laneyboo23-blog · 11 years
Harry You and I - This Christmas was not turning out the way you had pictured in your head.
The tree was up chirstmas lights hung outside there was even a little snow on the ground
everyhing was perfect the only thing that was missing was harry he was halfway across the
world, skype, calls, texts all helpd but it still wasnt the same as having him here with you.
You were going to your moms tonight for christmas you werent really feeling up to it but your mom and dad looked forward to having all the family together for the holidays.
So you got kaylee all wrapped up in her coat and scarf and headed out into the cold night loading all the familys presents in the car  just as your were getting ready to pull out you felt your phone vibrate seeing harrys name pop up on the screen brought a smile to your face.
"Hey baby what are you guys up to ? "Just getting ready to head to moms for christmas i wish you were here" you said trying not cry knowing harry felt bad enough about not being able to be there with you.  "Well Love i got some bad news management booked 3 more shows im not going to be able to make it home im so sorry you know i hate being away from you guys." I know you cant help it  i understand its not your fault your popular you said with a laugh trying to lighten the moment. "I know but i know your upset and theres nothing i can do to make it better. "But listen love i hate to make the phone call short but we are recording a song i gotta hop off. "I love you i miss you ill talk to you later babe give kaylee kisses for me please."
You pulled up to your mom and was starting to unload the presents from the back and inside wishing tonight would just be over and you could just got home and go to bed. "Hey sweetie just hand the presents to dad your mom hollered from the kitchen she was finishing up dinner so you walked in there to see if she need any help bringing stufff out. "Kaylee you want to help papa hand gifts out tonight?" he asked sitting under the tree trying to sort through all the packages  kaylee ran up under the tree and took a seat on your dads lap.
The night went pretty easy it nice getting to spend time with your family but after a few hours you were ready to head home and finally get everything settled for the night and get to bed. "Who wants to stay and watch how the grinch stole christmas your dad yelled from the living room, "Thanks dad but we really need to being heading home you said gathering up your presents and grabbing kaylees coat "Aww come one sweetheart its only a couple hours and how often do you get a chance to watch this movie ? "Please mommy can we stay and watch it  pleeeeeasse kaylle whined pulling at your coat, "I guess you said seeing how much your daughter wanted to stay you sat your stuff down and took a seat next to kaylee. You had dosed off at some point when you heard a knock at the door you started to tell your dad but you saw kaylee snuggeled up both of them fast and asleep and your mom was know where in sight.  "Its midnight who would be coming over now you thought , "Who is it you said being cautious seen it was so late, "Special delivery for kaylee styles , "Wait what you said opening the door seeing harry holding a present and some misletoe  "Oh my god harry what are you doing here you said jumping into his arms . "I thought you had a concert? "Yea well i needed to pick up my christmas presents first he said softly kissing your lips "I....I dont have yours wrapped nothing i didnt except you im sorr.... but harry cut you off wrapping his arms around you "Baby you and kaylee are my presents  there is nothing else i want more then to have you guys with me ."So i guess we better grab kaylee and head home so you girls can pack featuring we have a plane to catch at 5 in the morning "i love you , i love you more harry said walking in to grab kaylee . You guys had a awsome time and a christmas you will never forget.
It was you and louis movie night and you had snacks blankets and were snuggled on the couch watching your favorite chrtistmas movie The Santa Clause 2 . "Babe would you like some popcorn"? "Sure you need any help you said seeing him trying to balance two drinks and a bowl "I got this babe he said setting the stuff down and sitting back down beside you . "What time is it you said trying to find you cell phone?" Its 1230 he said pulling out his phone. "Its getting late i guess i should be heading home you said slipping your shoes back on and grabbing your sweater. "Uhh.. yea ill walk to the door he said getting back and slipping his hoodie on. "Thanks for having me over it was great you said smiling , "Yea anytime babe you know i always enjoy hanging out with you. "Yea well.. ill talk to you tommrow you said as you were getting ready to walk out the door you felt a hand grab your arm and turn you around. Next thing you know louis lips were touching yours and you were froze. "Umm.. wow you said blushing and just kind of looking down . "You know ive been wanting to that forever now looked good he said laughing. "Uh yea it was perfect , "Why dont you just stayover tonight you can sleep in my room ill take the couch  its been snowing and its freezing out. "Il grab you some sweatpants and a sweater , "Sure you said setting your purse down. After you got dressed you saw louis setting his pillows and covers up ."Hey thanks for letting me stay , but you dont have to sleep downstairs i mean i dont want your back hurting . "Oh dont worry love ill be fine not like i never slept on the couch. "Well i kind of want you to sleep with me its kind of lonely up there i mean if you dont mind? "Of course love lets go.
It was almost 7 you hated to get up and leave the warmth of your bed but todays was girls day your friend stepahnie had flew in from colorado and you were going to spend the whole day with her.  "Babe where are going its early liam said grabbing your hand, "Im going to take a shower im meeting steff for breakfast remember?" Its like the second day i have been home in like 2 months and you leaving? "Babe i told you she was coming shes been having a hard time i told her she could come stay for a couple days. "So what are you guys doing today i mean is it going to take all day for breakfast? "No but i mean we are going to go shopping and get our nails done. "And me? "Liam i cant believe so upset about this its not a big deal its not like its going to be late when i get back. " Yea thats fine im going to go take a shower , "Liam really is this how its going to be ? fine whatever im going ok have a nice day. You grabbed your keys and heading out the door upset that liam was mad but you decided you were just going to try to enjoy your day anyway. "Your acting different whats wrong are you ill?
