lalunamovimiento · 3 months
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I 💗 oil pastel
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lalunamovimiento · 3 months
It's sad at the end of May seeing people reblog the "here it comes!" Pride logos post. You didn't notice that brands have decided it is no longer safe to openly support LGBT rights. The past 2 years have shown a dramatic decline in corporate sponsorship of Pride. And no, we don't care about the corporations, but you should care that they think the general public will oppose their support of LGBT rights. Anyway pay attention. The logos didn't change for Pride. It's bad.
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lalunamovimiento · 3 months
verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims for gaza
crips for esims for gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
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lalunamovimiento · 3 months
So I work at trader joes and as some of you may know TJS sells Israeli goods. Breads, cheeses, snacks, wine, etc. Wellllll recently there's been a big crackdown on lots of stuff especially individual expression. They took down our whiteboards and made it so that we aren't allowed to write on anything. We usually have chalk board lockers we can personalize and those have been replaced with sterile lockers we cannot personalize. We are also no longer allowed to wear bandanas because they have been used to make "political statements." I'm assuming they're referring to keffiyeh. I'm assuming this comes specifically from corporate trying to choke back and keep us from talking about Palestine.
I don't have much to say or any call to action other than maybe contact your trader joes or trader joes corporate and let them know how you feel about the sale of Israeli goods in their stores. Maybe also complain about how miserable your local trader joes employees seem as well. This company is always pretending to be so hippy dippy progressive but it's all for show. Don't fall for it.
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lalunamovimiento · 3 months
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Your mom's ring in your pocket My picture in your wallet
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lalunamovimiento · 3 months
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i softly fell
into the hole
where everything is nice
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lalunamovimiento · 3 months
Me constantly changing my blog's theme to match my current fixations
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
here’s the link to the petition and memorial fund for this horrific murder:
petition: https://chng.it/bsyCLfmc79
memorial fund: https://gofund.me/5a695cec
even if you can’t donate please sign the petition and reblog
I think something a lot of people are failing to realise here is that not only is it horrible that they entered and shot Amir Locke within nine seconds, and not only should no knock warrants be thrown out, but this specific no-knock warrant was executed illegally, which should be immediately resulting in extra charges on top of murder, and should make the murder charge even more easy to be placed upon them.
No-knock warrants in Minneapolis can only be executed between 7 am and 8 pm. Now they are coming out and releasing the official warrant, claiming that it was actually a night-search warrant. This is a lie. In earlier documents and press conferences it is referred to as a no-knock warrant. No-knock warrants and night-search warrants are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. If it's your job to know the difference and the importance of the difference, then it's pretty fuckin hard to get that shit wrong.
So now that they realise that covering it up is only going to make it worse for them, they're trying to change the narrative.
A list of lies:
- Amir pointed a gun at the cops.
- The officers announced themselves 3 times before entering the unit.
- The officers did what they had to do for their safety in a high-pressure situation.
- No-knock warrants are the safest option for not only the officers, but the suspect too, as well as the other residents in the building.
- This was actually a Night-search warrant.
- A no-knock warrant was deemed necessary.
The truth:
1. Amir had his hand away from the trigger, holding it a specific way that his dad taught him to so that he could show himself as not a threat.
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2. No they did not announce themselves. In fact, I have never seen people open a door in such a quiet, sneaky way in my life.
Link to the video (warning: this video is not censored and is most definitely disturbing)
3. no. They did not do "what they had to do". God stfu.
4. No-knock warrants are NEVER SAFE. And this specific no-knock warrant was ILLEGAL. also since this took place so early in the morning, most people would be sleeping and at home, and bullets can go through walls. So it was definitely not the safest option for anyone involved.
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5. Was not a night-search warrant.
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As you can see by them referencing to it as a no-knock warrant in official papers.
6. Actually, when the officers first asked for the warrant, they were denied it becuase it was deemed too excessive. What did these killers do? Drove to a different district to get the warrant from another judge.
They were told it was excessive and they still insisted on it.
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
No one is fucking talking about it but another black man was killed by the same police department that killed George Floyd they killed him 9 minutes after entering his apartment. No knock warrants are fucking bullshit. He was wrapped in his blanket he was innocent they had the wrong address there is body can cottage you cannot fucking deny this bullshit.
