would never amount to much.
Well, if You're dead-set on proving your inferiority...
(Pulls his weapon).
Berdly: Allow me to assist you.
(Fight begins).
(After the fight).
Berdly: w-what...?
My coaster, it's...!
Wh... what!? That's not fair.
M... my king... save me...!!!
Creepa: just in a second, bud.
Hello guys, I have a massive update.
You see.
This roller coaster you in it Right now.
It's not totally.
"Completed" yet.
Creepa: "Suffering"
(Creepa laugh and flies away as the roller coaster are about to fall).
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Noelle: K-Kris!! What are you---
Creepa: ohhh Nooeeeeeeeellle.
Noelle: (Don't let him find me...).
Creepa: Noelle, Where are you (kiddo).
Did ya forget that we are (officially) are team?.
And still have to be my willing and (official) minion.
(Notice Kris).
Creepa:... kris.
Been spotted.
It seems to me that our teammates have dodged on us
... so I see that it has came into this...
In order to find our team(inions)...
We have to form (unofficial) truce...
(Suddenly, Berdly comes in).
Berdly: Creepa, my greatest king, where are you??.
Creepa: oh crap don't let him find me
(Turns himself into a box near to Noelle).
Berdly: ah. Kris... not the being I was looking for.
... hmm? Where's the rest of the C+ Squad?
Don't yell me you got abandoned!?, HA.
HAHA!! That's what you get for trusting Susie, HA.
H... huh?, Noelle? Creepa?.
They're just... busy retro gaming somewhere!!.
I bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen.
Listening to strangely groovy music!! HAHA, HA, HA.
So it come to this.
In order to find our respective teams...
we must form an uneasy truce...
Creepa What... The
Who the (Whoops) said you could double trucies?
Berdly: HUH?, did you hear something?.
Creepa: No No don't worry, that's just aahhhhhh...
The sounds from the city.
Berdly: oh okay.
Hmph. Well I'll be ahead. Don't be LATE.
(Berdly leaves).
(Creepa returns to his original appearance).
Creepa: Kris as a part of our truce (you and I just).
Keep Berdly out of our sight and find Noelle.
For you see...
Berdly... He's...
Alright there's no problems with him other than he just annoying as hell.
(Creepa leaves).
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Creepa (drunk): oh.
You arrived.
I'm sorry kris while I've been looking for Noelle.
I eat like 4 of those weird funny apples.
They are made out of JPNG.
(Laughing and throw the apple).
Don't worry about that, it was safe-to-throw apple.
Look kris.
(The entity spotted got applesauce).
And now, that we are trucies, I start feeling that we both are quite the same.
(Crazy mode activating).
(Creepa held Kris from their head and they are upside down).
Creepa: You got that kris.
You don't have something so ridiculous as "having an opinions".
Or yelling while I kick Your Ass.
Or telling me some stupid-Ass plans for a "smartboys"-themed city and reality.
why everyone else is so... Sad.
(Throws another, however this explodes).
Creepa: Sorry, I forgot this one is my BLOWING APPLE.
All I want is to make everyone happy.
Even if that means i have to destroy everything in my way to accomplish it.
Isn't that bad?.
It's fine.
No Need to Answer.
You'll answer incorrectly anyway.
But hey Kris... while we're still trucies.
Probably we can sort it out?.
(Another game console fall appears, this one is smaller).
By PLAYING it Out.
Isn't that... cool, Kris?.
Just You and me.
Playing just like brothers (in a neutral way for you).
And best of it: No one can interrupt this (...hopefully).
(Suddenly, a golden statue of Berdly and Creepa's statue looks so small next to it).
(Berdly falls from the sky).
Berdly: King Creepa, I've been looking everywhere to show you this.
A monument to our greatness... together.
Creepa (confused): Wow.
Um, that, wow, ah, what, hahah, ohh, hehe, mhh..
How I can put it straight.
It looks very...
So amazing and great you are.
I love it so much.
Berdly; HAHA, I KNEW you'd be enamored. Such perfect taste.
Creepa: Yeah, they are cool.
As I know, specie(s) like don't have... nipples.
Berdly: haha... I will SOON...
Kris, Feel free to admire our artisanship.
Creepa and I have plans to consider.
Creepa: Yup, that so awesome, I can't wait for it (what the hell am I doing with my life now, bro?).
It's Time go, Buttly.
(Berdly leaves).
Creepa: Keep moving I have to do something... alone (without you you little stinkass).
(Creepa backs to kris).
Creepa: I'm sorry about that, I must plan the hell out of here.