"No im ok its just liam was being grumpy this morning its just kinda bugged me its not a big deal. "Are you guys ok? "Yea i mean hes gone so much sometimes i wonder if im still good enough for him i mean he could have any girl he wants why me? "Hes my whole world you know he makes me smile he take cares of me hes just so wonderful sometimes i wonder if its to good to be true. "He loves you i know he does i see the way he looks at you the way he always has him around you like hes protecting you im not even around much but believe me girl he loves you. " I know i just insecure sometimes i guess but anyway enough about my problems how are you im glad you got to come. "Im glad to be here its been forever since we have got to hang out you know i miss it.  "But hey i can tell this whole liam thing is bothering you why dont you go talk to him. "No its suppposed to be a girls day i dont want to ruin it , "Its ok really i understand , "Thanks so much you said giving her a hug and grabbing your purse. You got home and noticed liams car was still in the drive and was happy he was still there. "Liam babe im home , "Upstairs love im just laying down . "What are you doing home so early i thought you guys were doing a day. "I know but i missed you said laying down beside him. "Babe you didnt have to leave im sorry the way i acted this morning i shouldnt have snapped at you. "I guess i just worry sometimes your going to get sick of putting up with me leaving all the time and not being around and i guess i just took my frustration out on you im so sorry love. "I want to know that no matter where i am or what im doing your always on my mind and your the reason i get up everymorning you know that right. "Theres nothing that could tear us apart.  Soon you were both asleep in each others arms the way it was ment to be.
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laneyboo23-blog · 11 years
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laneyboo23-blog · 11 years
who wants to move to new york with me
we can get a tiny shoe box apartment that’s too expensive
explore the city daily
become regulars at some coffee shop 
have sleepovers in the living room
marathon our favorite movies and tv shows
sit together while we blog
always order in because we’re too lazy to cook
play board games
and idk maybe we could get a cat or dog
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laneyboo23-blog · 11 years
harry oneshot
My last couple days with cancer and harry
"Harry would you please help me sit up i want to see the sun i said trying to pull myself up ,"Of couse harry said gently lifting me up farther "Thanks love i said kissing his cheek, "How are you feeling ? "I feel wonderful come sit with me i said taking his hand and pulling him beside me. "Its so pretty today the sunshining and look you can see the flowers starting to bloom i would love to go outside and sit for awhile. "Well let me go get your wheelchair and ill help you out, "Could you just hold on to me and help me walk?. "But the nurse said you were to weak to be up by yourself what if you fall. "Well im not alone i got you i think i can take a few steps outside without having to be wheeled around. "Here  he said wrapping his arms around my waist and guiding me out. "Umm. the sun feels so good its so cold in that hospital room i said setting myself down on the  bench. "I love fall everything is so beautiful outside and so natural ."You remember our first date i made you go to my fall festival at church and you dressed up as a pumpkin and helped the little ones pick out there pumpkins , You know thats when i knew that you were the one for me so sweet good with kids and not bad looking i said with a giggle. "Haha i hated that pumpkin outfit but i was tryin to impress you so it was worth it i guess. "I love you harry ,I love you to baby he said taking my face in his hands and kissing my lips. "You look like your tierd lets get you back in bed,"Ahh alright i said wraping my arm around his and walking back inside. "Laying here in bed seeing harry beside me just makes me think how lucky i am and how i know hes going be the best father when im gone i try to stay postive for harry because i know he wants to think that a mircale is going to happen and im going to be ok and i wish i could tell him thats true. But the doctors told me even if i did the intensive chemo and radiation it would only prolong my time a little bit longer. I don't want  to spend what time i have left to sick to enjoy my time. So after a long battle with harry about stopping all my treatments he understood and just wanted me to be happy. Without harry i know i would have givin up a long time ago him and layla are the only reason i fight to wake up everyday. Even on my darkest days when harrys wraps his arms around me and i look into eyes i just lose myself for  a moment i forget how sick i am. When its time to go to bed harry sings to me he thinks its embarassing but theres just something in his voice that still makes my heart beat fast. Today we took  layla to the park and harry brought a blanket and we just layed in the grass and watched layla play. He doesnt know how much that moment ment to me to just be able to enjoy being with my family without all the tubes and medicene hooked up. "Come here love harry said walking me to the swings hang on he said walking behind me . "One two three fly he said giving me a big push,"Harry i said laughing as he was standing behind me he looked so happy and carefree which doesnt happen very often anymore , i know he tries to be strong for me but i know some days everything just gets to him but he never shows it. "Mama look i found a leaf it looks like a heart, "Aww baby thats beautiful i said pulling her on my lap "Mamas got a scrapbook at home well have to put that in there i said kissing the top of her head. "Daddy look "Its beautiful angel harry said sitting down beside us. We had a pretty good couple months and i started to go downhill and i knew my time was coming up so one night while harry was sleeping i wrote him a note just incase i never got to tell him everything i was thinking. Dear Harry , i know you dont like talking about this so i decided to write it all down for you.Youll never know how you changed my life  if you knew how lonely mine  was before you and how i waited for someone to come along and change my life like youvve done. I Know your scared your not going to able to make it when im gone but you have to because you still have layla and she needs you in her life as much i as i do. And whenever you feel lonely just look into her eyes and youll see me i am never far away. When the sunshines thats me smiling down on you guys. When the wind blows that me softly kissing your cheek and when the moon shines that me looking down on you guys . As i sit here watching you sleep with layla in your arms i know your going be ok and i am to and everythings going to somehow work out  but thats enough rambling ill let you go now just remember i love you guys so much and even if you cant see me im always right there beside you.   "Im sorry Mr. Styles but i dont think shes going to make it through the day the nurse said after checking my vitals "Her body is slowly shutting down now might be a good time to say your goodbyes. "Baby can you here me he said taking my hand and holding it to his chest as i felt his wet tears run down my hand."How am i supposed to do this without you you cant leave me she needs her mom i need you please dont leave me. "Hey harry i said opening my eyes sit down beside me i said as he walked over to the bed. "Listen i know this is hard but you can do this i know you can your the strongest person i know  youll be ok you get to take our baby to his first day of school, first dance graduation and her wedding day and you know what ill be there every step of the way helping you along. But im tierd harry my body just cant take it anymore its time for me to go home be free from this hospital and pain and be well again. Promise me youll never give up and if along the road you meet somebody and fall in love again just know you have my blessing and every right to be happy , shell be a lucky girl. "Kiss me i said closing my eyes and within a couple hours i finally got to go home . Harry gave me a beautiful funeral and  the most amazing flowers on my grave. I Know this is going to be hard but i know the boys will take good care of him and so will layla. And ill will always be in heaven looking down at my two angels on earth.
