lav3ndarrr · 4 days
if u had to choose to stop reading (books) 4ever, stop drawing 4ever, or stop writing 4ever what would u choose?
oh shit uhhhhhhh idk. i have no clue. erm. fuck. uhgh. ugh. ahjhjr. erm. akejrhkjaehr . i'll get back to you 19 to 3091349834 business days.
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lav3ndarrr · 4 days
is the last sentence a love confession
sometimes you have those moments when you realize just how truly *human* everyone is. like yes, i knew they all had their own lives, but now it's hitting me like a bullet train that these people have people who they care about and care about them, that they have hardships and memories that they cherish and regrets that they want to forget and theyre alive and it's beautiful that theyre alive. and i want to help them, want to ease their lives, but it's hard. and then the feeling fades, and now it's just a fact that lives in your subconcious- but you want it to come back. it was overwhelming, sure, but i want to be aware of *you*. i want YOU to be happy and i want to know the memories you love and the hidden past you've always wanted to share. be human with me. talk about yourself. i want to listen. i want to be (with you).
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lav3ndarrr · 4 days
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@rose-tinted-vision mirio and tamaki for @myheroacademia-action!!
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lav3ndarrr · 4 days
a lot of things have been happening recently. i kinda just wanna finish up the work i have and maybe prioritize irl stuff more. god i wish it were summer
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lav3ndarrr · 4 days
it’s been 20 days have u made up ur mind 😔
if u had to choose to stop reading (books) 4ever, stop drawing 4ever, or stop writing 4ever what would u choose?
oh shit uhhhhhhh idk. i have no clue. erm. fuck. uhgh. ugh. ahjhjr. erm. akejrhkjaehr . i'll get back to you 19 to 3091349834 business days.
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lav3ndarrr · 24 days
do u personally think u better at writing or drawing?
ahhh i think im good at writing specific things, but im always scared that in the future i'll look at my drawings and think it's trash, so i'll just say writing.
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lav3ndarrr · 24 days
fav tgcf ship besides hualian?
erm uh damn that's a. that's a hard one.
for now imma say qianxiu... lang qianqiu x pei xiu. i need to write for them more but im a little busy at the moment
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lav3ndarrr · 24 days
fav singer?
cries sobs dies on the floor
Will Stetson!
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lav3ndarrr · 24 days
fav song? - pls choose one singular song 🙏🏻
ERM........... AHHH...... UHHHH...
it constantly changes, but maybe Honey I'm Home by Ghost and pals?
but idk man. it could be SexyBack by Justin Timberlake and Timbaland for all i care
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lav3ndarrr · 24 days
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for the tgcf rarepair g4g!! ive been burnt out but hopefuly this is still good bc im struggling. haha
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lav3ndarrr · 1 month
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for @/rinrintheblob on twt who donated to the @hkvthm-action!!
go watch given chat....
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lav3ndarrr · 1 month
prompt for @corallis0n, original meme by @secondlina!
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for the junior quarter gotcha for gaza!! sorry it's so late
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lav3ndarrr · 1 month
For @hkvthm-action i redrew three (3) screencaps from the "Please Please Please" music video by Sabrina Carpenter!!
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original images under the cut
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lav3ndarrr · 2 months
bro what kinda logic is that 😭
would u rather die in the next 5 minutes or live forever?
live forever. i have a lot to live for, thank you
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lav3ndarrr · 2 months
my bad 😔
every single fic that you’ve ever written in order from ur personal fav to least fav?
i spent way too long on this help... also this is subject to change and based on what i feel soo yk (top -> bottom = most fav -> least fav)
How Can I Protect You, When I Don't Feel Alright? (TGCF)
Feng Xin goes on a mission sent by His Majesty, himself. It is expected to be top priority and dangerous. But what he doesn't expect is the hallucinations, the intrusive thoughts, the blood, the- OR: How Feng Xin received Fengshen.
I'm at My Highest Peak (TGCF)
"Did you know? General Nan Yang, the martial god of the Southeast, ascended via pure martial might! He didn't cultivate at all, no. He slayed the children-eating beast who lurked in Zhubei forest!" OR: Feng Xin ascends.
No Longer Alone (TGCF)
“Banyue,” a gentle voice above her says, “Banyue, it’s okay. You're safe. You’re here. It’s okay.” And still, she lets out a sob. But she is not a sad child- how could she be, with General Hua beside her? OR: General Hua and Banyue fluff and comfort for the soul...