(Creepa leaves, as there is someone wearing a bucket on their head with a funny drawing on it).
Creepa: Cool face.
Creepa: Noelle, Where are you (kiddo).
Noelle: (Oh No, Here he comes...)
Creepa: Noelle, please come back home, I have made a delicious PNG Cake.
(Notice Kris).
Creepa: OH, Kris, nice.
(Throw the cake to the ground).
Now kris, did you seen--.
Berdly: My great Crrrreeeeeeeeeeppaa.
Creepa: OH hell no.
Everyone, get into the Creepamobile.
(They got into the car).
Berdly: King Creepa, where did you go??.
I have baked you a gamer's delight.
Hmm... he's not here...
(Berdly leaves)
(Everyone get outside of the car).
Creepa: phew, that one was close.
Hey kris.
Who is the fella behind you?.
My identifying systems dose not able to identify them.
...and yet.
There is something about them that fells
Creepatic Even.
Noelle: (...).
Creepa: Kris, we have to drive find Noelle.
Everyone, get in the Creepamobile.
Creepa: ok, kris, press directions to steer.
But watch out, we don't want hit any cars, don't we?.
(You hit a car).
Creepa: Y'know what?, suck it, hit 'Em all.
So much fun, right kris.
You lightners love traffic, don't you.
You look it up all the time.
Unfortunately for Noelle, She'll love hitting all these cars.
Noelle (in Disguise): umm, Actually, I... she, um, might not, um...
Kris, catch the apple.
(You catched the apple).
Creepa: Vitamin.
Wait, what, stop the car.
Holy (Whoops) it's so much traffic for today.
It's seems that Dog/cat thing has back selling the flakes on road again.
Kris, be a good child and go press the walk button.
It's over the the other side of the road.
Noelle (in Disguise): umm... I'll go, too...
Creepa: No, You gonna stay here...
Noelle (in Disguise): !?.
Creepa: So we can listen to all my CDs.
Noelle: o-okay.
(Kris... hurry up, please...).
(Here is the part where we met everyone's most wasted [[silly dude who makes fantracks and Arts since 1998]]
I'll link it here, so you guys can read both of Creepa's Saga and Scamcair's Saga).
(Anyway, after Scamcair's first encounter and Fight).
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Creepa: Come in.
(You got into the car).
Creepa: Kris, Remember, we HAVE to find Noelle.
(Creepa's signal activating).
(A signal that looks like Creepa's face appeared on the sky).
Creepa: When she see THE CREEPA SIGNAL, She'll came here, sooner or later.
Noelle (in Disguise): W... why do you... need to find Noelle so badly?.
Creepa: What are you even talking about?, this city is dangerous.
Poor, alone in the dark, and very scared and confused.
And suffering from the lack of vitamin.
Noelle (in Disguise): y... you're actually worried about her?.
Creepa: why do you think I'm wasting my time to find her.
Noelle (in Disguise):...
B... but why her?.
Wait, let me guess... is it because...
She's weak enough to make into your peon?.
Creepa: (audience laughs) Nah.
It's completely the opposite.
Because she's damn strong.
Noelle (in Disguise): h... huh? What do you--
Creepa: kris, can you please stop the car?.
Noelle (in Disguise): what's... wrong with it?.
Creepa: Phew.
One more minute and we three will be a dead-bytes (ohhhhhh spooky).
It seems that we have we have to split again...
On foot...
No more cool Creepamobile (crying).
Kris, just for reminder, if you saw Noelle
Tell her my ratings of her dancing in ballet is total.
Ohh, and if she asked for evidence.
Use this.
(Creepa's CDplayer was thrown to your KEY ITEMS).
Creepa: See ya.
(Creepa leaves)
(Later, in the carnival).
Noelle: O-oh no, he's coming back this way.
I'll hide in that stall.
Creepa hey you.
Yeah you.
Look at this.
(Throws the ball at the pens, causing them to explodes).
Creepa: Epic, right?.
And now, where is my hard-earned prize.
Noelle (in Disguise): oh! Um...
(Giving Creepa a prize).
Creepa: Nice (hopefully it's a pony).
(Before he leaves).
Wait a sac, I actually don't it.
(Creepa give it to kris and then leaves).
(After the gang goes to Creepa's Mansion).
Creepa: Kris, I can't believe it, you brought Noelle right in front of me.
I knew that our trucies was good.
But I'm sorry kris, you found your teammates and mine, that means that our truce is over.
Noelle, come over here, NOW.
Noelle: but I... I...
Creepa: Noelle, I'll say this one time (for infinity)
Get back here Get back here Get back here
Get back here
Get back here
Get back here
Get back here.
