lawbin-main · 3 days
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lawbin-main · 3 days
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lawbin-main · 4 days
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make an alliance, they said...it will be fun and beneficial, they said...
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lawbin-main · 5 days
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credit to an anon from yesterday
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lawbin-main · 7 days
Chapter 5
In his quest to impress Robin, Law reluctantly joins Doflamingo on a shopping trip.
Full summary
Senior year had barely begun and already Trafalgar Law had encountered a problem. A big one. A catastrophic one that could quite possibly derail his very detailed plan of graduating top of the class with a multitude of elite college offers under his belt.
He was completely and utterly obsessed with Nico Robin.
Or at least, that’s very much where he was heading.
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lawbin-main · 10 days
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Cut out scene from Wano I swear
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lawbin-main · 17 days
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late night sketches of these two for lack of sleep
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lawbin-main · 18 days
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was talking to a friend about the transponder snails from one piece and i couldnt get the image of Law putting a tiny hat on it's head
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Theres no way it just came like that. He made the conscious decision to give it a matching hat. At least thats what I'm choosing to think
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lawbin-main · 21 days
“the fandom has decided - ” “everyone agrees that - ” “we all know that this is the only right way to - ”
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lawbin-main · 22 days
Vivre Card translation : Law
this is the second page. Artur already covered page 1 which has the basic information.
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Law is "approximately 1.1 Luffy" tall.
Consecutive battle against the Emperors to learn the History! What becomes of the surgeon's Checkered fate?
Law challenges Big Mom to uncover the meaning behind the fate of the "D". Even with grave injuries, he secures a narrow victory alongside Kidd with the power of devil fruit awakening. He acquires a copy of the Road Poneglyph. However, after setting sail from Wano Country, Law is ambushed by the Blackbeard Pirates. As a fierce battle breaks out over possession of the copy, he is defeated (Kanji used: 敗北, "defeat").The ship sinks, the fate of the nakama remains unknown. Will Law be able to resist the unfortunate twists of fate that keep befalling him...?
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Awakening that makes abilities even stronger. After piercing the enemy with "Anesthesia", he generates an internal flow of current and delivers a shock. A power that makes even an Emperor writhe in pain.
Inherited Name of a Move
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Naming a move after the 'magic' of the late benefactor who changed his fate, he carves out the future once again.
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Tracking Robin's movements, he obtains a copy of the Road Poneglyph. Perhaps due to his morally obliged nature, he shares it with Kidd's group.
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Feminization transformation by Doc Q's ability. While the crew is utterly captivated by the beauty, he breaks free from the 'sickness' with overwhelming Haki.
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Escape from Blackbeard due to Bepo's quick wit. However, as a Captain, he couldn't leave his precious nakama behind, so he commands to return to the battlefield while barely clinging to life.
Participates in the Onigashima raid. Engages in combats against Kaidou and Big Mom.
Forms a temporary alliance with Kidd and defeats Big Mom together.
Bounty increases to 3 billion.
Learns about the secrets of Wano and the Ancient weapon Pluton from Kozuki Sukiyaki.
Obtains a copy of Wano Road Poneglyph.
Dissolves the alliances with Kidd and Straw hat pirates, and departs from Wano.
Defeated in a battle against Blackbeard Pirates and the ship is sunk.
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lawbin-main · 22 days
Gintama thoughts
Currently on EP141 (Yoshiwara arc)
Rewatching Gintama 13 years after, during these years, I really disconnected myself with anime :/ so I don’t really know what happen after around EP200. Enjoying my time with it without any spoilers is really precious. (Unlike one piece idk why I can get so many spoilers before I caught up 🤦🏻‍♀️, and jujutsu kaisen too but I already give up on that series.)
I was going to rewatch the whole thing after I knew it ended but my lazy ass drag it until now to rewatch it. I was quite shocked to learn that Gintama has 80% female audience because people around me are mostly guys who watch it. But now I understand why haha. Most of the female characters inside are really strong - kagura, Otae, tsukuyo… It hinted with lots of yaoi, well I like ginhiji too :p also it’s mostly comedy, heavy storytelling and less fighting? In my opinion, that’s why it attracts lots of female audiences.
I still like it after many years after. Kagura is still my favorite <3 I still adore Okikagu. I still cry a lot during some episodes. I still enjoy it a lot. I still laugh a lot. Still one of my favorite series. Especially after watching one piece and knowing more anime / games, it makes it even more funnier. I love the serious arcs, I remember there’s one arc that make me cry for the whole tissue box and I still haven’t reach it yet…maybe I’ll leave another post after. Seeing Kamui and Tsukuyo again make me more excited!!
I do like female characters in most of the series. Not to mention my favorite kpop group is girl group too lol kagura is just so adorable and cool (of course)
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lawbin-main · 25 days
Lawbin Headcanons 
Summary: Early stages of Lawbin. This whole thing is basically Law being a dork who’s constantly trying to play it cool while falling for the weird girl (Robin, I love you, never change). 
Characters: Trafalgar Law x Nico Robin
Genre: Fluff
CW: None // SFW
When Robin met the Captain of the Heart Pirates, the Surgeon of Death and a Warlord of the Sea, Dr. Trafalgar Law, she didn’t trust him, not even for a second. Recall, she has extensive experience with Warlords and would have died at the hands of one if Luffy hadn’t saved her despite her own insistence he leave her to die. As soon as she meets Law, she swears to herself that if things go sour, Luffy won’t be saving her and, in fact, she’ll be saving Luffy. She won’t let the Warlord take a shot at her Captain, and she takes Luffy’s proposition that if the alliance goes bad, the crew will have his back, to heart.  
