oops. (hi)
57 posts
21. she/her. roleplayer. amateur author. i tend to obsess a little bit too much over louis and harry. that's it. that's the blog.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
larrysclique · 6 days ago
it’s like. sometimes you realize your friends don’t know about sold to one direction fanfiction and it’s like yeah we grew up with vastly different experiences of the internet
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larrysclique · 9 days ago
do u ever hear lyrics that just hit so close to home and make u cry
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larrysclique · 14 days ago
⸻ ✧ RP Partners ✧ ⸻
I AM IN SEARCH FOR THE FOLLOWING.... ❤ Larry (Louis and Harry) RP partners!  • I don't have a preference of who I am, although I typically do replies / am whoever you see as dominate ﹗﹗ • Some of my favorite prompts are: enemies to lovers / supernatural / fantasy / action / childhood lovers / exes back to lovers, etc. If comfortable, I also enjoy writing darker themed stories! I don't quite have any triggers and am open with anything and almost everything. If there's something you think might be too 'overboard' or too 'extreme' : just let me know and I'll tell you whether or not I'd do it! Although, because I have been so desperate to get back into the world of roleplaying with Lou&H, I honestly am also open for anything besides mpreg, cheating and high school / college au's. I just MISS MY BOYS AND MISS WRITING.• 18+ only as I'm in my twenties (25!). • I love angst, fluff and smut ― in that order in particular. Give them ALL to me NOW. 🤣 • I have discord and can also download telegram if need to be!! Just message me and we can get started and chat with one another! Hope to hear from you~!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ {posted 2/28/25!!}
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larrysclique · 5 months ago
haven't been on this account in God knows how long.
i first was introduced to tumblr because of one direction.
and yes, here i am, still on here, lol. even at my age of 25. however i am so very sad because what brought me comfort now tears a hole in my chest and brings an ache in the very pit of my stomach. they all deserved to be fat and old and go gray. just like the song act my age said 😭 im so very heartbroken and im not sure who else would understand what i am going through expect those on here and those that were fans.
i know most likely nobody will read this. but if someone did, thank you. and if anyone wants to talk to, im also here. ❤️
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
Looking for a roleplay partner that’s interested in any one of these listed below 🤧
• Larry Stylinson. (Louis Tomlinson x Harry Styles. As I’m sure everyone on Tumblr already knows, lmao.)
• Steddie. Stranger Things — Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson. I also enjoy Billy and Steve, too. So Steddie and Hargrove are *chef kiss*. I will also do OC x OC too if interested, same as doing doubles for One Direction / 5 Seconds of Summer. 💜💖
My favorite prompts are —
enemies to lovers / supernatural / fantasy / action / childhood lovers, etc. I’ll probably update this more when I’m not at work, lol.
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
Looking for a roleplay partner that’s interested in any one of these listed below 🤧
• Larry Stylinson. (Louis Tomlinson x Harry Styles. As I’m sure everyone on Tumblr already knows, lmao.)
• Steddie. Stranger Things — Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson. I also enjoy Billy and Steve, too. So Steddie and Hargrove are *chef kiss*. I will also do OC x OC too if interested, same as doing doubles for One Direction / 5 Seconds of Summer. 💜💖
My favorite prompts are —
enemies to lovers / supernatural / fantasy / action / childhood lovers, etc. I’ll probably update this more when I’m not at work, lol.
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
if you're having a bad day or feeling down, listen to harry saying 'everything's gonna be fine' with ocean sounds in the background. everything will be fine.