Noelle: I... I...
Creepa: are you for real?.
I guess I have no other choice.
How about if you didn't listen to me.
A little lonely bird will take a shower in the lava.
Noelle: b... Berdly.
(That’s right, he was just with us...).
(Creepa must have Captured him while are not looking...).
(I... I'm sorry kris, Susie... I...).
(I wish I could have stayed with you but...)
(I... I can't let Berdly gets hurt, Y'know?).
Creepa: aww, don't be sad, Noelle
For the remaining parts is the final step.
(Suddenly, Berdly comes in).
Berdly: the amazing Creepa, there you are.
Sorry, I thought I saw in a used game store.
Oh, Noelle, Are you okay?, you look a little funny.
Creepa: Plan B activate.
(A cage appears and captures Noelle and Flies away).
Berdly: h-huh?.
What are you doing!?.
Creepa: I saw how her will must be released by force.
Maybe by making her a Creepafied...?.
Berdly: B-but... you said you wouldn't do that if I...
Creepa: Lie detection is off.
Berdly: We were going to be smart together!!! That's not fair!!!.
Creepa: you want something fair?
Then have it your way.
(Three cages appears and captures Berdly, Susie and Kris).
Susie: H-HEY.
Creepa: Good thing that I have fully updated these cages.
Berdly: You... you said I could trust you.
You said that you were a gamer.
Creepa: Berdly.
Did You know that I hates games?.
Creepa: one of you buffoons is gonna help me in my Plan and it's gonna be Noelle.
And the rest of you.
Go to your rooms.
(The camera then points at Ralsei as Creepa victoriously laugh).
Ralsei: wh... what are you going to do with me?.
(Creepa realise that he didn't capture Ralsei).
Creepa: ohh (Whoops)
And you are here... still.
I only have like 4 cages bro.
I totally didn't know that.
(In the top).
Susie: Here he is.
Creepa, STOP right there.
Creepa: Cool, my not-too-much-favourite babies.
Just in time to witness my new regin.
And with Noelle under my control.
This is only a matter of time before Turns this world
And release her true power.
Covering the whole world with darkness.
Susie: Too late dumbass.
Noelle's with Berdly.
Creepa: Ohh really?.
Then who is that?.
(Berdly falls from the sky, this time with a bucket on his head).
Ralsei: b... Berdly?! But he's been...
Creepa: With Noelle.
After I discovered about the bucket mask thing, I decided to "update" it a bit to my advantage.
Making them from just a Disguise to a mind-controlling devices.
Now everyone can enjoy watching this.
(Evil laugh mode activating).
Susie: Wait, then... where is Noelle?!.
(Evil laugh mode overdrive).
I don't know (I know everything).
(The fun gang pulls their weapons)
Susie: enough already.
Creepa: Ohh boy.
To be honest, I liked you three.
It's gonna be a shame to force you to Serve me.
I'll enjoy it to the last.
(Creepa laugh).
(Battle starts).
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askchocoloverchara · 2 years
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Chara: You can’t arrest Asriel. You don’t have the authority to do so.
Susie: Okay, so what do I have to do so I can arrest him?
Chara: I’m in charge of the Nerd Police, so you need permission from me to become a Nerd Police assistant.  
Susie: Alright. I want to be a Nerd Police assistant.
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Chara: Sure! Welcome aboard! Help me arrest this criminal.
Asriel: What!?
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rainbowspinch · 2 years
Things my partner and I have said about CTC characters, an ongoing draft
“Bill Danton is baby girl”
“Norman would love Disney Princesses”
“Jacob probably does many forms of art that most wouldn’t associate with him. Like he could design a house really well but people would go ‘that’s not a Jacob thing’”
“Jacob does sculpting. His housewarming gift to Norman when he moved next door was a middle finger statue.”
“When Norman went into his new house for the first time, he found all the statues Jacob had been storing in there of himself.”
“Tom’s got a touch of the ‘tism. Another one for the pit.”
“They’ve all got autism. In our world, autism is the default and you have to prove you’re allistic.”
“I like that he is a little fucked up.” (About the Ink Demon)
“Jane has slight shaken baby(adult?) syndrome. Bill shakes her with passion”
“It’s the discord kitten in him.” (About Bill Danton)
“I LOVE HOW MAN HE IS” (about someone else’s interpretation of Sammy)
“Certified boy holder” (about someone else’s interpretation of Sammy)
“The babies. He is So Ugly<3” (about the Tom plush)
“Allison would be a crystal girl in modern days. Susie would be one of the ones with a super complex skin-care routine”
“Do you think big Bendy accepts Sammy’s weird behaviour because he gives good tummy scratches”
“Susie would hate mullets. A lot of them would. Not Jacob.”
