lauraann97 · 3 years
Taking Control of Your Seizure's
Taking Control of Your Seizure’s
Hello all! To answer your question, yes, I am still alive. Covid did not take me out (unfortunately), I have just been very busy procrastinating my life choices as I am lazy and seem to have no purpose in life. Just kidding, we all have a purpose, some of us just seem destined to be working a dead end job and still be living with our parents at the age of 23. But at least I can say I still have…
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lauraann97 · 4 years
Whatever Happened to Integrity?
Whatever Happened to Integrity?
There is nothing more sacred to a writer than their work. Each piece they create is apart of them. Their voice, their wit, their essence is essentially being poured into their writing. Regardless of the genre, or the significant the work of writing is, it still holds meaning to the author. For they dedicated time and thought into crafting what they believed to be the perfect draft. Take for…
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lauraann97 · 4 years
What Makes Your Soul Happy?
            I recently got asked the question, “what makes your soul happy?” And it wasn’t an interview question for a job or from my therapist; it was from some random Tinder boy. I was genuinely thrown back from that question. First off, I was surprised that a random guy would ask me this question (especially one on Tinder no doubt), and second I didn’t know whether to give a bullshit answer or…
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lauraann97 · 4 years
Quarantine Sucks 😷
It’s 11:42pm in April 2nd, 2020 and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so numb in my life. I don’t know if it’s the quarantine, not being able to work, or the fact I have to bottle all my emotions up so I don’t pummel my sister-I just feel empty.
Today was actually a good day though. My friend took me on an adventure, well not a big adventure but it was just what I needed to keep my sanity intact.…
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lauraann97 · 4 years
What’s the world coming too?
I know it’s been forever since I’ve last posted. After constant motivation (more like nagging), from my pretty much only reader, it’s that time again to grace the internet with my words of wisdom.
Now since this blog is about my disorder and my life, I got to be honest here, I feel like I just keep getting bricks thrown at me. Like just when I feel like I’m catching a break and everything seems…
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lauraann97 · 5 years
People Suck!
I’m curious, why is it that people want nothing to do with you at your worst, but come crawling back to you when you suddenly start getting your shit together again? I’m talking about old friends or lovers, or even family members you want nothing to do with. Recently, I’ve had exs who have treated me horribly, and old friends who abandoned me when I got diagnosed with seizures suddenly want back…
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lauraann97 · 5 years
Slipping into the Void
Slipping into the Void
Is there ever a time where you just feel disconnected from yourself? Like One part of you is getting up and going to work everyday, paying the bills, doing your homework, doing what your supposed to do while the other part of you is crawled up in a corner somewhere contemplating what they are doing with their life. Does that even make since. I have never seen this season but my friend always…
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lauraann97 · 5 years
This post is probably going to be short because, well because I feel like it. I have been having a bit of an attitude these last few weeks. It could be because I haven’t felt well, or my never ending mood swings, or period. Whatever the reason, I have been moody and irritable and just not loving life. People have been rubbing me the wrong way and when I have to pay $50 for one tiny bottle of ear…
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lauraann97 · 5 years
As I promised in the last post, here are some poems I wrote recently. I’ve been thinking of writing a poetry book, so tell me what you think. Be honest please!
First, Last
She was his first love
Young and naïve
He was her last love
Wild and free
  She taught him kindness
Gentle yet firm
He taught her strength
Frightful yet tamed
  She taught him forgiveness
Compassion is crucial
He taught her…
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lauraann97 · 5 years
Creative Rut
I am in a creative writing rut guys. I have not posted a blog post in forever, and I feel terrible. I have been so focused and school and work, I just don’t have any inspiration for any blog posts. At the end of the day I am completely wiped out, I don’t even have the energy to be lazy, I have to work at being lazy.
The past couple weeks all my creative energy has been going into writing poems…
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lauraann97 · 6 years
The Red Scrolls of Magic, or, as I like to call them: The Magnus Bane Thirst Adventures
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These were all from a ten page sample that came with qoaad, and there is a whole book yet to come. I don’t think Magnus is going to survive.
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lauraann97 · 6 years
February 22
Today is Friday, February 22, 2019. It’s 9:57pm and I am currently lying in bed listening to a new song I discovered on Spotify. It’s called Crush Culture, and I got to say I like it; not sure who it’s by though. Anyway, it’s been a long week and I’m exhausted. Been dealing with my sister moving back in 😒, her dogs shitting and peeing everywhere, me stepping in the shit and piss, her arguing with…
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lauraann97 · 6 years
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I’m Fine               What does it mean when someone says, "I'm fine?" People use that word all the time but are we interpreting the word the way they are using it?
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lauraann97 · 6 years
Do you ever have days where you just feel like complete shit? Like you can’t do anything right and you aren’t even sure if your adulting right? Like you feel like a complete failure. Well I’m having one of those days, more like one of those months.
With every step I take, I feel like I’m taking two steps back. I’ve hit a rut and I don’t know how to get out of it. Kind of feels like quick sand.…
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lauraann97 · 6 years
Friendly reminder to let yourself breathe. It’s going to be okay. No matter what the outcome is, it’s not worth sacrificing your mental health over.
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lauraann97 · 6 years
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lauraann97 · 6 years
Missing Spark ⚡️
I can’t begin to explain how significantly my life has changed in the past two years. I could just write this huge list of things, such as invasion of privacy, being treated like I’m five again, allowing myself to be treated like a five year old, never ending mood swings, and yada yada. But lists are boring and over rated. No one wants to read about a list of how my life has changed since my…
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