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laneyboo23-blog · 11 years
does louis tomlinson have a google plus account does anyone know i thats really him and if it is he gets on tumblr a lot cause he has copyed posts on there ???
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
Reblog if you legitimately don't think you're beautiful.
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
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This isn’t some tan girl covered in makeup with perfectly straight hair and a perfect smile. This is a girl with Pfeiffer Syndrome, who has had bangs her whole life to hide her forehead and struggles everyday to be okay with looking this way. She’s had several surgeries and will have a couple more. she can’t wear makeup much, her eyes are sensitive. Her jaw is misaligned. Her forehead is too thick and has to be shaven down. Her cheekdowns have to be moved forward by surgery. when she was four she had something called a ‘halo’ which was a metal circle screwed into her skull and jaw.
though she fought through it medically, she struggles everyday with the emotional sideeffects. she doesn’t look like her family or her friends. she may never look normal. she has depression and eating issues because of what she has had to accept about herself. she has done awful things to be pretty.
nobody ever sees her without makeup or without bangs.
until now.
She, is me.
and if I make your blog ugly, than don’t reblog this. but if you can be one of the few people in my life who I know are fully comfortable with it, than reblog this so people know.
you are beautiful. even if you don’t realize it, you are. everyone is,
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
Reblog if you're unattractive and awkward.
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
Does anybody have any requests for preferences??? let me know and ill work on them thanks xxx
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
ipod shuffle
Ipod shuffle
Harry-(Bruno Mars Count on me)
It had just been a really bad day and all you wanted to do was crawl in your bed and hide your boyfriend had dumped you a couple days ago and work was getting on your last nerve and you just didnt want to be around anybody. As you were heading upstairs to change cloths you heard you cell phone going off and wanted to just ignore you but after you saw Harrys picture pop up you decided to answer it. "Hey harry whats up you said as you finished getting dressed. "Not a whole lot was wondering if you wanted to go get some dinner with me? "Thanks for the offer but i think im just going to stay in tonight you said as you sat down on your couch. "Are you sick, do you need anything harry asked concerend. "No im good just worn out you said flipping the channels,. "Well if you dont want to come out ill come to you, "Aww thats sweet harry but you dont have to come, but he had already hung up and you knew he was on his way. About 5 minutes later you heard a knock at you door. "Its open Hazza come on in you said turning off the televison. "Hey love harry said sitting down beside you.  "I know youve had a bad week so i was thinking we could eat ice cream and watch sad movies thats why you do when your friends had a breakup right? "Your so stupid you said laughing. "So what do you want to do first, harry said kicking off his shoes and sliding down beside you sharing your cover. "So tell me whats going on harry said scooting closer to you. "I just dont understand why he has to be such an ass sometimes , i mean i know he loves me but i just dont know how much more i can take, "Well he surely is a dumbass  if he cant see how wonderful you are, i mean your sweet, beautfiul , caring i mean i could go on harry said wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Hang on harry said walking getting up and walking over to his guitar case. "What are you doing ? you said ass harry sat back down beside you "Well i have been working on a new song and i want to know what you think, "Really i am the first person to hear it? thats awsome harry you said sitting back excited to hear it. "If you find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea , Ill sail the world to find you , If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you cant see ill be the one to  guide you, find out what were made off cause we all call to help our friends in you need, You can can count on me like on two three and ill be there and i know when i need you i can count on your like 432 and youll be there cause thats what friends are supposed to do."If your tossing and your turning and you just cant fall asleep ill sing a song beside you, and if you ever foget how much you really mean to me everyday i will remind you. I can count on cause you can count on me . "What did you think? "Harry that was beautiful you said with tears in your eyes. "You are going to make some girl a very lucky wife sometime ,you said laying your head on his shoulder. "Well i kind of already had someone in mind? "Oh really aww im happy for you. "And i was hoping she would really love this song cause it was about her, "So since she said she loves it i guess i did a good job."What do you mean you said confused. "Well i just sang it for the girl i love and she said it was beautiful so thats good right. "Wait it was me im the girl you said shocked but you couldnt hide the smile on your face. "Well you are my best friend and quite pretty so yea i was thinking about you harry said moving closer to kiss you. "Ill always be here for you i love you. "Harry i love you to you said snuggling in his arms "I cant believe im the lucky girl , and im the lucky guy. Harry had just made your night the best night you could remember.