I've Held My Heart Close All These Years (TGCF)
Since the day he woke up here and again, and again, and again, he has never felt happiness. Until there is a light, and he's set free. A word rings in his head: Ascension. Out of the coffin after ninety-six years, however, can change a lot. Especially if there were countless people to see it. OR: Xie Lian ascends from the coffin and chaos ensues :)
To Bring Back the Flame (TGCF)
Mu Qing is a fucking traitor. A selfish, uncaring motherfucker who can't afford to love the same way Feng Xin does. Or at least he thinks so, until when he blows up and takes a step, he's met with someone different. OR: Book 4! Feng Xin travels to the future.
It's Colder on Your Own (GENSHIN IMPACT)
There are days when the blank pages aren’t a source of inspiration or a canvas to be painted, but rather a representation of him. He draws a line but it’s not right, he stares at the blank page for hours and nothing comes to mind besides a vague idea and an aching wrist. He will erase, draw, and erase again, because nothing looks right, and eventually, he’ll rip the page and throw it away like the rest. So he lays down in his room, aching. Until Alhaitham walks in. OR: Hurt/Comfort with Haikaveh!!
Call if if Our Time is Through (TGCF)
On a mission from Hua Cheng, Yin Yu gets cursed to live in a time loop from a vengeful ghost. That would've been fine... if only Quan Yizhen hadn't gotten involved. OR: Yin Yu has to see Quan Yizhen die, over and over again.
Had I the Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (GENSHIN IMPACT)
Kaveh thinks that if he had the power, he could do more. But he doesn't. OR: A fic based on the poem "He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" by W. B. Yeats!!
Can't Stop Thinking of You (TGCF)
Feng Xin thinks of His Highness, because even after all of these years, he remembers- and ends up coming to a few realizations. OR: Feng Xin's first love.
Though You Embrace it, I Can't Face It (TGCF)
I love him, Feng Xin thinks one day as he stares at the ceiling of his apartment, thinking about his roommate. It’s no surprise that when Feng Xin shoots up, feeling his lungs constrict and grow weak as he shakes with coughs, that a singular flower petal comes out onto his hand. He stares at it. Because, despite the implications, despite how he is willing to die and could die from the pure, unbridled love he holds within his chest, Feng Xin knows that Mu Qing will never love him back. OR: Modern!AU in which Feng Xin has hanahaki.
My World is Bright (TGCF)
Pei Xiu doesn't hold too much respect or adoration for the gods in Heaven. One of the few exceptions is Lang Qianqiu, who is bright, heroic, competent, brave, noble, and handsome. Although Pei Xiu sometimes wishes he could kiss the worried expression off his face- wait. What? OR: The QianXiu fluff fic that someone asked for! :)
Take Care of Me (TGCF)
Feng Xin is not sick. And if he is, it doesn't matter! Mu Qing doesn't know what he's talking about at all! OR: Feng Xin is most definitely sick, don't listen to him. Oh, and Mu Qing takes care of him.
It's Easier to Sleep When it's Warm (TGCF)
Mu Qing tries pulling an all-nighter, but fails and falls asleep at around two in the morning. Luckily, Feng Xin is also awake, and wraps a blanket over his shoulders. Mu Qing looks so at peace... he wishes the man could look like this more often. OR: Medical Student! Mu Qing falls asleep, and Feng Xin puts a blanket over him :)
Revenge is Sweet, Literally (TGCF)
He Xuan had been writing in his diary. He was still planning the perfect revenge plot for the Shi brothers. He’s considered murder more times than not, but something is stopping him. Whether it be fate or Hua Cheng's nagging (he only said it once, but still), he considered other options. With the knowledge that Shi Qingxuan knows nothing of the fate swap, he doesn’t have anything better to do. Then Hua Cheng called him via the spiritual communication array. Zoning back in, He Xuan hears Hua Cheng say something that he normally wouldn’t care for. “... Of course, I wouldn’t dare defile His Highness, but to think…” He Xuan doesn’t care for that- Heaven, he doesn’t even know the context or what he says after, but he suddenly stands up and slams his hands on the table so hard that his bonefish look back at him. And then, he writes. OR: He Xuan, after some thinking, comes up with the perfect revenge plan to anger Shi Wudu.