This is being hushed up and covered up and I cannot believe it took me until TODAY, SIX DAYS AFTER IT HAPPENED to find out about it.
Everyone should be talking about this shit.
All the BLM protests and here we are again. We cannot let a single one of these slide because that's how nothing changes and that's how innocent people are being killed at the hands of assholes who are happy to pull the trigger without hesitation. I'm so fucking upset right now and so should you be.
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
we all bounce from media hyperfixation to media hyperfixation but we retain our Types of character who we consistently become obsessed with
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
3 Kinds of INFP
All INFP’s share the same cognitive functions, however differences in behavior and motivation can be quite drastic. The best explanation for these kinds of differences is Enneagram. Enneagram is a personality theory that assesses trauma, motivation and behavior, it can be used along side MBTI as they do not cancel each other out in any way. Any MBTI type can potentially be any Enneagram type. Unlike MBTi, where the point is to develop INTO the best your type can be, the point of Enneagram is to develop OUT of your type, basically categorizing it as a self-help tool. INFP’s are often enough one of 3 types. It is absolutely possible to not be one of these types, and my description of each kind of INFP will not correspond directly with the broader scale of each enneagram type (example; I’m explaining what a type “X” INFP looks like not what a type “X” looks like) I have met or am each of these types of INFP and here is my assessment:
Type 4 INFP
Type 4′s are often called the “Individualists”, “Romantics” or “Artists”. This makes up the biggest portion of INFP’s. I’d say almost half. This is the classic INFP. The feeler, the lover, the emotional and rhapsodical idealist. The princess in her castle, the poet writing in water, the passionate artist. This type of INFP puts alot of weight on Fi and the Fi truly “wields” the Ne. This Fi is organic, true, and uncompromised by anything. Type 4 INFP’s are likely to feel the greatest depths of pain and sorrow of any of us. Type 4 INFP’s might describe emotional pain as so real it physically hurts. With that passion comes poetry, art, and beautiful written word. This type is likely to have deep moral convictions based on ethics and empathy. 
This type of INFP is highly dramatic, bringing to mind shakespearean theatrics. This can manifest as scathing drama, emotional appeals to the heart or just general hellfire and brimstone. Certainly the most likely type of INFP to cry and/or throw a fit when they feel overlooked or invalidated. Has the speech pattern of someone writing in their diary. This type tends to be a wallflower due to being unable to conform to social norms or put on a face for anyone. May be a person of few words due to only being able to be honest. 
This kind of INFP is highly individualistic, craving authenticity more than any other type of INFP. They’re likely to see trends, fashions, cliques and fame as highly detestable. The type of INFP to hate and never want to be “the cool kids”. This kind of authenticity is very attractive to those who love authenticity and originality, as these INFP’s have it in spades. Always interesting and always unique, these INFP’s can be highly cherished by friends and family and highly sought after as lovers. This subset of INFP’s might be the most romantically minded of any other subset of any other type. However, they are plagued by fears of being abandoned, and when alone, wish for someone to come and save them. Type 4 INFP′s believe that someone (or something, maybe a religion or philosophy) is going to come into their lives and make them whole, and can have trouble generally feeling whole in and of themselves. 
Overall, this kind of INFP’s personifies on of the most lovable subsets of human beings. Genuine, authentic, passionate, and creative. This kind of INFP is capable of the most beautiful and genuine expressions of human emotion of just about anyone. 
Type 9 INFP 
This type of INFP is also very well known but less of the population than Type 4′s. Type 9′s have been called “The Peacemaker” or “The Mediator”. This Type of INFP is very sensitive to conflict and great at seeing others perspectives. This INFP is great at giving advice and helping with others problems and generally being a caring shoulder to cry on. Often being mistaken for INFJ’s, Type 9 INFP’s still have staunch values and an openly hyperactive mind, they’re just less pushy about their views. This Type of INFP can be seen as having a very balanced function set, not weighing to heavily on any functions. They are very laid-back, non-judgemental, and sensitive to others thoughts and feelings. 