Louis( Lifehouse-falling in)
You and louis had been friends for years but lately you and him had been spending pretty much everyday together and you were starting to wonder if maybe you were starting to feel more than just friends for him but you didnt want to take the chance to ruin your friendship. "Get this out of your head you and louis are just friends you said getting your clothes together to go take a shower louis would be here in less than a hour you guys were supposed to go shopping today. You had went to the mall a couple weeks ago and you picked out the perfect outfit. Before you knew it you heard a horn honk and looked out the window to see louis car pulling into your driveway, "Ill be right out you said you couldnt help but feel butterflys fluttering in your stomach. "Hey babe louis said kissing you on your cheek and opening the door for you. "What a gentlemen you said giggling as he shut your door. "So where do you want to go first, the mall to eat, wherever you want to go."Ive got and idea why dont we go boating , its a pretty day. "That sounds fun, you said not caring what you guys did as long as you were with louis. "Two lifejackets please lou said getting your stuff for the boat. "Be careful louis said taking your hand and helping you into the boat, "Umm maybe i should mention i cant swim you said embarassed, "Dont worry babe i got you he said sqeezing your hand. "This so relaxing lou it was such a good idea you said looking around. "Well im glad your having fun louis said sitting down beside you. All the sudden you felt your line move, "Hey i think i got something you said trying to cast your line in, "Here let me help you, Lou the boats tipping but he didnt hear you before you knew it you were in the water. "Lou i cant swim help me you said starting to freak out "Oh my god hang on take my hand easy does it got you he said pulling you back up. "Well that was scary you said laughing at how stupid you felt. "Here come here wrap this towel around you. He said rubbiing your arms up and down to try to warm you up. "Here your makeups running he said taking the towel and wiping your face off. "I think i got it lou said getting closer to your face, "Uh yea im good you said feeling youself blush. "Hang on i missed a spot lou said bringing your face closer " There he said as you felt his warm breathe on your face and before you knew it his lips was touching yours, "Umm.. yea i got it now he said backing away from you, maybe we should call it a day he said gathering things up. "Lou wait you said did we just kiss you said trying to not jump up and down in joy. "Uh yea about that im sorry it shouldnt have happend lou said not wanting to make eye contact with you. "Well just so you know i enjoyed it you said smiling. "Really i did to louis said with a smile back. "Ive been wanting to tell you something for a long time ,"Whats that you said scooting closer. "Well you kind of make my heart race when your around its like my world stops and its just you me , "im sorryi hope you dont hate me now do you, "Hate you lou i feel the same way i have for a long time you said taking his hands, "So are we going to try this , "Im in you said kissing his lips.  "I love you lou you said kissing his lips "I love you to he said holding you close.
Zayn( Moments- one direction)   It was the lastnight before zayn left for tour and you were dreading the next day so you had asked zayn to spend the night with you. "Babe im here you heard zayn yell from downstairs, "Up here in the room you said laying down on the bed, "Hey love he said kicking off his shoes and laying down wrapping his arms around you. "Do you really have to go on tour? can we just say your sick. "I wish it was that easy he said with a laugh but i cant let the fans down babe you know that. "I know but ill miss you to much you said wrapping your hand around his. "Im going to miss you to more than you know babe your all i think about when im gone. "I know im sorry im not trying to make you feel bad you said seeing the sad look on his face. "I know babe i understand believe me. "Here im going to shut my phone on off will lock the door and it will just be me and you the whole night he said grabbing his phone and powering it off."What if managment needs you ? "Theyll have to wait he said wrapping his arms around you waist. You layed back down and zayn crawled on top off you kissing your lips slowly, starting to unbutton your shirt as you lifted his shirt over his head. He started to kiss down your neck and moved down your chest and stomach, you started pull his pants off and he lifted your legs up on his shoulders pulling you closer, his lips never leaving yours. "I love you said as you layed your head on his chest. "I love you to he said wrapping his arms around you could feel his body tremebling beneath you. Suddenly you felt a warm tear slide down your cheek, "Baby are you crying you said turning to look up at him. "Im sorry im ok he said trying to hurry and wipe his eyes, "No baby whats wrong you said kissing his cheek, I just dont want this night to end he said pulling you closer to him. "Lets not think about tommrow right now baby you said rubbing your hand along his arm trying to calm him down. "Your right lets just enjoy being together right now he said kissing your lips you guys ended up never leaving each others arms the rest of the night and thats exactly how you wanted it.
