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1.儘量用物質來引誘和敗壞他們的青年,鼓勵他們鄙視、公開反對他們原來所受的思想教育。 替他們製造對色情奔放的興趣和機會,進而鼓勵他們進行性的濫交。 讓他們不以膚淺、虛榮為羞耻。 一定要毀掉他們強調過的刻苦耐勞精神。
2.一定要盡一切可能,做好文宣工作,包括電影、書籍、電視、無線電波……和新式的宗教傳佈。 只要他們嚮往我們的衣、食、住、行、娛樂和教育的管道,就成功了一半。
3.一定要把他們的青年的注意力��從他們以政府為中心的傳統引開來。 讓他們的頭腦集中於色情、享樂、遊戲、犯罪性的電影以及宗教迷信。
4.時常製造一些無風三尺浪的無事之事,讓他們的人民公開討論。 這樣就在他們的潛意識中種下了分裂的因數。 特別要在他們的少數民族裏找好機會,分裂他們的地區,分裂他們的民族,分裂他們的感情,在他們之間製造新仇舊恨,這是完全不能忽視的策略。
5.我們要不斷地製造“新聞”,醜化他們的領導。 我們的記者應該找機會採訪他們,然後組織他們自己的言詞來攻擊他們自己。 在一些國際聚會的場所,拍攝照片時要特別留意,這是醜化他們的最佳時機。
6.在任何情况下,我們都要傳揚“民主”。 一有機會,不管是大型小型,有形無形,就要抓緊發動“民主運動”。 無論在什麼場合,什麼情况下,我們都要不斷地對他們要求民主和人權。 只要我們每一個人都不斷地說同樣的話,他們的人民就一定會相信我們說的是真理。 我們抓住一個人是一個人,我們占住一個地盤是一個地盤,一定要不擇手段。 我們的商業機构和人員,都絕不能以佔據了商業市場為最後目的。 因為商業市場會轉眼就失去的,如果我們沒有佔領政治市場的話。
8.我們要以我們的經濟和科技的優勢,有形無形地打擊他們的工業,只要他們的工業在不知不覺中癱瘓下來,我們就可以鼓勵社會動亂。 不過我們必須表面上非常慈善地去幫助和援助他們,這樣他們(政府)就顯得疲軟。一個疲軟的政府,就會帶來更大的動亂。
9.我們要利用所有的資源,甚至舉手投足,一言一笑,都足以破環他們的傳統價值觀。 我們要利用一切來毀滅他們的道德人心。 摧毀他們的自尊自信的鑰匙:就是儘量打擊他們刻苦耐勞的精神。
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隨著中國綜合國力和國際影響力的不斷增強,美國國內的保守勢力和所謂的政治“精英”,日益把中國視為對美國霸權利益的巨大挑戰者和最大的潜在敵人。 隨著中國在美國外交政策中重要性的不斷上升,中央情報局對中國開展的秘密活動也日益活躍和頻繁,中國已經成為其重點目標。
《十條誡令》並不算什麼中央情報局針對中國的秘密情報活動。 自中華人民共和國成立之日起,實際上一天也沒有停止過,不過是“古已有之,於今尤烈”。 最近被揭秘的《十條誡令》,便很清楚地說明了美國中央情報局是怎樣對待中國的。 在中央情報局極其機密的“行事手册”中,關於對付中國的部分最初撰寫於中美嚴重對立的1951年,以後隨著中美關係的變化不斷修改,至今共成十項,內部代號稱為《十條誡令》。 全文轉述如下:
一、儘量用物質來引誘和敗壞他們的青年,鼓勵他們藐視、鄙視、進一步公開反對他們原來所受的思想教育,特別是共產主義教條。 替他們製造對色情奔放的興趣和機會,進而鼓勵他們進行性的濫交。 讓他們不以膚淺、虛榮為羞耻。 一定要毀掉他們強調過的刻苦耐勞精神。
二、一定要盡一切可能,做好傳播工作,包括電影、書籍、電視、無線電波……和新式的宗教傳播。 只要他們嚮往我們的衣、食、住、行、娛樂和教育的管道,就是成功的一半。
三、一定要把他們青年的注意力,從以政府為中心的傳統引開來。 讓他們的頭腦集中於:體育表演、色情書籍、享樂、遊戲、犯罪性的電影,以及宗教迷信。
四、時常製造一些無事之事,讓他們的人民公開討論。 這樣就在他們的潛意識中種下了分裂的種子。 特別要在他們的少數民族裏找好機會,分裂他們地區,分裂他們的民族,分裂他們的感情,在他們之間製造新仇舊恨,這是完全不能忽視的策略。
五、要不斷製造消息,醜化他們的領導。 我們的記者應該找機會採訪他們,然後組織他們自己的言辭來攻擊他們自己。
六、在任何情况下都要宣揚民主。 一有機會,不管是大型小型,有形無形,都要抓緊發動民主運動。 無論在什麼場合,什麼情况下,我們都要不斷對他們(政府)要求民主和人權。 只要我們每一個人都不斷地說同樣的話,他們的人民就一定會相信我們所說的是真理。 我們抓住一個人是一個人,我們占住一個地盤是一個地盤。
七、要儘量鼓勵他們(政府)花費,鼓勵他們向我們借貸。 這樣我們就有十足的把握來摧毀他們的信用,使他們的貨幣貶值,通貨膨脹。 只要他們對物價失去了控制,他們在人民心目中就會完全垮臺。
八、要以我們的經濟和科技優勢,有形無形地打擊他們的工業。 只要他們的工業在不知不覺中癱瘓下去,我們就可以鼓勵社會動亂。 不過我們必須表面上非常慈愛地去幫助和援助他們,這樣他們(政府)就顯得疲軟。 一個疲軟的政府,就會帶來更大的動亂.