This type is likely to have a weak definition of self, seeing themselves in everything. They might see themselves as “a little of column A, a little of column B, quite honesty”. They might outwardly appear to not greatly enjoy or strongly feel about anything. They may struggle to say exactly who they are and what they stand for, being cautious of taking any harsh or finite stances on things. They really don’t want to offend anyone or be offended. They just don’t want a conflict to break out. This type seems to have the strongest shadow Ni of any kind of INFP, easily seeing other perspectives and views. They are still, however, separate from INFJ because they are still associative creatures rather than dissociative, relaying new information through the lens of their own understanding and experience. 
This kind of INFP was often neglected or silenced as a child and taught to not think of themselves as important. As a consequence of this, they are likely to see other people as having more intrinsic worth than they do. (not in a type 2 way, mind you, or in an Fe way, in a self-depreciating way) This can cause this type of INFP to think nothing they do is important, and kill any drive for them to do anything. Because of this, this INFP is kind of a loaner and maybe pretty lazy and slothful. 
However, these same qualities can make these type 9′s, self-sacrificing and loving friends. They are a wonderful, understanding and compassionate shoulder to cry on. They are just as happy talking about any topic with you as any other, and the most imaginative and flexible people you will ever meet. 
Type 6 INFP
Somewhat lesser known, but about as common as type 9 INFP’s, Type six INFP’s are cautious, inquisitive and loyal. Type 6′s are often called “The Loyalist” “The Detective” and “The doubter”. This kind of INFP focus’s much more on the Ne/Si axis than the other kind of INFP’s and can seem to effortlessly match even ENFP’s in outward intuition. However, this comes at a price as this type of INFP tends to use that ability to worry quite a lot. This type of INFP is highly insecure, spending a lot of time in “what if” scenarios and wondering if things will turn out okay. Due to just how much time they spend doing that, they get rather good at guessing outcomes and asking the right questions.  This type of INFP craves security, they value unconditional love and stability above just about anything. They are plagued with doubts in their relationships, personal struggles, and careers. They can really bring down the mood and bother people with this behavior. They image countless scenarios in which things can turn out bad, and really just need guidance and a gentle push out of such thinking from friends and loved ones. Guidance, security and reassurance are paramount to a type 6 INFP, and anyone who gives them this will receive a loyal and passionate ally. This kind of INFP is also highly opinionated as they become very attached to things that mean something to them. They might go on a rant at or about people who disagree or ideologically oppose them due to their deep and inseparable attachment to their owns thoughts, preferences and philosophies.  This is they type of INFP to seem to be really into a handful of things and talk about them non-stop. “I have all their albums” “I’ve been going here for years” “I have a blog about it” “I’ve read tons of books about it” They’re very loyal to bands, ideas, philosophies, values, ideologies, artists and people.  Valuing stability, this kind of INFP is much more sensible and practical than the average INFP, and less likely to be emotionally turbulent. They stand in solidarity with thier self-concept and values. They rarely question thier identity or the validity of their feelings. Due to this, much more energy goes into the Ne/Si axis and allows type 6′s INFP’s to be great philosophers and thinkers, asking the right questions and stead-fastly seeking answers. All makes the type 6′s a fierce debater, playful philosopher, and loyal companion.  Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you INFP’s out there find yourself in this. There are also many type 2, 5, 1 and 7 INFP’s out there but i wanted to focus on the common ones here. The roughly 10% or so of INFP’s who aren’t a 4, 9, or 6 should feel special! I hope you’ve enjoyed this very much! ~INFP-sama
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
Enneagram Instinctual Subtypes
Our evolution as human beings has required three basic survival strategies, known as the basic instincts:
Self-preservation – responding to perceived threats and needs
Social – creating social structures within communities
One-to-one – primary relationships or coupling
In Enneagram terms, the word “subtype” describes how the three basic instincts are expressed in everyday life, influenced by an Enneagram type’s driving emotional energy or passion. This explains much of the variation among people of the same type, as all of the nine Enneagram types have three instinctual variations, totaling 27 subtypes – each with a distinct flavor.
Type 1: the Perfectionist
Self-preservation: Anxiety – The Pioneer Either very anxious or self-controlled, this subtype channels concerns about survival and security into material achievements as a way to be a good person and do the right thing. It seems important to subdue nature and to impose order on the natural world. Family, home, food preparation, etc. take precedence over other needs. However, too much self-sacrifice can fuel physical tension and resentment.