Liam(Mariah Carey-Through the rain)
Five months ago you felt like you had the perfect life a amazing husband and new beautiful baby boy there wasnt anything else you could ask for you never imagined one day could change your life forever. When taylor was born he was a perfect 7lb 6 ounce baby with beautfiful blond hair, warm brown eyes and was completly healthy. But at two months you started to notice that he had not been gaining as much as weight as he should but you werent to worried about it. "Hey babe come here, you hollered for liam in the living room. "Hold him do you think he feels a lot lighter to you?"Yea maybe a little im sure hes ok baby we should just mention it at his appointment tommrow im sure hes fine he said kissing your forehead. "Liam hurry up its 3 his appoiment is at 315 ,"Coming he said grabbing his keys. " You guys got to the doctor and you and taylor sat down in the wating room while liam checked you guys in. "Dr. Carter should be with you shortly Mr.Payne she said writing your name down. "Thanks liam said coming and sitting down beside you "Hes fine baby i know it he said taking your hand. "Taylor Payne right this way the nurse said leading you down the hall. "So how are we doing he said laying taylor down on the table, "Well hes been really fussy lately and hes been losing weight we have been trying to feed him every couple hours hes just not taking very much. "Yes i see that hes lost about about 3 pounds since last time he was here. "Well even though im sure its nothing i would like to send you guys to the hospital and just run couple tests and just see if we can find out why hes not eating. "The the hospital is he ok doctor , im sure hes fine Mrs.Payne just want to be sure whats going on. As soon as you guys left the doctor you headed up to the hospital . "Um my son taylor needs someblood work done you said handing the nurse the information sheet. "We should be right with you have a seat, "I dont know why he had to come to the hospital you said getting nervous, "Im sure its just precautionary just so they can give him the right medicene calm down liam said taking your hand. "We will see taylor the nurse said motioning for you to follow her. "Will take good care of him the nurse said as you handed him to her. "The doctor will come see when we have the results. "Thank you very much liam said as you walked back to your seats. "Its been two hours what is taking them so long you said getting impatient. "Im sure theyll be done soon , love . "Mrs. payne the doctor would like to speak to you please, follow me. "Ah mr and mrs payne please have a seat. "So i went over taylors blood work and i must say i am quite concerend because his body doesnt seem to be making enough cells and as much as i hate giving anybody this new im afraid taylor has cancer. "What there must be a mistake taylors fine hes not sick i know hes not , "Mrs.Payne im so sorry i know is a really horrible time but they are many treatments now and we will do anything we can to make sure taylor gets the best treatments avaialble. "I think i am going to send taylor to kosairs children hospital they specialize in young children with serious illnessses and i assure you they will take good care of you. You didnt say much liam was already completly breaking down so you had to hold it together and be the strong one for taylor and liam. Within hours you guys were on your way to the hospital wanting to get treatments started as soon as possible. It killed you to see your little man hooked up to all kinds of machines just laying there so small and helpless. Liam had been a wreck not eating, sleeping definetly not taking care of himself, you looked out the door and saw liam staring out the window in his own little world. "Baby you ok you said wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head on his shoulder. "No im not i cant handle this i cant see him like this its killing me i cant fuction . "Believe me i feel the same way hes my baby boy to you know but we are the parents were the ones thats got to handle all this hes just a small helpless little boy, we got to to keep it together for him hes all thats important right now, but babe if you dont start taking care of yourself better youll be layin up here and lord knows i cant handle that to so please look at me you said lifting his chin to you. "I know things look really bad right now, and they are im not going to lie im scared to death just as much as you are but everyday we need to say a little prayer of thanks that hes here right now and even though hes really sick that these treatments are going to make him so much better and before we know it we wont be able to keep up with him. "We are going to make it through this storm sweetie together we can do this ok i love you sooo much please go take a nap for me ok. "Alright only for you but you wake me up for anything ok i dont care how long wake me up. "Ok ok i willi swear goodnight you said pecking his lips. "Hey little man we love you mommy and daddy are right here and i swear we arent going anywhere till your perfectly healthy again ok so you got to get better ok you couldnt help but smile as taylor wrapped his hand around your finger as if telling you he knew exactly what you ment.
Nial( Taylor Swift Stay Beautiful)
Nial had been getting some hate on twitter lately and as much as he tried to act like he didnt care you knew deep down that it was starting to get to him. "Baby its almost noon are you ever going to get out of bed you said fixing your hair in in the bathroom. "Oh yea sorry princess just more worn out than i thought nial said getting out of bed."Youve been really different lately are you sure you ok babe you said wrapping your arms around his neck. "Im good love just all the traveling finally caught up with me i guess. "Well i wanted to spend some time with you before your show tonight. "Just let me get dressed love and ill meet you downstairs. "Alright ill be on the couch when you come you said blowing him a kiss. "God why am i so ugly, no wonder nobody likes he said looking in the mirror. "Maybe the fans are right maybe i am holding the band back from being better. Nial came and sat beside just kind of staring into space, "Nial , Nial "Oh hey whats up after you finally caught his attention. "Come on babe tell me whats the matter, i know somethings wrong nial ive known you longer than that. "Youve been on twitter again havent you reading those comments from the dumbass people. "What if they arent dumb what if they are telling the truth maybe i should leave the band ill never be as cute as the rest of the guys, they might be better off nial said staring at the floor. "Nial Horan i cant not believe i just heard those words come out of your mouth. "Get over here you said pulling him down beside you. "You are the most beautiful person i know inside and out. "Baby when you smile you light up the whole room , dont even get me started on your eyes cause wooh they take my breathe away you are they most sweet thoughtful person i know. "Your just saying that cause your my girlfriend and you love me, "Baby i bet if you looked at all the bad comments there a million more that say how much they love you. "You want to know why because anybody that knows you or has the slightest clue about you loves you, how could they not you said sitting down on his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. "Give me you phone im going to keep it till you start seeing how amazing you are cause love your the only one that dont see that. "I love you always know what to say to make me feel like im the luckiest guy on earth he said running his hand through your hair. "Well remember that cause i dont want some prettier girl snatching you away cause your all mine got it you said laughing. "Youll never have to worry about that love your always going to be my princess nobody can ever change that.  Sorry about the different lengths for each one it all kind of depended on the song that came up hope you like it though :)