What Suits You Best (TGCF)
Xie Lian has always had a soft spot for weaponry and martial arts, even at the age of thirteen. Which is why it's only natural that he decides which weapon best suits his bodyguard, Feng Xin! OR: How Feng Xin figured out that archery was his strong suit.
How You Make Me Sway (The Outsiders)
I was bored out of my mind, and there was nothing to do in the church. Unless you count for the radio in the corner. I turned it on, not expecting a slow song to play. Of course, when Johnny extended a hand out towards me, I didn’t think he’d say, “Wanna dance, Pony?” OR: In which the boys are bored at the church and Ponyboy decides to dance with Johnny. :) ... Chapter 1 can be read as a one-shot, chapter 2 is a bonus chapter.
Under the Moon Where Blood Spread (The Outsiders)
Darry wasted no time, throwing open the front door. “Ponyboy, please! I didn’t mean to!” Soda looked back at him, snapping out of his trance. “Darry, are we gonna run after him?” He asked. In another universe, Darry would have shook his head- after all, Ponyboy was a track star. He could run hard and fast- no one would be able to catch up, and no one in their right mind would attempt to try. But Darry was not in his right mind. OR: In which Darry runs after Ponyboy when he slaps him.
Delineating Danger (The Outsiders)
Ponyboy likes to draw Dally when he's in a "dangerous" mood. OR: In the book it mentions that Ponyboy likes drawing Dally in a dangerous mood, and I thought, huh. What would that be like? Which was also strengthened by this random Tumblr post I found wondering the exact same thing..! Though there will be multiple chapters, you can read this as a one-shot if you want.
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lav3ndarrr · 2 months
not all the outsiders fics on the bottom ☹️. but yess fengshen fic on top this ur reminded to pls finish up chapter 3 habizuh 🙏🏻🙏🏻
every single fic that you’ve ever written in order from ur personal fav to least fav?
i spent way too long on this help... also this is subject to change and based on what i feel soo yk (top -> bottom = most fav -> least fav)
How Can I Protect You, When I Don't Feel Alright? (TGCF)
Feng Xin goes on a mission sent by His Majesty, himself. It is expected to be top priority and dangerous. But what he doesn't expect is the hallucinations, the intrusive thoughts, the blood, the- OR: How Feng Xin received Fengshen.
I'm at My Highest Peak (TGCF)
"Did you know? General Nan Yang, the martial god of the Southeast, ascended via pure martial might! He didn't cultivate at all, no. He slayed the children-eating beast who lurked in Zhubei forest!" OR: Feng Xin ascends.
No Longer Alone (TGCF)
“Banyue,” a gentle voice above her says, “Banyue, it’s okay. You're safe. You’re here. It’s okay.” And still, she lets out a sob. But she is not a sad child- how could she be, with General Hua beside her? OR: General Hua and Banyue fluff and comfort for the soul...
I've Held My Heart Close All These Years (TGCF)
Since the day he woke up here and again, and again, and again, he has never felt happiness. Until there is a light, and he's set free. A word rings in his head: Ascension. Out of the coffin after ninety-six years, however, can change a lot. Especially if there were countless people to see it. OR: Xie Lian ascends from the coffin and chaos ensues :)
To Bring Back the Flame (TGCF)
Mu Qing is a fucking traitor. A selfish, uncaring motherfucker who can't afford to love the same way Feng Xin does. Or at least he thinks so, until when he blows up and takes a step, he's met with someone different. OR: Book 4! Feng Xin travels to the future.
It's Colder on Your Own (GENSHIN IMPACT)
There are days when the blank pages aren’t a source of inspiration or a canvas to be painted, but rather a representation of him. He draws a line but it’s not right, he stares at the blank page for hours and nothing comes to mind besides a vague idea and an aching wrist. He will erase, draw, and erase again, because nothing looks right, and eventually, he’ll rip the page and throw it away like the rest. So he lays down in his room, aching. Until Alhaitham walks in. OR: Hurt/Comfort with Haikaveh!!
Call if if Our Time is Through (TGCF)
On a mission from Hua Cheng, Yin Yu gets cursed to live in a time loop from a vengeful ghost. That would've been fine... if only Quan Yizhen hadn't gotten involved. OR: Yin Yu has to see Quan Yizhen die, over and over again.
Had I the Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (GENSHIN IMPACT)
Kaveh thinks that if he had the power, he could do more. But he doesn't. OR: A fic based on the poem "He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" by W. B. Yeats!!