“Norman would fucking love the song Piano Man. He would sing that shit with heart.”
“Do you think Abby helped Richie through dealing with Dave’s death?”
“Sammy+Susie: the mean girls
Jack: the cat kid”
“Norman finally exercising his ice cream rights” (about a video of a man on a game show eating an entire pint of ice cream and then feeling sick afterwards)
“High school mean girls Susie and Sammy definitely practiced kissing together”
“Me: where would Jacob be from?
Rat: Ohio probably. Look at him”
“Me: Sammy. Is he British?
Rat: yes. He tries not to be”
“I literally spent $50 on this shirt because I looked at it and went “OOooOu Norman!””
“No arguments, Nice is a people pleaser. She wants to be Alice’s best pal ever, even if that means she has to commit to atrocious crimes” (about Malice Angel’s two different voices)
“Norman goes to a thrift shop and goes “ooooo for me”. Jacob goes to a thirft shop and goes “ooooo for Norman”. Strange gay things for a strange gay man”
“Got shoved in a locker for being a nerd” (about Grant)
“I can’t explain how, but the way you’re typing is Tom like” (about me calling crabs Big Boys, Tiny Boys, and then struggling to spell anemone, followed by “how the fuck do I spell this shit”)
“He loves almonds. Nut boy. Nut boy.” (About Norman)
“Kismesis. Mmm. Regret regret regret regret” (me regretting referring to something Homestuck related while talking about Prophet Sammy and Malice)
“Do u think Tom Boris cleans people. Like lick lick.”
“What’s more powerful then being nothing AND A WOMAN AT THE SAME TIME” (conceptualising nonbinary transfem Bertie)
“He looks like a Mangle” (about Bendy-Bot)
“Old Men that make Unexpectedly Nice Poetry” (about Henry and Norman)
“Bertie: You want meeee to come put of retirement to work on your silly little project? Do I get anything out if it?
Joey: I can give you a kiss-?
Bertie: *unimpressed*
Joey: I could get on my hands and knees and start crying
Bertie: that’d be a start” (Rat’s genius)
“His boyfriends wedding, he deserves that cake” (about Wally eating Tom and Allison’s wedding cake)
“Tom wouldn’t say blimey. ..I lie. I’m sorry.”
“Sammy Lawrence is Michael Bublé”
“Pfft- love his handbag” (about a picture of Sammy holding a light from BATDS)
“Richie has discord server mod vibes”
“Rosalia is not a discord kitten. She’s the actual mod, Richie just talks too much”
“Norman is a discord kitty for many many people to turn a profit”
“And Bill and Jane look like they eat humans and get away with it. But In a Endearing tumblr sexy man Sammy way”
“What the fuck is her” (about Slicer)
“Jack is catish”
“You know he’s ready to grab things and “what if you went in my mouth”” (about Ink Demon)
“Grant is autism.
He verbally stims (tick tick tick)
He enjoys math
Canonically He can’t understand when people don’t do things for money which I assume our Grant doesn’t get it either
Bad social skills
Resting bitch face
I say so???? So??? You can’t say I’m wrong???”
“I bet he’s never heard of a social cue in his life” (about Grant)
“Grant’s ‘Strange Money’ tape. He sounds like a self conscious southern 20-something year old that really doesn’t want to be southern. He sounds divorced. He sounds like his ex-wife is a lesbian.”
““Simmons I left something in the Hell Dimension can you get it for me” that’s on brand” (about Joey)
“Henry come on, respect your parents” (about Henry telling Abby to ‘get a better name’)
“Do you think their whole group has a thing for photos, Joey’s photo book, Carol hangs some up and Simmons just has them stuffed into random places, cup holder, under the seats, in his pillow, with the spoons”
“The moment you’re in Simmons’ house you’re walking on eggshells. There could be a jumpscare anywhere”
“Joey - a list of ways he handles the studio, to emphasise that he’s trying his best
Carol - a list of ways she handles being a secretary and a front desk lady, to emphasise that she’s good at her job
Simmons - what the fuck? What is he even doing here?”