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
harry oneshot
You just got off work and all you wanted to do was go home take a hot bath and head to bed. "Harry, im home you hollered slipping your shoes off at the door. "Babe you here"? you saw his keys on the rack so you knew he couldnt be to far away. "Uh.. yea babe hang on ill be right down. You had already stretched out on the couch you didnt want to move. "You ok babe, harry said as he lifted your legs up to sit down. "Yea just tierd and stressed you said relaxing as he rubbed your legs. "Well go change into something comfy and meet me outside, "What, why? you said confused "Just do it harry said walking to the door. So you walked upstairs slipping on your sweats and one of his hoddies . "Ready babe harry said taking your hand. "Im not sure where are we going , you said getting slightly nervous."Just close your eyes and follow me he said leading you down your steps. "Are we at the beach you said starting to feel sand beneath you feet. "Yes, but dont open your eyes yet, harry said still guiding you. After walking a little father harry finally told you to open your eyes. There was a cover layed out candles lit all around the blanket and a bottle of champagne. "Harry what is all this you said  as he lead you on the blanket. "Its for us he said slipping of his shoes and sitting down beside you."Come here harry said pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist. "Harry this is amazing you said wrapping your hand in his "Im glad you like it he said starting to kiss your down your neck, "I want you, he said barely a whisper in your ear sending chills up your spine. "He gently pushed you down on the blanket and crawled on top off you, "How did i get lucky enough to find you? harry said looking into your eyes. Harry started slowly kiss you while unbuttoning your shirt , "Harry wait you said sitting up. "Whats the matter dont you want me?" "Of course i do harry i just i think were moving a little fast right now."We have been together 2 years, im sorry but i dont think this is moving fast harry said getting frustrated. "I know harry and believe me i love you more than anything you know that. "Do i? harry said getting up to slip his shoes on. "Harry, stop your not listening to me , "No i heard you perfectly clear you dont dont want this so fine ill be at home . "Harry! you said hollering as he walked back up the beach,  but he just ignored you and kept walking , you couldnt believe how amazing this night started and it went to hell in five minutes. So you gathered up the blanket and the bottles and started to head to the house. . "Harry where are you said not seeing him in the living room. This is crazy you said walking up to your room to find harry laying face down on the bed. "Harry talk to me you said sitting down beside him. "Look i just want to go to bed ok harry said without even looking at you. "What the hell did i do to you? said starting to get fed up with his attitude. "Nothing ok just leave me alone, "No i want you to tell me what i did to make you so mad. "I worked so hard on this tonight i told the boys i couldnt come to the studio even tho we have tons of work that needs to be done and i THOUGHT i was planning a amazing night for me and my girlfriend but i was clearly wrong . "So this all because i told you i didnt want to have sex right then when you wanted to me. " I thought i was your girlfriend not your horror . "Horror you think thats what  i think about you , really wow i am really seeing the true you tonight he said walking to the door. "No , you said locking the room door you are not going anywhere till we talk about this you said blocking the door. "There isnt anything to talk about he said sitting back down on the bed, "Uh yea there is obviously a lot to talk about. "Fine talk he said sitting down with his arms crossed. "Harry you know i love you more than anything and you are the only person i ever want to be with. "Yea well it doesnt seem like it much lately harry said looking down."What do you mean by that? you said confused,"Ive been on tour for like 6 months and you know what i thought about everynight how i couldnt wait to get home and show you how much i missed you because you derseve to know that but that must not be how you feel. "Harry just because i asked you to wait all the sudden you dont mean nothing to me? "I just wanted for one night for you to not be stressed out and so worried about everything and just relax i wanted you to just let go and just take control and just show me how much you cared and that you missed me but that obviously didnt work, "But look its only 8 im going to go to the studio and work on some stuff with the boys, ill be back later harry said walking out without even kissing you bye,  you couldnt believe how awful everything had turned out but you knew you had to make it up to him. So you got ready and drove down to the studio you couldnt believe you were doing this but harry was right you hadnt made much effort lately to make him feel special so he deserved this. You pulled up to the studio and walked in but didnt see the boys, "Hey paul harry here? "Uh yea the boys are down the hall first room on the right "Thanks you said making your way down the hall.  You knocked on the door louis came to the door, "Harry i think someone is here for you said as harry started walking to the door. "What is it were busy harry said shutting the door behind him . "You were right i should show you how much i care you said kissing his lips, and im ready now you said giving him a sweet smile "Hang on you said opening the door, "Umm lads harry is going to be busy the rest of the night so hell see you in the morning you said closing the door before anybody could say anything "What are you doing harry said as grabbed his hand and led him out to the car, "Im doing what i should have done earlier make you feel as special as you do me . You guys went home and had the best night you had for a long time and harry had a smile that didnt leave his mouth for week.