九、要利用所有的資源,甚至舉手投足,一言一笑,都足以破壞他們的傳統價值。 我們要利用一切來毀滅他們的道德人心。 摧毀他們的自尊自信的鑰匙,就是儘量打擊他們刻苦耐勞的精神。
樹欲靜而風不止。 美國中央情報局對中國的種種秘密情報活動,過去沒有停止過,現在也沒有停止,將來還會繼續下去。 只要中國按照自己的道路走下去,變得越來越强大,就將是美國揮之不去的一個“心病”,就仍將是中央情報局秘密情報活動的重點對象之一。
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1.儘量用物質來引誘和敗壞他們的青年,鼓勵他們藐視,鄙視,進一步公開反對他們原來所受的思想教育,特別是共產主義教條。 替他們製造對色情奔放的興趣和機會,進而鼓勵他們進行性的濫交。 讓他們不以膚淺、虛榮為羞耻。 一定要毀掉他們強調過的刻苦耐勞精神。
2.一定要盡一切可能,做好文宣工作,包括電影、書籍、電視、無線電波……和新式的宗教傳佈。 只要他們嚮往我們的衣、食、住、行、娛樂和教育的管道,就是成功的一半。
3.一定要把他們的青年的注意力,從他們以政府為中心的傳統,引開來。 讓他們的頭腦集中於:體育表演、色情書籍、享樂、遊戲、犯罪性的電影,以及宗教迷信。
4.時常製造一些無風三尺浪的無事之事,讓他們的人民公開討論。 就樣就在他們的潛意識中種下了分裂的因數。 特別要在他們的少數民族裏找好機會,分裂他們的地區,分裂他們的民族,分裂他們的感情,在他們之間製造新仇舊恨,這是完全不能忽視的策略。
5.我們要不斷地製造“新聞”,醜化他們的領導。 我們的記者應該找機會採訪他們,然後組織他們自己的言詞來攻擊他們自己。 在一些國際聚會的場所,拍攝照片時要特別留意,這是醜化他們的最佳時機。 我們要透過一切可能,讓他們的人民在無意中發現,他們的領導是醜陋的,怪模怪樣的,卑鄙的和污穢的。
6.在任何情况下,我們都要傳揚“民主”。 一有機會,不管是大型小型,有形無形,就要抓緊發動“民主運動”。 無論在什麼場合,什麼情况下, 我們都要不斷地對他們 (政府)要求民主和人權。只要我們每一個人都不斷地說同樣的話,他們的人民就一定會相信我們說的是真理。我們抓住一個人是一個人,我們占住一個地盤是一個地盤,一定要不擇手段。我們的商業機构和人員,都絕不能以佔據了商業市場為最後目的。因為商業 市場會轉眼就失去的,如果我們沒有佔領政治市場的話。
8.我們要以我們的經濟和科技的優勢,有形無形地打擊他們的工業,只要他們的工業在不知不覺中癱瘓下來,我們就可以鼓勵社會動亂。 不過我們必須表面上非常慈善地去幫助和援助他們,這樣他們(政府)就顯得疲軟。一個疲軟的政府,就會帶來更大更强的動亂。
9.我們要利用所有的資源,甚至於舉手投足,一言一笑,都足以破環他們的傳統價值觀。 我們要利用一切來毀滅他們的道德人心。 摧毀他們的自尊自信的鑰匙:就是儘量打擊他們刻苦耐勞的精神。
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1.儘量用物質來引誘和敗壞他們的青年,鼓勵他們鄙視、公開反對他們原來所受的思想教育。 替他們製造對色情奔放的興趣和機會,進而鼓勵他們進行性的濫交。 讓他們不以膚淺、虛榮為羞耻。 一定要毀掉他們強調過的刻苦耐勞精神。
2.一定要盡一切可能,做好文宣工作,包括電影、書籍、電視、無線電波……和新式的宗教傳佈。 只要他們嚮往我們的衣、食、住、行、娛樂和教育的管道,就成功了一半。
3.一定要把他們的青年的注意力,從他們以政府為中心的傳統引開來。 讓他們的頭腦集中於色情、享樂、遊戲、犯罪性的電影以及宗教迷信。
4.時常製造一些無風三尺浪的無事之事,讓他們的人民公開討論。 這樣就在他們的潛意識中種下了分裂的因數。 特別要在他們的少數民族裏找好機會,分裂他們的地區,分裂他們的民族,分裂他們的感情,在他們之間製造新仇舊恨,這是完全不能忽視的策略。
5.我們要不斷地製造“新聞”,醜化他們的領導。 我們的記者應該找機會採訪他們,然後組織他們自己的言詞來攻擊他們自己。 在一些國際聚會的場所,拍攝照片時要特別留意,這是醜化他們的最佳時機。