Social: Inadaptability – The Social Reformer Comfortable with a secure social role and a clear set of rules, this subtype is usually quite friendly and gregarious on one’s own turf. But an emphasis on doing things the right way can make it hard to adapt to new situations, and also can generate resentment or criticism toward others who may be acting “incorrectly.”
One-to-One: Jealousy/Zealousness – The Evangelist With clear rules and standards for correct behavior, this subtype keeps a highly charged instinctual center under strict self-control, leading at times to over zealousness in everything. Keeping a partner’s attention is vital to avoid self-recrimination. Jealousy toward a partner is common, and also may be experienced toward others who seem to have more room for self-expression.
Type 2: the Giver
Self-preservation: Privilege – The Nurturer Excelling in creating warm, personable relationships with many kinds of people, this subtype spends much attention on supporting and nurturing others, which can lead to a feeling of entitlement when it comes to getting one’s own needs met. This can contribute to a prideful attitude, or an insistence on going last that supports another kind of specialness, as in false modesty.
Social: Ambition – The Ambassador Gaining self-esteem through both social approval and visible accomplishments, this subtype empathizes and attunes to other’s needs to create an important, even indispensable role within an organization or cause. Being allied with the right people is usually more important than taking center stage.
One-to-One: Seduction/Aggression – The Lover This subtype uses all of the Two’s capacity for interpersonal attunement to make a connection and win the approval of selected people in a one-to-one relationship, even a brief one. The use of body language and feeling tones can be experienced as seductive, although not necessarily in a sexual sense. The same capacity also can show up in a more aggressive style that demands personal attention and recognition.
Type 3: The Performer
Self-preservation: Security – The Company Man/Woman With this subtype, the Three’s ability to work hard, perform well and maintain the right image are placed in the service of material success. With considerable drive and energy, this subtype can accomplish goals of financial security, a nice home, etc. The danger is losing contact with one’s real self in this effort, and becoming overly identified with one’s role at work.
Social: Prestige – The Politician The drive for success is directed toward winning social approval, knowing the right people, and achieving power in social institutions, whether in government, business or community groups. There can be genuine social leadership or simply self-aggrandizement through propaganda and image-making.
One-to-One: Femininity/Masculinity – The Movie Star The ability to create a successful image is focused on gender identity and issues. Personal power or charisma rests on being attractive as a woman or man. Yet underneath, there may be confusion about one’s real sexuality. This subtype tends to stay in the performer role, whether on stage or in personal relationships.
Type 4: The Romantic
Self-preservation: Dauntlessness – The Creative Individualist This subtype is willing to jump into new situations, to pack up and move, to get going or take risks when the preservation instinct is triggered, or when an authentic life seems elsewhere. To others, these actions may seem reckless, like throwing caution to the wind, but it can work well with an unorthodox, creative or artistic style. The tension here is between wanting to acquire material security and feeling detached from it all.
Social: Shame/Honor – The Critical Commentator Feelings of deficiency can be provoked by social situations, with envy directed toward other people’s status or appearance of belonging. This subtype seeks to establish an acceptable social role, possibly as the emotional truth-teller for the group, and often feels a need to resolve the tension between the quest for individual authenticity and social expectations.
One-to-One: Competitiveness – The Dramatic Person Competition with others helps to overcome feelings of inner deficiency and create motivation for a personal agenda. This subtype takes the power or strength of others as a personal challenge, and one’s own value tends to rise and fall in comparison.
Type 5: The Observer
Self-preservation: Home – The Castle Defender Home is one’s castle and a place to retreat from the world and feel safe. This subtype is concerned about having enough supplies, which can lead to hoarding. Or the opposite may be a true, with a lack in allegiance to any geographical location, forever traveling or moving from place to place.
Social: Totem/Symbols – The Professor This subtype has a hunger for knowledge and mastery of the sacred symbols and language of the group or society (totems). Yet at the same time, this subtype can become trapped in the role of observer or learned teacher by over-emphasizing analysis and interpretation, which can get in the way of participating with others.