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
imagine of preferneces
If anybody wants a prefernece of a imagine i would try to write on for you im not great but i would try me best so if you want to try just send me a request thanks :) xxx
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
Ipod shuffle preference
 Ipod shuffle preference
Zayn(Lifehouse-Had enough)
 You had finally thought that  all your dreams of meeting prince charming and living the fantasy life had finally came true because for once your reality was even better than you could imagine. But lately you wondered if maybe fantisies  really did excist.  Zayn used to go above and beyond to make you feel like you your were the most beautiful girl on the planet, but things had changed lately and it wasnt for the better. "I cant do this anymore , im tierd of feeling like im alone all the time , i shouldnt have to second guess if you still want me around, you said as you felt tears build up in your eyes. "So this is all my fault right just like always your the angel that married a piece of shit, "I didnt say that , you said looking down. "Stop with the fucking bullshit i now what your family thinks about me , all their fake smiles till they have you alone telling you ruined your life.     "But you know what its not like im living the amazing life either, "How many times have you went out with your friends and i never once asked what you did why it was 2am when you came in did i? "Godamit i asked you a question he said now sceaming at you ,"No you said stepping back and wrapping your arms protectivly around your chest, But i go out everyday be gone for months working my ass off and when i come in do you give me a hug , want to just spend time with me no you just start accusing me off stuff you have no idea about. " You know that i love you with all my heart and i would walk to the end of the earth for you, but i dont know if their is anything to hold on to anymore, he said turning away so you wouldnt see the silent tears roll down his cheek."So that its one fight and your giving up'? "Im not giving up im letting go, i want to breathe, im tierd of trying to hold on to something thats already gone." "Zayn dont do this i love you , you know that you said now sobbing,"Im tierd of being hurt he said picking up his bag. But just so you know i do love you and even tho you dont feel the same nothing will ever change that.
Harry( Sunday morning -marron 5)
Harry had came home from tour lastnight and you had forgot how good it was to wake up and be able to wrap your arms around him. "Good morning baby you said laying your head  on his shoulder. "Morning mrs . styles he said pulling you on top of him and holding you close to him. "Have i told you how amazing you are, he said kissing your lips. "Maybe a time or so you said giggling."Well you were quite amazing lastnight he said with a smirk "Shut up you said slapping his arm playfully."Ow he said holding his arm."Aww do you want to me kiss it you said pouting your lip."Yes please and right here and here to he said pointing to his lips with a sad face. "Im so glad im home he said pulling you closer to him. "Me to you said pulling the cover up and scooting closer. "So what do you want to do today he said shopping, go out for dinner go to a club whatever you want to do love, i promise i wont complain he said laughing. "Hmmm.. well  as wonderful as all those things sound i kinda like what were doing right now. "Really cause thats exactly what i thought to he said with that sweet smile that melted you heart."Well it is kind of nasty weather outside and i am pretty comfy you said with a smile."Well there is not other place in the world i would rather be right now anyway he said holding you close. You guys rented movies and stayed in bed.
Louis(Rascal Flatts- I wont let go)
 You guys had been trying for almost 2 years to have a baby and was about ready to give up when the mircale finally happend. You were thinking back to the day that you took your first test . You had noticed a couple days ago that you were a few days late for your period , but you didnt want to get your hopes up because you had been let down to many times. So after louis left early that morning to go to the studio you ran out the pharmacy and bought the test, you ran home and started the test it seemed like the longest 2 minutes of your life. You got up to look at the test excepting to see a negative sign again and picked up the test to throw it away not even wanting to look , so you took a quick glimpse and could not believe it was a plus sign "Oh my god you shouted running out to the living room to get your cell phone, "Hey love, louis said as he answered "Baby im on my way over i have a huge surprise you said barely able to contain yourself. "You got to the studio in what seemed like a matter of seconds. "What are you talking about love ," louis said with a confused look on his face. "Close your eyes you said and give me your hand" You grabbed the stick out of your purse and put it in his hands. "Open your eyes you said excitedly." What.. What are you serious he said tears feeling his eyes. "Oh my god baby he said lifting up and spinning you around in your arms. From that day on louis came to every appointment and he made sure that you were perfect everyday , at night when he said goodnight he made sure that he kissed your babygirl everynight ."I havnet met you yet but i already love you soo much he said kissing your belly. He began right away working on the nursey the walls were pink with about every stuffed animal he could imagine." Can you believe we are really doing this he said wrapping his arms around your waist looking into the nursey." I love you so much, your making all my dreams come true he said pulling you close and looking into your eyes . But at the next appointment when the doctor listned to the heartbeat you knew something was wrong by the look on his face " Whats wrong why cant i hear the heartbeat"? you said worriedly "Im so sorry mrs tomlinson but i cant find the heartbeat "What no there must be a mistake you said dropping to your knees in sobs " Ill let you guys have a couple minutes the doctor said stepping outside the door. You just sat there froze  not even remembering the car ride home. As soon as you got in the door you just went to the room and closed your door. "Baby, louis said knocking and slowly walking in and wrapped his arms around you on the bed. "Its all my fault louis why would you want to be with me anymore , you said barely a whisper. " Baby listen to me he said laying your head in his lap. "Im right here and im not going anywhere when you cry ill dry your tears, when you ready to give up ill take over , im always going to hold you close and i will never let go," he said as a tear ran down his cheek. And a year later you were blessed with a beautiful baby boy and even through that rough time louis never left your side.
Liam-(Bruno Mars-Marry you).