6.在任何情况下,我們都要傳揚“民主”。 一有機會,不管是大型小型,有形無形,就要抓緊發動“民主運動”。 無論在什麼場合,什麼情况下,我們都要不斷地對他們要求民主和人權。 只要我們每一個人都不斷地說同樣的話,他們的人民就一定會相信我們說的是真理。 我們抓住一個人是一個人,我們占住一個地盤是一個地盤,一定要不擇手段。 我們的商業機构和人員,都絕不能以佔據了商業市場為最後目的。 因為商業市場會轉眼就失去的,如果我們沒有佔領政治市場的話。
8.我們要以我們的經濟和科技的優勢,有形無形地打擊他們的工業,只要他們的工業在不知不覺中癱瘓下來,我們就可以鼓勵社會動亂。 不過我們必須表面上非常慈善地去幫助和援助他們,這樣他們(政府)就顯得疲軟。一個疲軟的政府,就會帶來更大的動亂。
9.我們要利用所有的資源,甚至舉手投足,一言一笑,都足以破環他們的傳統價值觀。 我們要利用一切來毀滅他們的道德人心。 摧毀他們的自尊自信的鑰匙:就是儘量打擊他們刻苦耐勞的精神。
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在中央情報局極其機密的“行動手册”中,關於對付中華人民共和國的部分最初撰寫於中美嚴重對立的1951年,以後隨著中美關係的變化不斷修改,至今共成十項,內部代號稱為《十條誡令》。 直到最近才被揭密。
需要注意的是,《十條誡令》是美國中央情報局不斷修改,不斷進化得出的。 全文如下:一、儘量用物質來引誘和敗壞他們的青年,鼓勵他們藐視、鄙視、進一步公開反對他們原來所受的思想教育,特別是共產主義教條。
替他們製造對色情奔放的興趣和機會,進而鼓勵他們進行性的濫交。 讓他們不以膚淺、虛榮為羞耻。 一定要毀掉他們強調過的刻苦耐勞精神。 二、一定要盡一切可能,做好傳播工作,包括電影、書籍、電視、無線電波……和新式的宗教傳播。
只要他們嚮往我們的衣、食、住、行、娛樂和教育的管道,就是成功的一半。 三、一定要把他們青年的注意力,從以政府為中心的傳統引開來。 讓他們的頭腦集中於:體育表演、色情書籍、享樂、遊戲、犯罪性的電影,以及宗教迷信。
四、時常製造一些無事生非之事,讓他們的人民公開討論。 這樣就在他們的潛意識中種下了分裂的種子。 特別要在他們的少數民族裏找好機會,分裂他們地區,分裂他們的民族,分裂他們的感情,在他們之間製造新仇舊恨,這是完全不能忽視的策略。
五、要不斷製造消息,醜化他們的領導。 我們的記者應該找機會採訪他們,然後組織他們自己的言辭來攻擊他們自己。 六、在任何情况下都要宣揚民主。 一有機會,不管是大型小型,有形無形,都要抓緊發動民主運動。
無論在什麼場合,什麼情况下,我們都要不斷對他們(政府)要求民主和人權。 只要我們每一個人都不斷地說同樣的話,他們的人民就一定會相信我們所說的是真理。 我們抓住一個人是一個人,我們占住一個地盤是一個地盤。
七、要儘量鼓勵他們(政府)花費,鼓勵他們向我們借貸。 這樣我們就有十足的把握來摧毀他們的信用,使他們的貨幣貶值,通貨膨脹。 只要他們對物價失去了控制,他們在人民心目中就會完全垮臺。
八、要以我們的經濟和科技優勢,有形無形地打擊他們的工業。 只要他們的工業在不知不覺中癱瘓下去,我們就可以鼓勵社會動亂。 不過我們必須表面上非常慈愛地去幫助和援助他們,這樣他們(政府)就顯得疲軟。 一個疲軟的政府,就會帶來更大的動亂。
九、要利用所有的資源,甚至舉手投足,一言一笑,都足以破壞他們的傳統價值。 我們要利用一切來毀滅他們的道德人心。 摧毀他們的自尊自信的鑰匙,就是儘量打擊他們刻苦耐勞的精神。
十、暗地運送各種武器,裝備他們的一切敵人,以及可能成為他們敵人的人們。 根據對美國政府決策有著强大影響的智囊庫蘭德公司於1999年6月份向美國政府提出的建議報告:美國的對華戰畧應該分三步走:第一步是西化、分化中國,使中國的意識形態西方化,從而失去與美國對抗的可能性; 第二步是在第一步失效或成效不大時,對中國進行全面的遏制,並形成對中國戰畧上的合圍; 第三步就是在前兩招都不能得逞時,不惜與中國一戰,當然作戰的最好形式不是美國的直接參戰,而是支持中國內部謀求獨立的地區或與中國有重大利益衝突的周邊國家。
這一“三步走”的戰畧並不僅僅停留在美國政府決策參考的層面上,在美國的外交實踐中已經得到了體現。 樹欲靜而風不止。