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
It’s hard to explain why Larry and all this it is means so much to me. It’s weird, being borderline obsessed with two gay men who are twice my age that don’t know I exist. I get it, it’s weird, but I’m okay with people thinking that because it’s not weird to me. Larry, to me is a romance story of epic proportions. It is the tale of two lovers who fought to the bone for their love. Not only is it an epic love story, it’s a queer love story. One where the main characters sing the songs we dance to in our bedrooms and line the walls of our safe spaces. We grew up with them. Their voices were the soundtrack to every dodgeball tournament and every hockey warmup. For a lot of us, One Direction was our first introduction to pop music and being a fan of a band. The boys were important to so many young people all over the world, their impact is outstanding. What’s even more outstanding is the fact that two of those boys just so happened to fall in love. Imagine, meeting your soulmate and then travelling far and wide together, doing things you’d never thought possible with the person you love by your side. It’s every cliche come true. But, we know the truth. We know they couldn’t be out and proud, that they were forced to hide in the closet, taking on personas that couldn’t be further from who the truth. Suddenly the love story becomes one of closeting and abuse. Yet, they fought. They fought so fucking hard for eachother. They were loud and defiant in a world where they were told to be quiet and pliant. They proved to anyone that would listen that queer love is beautiful, that it can light up the darkest of rooms. They showed us that queer love is resilient and that no amount of hate can quell it’s desire to be seen. As a raging queer who grew up without seeing anyone like me, they gave me hope. They made me believe that one day I will have a love story that’s just as epic. They taught me that it’s okay to love who you love, that being queer isn’t a bad thing, that I can unapologetically be who I am. Larry is not just some stupid ship a bunch of bored teenage girls made up, it’s a beacon of light for queer fans. It’s a community that is built on support and acceptance. Even if it’s not real, that H is engaged to O and L has a kid and is in a long term relationship with El, the mere thought of it being real is enough. It’s enough because it’s introduced me to a whole new world. A world full of love and acceptance, wonderful people that I can call friends, song lyrics to memorize. A world filled with matching tattoos, rainbow bears, stunning music videos, and coded clothing. It’s given me something to look forward to, something to get excited about. Every new songs means something new to analyze. Every old photo and tweet still makes my heart beat faster. I’m happy being delusional and insane if it means I get to keep having something so special in my life. That is why Larry is so important to me and I will never apologize for it because I’m not sorry.
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
Harry’s Actual Dialogue
“Excuse me, waiter?”
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“Has my boyfriend arrived yet? His name is Louis. He’s very small.”
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“No? Okay.”
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“He should be here…I’ll text him.”
Boo Bear..where r u? All the love, Sugar Bear .x
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“That kale-dodging, Peter Pan motherfuckin hoe better have left the house by now.”
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“Is that h-”
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“Wait, no. That’s just a three year-old on a scooter.”
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
literally the cutest thing i’ve ever seen
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
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Harry Styles: Love on Tour ⤷ North America, 2021.
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
Yes please to vampire larry fic recs
Not the same anon btw
covered in lines - louis is human, harry is lucky enough to be his vampire boyfriend (not just my favourite vampire au, but one of my favourite fics ever!)
the lion man - louis is a vampire who loves tattoos and piercings as much as he loves a good feed. harry is a biology student who gets dragged to a vampire bar (really, of all places) by his friends and happens to have blood that tastes like maraschino cherries. they’re both a bit addicted and they're neither a bit ashamed (really lovely, little bit angsty but has a happy ending)
run and i’ll give chase - harry is a fledgling vampire without a maker. louis is graciously offering to fill that role (i haven’t read this in a long time but from what i remember it’s good and there’s a bit of a cat and mouse thing going on it also has daddy kink so i’m just warning you)
domestic monsters - harry is a witch who carries around a stuffed pumpkin, louis is a vampire with too much time on his hands, and their best mates zayn & niall aren't exactly what they seem...(this is just super cute and lovely)
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
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#31DaysofLarry Day 22 → Favorite Louis and Harry Tattoos
Donate to Harry and Louis’ birthday charities:
harry’s charity | louis’ charity | or buy something from redbubble
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
i know we keep saying this, but as someone who has been here since 2013…. it is just inconceivable to me knowing that louis is able to not only sing a song that resonates so heavily with the queer community but that his shows every single night are overwhelmed by pride flags and act like such a safe space for lgbtq+ fans. knowing how isolated he was from the community for so long and how guarded he’s had to be over the years regarding the community let alone rainbow colored…. anything, it is absolutely staggering to see this growth. to experience this outpouring of love. to be worried about the start of tour and how fans would react to rainbow projects. to now them not only being accepted at his shows but encouraged by everyone. to him performing the song tonight in an old, converted church with rainbow lights cascading across the entire venue. i couldn’t have dreamed of a day where pride flags and queer spaces would be synonymous with louis tomlinson concerts. i couldn’t have imagined him and his queer fans finally having the love and support they’ve always deserved back then. it’s so hard to explain to those who didn’t experience the way 1DHQ quickly silenced him back then and separated him from the community and a large portion of his fans how emotional this makes me. knowing in 2022 he is able to go out on his first solo tour and perform to a sea of rainbows and unwavering support is more than i could’ve ever believed. he deserves this so much. and i’m just so happy for him. so so happy for him and the fans who have continuously cultivated such a special place within his shows. ✨🌈
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larrysclique · 3 years ago
i honestly wish i had more larrie friends on here :(
i need the louis to my harry </3
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larrysclique · 4 years ago
fireproof by one direction but it’s just “i think i’m gonna lose my mind” and then the song ends
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larrysclique · 4 years ago
love fantasizing abt my own published book when i havent written a coherent sentence in years 
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