Liam was on tour in italy right now and since he knew you always wanted to go their he knew this would be the perfect place to finally propose. You were so excited when liam asked you to come you bought all new outfits got your hair done and could hardly wait for the plane to take off. After the 7 hour flight you were so excited when you guys finally landed. "This place is gorgeous you said as liam took your hand walking into the airport. "It dont compare to you he said kissing your lips ." Your so cheeky you said giggling. After you guys reached your hotel and unpaked you were ready to go sight see. "Baby lets go you said pulling his hand, "Love i have to go meet the boys for rehersal im sorry he said pulling you down on his lap "But li i wanted us to spend the day together you said giving him a sad face. "I know baby but i have to do this only a couple hours , i swear then ill be yours i promise he said giving you a quick kiss before heading out the door. Finally after what felt like forever you heard the key click in the door. " Hey love he said wrapping his arms around you."Ive missed you so much you said still holding on to him." I know im beat but the boys want us to go out for a few drinks tonight are you ok with that he said giving you a unsure look. " Well you said it would be my choice but i guess as long as im with you it dont really matter where you said with a smile."You perfect he said wrapping you in his arms "Yea Yea keep going you said with a laugh. "I could go on forever baby but we would never leave his said deepening his kiss. You guys went out and end up having a blast maybe a little bit to much to drink but you were on vacation to so it was ok to let loose a little you said trying to make yourself feel better.   "Well baby what do you want to do now liam said kissing down your neck. "Well i know a little chapel on the blvd we could go , no one will know "Liam are you crazy you said not believing what he was saying. " This is crazy you  said as he lead you down the street. "Li were drunk  what if we regret this you said trying to slow him down. "Baby i know i want to marry he said drunk or not i have known this for a long time. None of your family was there or his what would they think they would kill us when we got home you thought. "What about a ring you said  trying to clear your mind ."Well i did when this ring of the machine earlier he said pulling out plastic pink ring . "Really you said laughing hey all that matters is that we love each other right he said walking in to the chapel."Umm yes how may we help you the lady standing inside said. "Well me and my girl want to get married liam said pulling you closer to him. In five minutes the boys were their and could not beileve daddy direction was getting married  in small little chapel while being completly trashed. Waking up the next morning everything was kind of a blur. "Why hello mrs payne liam said standing in the kitchen fixing breakfast."Did we really get married lastnight you said rubbing your head. "Yes my love we did ane even tho it wasnt maybe your dream wedding you still made my lifetime dream come true. When you got home explaing to the family was a little hard at first but they loved you and was happy to have you as part of the family they only wished the could  have been there.
Nial( Whatever it takes-Lifehouse)
You guys had been having a rough time lately nial was currently on tour with the boys for 6 months and lately it seemed like you were just kind of in the way. When you called it almost always went to voicemail so you would just tell him you loved him and missed him and to call you back. But when you did get ahold of him he was always in a hurry to get off the phone. Today you had tried to call him at least 20 times and nothing no call back or anything. "Hello nial finally answered in a annoyed tone."Hey baby are you busy you said by the tone of his voice. "Yes i am but you having been blowing my phone up all day so i thought i better see what you needed. "I didnt need anything you said trying to hold back your tears i just missed you is all. "I miss you to but im really busy today me and lads are rehearsing a new song and we dont have much time to get it all together so i really need to go ok."Ok love you he said "love.. you said hearing the phone click. "You were so hurt the rest of the day you fought the urge to try to talk to him anymore and shut your phone off . "You would turn it on occasionally to see if you had any voicemail or texts but it was always blank. It was finally the day nial was coming home but you were still so hurt from the other day you didnt plan much for him. "Princess im home nial said hollering inside but you just ignored him turning the tv up. "Baby im here nial said coming over to give you kiss but you turned away. "Nice to see you to nial said dropping his bag by the couch and sitting down. "What your not to busy for me right now cause i would hate to be in the way you said coldly."What are you talking about nial said giving you a confused look. "Oh yea love you to but you didnt know that because you hung up on me the other day, you said throwing the remote on the couch and walking upstairs and slamming your room door behind you. (y/n) open the door we need to talk but you just layed their as he pounded on the door. "Fine i give up he said sliding down infront of the door. "Finally he heard the door click and walked inside "So talk you said sitting back down on the bed.   "Do you know how awful you have made me feel lately you said trying not to cry ,"Well ill tell you i have felt like a worthless piece of shit to you lately like maybe you would be happier if i wasnt around i wouldnt be in the way. "Princess, he said sitting down beside you on the bed "I am so sorry i ever made you feel that way. "I will do whatever it takes to turn this around , i know how important you are , and i let you down but please he said taking your hand as a tear slid down his cheek . "If you will give me another chance ill make it better i promise. "I was stressed out and busy the other day but that was no reason to treat you the way i did i mean your my life without you nothing else matters. " Well i guess i forgive you said sitting down in his lap ."I love you sooooo much princess he said kissing you all over "I love you to you said wrapping your arms around his neck.
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
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12K notes · View notes
laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
REBLOG if these boys can invade your personal space anytime of the day.
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
reblog this if Niall Horan has full access to your bed.
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laneyboo23-blog · 12 years
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Reblog what you want but you’re never gonna break me Anons and their hate are never gonna shake me, no Ohh, oh oh
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Reblog all daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, Scroll through the niiiiiiiiiight. My followeeeeers, always by my siiiiide
I got a Tumblr, got a Tumblr full of sunshine. I got a Tumblr, and my entire life's online, oh.
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