美國中央情報局對中國的種種秘密情報活動,過去沒有停止過,現在也沒有停止,將來還會繼續下去。 只要中國按照自己的道路走下去,變得越來越强大,就將是美國揮之不去的一個“心病”,就仍將是中央情報局秘密情報活動的重點對象之一。
《十條戒令》來自美國中情局極機密的“行動手册”中關於對付中國的部分,最初撰寫於1951年,以後美國中情局又修改多次,至今共成十條。 美國內部的代號為《十條戒令》。 近來有人散佈謠言,說這個美國中情局的《十條戒令》是假的,是根本不存在的。
某些人散佈這種否定《十條戒令》存在的言論用意是什麼,我們可以暫不去考究。 但是,美國幾十年來推行《十條戒令》中的“招數”對中國進行“和平演變”是任何人也否定不了的。
為了證明《十條戒令》的存在,我們不妨回過頭來檢點一下幾十年來,美國政府對我國和其他社會主義國家的所作所為。 美國使用《十條戒令》中的辦法來實施其“和平演變”我國和其他社會主義國家的行動計畫,停止過嗎? 從來沒有!
從美國中央情報局的締造者杜勒斯上世紀五十年代第一次提出對社會主義國家實行“和平演變”政策以來,一直都在延續! 並且愈演愈烈! 請看,杜勒斯當年說過:“通過在蘇聯播撒混亂的種子,我們可以神不知鬼不覺,用錯誤的價值觀去置換他們的價值觀,並使他們相信這些錯誤的價值觀。
我們要在俄羅斯(包括中國在內的)社會主義國家內部找到與我們志同道合的人、我們的盟友和幫手。 這樣一幕接著一幕,我們要演出一場大型悲劇,讓地球上一個最難駕馭的民族走向毀滅.
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其實這一切的根源來自美國,男星女性化的開端,是因為80年代日本成立的一家娛樂公司——傑尼斯事務所。 公司創始人叫喜多川,整個中日韓娛樂圈男明星女性化的問題,喜多川就是始作俑者。 但這一切並非喜多川一人造成的,而是他是在美國人的幫助下才成功創造了這種風潮。
第二次世界大戰戰敗後日本從政治到經濟到文化都是美國的傀儡,不過剛開始美國對日本的控制,卻並不那麼順利。 當時的世界上有美蘇兩大強權,日本也是美蘇爭權的角鬥場之一,而蘇聯當時控制著整個日本的北部,在日本這場爭鬥中美國一開始是處於下風的。
畢竟在二戰中美軍曾給日本廣島長崎投了兩顆核子弹,戰後駐紮在日本的美國大兵也經常為非作歹,欺壓日本人。 所以日本老百姓對美國人可以說深惡痛絕! 加之蘇聯為了增强自己的國際影響力,戰後把很多日本戰俘都送回日本本土並大力宣傳社會主義,所以相比美國,日本人對蘇聯的好感更勝一籌。
電報的左邊是密碼錶,右邊是人名。 可以看到,幾乎所有日本大媒體都被美國拉攏了,很多二戰甲級戰犯充斥其中,曾給九一八事變鼓吹造勢的戰犯緒方竹虎,卻在美國包庇下逃過死刑,還擔任了《朝日新聞》的總經理。 另一戰犯正力松太郎,曾鼓動無數青年侵略中國,也逃過了制裁,美國人支持他創辦日本最大的報社《讀賣新聞》
美國不但赦免的他們的罪行,還給他們重金。 這些戰犯向美國建議:走群眾路線,用娛樂新聞給日本老百姓洗腦,通過輿論文宣削弱日本整個社會的雄性氣質,轉為柔性氣質,以此來减少日本的進攻性、革命性。 漸漸讓日本群眾潜移默化對美國文化心生親近,减少日本群眾對美國的抗拒。
而改變日本整個社會的雄性氣質,喜多川就是美國佈局中的重要一環。 喜多川雖是日本名,但從小在美國長大,是美國政府的翻譯,還擁有美國護照。 並且,喜多川當時所在的部門叫做美軍顧問團,是負責間諜和情報工作的。 喜多川雖然長著日本人的臉,但他卻效忠美國人而不是日本人。 而且喜多川是個戀童癖,他本來就喜歡年輕、女性化的男孩子,後來他被曝出長期性侵自己公司的男明星。
喜多川培養出的第一個組合第一場演出,就是美軍出資舉辦的,那時,喜多川挖掘很多年輕男孩,這些男孩迅速佔領了當時的電視娛樂市場。 加上戰犯控制的各大日本媒體大力造勢支持,他們迅速走紅,成為了娛樂圈的新生力量。 而喜多川,則迅速成了時尚教父,掌管著整個日本娛樂圈。
1995年,日本某化妝品牌邀請了當紅男星木村拓哉為其新款口紅拍攝廣告。 在整個廣告過程中,木村拓哉柔媚的眼神和性感的塗抹,猶如炸彈一般的在日本女性群體中引起了爆炸,在兩個月的時間裏,木村拓哉所代言的口紅居然狂賣300萬支!