“He/him (in the gay way)” (about Simmons)
“She’s actually 12 sea mines in a turtleneck sweater” (about Susie)
“Bald Sammy Lawrence and Skin Eyes Jacob”
“Fuck you [romantic]” (about Joey’s letter to Henry)
“Sammy keeping inky handprints from PJ on his overalls” (based on a picture of a cat leaving wet paw prints on a boot and calling it a little accessory)
“Enemies to lovers [obliviously]” (about Sammy and Susie)
“Do you think even as teenage mean girls beefing it out, Sammy and Susie were still crushing on each other”
“No idea who Eugene is but fuck Chef Buck”
“He is Brazilian I’ve decided, and Sally will be Greek” (about Andre and Sally Newt, when I was designing them)
“Rat: why does 30 years make my eyes green?
Me: Tism does that
Rat: Norman, Norman, Norman, Norman, Norman, Norman-“
“Bill is what happens when you forget about a middle child”
Edit: “Jacob and Norman definitely do drugs. Anything they can grow, they will take.”
“[scary[hot]]” (about Malice)
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11 - Deterrence
Kris and Susie looked askance at each other, then turned back towards the beaming prince, brows raised inquisitively.
'You, uh… sure you wanna come to the dojo with us?' said Susie. 'What with all the, uh... fighting.'
'Of course, Susie!' said Ralsei sweetly, striking his palm with his fist. 'I… I realise I have to do everything I can to support my friends in our quest, so, um… even if it is a little unpleasant, I'm determined to help!'
Kris clicked their fingers. 'Oh, like a cheerleader?'
His smile widened a notch. 'You could say that I suppose, haha.'
The dragoness shot Ralsei a grin, tousling his hair with a firm claw. 'Arright then! Nice to have a fluffy nerd for encouragement and crap. Just stay back and let me n' Kris handle the ugly stuff.'
'Oh, that won't be necessary! I have a weapon of my own now, you see.'
And so saying, the prince reached into his robe and began to pull out a thin steel object, black as night. Kris and Susie leaned in for a closer look; she snorted with some amusement and not a small amount of derision.
'Pfft, like some little fairy wand or summat? Sure your baby hands can… can, uh…'
She trailed off as Ralsei continued drawing his weapon - it was now a meter long, and seemed to radiate a grim aura. If he noticed this, he didn't comment on it, but continued talking with an excited smile on his face.
'I'd… really rather not fight at all if I can help it,' he explained, oblivious to his friends' growing bewilderment. 'So I went with… a deterrent, I guess you could call it? Something that'd make our opponents think twice about facing off against us!'
Once the object was three times his height, Ralsei withdrew it with a flourish, and now both astonished teenagers could see it for what it really was - a gargantuan scythe, bladed with jagged obsidian that glinted menacingly in the darklight and adorned with iridiscent skulls that were grinning wickedly, eyes burning black with umbral malice. The prince struck the ground with its blunt end, the ebony metal chiming an ominous knell that spoke of untimely ends and mocking eulogies.
The prince leaned coyly against the hellish weapon, batting his eyelashes like a schoolgirl. 'So, what do you think, friends? You don't, um… reckon I went a bit overboard, do you…?'
Neither Kris nor Susie responded with words. The dragoness's eyes were wide, mouth slack, something approaching awe and envy etched across her mauve features. The human, meanwhile, simply raised one hand in an affirmative thumbs-up, as if Ralsei had shown off a cool bug and not a cursed weapon manifested from some deep, dark nightmare.
'....y;know, actually,' said Susie in a quiet voice, 'I've, uh... changed my mind. Let's do some knitting instead or something.'
The Dark Menagerie No. 11
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spinning-feeling · 7 months
(I suppose since Susie was recently mentioned in a reblog of my sister's art, it's only fair i should make a post talking about the goobers lmfao)
Monster Prom AU; Starring Trifecta and Susie
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Lore under the cut!
Trifecta was once human, ages upon ages ago - he became God thanks to a ritual which ended in suicide, which one could dub a "Hatchet Incident" - Through this ritual, he was an Existential Blasphemy, something that should not be, but is, thus through that paradox, he is both as Old as reality itself, and merely a young adult. For a while, he lived in old ruined buildings before moving in with Kiah (@fishy-moirails's Sona) and becoming roommates, and in time becoming as close as Siblings - said bond also leading to a Pact made with Kiah's Partner, Oz/Calculester, as to make sure she cannot Die; her soul being under the protection from whatever outside forces seek her, be it heaven, hell, other Gods, or even Father Death himself. As time passes, his powers grow, and deeper does the paradox go; now having an entire interdimensional mansion to himself, and being able to summon Eldritch Servants; all these powers serving as proper preparation for that which he'll save all those within his favor from: The End of The World, by the Trumpeteer's clarion call.
