Laughing Orange Studio
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Thrift store find and Dollar general purchase....kurig pod holders work wonderfully well for my underglaze collection. Easy to turn with the lazy susan base and it fits on the counter nicely. I hate Kerig but like these little pod holders. Much better for MY environment 馃榾馃馃審馃寧 #potteryunderglaze #kurigsucksfortheenvironment #underglazestorage #underglazeuse #repurposethekurigstand (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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Not quite a give full but close. 6 bee mugs complete. They will now dry and be added to the kiln in a few weeks for the bisque firing. #beekeeper #beemugs #handpaintedbeemugs #handmademugs (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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Working up the 24 mugs that are for the Virginia Clay Festival in September with some bees. These are so popular right now so I am making 6 but anticipating needing more. #beekeeping #beemugs #potterymugs #virginiaclayfestival (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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My hubby, the elementary school librarian, brings me old books that are being discarded from his collection that he thinks I might want. This little guy is a 1950 edition copyrighted in 1943 and reprinted in 1952. It is about a little rabbit that wanted to be black and shiny like the crow. But when Brer Possum helps him do that by having him roll in the fireplace he goes home and his mom won't let him in the house. So, after he washes off, with Brer Possums's help in the pond, he realizes he should be happy being who he is. #oldbooks #rabbitbook #outdatedbooks #librarian (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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Before and after...a little liquid duct tape for an old building. Maybe next year we can add new siding to it. For now, a little color in the backyard is always a good thing. (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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Channeling Rene Magritte today with this bowl. #bluerabbit #surrealistrabbit #newbowl #handmadebowl (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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We are all made of stardust...cosmic stardust rabbit jar (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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Two more lidded jars today. Today's theme is frogs and frogs and more frogs. Oh, and a fly happened too. (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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New jar...heading to the kiln now. (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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2 of the 6 jars are decorated and will go in the bisque fire tomorrow. Man, these are not as easy as I thought. Some intense trimming work. These two have plants embedded into the surface and I'm dreaming of one with decals, one with colored clay flowers, one with a quilted the end, these are lots of un to make鉂わ笍馃檪 (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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Trying some lidded jars today. The idea is that you throw the piece and cut it apart to let the lid drop down into the jar bottom. I hope to end up with 5-6 to play with. (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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It's a muggy kind of day馃檪馃槑馃槀 #itshotterthanhelloutside #handmademugs #rabbitsofallkinds #thankfulforairconditioning (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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I really should have been throwing mugs today but I couldn't resist playing with the colored clays I made a few weeks ago. #innerchildplay #coloredclay #masonstains #fairygardenhouse #lotsofdetails #3dflowers (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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I've been playing with some sweet handbuilt bowls for this year's Empty Bowl Dinner donation. They look like fabric with stitches. Frogs will go on later. #shenandoahallianceforshelter #2018emptybowls #handbuiltbowls #frogbowls (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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Rabbit totem addition to my garden. Finally, a piece for me鉂わ笍馃槉馃じ (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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Rabbit totem... (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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After vacuuming about 6" of water out of my car these past few weeks, (the window had come out of it's gasket without my realizing it), I bought a new top for $300 and Herb and I tackeled it over the past day and a half. Whew!!!! They wanted $1200 to do it in a shop. Thank you YouTube!!! #patiencepractice #moneysaved #miatatopredo #girlpower #carrepairisinmyblood. There are a few gaskets to still add but it is pretty darn close to complete. (at Laughing Orange Studio)
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