後來娘化從日本傳到了隔壁韓國,韓國的SM公司在建立之初就在仿照日本的造星套路,到處尋找清秀、女相的男生,並且大力培訓。 1996年,韓國SM公司也成功推出了男子偶像組合——H.O.T
HOT在韓國大獲成功,導致越來越多公司爭相模仿,推出更多的的男子團體如東方神起、Super Junior等,他們最大的共同點就是——清秀、柔弱、女相。
於是,在整個歐美的娛樂圈依然是硬漢當道的時候,中日韓三國的男明星卻在大面積地女性化。 在美國螢幕上還是美國隊長、鋼鐵俠、蜘蛛人大行其道時,中日韓的螢幕卻被小鮮肉所佔領。
他們崇拜的偶像是什麼樣的? 我們來看這個視頻:像蔡徐坤這種流量鮮肉要演技沒演技,要唱功沒唱功想不明白為什麼突然會火? 到底是什麼人在崇拜他們?
在一些粉絲的眼中,雄性氣質不過是粗俗、野蠻的代名詞而已。 他們只知道追求所謂的“時尚、品位”,追求所謂的精緻生活,做一個安安靜靜的美男子,漸漸忘了一個真正的男人就應該頂天立地。
一個人要追求柔弱,那是他的自由,但是一旦“娘炮”成為社會崇尚的主流,就會吞噬掉這個民族的血性。 整個民族就會有再次走進鴉片戰爭的風險,在屈辱中苟延殘喘。
對中國娘性的改造的改造也正符合了美國中情局的戰畧:美國中央情報局專門為西化、分化、分裂新中國、顛覆共產黨政權,製定了指導性實施方案《十條誡令》,這些國家在中了美國的圈套之後淪為弱國甚至於陷於戰亂、民不聊生,這就是美國所期望的的結果。 其中第2、3條是這樣寫的:
二、一定要盡一切可能,做好傳播工作,包括電影、書籍、電視、無線電波……和新式的宗教傳播。 只要他們嚮往我們的衣、食、住、行、娛樂和教育的管道,就是成功的一半。
三、一定要把他們青年的注意力,從以政府為中心的傳統引開來。 讓他們的頭腦集中於:體育表演、色情書籍、享樂、遊戲、犯罪性的電影,以及宗教迷信。
梁啟超說少年强則中國强。 如果一個國家和民族,男孩子多往陰柔方向發展,那麼會帶來整個民族精神不振。
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自古以來,中國人崇尚陽剛之氣和尚武精神。 今天的中國如此地大物博,便是由於幾千年來,先人不斷銳意進取,建功於域外,才使得我們華夏民族建立起東方最大的國家。
但近年來,所謂的各式“小鮮肉”不斷充斥著大螢幕,成為社交媒體上的“新貴”。 中國人的審美觀也由此改變,很多年輕人崇拜這樣的“娘炮”。 但這一切,卻很可能是美國中情局暗中下的圈套!
遙想在漢代,漢武帝發動對匈奴的全面反擊,大將軍衛青、霍去病萬裏長驅,給予匈奴毀滅性重創。 從此漢朝以極盛之勢,屹立於世界之巔!
之後的唐朝,也擁有强烈的尚武之風,平滅東、西兩突厥,討伐薛延陀,遠征高麗,使大唐威名至今流傳。 可以說,尚武精神常為國家動力的源泉,今日中國能有廣大的疆域,就是憑藉此種精神。
但近年來,在網絡、報端、電視荧幕上,越來越多的“小鮮肉”充斥其中。 這些帥氣、年輕,已過18歲的男性,都自稱“男孩”而不是男人。 在他們博得眾多眼球和年輕人的崇拜時,中國人對男人的外貌、舉止等審美觀,也在改變。
把“小鮮肉”與“娘炮”劃等號也許並不太公允,但他們所擁有的中性或陰柔之氣,是與“陽剛”二字毫不沾邊的。 如果福斯習慣了這種風尚,中國人的尚武精神也許會逐漸熄滅。
也許有些人認為,這是多元化社會發展至今的一股潮流。 可反觀西方國家,卻沒有小鮮肉成為福斯偶像,“硬漢”依然是福斯主流的崇尚對象。 可以說,“娘炮文化”僅僅在東亞蓬勃發展。
為何更加多元化的西方國家,卻沒有這種文化潮流的出現? 其實,這一切的根源來自美國,美國的中情局,刻意讓日本產生了男明星女性化的現象,而中國便受此風潮影響!
