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That’s why Shane Madej follows The Church Of Satan on twitter
and the reason I follow it as well
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Parent: yells at and threatens child over a mistake
Child: doesnt want to spend time with them afterwards
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65 Things to do to avoid a binge
After going on a trek with a mate of mine this weekend and having to forcibly eat, my purging habits came back pretty bad. I hate binging and purging, so I decided to make a list of a bunch of things you can do to avoid a binge! I made this not only for myself, but for every one of you that may be struggling with a binging problem too. 
Drink a cup of tea
Paint a picture
Write a story
Write a song
Play your instrument
Go on a walk
Go on s run
Take your dog to the park
Ride your bike around the neighborhood
Read a book
Look at thinspo/fitspo
Research something
Learn about the Universe
Walk to the library
Go to the mall
Do your makeup
Dress up in your favorite outfit and take pictures
Go to the gym
Play a video game
Take pictures of nature
Create a diary
Do your homework
Pick up shifts at work
Make a collage
Snuggle with your dog, cat, or pet
Watch a movie
Make a list of things to do 
Write out meal plans
Watch funny internet videos
Drink a cup of coffee
Call a relative you haven’t spoken to in a while
Go to the movies
Listen to music
Do 100 jumping jacks
Paint your nails
Do a facemask
Go bowling
Take a bath
Dance in your bedroom
Go adventure in you nearest town/city
Go on a hike
Go to the recreational center for a swim
Take a babysitting job
Go for a long drive
Go on a walk on the beach
Go to an art museum
Write a letter to someone
Do an internet workout video
Hangout with your mates
Drink lots of water
Come up with an ANA/MIA recipe
learn how to count to ten in a different language
Take a shower
Sing a long to your current favorite song
Do the dishes
Browse the library
Join an online support group
Clean your house
Go gardening
Learn how to knit
Water your plants
Discover new bands
Plan your week out
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Yesss inspiration
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Skinny by Christmas Gang 🎄❄️☃️
Reblog if you’re going to be at a goal weight (whether it’s your ugw or you’re next gw!!) by Christmas!!! Let’s get this bitches!! I want my family to not recognize me since seeing me last year, I want “oh my word you got so skinny!!” I want to look so thin in my Christmas morning pajamas, and to look at the pictures taken and see what I want to see sitting there instead of some fat double chinned monster. WHO’S WITH ME???
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well lads I just saw my thighs and now it’s time to starve
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Is it just me or does anyone else feel different when they’re hungry? It’s like my body looks different to me after I eat, like I can go the whole day not eating and I’ll feel skinny and my collar bones will seem to stick out more and my waist will be a little slimmer. But then when I eat it feels like I grow 2 sizes bigger and all of a sudden I’m fat again and never want to eat again. It happens even if I eat like a carrot or something really low cal. I don’t know I feel so stupid
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Someone: are you ok? Me: *does the feel good inc laugh*
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