For the longest time, that’s how Robin thinks of Law: the Warlord. She never talks about it, but she has PTSD from her time with Crocodile. She had never known peace or solace in her life; the safest position she’d had before joining the Straw Hats was as the right hand of a man who ultimately viewed her as expendable. And Sir Crocodile wasn’t just any man, he was a pirate brimming with power and eerily intelligent, with a mind for strategy. Just like Traffy, whose insistence on planning out every little detail and having a backup plan for every backup plan takes Robin right back to Alabasta. 
Robin becomes a little obsessed with comparing him to Crocodile. She zeroes in on his willingness to make small sacrifices for the greater cause, his analytical nature and reserved emotions, his apparent lack of friends. Only, Traffy went to great lengths to help the Straw Hats rescue the children on Punk Hazard, and he didn’t take the opportunity to be too cruel to Smoker and Tashigi despite having them chained in front of him. But that doesn’t stop her from trying to make him into Crocodile 2.0.  
And then there’s Law, who’s such a dork. Strategic alliance this, strategic alliance that, but from the second he met the Straw Hats, he wasn’t thinking about betraying them, he was wondering how he was supposed to remain impartial with such an affable group. He thought Nico, at least, would be an ally against the general Straw Hat insanity, but she turned out to be the crew’s worst enabler rather than the mother hen he had originally pegged her for. Which begs the question, what else was he wrong about? 
Annoyed to have been so wrong, Law begins paying more attention to Nico. He notices that she doesn’t fall into the insular trap that a lot of academics do. She’s not just an expert on her one field but in fact is incredibly well read and is a wealth of knowledge on a menagerie of different topics, and each topic he learns she is well-versed in is weirder than the last. 
Why is Nico an expert on Panda Shark socialization? How did Nico come to find out that there is a mythical, lost library full of love poems on an unnamed sky island? Why does Nico have so many books on a random king from the South Blue who died eight hundred years ago? How did Nico learn that there’s an island in the West Blue where white pumpkins grow on bone trees? And why, oh why, is she versed in Germa 66 lore? Finding out the last one makes his heart drop, the realization that he would risk it all for the Straw Hat archaeologist making Law’s stomach churn. 
And how is she so calm all the time? He had pegged the academic as similar to him, but her crew’s shenanigans seem to just roll right off her. She sat in that cell with him and the others in Punk Hazard reminiscing about old times with Luffy and Smoker instead of cowering in the shadow of Vergo, and she more than held her own on Green Bit, lending herself to him as an asset time and again, always being there to lend a helping hand (or twelve) when the plan fails. 
All that is to say, Law falls first. But it’s Robin who makes the first move. 
It’s only when she sees Traffy interact with his crew that Robin sees him for who he is, and she can’t get that man out of her head- that man who isn't domineering but tries to make people follow his orders to protect them, that man who is so adored by his crew (the members of which he protects rather than uses for his own gain), that man who, despite being called Warlord, is kind of adorable. 
Robin starts teasing him a bit; she just can’t help herself. Now that her Crocodile glasses are off, she can see that he doesn’t have the sort of temper that leads him to kill people but rather the sort that just leaves him spluttering and speechless. And, well, she thinks it’s cute. She starts feeling dumb, too, for not having seen it sooner. After all, Luffy saw he was a good and trustworthy person, and that should have been enough for her, but she had been blinded. 
No longer blinded, she starts enjoying her time with Traffy, though he doesn’t notice the shift, doesn't realize she's soft on him. He thinks she’s needling him for some other reason. It never occurs to him that Nico (or anyone, for that matter) finds him cute. And he almost goes into cardiac arrest when she tells him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He demands one night, fed up with that little smile that always seems to be on Nico’s face while she’s staring at him. “Nothing,” she says, swallowing her giggle, “I just think you’re cute when you’re annoyed.” And with that, she leaves him to process what she’d just said. 
Their relationship is built on info dumping. Robin can talk about her weird interests, such as the mating habits of Sea Kings and the fact that the antidote made from Conine in the bark of Kona Trees can actually be used as a poison if mixed with the correct substances. And Law can talk about his childish interests, such as various comic books and ninjas. These two geek out on a level not previously known to humankind. 
They bring each other odd tokens, typically the weirdest possible thing they could find on their respective travels. 
Law buying Robin books and leaving notes inside that get progressively more personal, Robin asking Sanji to show her how to make onigiri because it’s Law’s favorite. 
And then there’s the trauma. Both were nearby when their parents were murdered. Both were alone in the world at a very young age, Robin hunted by the World Government and Law by the Donquixote family. Both know what it’s like to be completely alone with nothing to their name but a bizarre devil fruit ability and a target on their back. Both managed to find their way in the world despite feeling for years that they never would. They didn’t save each other because they didn’t have to. They’re traumatized, but they’re not broken, and together, they can be even stronger. They saved themselves, and now that they did, they’re free to bask in each others’ presence. And that’s exactly what they do. 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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lawbin-main · 1 month
Not sure how many of you noticed this, but both Robin and Law are wearing the same floral pattern on their haori. It’s a small detail that shows how they’re subtly matching in Wano.
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lawbin-main · 1 month
Senior year had barely begun and already Trafalgar Law had encountered a problem. A big one. A catastrophic one, actually, that could quite possibly derail his very detailed plan of graduating as valedictorian with a multitude of top college offers under his belt.
He was completely and utterly obsessed with Nico Robin.
Or at least, that’s very much where he was heading.
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lawbin-main · 1 month
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The last One Piece Island was called “Mojo-Dojo-Casa-House”, just so you know
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lawbin-main · 1 month
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lawbin-main · 2 months
More lawbin 💝 @luffys-holy-chanclas @lawbin-archive
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