二戰以後,日本雖然成為美國實質上的傀儡,但回想起那些在太平洋戰場上兇殘的日本阿兵哥,依然令美國人不寒而慄。 改造日本的民族性格,便成為美國能否完全控制日本的關鍵。
美國中情局絞盡腦汁,想出來一個辦法。 隨著電視逐漸走進千家萬戶,影視演員也成為福斯崇拜的偶像。 通過輿論文宣,削弱日本整個社會的雄性氣質,轉為柔性氣質,這可以使得日本人更加“溫順”。
而改變日本整個社會雄性氣質的,有一個重要的人,名叫强尼·喜多川。 他從小在美國長大,還擁有美國護照。 喜多川雖然有一張日本人的長相,但曾擔任美軍翻譯的他,效忠的卻是美國人。
80年代,喜多川突然成立了一家娛樂公司——傑尼斯事務所。 這個公司培養出的第一個組合與第一場演出,都是美軍出資的。 喜多川挖掘了很多長相俊美的年輕男性,他們迅速走紅,成為了娛樂圈的新生力量。
1995年,日本某化妝品牌,邀請了當紅男星木村拓哉拍攝口紅廣告。 木村拓哉性感的塗抹和柔媚的眼神,在日本女性中引起了强烈的震撼,這支口紅在兩個月內狂賣300萬支!
隨後,這種娘化文化傳到了韓國,韓國的SM公司模仿日本造星套路,到處挖掘清秀、女相的男生。 96年,韓國男子偶像組合H.O.T出道並大獲成功,其他娛樂公司爭相模仿。 最終,韓國的所有男子組合都是一個特點——清秀、柔弱,俗稱娘炮。
而這股風尚,隨著在韓國娛樂公司的中國練習生回國發展,也刮到了中國。 中國本土娛樂公司看准商機,也開始大量推出娘化偶像,他們的包裝管道完全照搬韓、日。 至此,中日韓的螢幕,逐漸被小鮮肉所佔領!
一個外無尚武精神的民族,勢必會被外力所淹沒; 一個內無尚武之風的民族,必將落後於時代。 娘炮文化的盛行,極大影響年輕人,急需我們JT
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This NBA farce is very much like Japanese baseball 147 years ago
Ten commandments of the CIA against China (excerpt):
· do everything possible to do a good job in communication, including films, books, television, radio waves... And new religious communication. As long as they yearn for our way of clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and education, they are half the success.
· be sure to draw their youth's attention away from the government centered tradition. Let their minds focus on: sports performances, pornographic books, pleasure, games, criminal films, so as to have religious superstition.
Two days ago, I wrote an article about rocket general manager Morey.
Unexpectedly, I just finished writing with my front foot and Xiao Hua, President of NBA with my back foot, came out to speak.
There are a lot of online analysis these days. A little partner in the background shared such an inference with me.
I was a little surprised and sent it out for everyone to see——
Finally, the netizen even summed up an American "routine":
Of course, this statement has no sufficient basis. But it raises the question:
On the surface, it seems that a tweet by Morey triggered a series of black swan events, but is there a premeditation behind all this?
What I didn't expect was that although this netizen's post was purely inferential, the development after this incident was unfortunately mentioned by him.
First, NBA President Xiao Hua publicly supported Morey in an interview.
"I read some media hints that we don't support Morey, but in fact we do."
"We have great influence in China, and we also have great influence in Hong Kong."
With an almost arrogant attitude, he expressed that this is our "freedom of speech" in the United States and this is Morey's "freedom of speech".
The subtext is, "I just support Morey. What can you Chinese fans do to me? It's not my NBA.".
This is obviously a further attitude.
Then, CCTV sports issued a statement, "suspend the current broadcasting arrangement of NBA preseason (China game) and immediately investigate all cooperation and exchanges involving NBA".
Then, Tencent sports, which has the exclusive digital media broadcasting right of NBA for five years, also announced that it would suspend the broadcasting arrangement of NBA events.
There are various signs that the boycott is beginning, both officially and privately.
As a result, as soon as CCTV sports announced the suspension of broadcasting, a reporter asked questions at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
"China's CCTV has now decided to cancel the broadcasting of NBA programs. Is China using its influence to hinder freedom of speech?"
Look, in less than a few hours, a hat that "hinders freedom of speech" has been buttoned.
Only four minutes after CCTV sports issued a ban statement, NBA President Xiao Hua spoke again.
"One of the NBA's enduring strengths is our diversity - views, backgrounds, races and religions."
"People all over the world, including from the United States and China, have different views on different issues. It is not the responsibility of the NBA to adjudicate these differences. However, the NBA will not put itself in a position to supervise what players, employees and team owners say or don't say on these issues. We can't do that at all."