One-to-One: Confidentiality – The Secret Agent This subtype will share confidences from the inner, private world in one-to-one relationships. A secretive quality or profound reserve can reflect some of the tension between the need to make contact and the need to preserve autonomy.
Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic
Self-preservation: Warmth – The Family Loyalist Overcoming fear by making connections and agreements with others through personal warmth, this subtype doesn’t want to be left out in the cold. Experiencing a lack of warmth or a threat to their security early in life can create a fear of taking risks and a need to stay within well-known boundaries.
Social: Duty – The Social Guardian Being clear about one’s role in the group or society is an overriding concern. To overcome fear and avoid rejection, this subtype needs to know the rules and create clear agreements with friends and colleagues. Yet there may be ambivalence about belonging. Doing one’s duty can be both a calling and a burden.
One-to-One: Strength or Beauty – The Warrior The first style is based on overcoming or avoiding fear through willpower and feats of physical strength and bravery, or through the strength of one’s intellect and fierce ideological positions. In the second style, fear and self-doubt are handled by channeling one’s idealism and keen perceptiveness into creating beauty in the environment. This helps create some stability and control.
Type 7: The Epicure
Self-preservation: Family – The Gourmand This subtype likes to enjoy an abundant lifestyle within family and a circle of friends. The emphasis is on sharing good ideas and conversation, preparing elaborate meals or dining out, and planning fun projects. This subtype can have problems with over-talking, over-eating, and over-stimulation.
Social: Limitation/Sacrifice – The Utopian Visionary A paradox exists for the social Seven who needs friends and group projects to express both social idealism and love of life. Harnessing oneself to the greater good of the group or community creates a sense of sacrifice, as participation with others requires limitations to personal expansiveness and planning for future outcomes.
One-to-One: Suggestibility/Fascination – The Adventurer Suggestibility works both ways. This subtype can be influenced easily by the attraction of new ideas, adventures and people, falling into a state of fascination or entrainment. The one-to-one Seven also has great powers of suggestion, and can use personal charm to lead people into a new paradigm, a new purchase or a new relationship.
Type 8: The Protector
Self-preservation: Satisfactory Survival – The Survivalist In this subtype, the Eight’s aggressiveness and excess are channeled into physical survival and material security. In a hostile world, the self-preservation Eight will either win or go down fighting. Fiercely protective of friends and family, this subtype can establish more territory and stockpile more supplies than anyone, but in a friendly world, may miss the boat altogether.
Social: Friendship/Social Causes – The Group Leader/Gang Leader A sense of powerlessness or injustice is overcome by being part of an aligned group, usually in a leadership role. This subtype’s anger and aggression are mediated by the group’s needs, and harnessed for a common agenda. Loyalty to friends and social causes take precedence over personal feelings and needs.
One-to-One: Possession/Surrender – The Commander A one-to-one Eight uses forcefulness and self-assertion to possess (or control) a partner or significant others. At times unable to adapt or let go, a strong enough yearning to be met fully can help this subtype let go of control and turn it over to a partner.
Type 9: The Mediator
Self-preservation: Appetite – The Collector This subtype excels at creating the practical infrastructure and the daily rhythms that support instinctual life. But there is a tendency to fall asleep to personal needs or narcotize oneself with food and other kinds of material consumption. (They are often collectors.) A life of material abundance and comfort can preclude efforts toward personal or spiritual growth.
Social: Participation – The Community Benefactor Blending well with the style and agenda of their friends and different social groups, this subtype can show great leadership and selfless contribution for the common good (on the high side) but tends to fall asleep to personal priorities in a comfortable social role or through indiscriminate activities (on the low side).
One-to-One: Union – The Seeker This subtype has a longing to merge, either with a partner, nature or Spirit. This can be indiscriminate or heedless at times, but also can be a doorway into a transcendent state. In daily life, this can become problematic with keeping personal boundaries and focus, since it’s so easy to be pulled outside of oneself.
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
INFP Nines
SUBMITTED by infpinthetrees
I wanted to share my appreciation for the person who asked about INFP Nines, and for your awesome reply, as well as share some input on the matter.  This has been on my mind lately, so I’m super glad someone asked about it. (Note: these are just my observations and theories based on my own experience as an INFP 9w1—I have no idea whether they’re just my experiences, or if other INFP Nines relate to them as well.)
