Dylan ;)
4 posts
I am a wroiter- I am also a drawer- 1. I created Dion.- 2. I made my best friend cry 5 times (in a row).- 3. I exist- Don't fucking steal my shit, you garbage can- she/he/they
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larafox9898 · 3 years ago
Zodiac story
Charity event, part one, Dion's (Taurus) letter
Warning, this story is 16+, so it may contain things such as: swearing, dirty jokes, darker topics, sexual innuendos, Dion, etc.
What you need to know before you read this letter: Daichi (Capricorn) and Dion (Taurus) work together. Daichi, being the boss, and Dion being his assistant/right hand man. The letter is very weird, but that is because it's written in a way that Dion would write it. If there are any questions or things that don't make sense, please feel free to ask away!
I blame the goatman for everything him and his stupid charity events dragging me around like I’m some kind of pet of his. That man piece of shit is so annoying. *sigh* I counted and I wanted to punch him in the face exactly 37 times tonight, but guess what I COOOOOOOOULDNT cause I don’t wanna get fired and go to that other motherfcker. I am stuck between a toilet and a bathroom. Hades why won’t you take me man this is so depressing. Maybe this whole writing thing isn’t so bad it sure is a good way for me to complain about these IDIOTS around me. *ssssiiiiiiiigggggh* I should probably explain what happened.
SO I was minding my damn business vibing scrolling through Tinder you know how it be WHEN SUDDENLY I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and there he was the bitch himself Mister Big Pants Daichi who just recently crawled out of who knows where to piss me off. He was all like “eyo dude I need you to come with me to this shit charity event right now lol fuck you” and so naturally I was like nah but he was persistent. THE MANS TOLD ME HE WOULDN’T PAY ME UNLESS I WENT WITH HIM. So I tried my best to tell him to leave me alone but then he did that thing of his.
He is a strange guy ya know. Has this energy around him. I don’t believe in that shit but he really knows how convince you. I’m no coward or a dumbass I’m the opposite actually but even I find it hard to sometimes tell him no. He just looked me in the eyes and smiled. It’s the smile that evil grin of his. It just looks so fake you know. It looks polite but there is something in his eyes. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s really unsettling. I have been working with him for quite a while now and let me tell ya when he pulls out that grin of his you do NOT want to argue with him. Last guy who did that went straight to Hades…...
Probably I’m guessing at least idk I haven’t seen him since maybe goatman just fired him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Anyway the fuck was I talking about again? Ah yes the charity event. Well I told him I’ll go cause I didn’t want to piss him off and I was not in the mood to argue with him so it was chill. He told me to get ready and come to his office at around 7pm. SO I put the tie around my neck put on my fancy pants on put on my clean shirt on and went to his office. Of course I had to take one of those pills Hunter gave us to hide my horns and shit.
MAN DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO BE A HALF DUDE HALF OX??? Sucks man I keep bumping into shit and my ears feel all weird ad furry and it’s so gross. I feel like an anime girl. BUUUUUT some ladies are into it. They just think it’s a costume but little do they know. I don’t like it when they touch my tail tho it feels weird. Like it’s my private thing don’t fucking touch it. Well I wouldn’t mind it if a hot chick touched it but when a some random ass person does its just kinds ew you know? AND I CAN’T EVEN HIDE IT IN MY PANTS CAUSE ITS TOO THICC AND LONG. Heheehehehhe
So I arrived at Daichi’s office and he was just vibing up there on the shelf as he does. I believe he was reading, the dude loves to read, fucking nerd. So I asked him “yo dude what’s up when are we leaving” and he was like “ey man we are leaving as soon as the limo arrives”. So I plopped my nice ass on the couch and lighted one. Boss was still up on the shelf he was never really the talkative type. We waiteeed and waiteeed but no limo came. And at this point I was starting to feel piiised. I WAS BOOOOORED >:(
SO I naturally started to complain. The conversation went smth like this:
“Ey Daichi it’s been half an hour where is this limo of yours?”
“It will be arriving shortly uwu”
“Are ya sure man? It’s been so long I’m so fucking bored man.”
Anyway the limo arrived eventually and then we got into it and left.
On our way to the event I decided that it would be a good idea to ask him some questions about the said event. He seemed to be in good mood just drinking his little champagne. I tried to keep it casual so I was like:
“Hey dude why exactly am I going here?”
He then explained how I’m his right-hand man and assistant and shit and how I gotta be there with him so naturally I got pissed and started to complain about how that’s not fair cause it’s not fair.
I told him how that’s bullshit and how he is just making excuses cause he didn’t wanna go this boring thing alone and he just “:)” at me. I thought he wouldn’t add anything to that, but then he added “You are kinda right.” and so then I was like ew dude fucking simp over here.
He then also told me it’s a charity event for kids and there will be kids there and so I died inside.
I was considering jumping out of the car since like I can’t die lol but just because I can’t die from natural causes and shit that doesn’t mean I can’t die from Daichi. Then I was thinking about running the moment we stopped but I was feeling lazy so eh.
Man, I hate kids. They are so stupid. Every time I see a kid I just get a sudden urge to see how far can they fly. I tried to steal a baby to prank Minnie, but fucking ADRIAN had to happen and he stopped me. Threatened to tell on me to the big man. So naturally I tried to kill him cause he ruined my prank. Anyway, the mans had some nightmares after that.
I asked the goatfucker what’s the point of this charity party thing and he went on about how it’s good for business or smth so I decided to ignore him lol. Then he started telling me about how my task is to ””””MAKE FRIENDS””””. I already have friends so idk why I need more but aight. I think that was his way of saying ””make connections”” or ””keep people distracted while I hide the body””. Can really be either or.
So eventually we arrived to this big ass mansion thing and we went inside. There was this big boy bouncer dude who first had to check if we are allowed in but of course he let us in cause how can you say no to this face? And we were also on the list so yeah.
So then what happened wa
Okay I just got a notification my favorite streamer is streaming. She is so fucking hot man I can’t miss this you get me? I saved so much of my money up just so I could donate to her. Maybe this time she will read my username fingers crossed.
Anyway imma continue this tomorrow probs lol nah
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larafox9898 · 3 years ago
Long post time
Alright, so, I have decided to post one of my stories onto here. I'm still not fully sure of the title for it, but for now, we can just call it "the zodiac story".
The story is about some people who died thousands of years ago and have now been revived as demi-gods. Each character represents one of the horoscope signs.
Although the story has a main plot line, beginning and an ending, I don't have time to work on that, so instead I just wrote a bunch of random chapters that you can read without needed to know much about the story. They are kinda just one offs, stand alones.
The chapters are written like letters. These zodiac characters (there is 14 of them) have been forced to write these letters, documenting and writing about all important things that happened to them since they have been revived. The trick with the letters is that, since each character is different and it's them writing, not all letters are the same. Some characters write more in detail, nicely, more truthfully, and some don't.
I'll be posting one of these random chapters (again, they are just one offs) after this post, and I'll explain there everything you need to know for that chapter. Let me know if you have any questions!
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larafox9898 · 3 years ago
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I AM BACK. Also, a drawing of Dion, cause yes (he is my oc btw, gonna be posting more on him and his "buddies" soon enough)
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larafox9898 · 3 years ago
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