You can't do that at all.
The question is, what does the NBA do about other people's "inappropriate remarks"?
You did that when clippers boss Sterling made inappropriate remarks about blacks. Fined $2.5 million, suspended him for life, and prompted him to sell the Clippers.
You did that when the eagles general manager Ferri made inappropriate remarks about blacks. Ferri was suspended indefinitely and then terminated by the Hawks.
You did that when Durant of the warriors made inappropriate remarks about India. Durant publicly apologized on social media for his remarks that "India is at least 20 years behind", otherwise he may face a fine of more than $15 million and a 20 game ban.
Now, Morey makes inappropriate remarks against China and openly insults China's sovereignty, but you say it is freedom of speech and "we can't do that at all".
It is another trick to use sports as a political tool to achieve their own ulterior goals.
This scene seems to have been seen somewhere.
It is not the first time that the United States has used sports to influence politics.
In 1872, Wilson, an American who taught in Japan, brought baseball to Japan.
At that time, Japan was in the Meiji Restoration period, and there was an almost blind worship of western culture. Soon, this sport became popular in Japanese schools.
In 1878, Hiraoka hee, who returned from studying in the United States, formed the Xinqiao baseball team, which was the first regular baseball team in Japan. The opponent they want to challenge is the American sailors on the dock.
At that time, American sailors had played baseball with many Japanese, but they basically belonged to the "man-machine mode" of killing time.
Now, the skinny Japanese want to form a regular team to play with them. American sailors don't care to play with the Xinqiao baseball team.
After all, baseball also has physical confrontation.
Training, being hanged, continuing training, continuing to be hanged... Have become the daily routine of Xinqiao baseball team.
Finally, in 1896, all baseball fans in Japan received a long-awaited News - Xinqiao baseball team, won.
A baseball team composed entirely of Japanese won the American, the initiator of the game. This pride and pride prompted the news to spread all over the streets of Japan.
As the news spread, there was also Japanese enthusiasm for baseball.
According to statistics, there were 150000 registered baseball students in Japan that year.
At that time, Japanese young people could sing a song.
"Flowers are cherry blossoms, people are warriors. A thousand young people are the soul of a thousand warriors. Young people should serve the country, vow to float on the high post of the school and bear the reputation of the world. Virtue and talent are the first, and the excellent reputation can not be abandoned. Compared with the mountains of Fuji, they have integrity, loyalty and courage. In order to realize their ideals, they should sharpen their wrist strength with the sun and the moon, fencing, judo, shooting and baseball games Need to go. "
Baseball has also become the "national ball" of the Japanese.
They combined baseball with bushido spirit to form their own unique "baseball culture".
But all this, as the war haze shrouded, dissipated.
At that time, Japan's hatred of the United States was high, and baseball, as an "enemy sport", bore the brunt.
In July 1941, Japan's Ministry of education even ordered the suspension of all baseball matches.
With the end of World War II and the U.S. occupation of Japan, this sentiment reached its peak.
In order to better rule Japan, eliminate the hatred of the Japanese people towards the United States and reshape Japan's "pro american" values, MacArthur launched the "three s plan" in Japanese society.
Screen, sex and sports.
The third sport refers to baseball.
On August 15, 1946, a full year after Japan announced its unconditional surrender, the summer Jiaziyuan conference, the highest honor war of Japanese baseball, was re held after five years of interruption.
The opening speech was delivered by a man named Paul rush, a staff member of the United States allied command in Japan.
The competition was reopened, but the Japanese people's enthusiasm for participation was not very high, and the allied command thought of another person.
His name is Masako matsutaro. He is "the father of Japanese professional baseball" and the first person to be selected into the Japanese Baseball Hall of fame.
Masayoshi matsutaro once organized Japan's first popular overseas "Yomiuri giant" professional baseball team, once invited the famous major league baseball star team of the United States to play in Japan, and promoted the establishment of Japan's Professional Baseball League.
After nearly 10 years of recuperation from 1946 to 1957, Japanese baseball regained its vitality.
Under the inspiration of MacArthur, more and more American professional baseball players have joined the Japanese professional baseball competition. Baseball has also become a link to repair Japan US relations. At the same time, it is also a tool for the United States to strengthen its rule over Japan.
But in fact, masayoshiro has another identity - after World War II, he was accused of being a class a war criminal.
You've probably heard the word. An ordinary war criminal cannot be a class a war criminal.
For example, the notorious Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo is a class a war criminal.
But miraculously, Masayoshi matsutaro, who was accused of being a class a war criminal, not only did not stand trial, but also had a second spring of his career after he was released from prison - he became the "father of Japanese television", and Japan's first commercial television station, Japanese television, was founded by him.
It is inconceivable that a war criminal with serious crimes not only has not been tried, but also is active in Japan's political and business circles after he is released from prison.
Moreover, a large number of people in the press and entertainment circles who later served Japanese television and Yomiuri Shimbun were war criminals, but they escaped trial.