Can't Stop Thinking of You (TGCF)
Feng Xin thinks of His Highness, because even after all of these years, he remembers- and ends up coming to a few realizations. OR: Feng Xin's first love.
Though You Embrace it, I Can't Face It (TGCF)
I love him, Feng Xin thinks one day as he stares at the ceiling of his apartment, thinking about his roommate. It’s no surprise that when Feng Xin shoots up, feeling his lungs constrict and grow weak as he shakes with coughs, that a singular flower petal comes out onto his hand. He stares at it. Because, despite the implications, despite how he is willing to die and could die from the pure, unbridled love he holds within his chest, Feng Xin knows that Mu Qing will never love him back. OR: Modern!AU in which Feng Xin has hanahaki.
My World is Bright (TGCF)
Pei Xiu doesn't hold too much respect or adoration for the gods in Heaven. One of the few exceptions is Lang Qianqiu, who is bright, heroic, competent, brave, noble, and handsome. Although Pei Xiu sometimes wishes he could kiss the worried expression off his face- wait. What? OR: The QianXiu fluff fic that someone asked for! :)
Take Care of Me (TGCF)
Feng Xin is not sick. And if he is, it doesn't matter! Mu Qing doesn't know what he's talking about at all! OR: Feng Xin is most definitely sick, don't listen to him. Oh, and Mu Qing takes care of him.
It's Easier to Sleep When it's Warm (TGCF)
Mu Qing tries pulling an all-nighter, but fails and falls asleep at around two in the morning. Luckily, Feng Xin is also awake, and wraps a blanket over his shoulders. Mu Qing looks so at peace... he wishes the man could look like this more often. OR: Medical Student! Mu Qing falls asleep, and Feng Xin puts a blanket over him :)
Revenge is Sweet, Literally (TGCF)
He Xuan had been writing in his diary. He was still planning the perfect revenge plot for the Shi brothers. He’s considered murder more times than not, but something is stopping him. Whether it be fate or Hua Cheng's nagging (he only said it once, but still), he considered other options. With the knowledge that Shi Qingxuan knows nothing of the fate swap, he doesn’t have anything better to do. Then Hua Cheng called him via the spiritual communication array. Zoning back in, He Xuan hears Hua Cheng say something that he normally wouldn’t care for. “... Of course, I wouldn’t dare defile His Highness, but to think…” He Xuan doesn’t care for that- Heaven, he doesn’t even know the context or what he says after, but he suddenly stands up and slams his hands on the table so hard that his bonefish look back at him. And then, he writes. OR: He Xuan, after some thinking, comes up with the perfect revenge plan to anger Shi Wudu.
What Suits You Best (TGCF)
Xie Lian has always had a soft spot for weaponry and martial arts, even at the age of thirteen. Which is why it's only natural that he decides which weapon best suits his bodyguard, Feng Xin! OR: How Feng Xin figured out that archery was his strong suit.
How You Make Me Sway (The Outsiders)
I was bored out of my mind, and there was nothing to do in the church. Unless you count for the radio in the corner. I turned it on, not expecting a slow song to play. Of course, when Johnny extended a hand out towards me, I didn’t think he’d say, “Wanna dance, Pony?” OR: In which the boys are bored at the church and Ponyboy decides to dance with Johnny. :) ... Chapter 1 can be read as a one-shot, chapter 2 is a bonus chapter.
Under the Moon Where Blood Spread (The Outsiders)
Darry wasted no time, throwing open the front door. “Ponyboy, please! I didn’t mean to!” Soda looked back at him, snapping out of his trance. “Darry, are we gonna run after him?” He asked. In another universe, Darry would have shook his head- after all, Ponyboy was a track star. He could run hard and fast- no one would be able to catch up, and no one in their right mind would attempt to try. But Darry was not in his right mind. OR: In which Darry runs after Ponyboy when he slaps him.
Delineating Danger (The Outsiders)
Ponyboy likes to draw Dally when he's in a "dangerous" mood. OR: In the book it mentions that Ponyboy likes drawing Dally in a dangerous mood, and I thought, huh. What would that be like? Which was also strengthened by this random Tumblr post I found wondering the exact same thing..! Though there will be multiple chapters, you can read this as a one-shot if you want.
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lav3ndarrr · 2 months
dyk anyone that’s in our second period besides me?
i don't think so :((
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