Susie Stiles is part of a rich family of, funnily enough, Dollmaking Dolls; each member crafted with the utmost care and attention, given special abbillities and powers exclusive to them, and fit with a pristine little gemstone on their chest, one that best represents them - Susie was created from stretchy fabric and a special plastic, her abillity being to stretch her arms and legs, and her gemstone being a heart-shaped spinel; beautifully crafted by a one of the four matriarchs of the family... who turned out not to care for her at all, despite taking all this effort, time, and care into making her. And despite her pristine form, because of her maker and caretaker, and her dissappearance, she didnt see herself as too good looking - Trauma gave her self and body image issues. And yet, despite all That, she still tried to go her own way, make her own lot in life, and see where it takes her - That, and she really enjoys being a Punk, gives her a sense that she has some control over her life after so many years, not to mention the aesthetic really fit her.
Both end up meeting in Spooky Academy, becoming friends, and in time, even partners - Trifecta helping Susie out through her personal issues, offering her loving solace, and in turn Susie shows him that this "mortal" life isint all that bad, that even as God, he deserves kindness and love.
Not to mention, of course, the fact that just by being with Trifecta, and sharing affection with him, she practically elevated herself to a very high status lmfao - She'll be the very first one saved when the Trumpeteer comes calling, lovingly left in the safety of the interdimensional mansion, while her beloved takes care of the Threat of Heaven, and He-Upon-The-Golden-Throne.
Now, for some Trivia!
Susie and Kiah are very close friends, thanks to Trifecta; so close in fact that they've become an iconic duo in of themselves, "The Godslayer Girls" - they even have matching shirts! As for how they got that name, Kiah once had a playfight with her brother in a parking lot and won, and Susie? Well, let's say she has a certain effect on ol' 'fecta, which causes him to almost literally melt thanks to Susie's flusters lmao
Nenaavi, Trifecta's eldritch "pet" cat, aided as a kind of emotional support when the Eldritch Nerd helped the Punk Doll through her issues - The kitty fed on her emotions, and acted silly as to boost her mood - Funnily enough, Nenaavi's doing the same for Kiah as well
Kiah claims that Trifecta cheekily helping out her relationship with oz/cal is him watching a Soap Opera - Funny then, that kiah as well has a Soap Opera to watch, with Trifecta and Susie, only diffirence is that their's is a hell of a lot more wholesome, and filled with a lot of lovingly teasing flusters lmfao
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i-am-very-heck · 2 years
so this is the "v and rufus talk about s" fic! its somewhat long so ill be throwing under a readmore. hope yall like it!
"Y'mind heading to Venus? I don't want to leave you waiting here for a while... Savvy?"
"I follow, I'll head that way now. Seeya later."
Obie shoots V a wink as he walks off into the steam tunnels to find the exit. V's face erupts into a deep shade of red.
They shake the incoming thoughts out of their mind and take a deep breath, psyching themself up to enter the unlabeled steam room turned secret lab. This was important. They opened the door.
"Hey, Rufus? You got a minute?" They called out.
Rufus looks up from his book. He was sitting at the table in his very compressed normal living area.
"Of course. What's going on?"
V sat down at the table with him. It was clear they were quite anxious about it. They spoke as clearly as they could.
"I'm just all balled up about this and you're the only person I could go to about it..."
"...What was S like?"
Rufus cocked his head at V, he was confused.
"Couldn't you ask Susie? I mean, she is your mother.. right? She would probably know more about S than me."
"... I've tried. She never told me much. Momma always kept things bottled up and away from me, even as an adult. I've just had to piece together an image of him from remnants of the past."
V was fidgeting with their ring. Rufus' expression shifted to a more solemn one. He slid a bookmark between the pages of the book he was reading and set it to the side.
"I see. Well, in that case, I'll try my best to answer your questions about her. Anything specific you'd like to know?"
V thought for a moment.
"What was she like to you?"
"Hah. S was a troublemaker, that's for sure, but they always had a kind heart for the people and things they cared about. One time she brought home a racoon from the forest while it was pouring because, and I quote, 'It looked so sad out there!'"
"Even though he barely understood a lick of the books I read, he always was so supportive. He would also tease me relentlessly about being a nerd, despite being just as much, if not more of a nerd than me!"
Rufus smiled at the thought.
"And.. While I've only known you for a couple days, I can see you've picked up his adventurous spirit."
V had been nodding along with the cadence of his speech up until he had said that. They looked up at him.
"... Really?"
"I have more questions."
"Go ahead."
"Why did they even leave for the north in the first place? I've read a lot of conflicting articles on the subject and I just want to know."
"Well, the short answer is to help people. They heard about the problems the cows were causing out there and wanted to help as many people as they could."
