larastarfish · 8 years
petition to remove the “pe” and “ion” from petition
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larastarfish · 8 years
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Sick of your shit m8.
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larastarfish · 8 years
You know what we don’t talk about enough? 
Summer. Hogwarts.
Most of the teachers live there, so whilst some of them would be visiting family and friends or whatnot, a lot of them would just be partying it up at the ol’ HW for most of the summer -
The school grounds filled with all kinds of wildflowers, aside from Professor Sprouts overflowing yet well manicured garden that she always seems to be in (occasionally with help from Hagrid)
Hagrid playing fetch with the giant squid 
PROFESSOR. QUIDDITCH. (Madame Hooch sits on her broom, high above the arena, searching for the snitch, “Scared, McGonagall?” McGonagall narrows her eyes, “You wish.”)
Flitwick playing pranks on the other teachers but no one knows who’s doing them besides Dumbledore and he’s to amused to tell anyone
Professor Burbage finally finds out who charmed her teen vampire novels pink, and then proceeds to help Flitwick 
Snape wakes up to find the dungeon a nice, light shade of yellow. No one (save two) have any idea how to get it off because, Burbage says, “It seems to be a type of muggle paint. Speaking of which, Martha Stewart just released a rather fabulous line of summer colours, you know.” To which Dumbledore replies, “Ah, yes, that Sea Glass is simply divine.” And they walk off debating the merits of various paint colours while Snape is sat sputtering behind them
Filch going for joy-rides on the Hogwarts Express, and Mrs. Norris playing with the string that when pulled sounds the whistle
Hooch racing them on her broom
Great Hall sleepovers. Need I say more?
McGonagall and Dumbledore playing magical croquet on the front lawn in with bonnets and parasols 
Dumbledore deciding that he’s too tired to continue playing, so instead sits down and weaves the flowers through his beard
Snape being as sulky as he usually is, constantly frustrated by the others’ good moods and as such spends most of the time in the (still Light Daffodil yellow) dungeons, where people think he’s making lesson plans but he’s actually just mimicking his least favourite students in unnecessarily high and squeaky voices
Dumbledore putting a bonnet on Snape’s head when he passes him in the hall and telling him to “lighten” up
The pun earned him a fist bump from McGonagall
the students coming back in the fall, and having no idea (Dumbledore charmed the paint off the night before the first day of term)
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larastarfish · 8 years
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Many Ravenclaws are avid composers. Once they write a song, they go to the instrument closet in Ravenclaw tower, gather the needed instruments, and then enchant them to play their song. At the end of the year, all the budding composers put on a concert and many people from the other houses come to listen.
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larastarfish · 8 years
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Alan Rickman & Rima Horton
Alan met Rima in 1965 when he was 19 and she was 18 and the pair lived in London together from 1977 until his death.                            When asked what the secret was to his happy relationship - in April, Alan dropped the wedding bombshell, telling German newspaper Bild: “We are married, just recently. It was great, because no one was there. After the wedding in New York we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and ate lunch.”
“Mirror” 15 Jan 2016
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larastarfish · 8 years
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I am always sorted into Ravenclaw. I am a straight A student, graduating with 2 bachelors (4.0 for both). I work very hard and love learning. However, the idea of solving a riddle just to get to my common room sounds like a nightmare.
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larastarfish · 9 years
Somebody teach me how to tumblr I'm confused pls
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larastarfish · 9 years
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larastarfish · 9 years
<3 “Muggles think these keep evil away... but they’re wrong.”
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larastarfish · 9 years
Jeff Buckley is such a fucking beautiful person.
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larastarfish · 9 years
*Snape voice* : “Ronald. Weeeasleh.”
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larastarfish · 9 years
Halp. How do I even tumblr
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larastarfish · 9 years
She’s a foul fowl.
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larastarfish · 9 years
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larastarfish · 9 years
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:3 Teddy and Draco
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larastarfish · 9 years
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Y’all ever recall that Slytherin seeker from Harry’s 1sy year? Because DAYUM.
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