I love what you said about the Enneagram type Nine somewhat diffusing some Fi-dom qualities, while also in ways possibly integrating into the INFP’s Ne.  This is absolutely true in my experience.  I’ve found that being a Nine seems to enhance my awareness of my Ne/Si-axis, while also softening awareness of my Fi/Te-axis.  (So much so that I have to rely on knowing how I loop in order to be certain I’m an Fi-dom.)  I think it has something to do with Nines resisting decision-making so stubbornly—the judging functions are ever at work, but the Nine is very skilled at “looking the other way.”  On the surface, qualities of a Nine can often resemble Si (e.g. routine, predictability), and other qualities can resemble Ne (e.g. open-ended, multi-perspective).  Nines want to remain undecided and open in order to avoid potentially causing external conflict, and they want their lives to stay predictable and familiar so as to avoid the inner conflict of having to step out of their comfort zones.
As a result, the judging-axis gets neglected, in the sense that it’s not being “looked at” as closely.  Nines are notorious for falling asleep to themselves—thus, when you have a self-forgetting Nine who’s an Fi-dom, Fi is still the first filter through which they process, but they resist looking directly at it; the Nine’s view of Fi can become hazy.  I think this is because Fi/Te makes decisions, and to a Nine, decisions are dangerous.  Even with Fi as their most natural state, INFP Nines are still prone to gliding over strong awareness of it in favor of paying greater attention to the “less-threatening” perceiving functions. 
Nines are observers; they watch, intake, and endlessly postpone making (conscious) judgements.  If the INFP takes an honest moment to pay attention to themselves, they’ll usually know almost instantly what impressions Fi has made; but these impressions can be painful sometimes—especially to admit them to themselves, oh boy—so it’s often put off for long periods of time.
I don’t mean to say that INFP Nines “skip over” their Fi—they would either be forever unbalanced, or not be real INFPs if that were the case.  Rather, like other INFPs, the INFP Nine is very well acquainted with the darker parts of themselves; this is, I think, a massive motivator for avoiding getting too up close and personal with their Fi.  They know there’s inevitably going to be something ugly in there (a threat to internal peace), as well as something that puts them at odds with other people (a threat to external peace). Again, if they’re honest and pay attention to themselves, then it really doesn’t take any additional effort to be connected to everything their Fi brings to the table.
I think INFP Nines sort of occupy emotional middle-ground between “typical” INFPs and “typical” Nines.  What I mean is, when learning about this stuff, I always felt far less self-inhabited than what it sounded like INFPs usually were, while also being MORE self-inhabited than how Nines sounded to be.  It’s like Fi self-reference and Nine self-neglect play tug-of-war with each other and I end up landing in the middle somewhere.  Not as Fi-vibrant as other INFPs, and not quite as self-muted as other Nines (in my understanding).
I’ve mentioned Fi, and slightly touched on Ne/Si, but so far I haven’t really approached Te.  Like you mentioned, inferior Te seems to be extra lax in Enneagram type Nine.  In INFPs I think this can be somewhat summed up in the picture of Ne bulldozing over Te.  The openness of type Nine paired with high-Ne means that inferior Te really doesn’t even stand a chance. Unfortunately, I’m not really sure at this time what else to say about inferior Te in INFP Nines.  I’m doing a terrible injustice to it and to anyone who’s read up to this point, but honestly, it’s very much a moving target for me. :/  But I’m sure that says something in itself.
 Thanks for reading and for everything you all do on this fantastic blog!!
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
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INFP | Ravenclaw | 9w1
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
how am i supposed to sleep after the last 5 minutes of that episode I jus-
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
the progression of amity blight’s character from being one that’s closed off and reserved, refusing to allow anyone to truly get to know her and keeping her walls up, to becoming someone who’s much more open with her feelings and is willing to express them outwardly, leading her to be the one to kiss and ask luz out first, and most importantly becoming so genuinely 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 throughout this process can actually be something so personal
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lalunamovimiento · 3 years
fearless by taylor swift is a lumity song. i will not be elaborating.
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