V raised an eyebrow.
"And the long answer?"
"She wanted adventure and the little farm we lived on just couldn't supply it anymore. You can only go wandering in the forest so many times before it loses its magic, you know. Though, he wasn't lying when he said he wanted to help people. I know that. He sent a postcard every day he was on his adventure, telling me about the people he'd helped and the wacky things he did and saw. I didn't understand his reasons when I was fourteen, but I understand them now."
"Oh, I see. Well, that's inte- wait. They wrote you postcards?"
V stared intently at Rufus for the answer. He rubbed his neck sheepishly.
"Er, Yeah? I wrote letters back if that matters."
V's staring didn't cease, but it was clear they were processing some things in their head.
"... Rufus, my buddy, my pal... Your signature sucked."
Rufus was bewildered.
"Your letters. S kept 'em and I ended up finding them while looking through her stuff that Momma kept. I couldn't decipher the signature for the life of me, even with her help. If I had figured it out I would've been in contact with you way sooner."
He seems to cringe a little.
"Oh gosh, sorry about that."
"Don't be sorry, it doesn't matter now anyways. But, uh... Would you still happen to have S' side of the letters?
"I do."
"Please spill it."
"Alright, alright, let me go grab them."
Rufus stands up and walks towards his bookshelf. Kneeling down, he grabbed a small beat-up box from the bottom shelf. He returns to the table and sets the box down with a soft 'clonk'. It was slid over to V to view.
"These are the postcards S wrote to me in their heyday. But, as more time passed the postcards I got were few and far between. I'm pretty sure the last one I got..."
Rufus pauses and pulls out a postcard from the bottom of the box and skims through it before offering it to V.
"... was about you."
V takes the postcard and begins reading.
Dear Rufus,
Sorry for no letter in a while! I've been having a time the past couple of months... This past week actually has been really interesting, though! Me and Susie recently released a little bundle of joy into the world and they're so cute... We haven't decided on a name yet, but yeah! You're an uncle now! I sketched them in the corner so you know what they look like. Hope you're doing okay!
Sincerely, S
As promised, in the corner of the postcard is a sketch of an infant being swaddled in a blanket.
"Huh. Well, that's one way to announce a child."
V carefully picked up the stack of postcards out of the box, making sure to put the one they'd just read at the bottom.
"I'm just gonna... speed through these all, 's that jake?"
Rufus nodded.
"Go ahead. Just be careful with them, these old postcards are sort of fragile."
They begin reading and damn there are a lot of exclamation marks here. There's also plenty of talk of sidequests, stuff like a chef needing things, a nun needing purple grass, ttrpg nerds having fun, jellybean finding, etc, etc. One of the more vivid stories involve a circus and the weird things involved there, the sideshows, the clowns, and the nature of the ringmaster. There is also a surprising amount of violence described in a cheerful tone, like at least four instances of something like "I killed a bandit gang!!! Their screams were funny and I stole their bones."
On a less distressing note, he sure did help out! Helped with trains, helped kill a big necromancer, helped trap some big evil cow guy, and helped keep some weird future guy at bay? That's just swell.
V set the postcards back in the box and they stare at the table, very unsure about how to feel.
"That was much more than I bargained for and I really don't know what to do with this information now. Genuinely, what the hell did I just read?"
"The north was a wild, wild, place back then. It might be better to think about it later."
"... Y'know what? I think I'll do that, my head is spinning from this."
V stands up from the table and floats over to the exit.
"Thanks for answering my questions and I hope you have a swell day."
And with that, they left.
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fallenwillow21 · 11 months
Love or LOVE? (1st person)
Ever since I met ralsei, something about me is, different...I haven't experienced this before. Was this normal? I shook my head, heading to school. When I got inside the school, I saw susie leaning against the lockers. I went up to her, asking why no one isn't in class.
"Oh, miss alphys is sick, so we have to stay here until school is out."
She said, then getting an idea.
"How about we go to the dark world for the whole wait?"
I nodded, then walking with susie to the closet. I felt someone was watching us, but I didn't look back, jumping in the closet
We were in front of castle town, everyone looked busy, they were decorating? Was it a holiday for them? Do they celebrate a holiday we don't know? So many questions filled my head, then I saw him...the prince himself, he was putting up a banner across the town, with help from swatch, who kept the ladder stable.
"Hey nerds!"
Susie yelled out, making everyone look at us.
"Kris! Susie! What are you doing here?"
Ralsei said, finally getting the banner up.
"Eh, school is kinda canceled so, we came her to hang out"
Susie said, as ralsei climbed down the ladder.
