lawbringer · 4 years
Oh, great. Another one. Nisha could only handle as much cocky corporate bullshit as Jack could dish out, so that quota was already full. Nisha chuckled at the insults - it wasn't like she was one to take them personally. She's been on this planet long enough to know they're valid jabs to make - but the general air of the man told her that he likely didn't know a damn thing about Pandora. "What, my Pandoran hospitality wasn't obvious enough for you?" Nisha tipped her hat, mocking a greeting. "Must've hit your head pretty hard or somethin' if you think you're anywhere else." Her right hand was still planted firmly on her gun holster. It was less of a direct threat and more of a genuine habit, one that hasn't failed her yet. Besides - he was surrounded by a town filled with her lackeys. She didn't need to threaten him.
The Sheriff crossed her arms, glaring at the visitor that just stumbled into her town. Her men, as violent as they could be, were also the biggest idiots this side of Pandora when she wasn’t there to threaten the piss out of them. And it seems they let someone come waltzing right up to their sheriff. Bandits - can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em… especially not on Pandora. “Well, well.” Nisha cocked an eyebrow. “Ain’t you a bold one to come into my town unannounced, kiddo.”
Beyond the very real possibility he was developing a concussion, and his secondary concern that this woman’s tone carried the promise of aggression, Kei zeroed in on what seemed to be the most significant detail: ’my town’?
The idea she’d willingly claim responsibility for this hideous little podunk bewildered him. But her get-up told him she had a general problem with delusions of grandeur, and anyway, he was going to need her help if he wanted his ship repaired. Stupid dud Helios shuttles.
“And what a… delightful town it is, too,” Kei said, flashing her his standard charming sales pitch smile. “It’s certainly a relief to find a Pandoran with a coherent grasp of language. I think. Attempt to rob me in a moment if you must, but answer me one thing — this is Pandora, yes?”
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lawbringer · 4 years
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Reblog this post if you are part of the Borderlands RPC. Please list whether you are canon, oc or verse as well as if you are single muse or multi muse and you will be added to the list! If you do not follow the instructions listed, you will not be added to the list.
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lawbringer · 4 years
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Independent roleplay blog for Nisha Kadam of Borderlands.
Non selective ; everyone is welcome.
Follows from @lionhead​.
Starter post.
About the muse | About the writer
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lawbringer · 4 years
STARTER POST - Lynchwood, Pandora. Open to: Anyone! (Friend or foe) Plot: Nisha catches your muse in her town. How'd they get there, and what do they want from her?
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The Sheriff crossed her arms, glaring at the visitor that just stumbled into her town. Her men, as violent as they could be, were also the biggest idiots this side of Pandora when she wasn't there to threaten the piss out of them. And it seems they let someone come waltzing right up to their sheriff. Bandits - can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em... especially not on Pandora. "Well, well." Nisha cocked an eyebrow. "Ain't you a bold one to come into my town unannounced, kiddo."
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