Listless and Cynical
233 posts
Semi-selective Indie MHA OC, Please Read Guidelines and About before interaction. Written by Ladle
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
Snow corgi
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
If only it was as simple as evil people committing evil deeds, and only having to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (via theemotionmachine)
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
Poor and free rather than rich and enslaved. Of course, men want to be both rich and free, and this is what leads them at times to be poor and enslaved.
Albert Camus, Notebooks (via philosophybits)
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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@languidlightning said: “ are you sure you’re okay? ”
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Liz blinked in surprise, being pulled out of her lethargic state for just a brief moment. The blonde glanced up at the stranger with a raised brow. “Um…y-yes, I’m sure…I’m just really tired today, but it’s nothing big…” she muttered softly with a yawn. “Um…can I get you anything else…? A coffee, a muffin…?”
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“Not enough sleep, huh? I get it.” This is probably his third day without any sleep, that’s why he was there at all. He had to make sure to drink something strong in order to keep himself aware. Speaking of which, Eiichi pulled out his wallet, readying to pay the girl."I’ll take a café au lait please.”
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@languidlightning said: “ are you sure you’re okay? ”
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Liz blinked in surprise, being pulled out of her lethargic state for just a brief moment. The blonde glanced up at the stranger with a raised brow. “Um...y-yes, I’m sure...I’m just really tired today, but it’s nothing big...” she muttered softly with a yawn. “Um...can I get you anything else...? A coffee, a muffin...?”
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
Reblog if your muse is multiship!
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
send🥛for a drink headcanon
* talk about your muse! || Accepting
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Due to the nature of his quirk, Eiichi have a tendency to drink an unhealthy amount of coffee and energy drinks. He doesn’t particularly love it, but that’s something he usually deems necessary for him to use his quirk with the utmost efficiency.
However, if there’s something he actually loves to drink are alcoholic beverages, beer to be more specific. He’s somewhat of a lightweight when it comes to it since he rarely finds opportunity to drink, but when someone is constantly on the brink of being homeless constantly as he is, sometimes all he wants is to lay down and drink some nice cold beer. 
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
* talk about your muse!
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
send🥛for a drink headcanon
send 🐢 for a mental health headcanon
send 🦄 for a physical health headcanon
send ⌛for a sleep headcanon
send 💕 for a love headcanon
send 💣 for a stress headcanon
send 😵 for a sickness headcanon
send 🤲 for a religious headcanon
send 🏡 for a home headcanon
send 🍬 for a family headcanon
send 💼 for a work headcanon
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
send 😡 for an anger headcanon
send 💩 for a ridiculous headcanon
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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“Not really. It’s my job. If you feel safer keeping your name anonymous, I’ll make sure to screen anyone who may try to look for you.” 
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“That would be great...” Eiichi put his hands in his pockets, as he looked upon the other. “At least let me help you out carrying the shopping bags.”
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
     Had he hurt her?  In what way.  There were many ways.  He loved her once, she believed.  Cherished her being  &&  cared for her.  Deluded along the way;  her mind already attempting to justify his actions in fear of what the truth may be.  Yet, only a smile took her pained  &&  saddened expression.  To speak the truth, would to hurt the family name.  Hurt her son.  She couldn’t.  Nobody could.  Not yet.
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      “  Hurt me?  ”  Her voice wavered.  All those times she had once spoke up, none listened.  Not even to her pleas or her frights.  Lesser those who claimed to be her family.  Only she and her children knew.  “  We had our fights as a married couple often do.  I suppose we’d be too perfect of a family if he hadn’t any disagreements.  ”  A truth to hide the truth.
“  I suppose if it’s anything for you; the times we argued we hurt one another.  ”  A lie.  “  Although many of them had started because of him; I - suppose I am no better.  ”  How could she be?  A shakey exhale.  (  She was afraid.  )  “  But he did hurt me.  So, I’m still waiting for the apology and flowers.  ”
There had been neither way to answer.  To tarnish the name  -  To allow the Truth out like it were a mere water amongst the stream.  To bring shame to Enji.  Would all come back to her youngest.  Bring questions to their lost Eldest. 
If, just only.  Had see been such a better mother.  If only.
Eiichi knelt down next to her, his eyes meeting hers, an empathetic expression taking over his usual cold features. He had seen this kind of thing before... this kind of enabling behavior because of some sort of delusion of love one might have. His mother was no different, the difference is that while his mother was complicit in his father’s acts, this woman before him was but a mere victim of her husband, much like their kids. 
“Ma’am...” Eiichi spoke in a softer tone, still looking with compassionate eyes. “You do know... that’ll never happen, don’t you? 
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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“If it’ll ease your worries, I’ll make a note that no information is to be given out if someone comes asking and that anyone asking about you, should be directed to me.” He offered. “You don’t need to. I need to see what they have in the store anyways.”
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“You’d do that? That’s... awfully kind of you.” Something that Eiichi isn’t sure how to react to. “Well, I’d owe you  a lot, Officer.”
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
Feral AU Starter for @languidlightning
He’s perched high in a tree, curled in his puffed out wings against the chill in the air, watching the man below him. 
He’s looking for him, he knows, heard just enough of the conversation, knows enough of the language to piece it together. The people living here think he’s a wild animal, all because he trampled a few roses and scared their dog, the beast had barked and snapped at him first!
He doesn’t understand it. He’s done no harm, stayed out the way, careful, quiet. He’s not staying long, anyway, but he’d been curious. It’s been so long since he left the depths of the forest, seen humans, other humans, he’s still human, even if sometimes he forgets himself. 
He hadn’t been able to stop the urge to stay and watch, to try in vain to remind himself of being human, watching the small family. 
It doesn’t work, because the gentle, caring domestic bliss they live is something he’s never had. It just feels foreign to him. 
So now, he follows the new face instead. Wonders what he might be able to learn from this one. 
This was supposed to be an easy gig: Just help out a family capture the mysterious creature who scared their dog and destroyed their garden, it was simple enough. If the male had to guess, it was probably a raccoon or a stray dog trying to settle in a new territory.
At least that’s what he thought until he noticed a small clue sitting upon some destroyed flowers in said backyard... it was... some sort of feather? And by the looks of it, too big to belong to a pigeon or a crow.
“...Maybe a honey-buzzard?” Eiichi mumbled to himself as he started to walk through the neighborhood, looking for any sort of clue that might lead him to the creature who did all this.
The man kept walking, and... for a minute he could’ve sworn he felt that someone was following him. Eiichi couldn’t tell who, but he knew that there was someone near him. 
In order to test this theory, Eiichi went to walk away from the neighborhood, going to a more deserted part of the city, just hoping that whoever is following him would keep going. He finally reached an abandoned lot, to which he turned around.
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“Okay, I know you’re following me! Come out wherever you are!”
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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“No and still no. If you’re worried someone is going to come along looking for you, the files are confidential.”
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“Yeah, I figured, I had to try it anyway. I can still do your shopping if you want.”
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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“The answer is a no. But I’m willing to listen to the condition merely because I’m curious.”
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“C’mon officer, it’s nothing serious, I swear. Remember that minor infraction that it ended with me in the interrogation room? All I want is for my name to be scrubbed from the registry. Not even the full name, just the last one.”
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languidlightning · 4 years ago
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“I have to go to the shopping center but I don’t want to.”
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“I got superspeed, I can buy your stuff and bring it back for you. With one condition of course.”
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