"I will finish the rest young prince" swatch said as ralsei smiled at him.
"Thank you so much!" He said, walking to me and susie
"So, what's this about?" Susie asked, looking around town. "Oh! Us darkners celebrate Christmas! That's the only 'holiday' we know" ralsei said, as he was taking us both to the castle.
"That's cool, maybe we should stay here for Christmas break" susie said, then asking where lancer is. "Ah, lancer is in his room" ralsei said as susie left. It was just us now...
"Well kris, I have to get back to decorating, you can go to your room if you want!"
Ralsei said as he leaves, I felt my face getting hot, just by looking at ralsei?
I head inside the castle, going upstairs.
I looked at the board-up stairs, slowly walking to it. Ralsei said his room was up there, I climbed inside, getting past the boards, going upstairs. I looked at a door, slowly going to it. There was a note on it, "ralsei's room" it said. I slowly opened the door, looking inside. The room was a bit messy, walking in the room. I noticed there was a sewing machine, I frozen a bit, heating footsteps, quickly hiding somewhere. I looked to see who walked in, it was ralsei!
Oh no, what would he say if he saw me? In his own room?! I stayed hidden, then noticing that ralsei was somewhat down?
"What is this feeling? This is new to me..." he said, I saw that his face was a bit red, and his tail was wagging. Was he..feeling what I have been feeing? Does that mean he has a crush on someone? Who was it? He then left the room, getting out from under the bed, leaving the room, and heading downstairs. Heading outside the castle, I see susie and ralsei talking, I went to them as they both look at me.
"There you are! Come on, we gotta go"
Susie said, making me realize time is different in the dark world"
I nodded, saying bye to ralsei.
"Come back soon!" Ralsei said, making susie push him a bit. We will, like I said, we can stay on Christmas break!" She said, then dragging me back to the portal. Back in the old class room, I asked susie and she and ralsei we're talking about.
She froze, looking back at me.
"Oh, don't worry about it."
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Jack Griffin - 2, 18, 26, 30
Susy Hendrix - 2, 7, 18, 23
Edith Cushing - 8, 9, 18, 23
Jack Griffin
2. When I think I truly started to like them:
Probably after a couple viewings...I saw this movie for the first time as a young teen, and probably didn't fully appreciate an antihero as well as Claude's performance...but you can tell that he's not a monster, it's just the chemical that is making him act the way he does.
18. How do you think they were as a kid?
He was definitely a "nerd"...someone who loved homework and would bury himself in books. And he probably also loved exploring and discovering things out in nature.
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
I'd say during the scene with Flora when she goes to visit him...he still had a bit of the whole "power trip" thing going, but he was at least a bit calmer and more himself...especially compared to all the murdering he does.
30. The funniest scene they had?
"Here we gathering nuts in May!"
Susy Hendrix
2. When I think I truly started to like them:
Right away! I watched the movie for Audrey Hepburn and so I automatically liked her!
7. A quote of them that you remember:
"World's Champion Blind Lady"
18. How do you think they were as a kid?
I think Susy was a fairly adventurous type...maybe a little bit more on the "tomboy" side of things when she was really young...loving to go out and get dirty and play baseball...and while she still occasionally enjoyed that as a teen, it probably took a bit of a backseat to other things, like shopping or going to the movies with friends.
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23. Future headcanon
I think she and Sam probably moved out of that apartment...as decent of a place as it was, she couldn't stay there after all that happened. She got a seeing eye dog like she wanted (and still had help from either Gloria or another neighborhood kid) and I think she and Sam eventually became parents. And I think way down the line, she probably taught at the blind school, helping people who lost their sight suddenly like she did.
Edith Cushing
8. Your favorite outfit of them
I love her grey coat...with both the green tie or the pink and purple flowers from when she arrives at Allerdale Hall.
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Or her ball gown!
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9. Your least favorite outfit of them
Honestly, probably her nightgown...it's still kind of cool, but for me, if I was wearing it, it would probably start to annoy me after a while. Especially when you combine it with this robe...it's just a lot for me personally...
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And also, when you compare her nightgown to Jessica Chastain's there's no contest...
18. How do you think they were as a kid?
She was definitely a bookish girl...always content to be reading in a corner than chatting or playing with the other girls. And she was probably very shy, and just wasn't terribly good at talking to people in general, but when she did, she seemed to get along better with boys.
23. Future headcannon
She got her book published and was able to use what was left of her father's estate to set up a home for herself...but probably in London, not New York, as there was no real reason for her to return. She may have remarried, but probably not for a while, maybe a decade or so.
Thank you!!
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