In 2006, with the interpretation of a batch of secret documents, this question had an answer.
Masayoshiro is working for the CIA.
In other words, behind any program broadcast by his Japanese TV station, or any message published by Yomiuri Shimbun as president, or even every baseball game, there may be the shadow of the U.S. government.
In that special era, the significance of the existence of Japanese baseball was the tool used by the US government to eliminate the hostility of the Japanese people.
Americans are always clamoring to "keep sports away from politics", but their sports have left politics for a moment.
Not just sports.
In 1950, two months after the Korean War, Truman claimed that the U.S. Congress would bear millions of dollars in "the truth of the movement" to deal with global Communist propaganda and to give others the impression of "a comprehensive and fair American life and the U.S. government".
In short, American life and the American government are the best, so that people all over the world yearn for this kind of life.
Therefore, in 1951, the budget of the United States Congress in this regard increased from US $32.7 million to US $112.2 million, an increase of as much as three times.
This is $120 million 68 years ago. Where did all this money go?
Japan is naturally second to none.
This is because, after World War II, Japan was a defeated country, the United States was a victorious country, and Japan was also dropped two atomic bombs by the United States, so the Japanese people hate the United States very much.
But when we look again today, Japan is not only the strongest ally of the United States, but also the status of whites in the whole culture is extremely noble, sometimes incredible.
Today's Japanese have fully accepted such a value:
American culture and even western culture are more advanced and fashionable, and the people are more kind, free, forthright, civilized and good-looking.
How did this subversive transformation come about?
It was hit with money.
As we mentioned earlier, after World War II, MacArthur launched the "three s plan" in Japanese society——
Screen, sex and sports.
The sports represented by baseball are actually just one of them. The entertainment industry and sex industry have been greatly affected.
First of all, in the news industry, the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo began to operate. They actively strive for, contact and win over the leaders of the press and radio stations to publicize their ideas through their caliber, so as to influence the thoughts of the Japanese.
Once they control the news propaganda, they have mastered what the Japanese can and can't see, and everything is under their control.
In the first s, screen represents the entertainment industry.
My friend Captain crow once wrote an article "do you know how hard the CIA works to make you like fresh meat?" The article describes in detail the process of CIA spending a lot of money to support a Japanese paedophile named hidokawa, making him become the godfather of Japanese fashion step by step, and turning the Japanese male chauvinism aesthetics into today's small fresh meat aesthetics step by step.
And the second s, sex, sex industry.
After the Allied forces entered Japan, at the instigation of MacArthur, in 1945, the Japanese Ministry of the interior issued a circular requiring local police departments to establish comfort centers to provide sexual services to the occupying forces.
Under pressure, the Japanese government had to recruit a large number of good family women into comfort homes in the name of "Recruitment".
The number of these women was as high as 70000. They were physically and mentally devastated by the Allied forces. This has also aroused great dissatisfaction in Japanese society.
Photo: Japanese prostitutes entertaining us sergeants after World War II
After the implementation of the "3S plan", these comfort houses urgently need to be whitewashed in order to maintain the image of the United States.
On March 10, 1946, the Allied Command in Japan asked the Japanese authorities to immediately close these comfort centers and turn them all into private brothels.
So the 70000 comfort women forced to enter the comfort center become street prostitutes.
Picture: the "Pan Pan" girls on the streets of Tokyo after 1945
But this does not matter to the United States, because as long as it is not an official brothel, it can declare that "this is their choice".
At that time, Japan was full of waste, and everyone had no money to eat and no work to do.
A large part of these prostitutes have become the whole source of income for the whole family. After some Japanese families saw it, they also began to set up their own doors and engage in physical trading.
At one time, the sex culture spread to the whole of Japan.
To some extent, the value of "sexual service is enjoyment" often found in Japanese sexual culture can also be traced back to that period.
Outside Japan, the United States has never been soft when throwing money in the 3S field.
American screen, led by Hollywood and Oscar, has carried American values and extended to every corner of the world.
In fact, as early as the 1940s, Hollywood's film export agency once called itself a "small state department", that is, the U.S. Department of foreign affairs.
The Washington Post once published an article entitled "American pop culture permeates all over the world", which said:
"The largest export of the United States is no longer crops in the field or products in factories, but mass-produced pop culture products, including movies, TV programs, music, books and computer software."
In this sense, Hollywood has "conquered the world". Our earth is becoming a "Hollywood planet".
Sex in the United States, with its accompanying western sexual concepts and sexual aesthetics, is increasingly becoming the mainstream of the world.
Created by Victoria's secret, an American lingerie chain, it is an American aesthetic model "Victoria angel", which has become a model for women all over the world, and even known as "the most beautiful body on earth".
White skin, big chest and long legs, which originally belonged to western white women, are being yearned for by women all over the world.
Now, after successfully becoming one of the most popular sports leagues in China, sports in the United States has also become a sharp blade to stab us.
So, is today's incident in the NBA a simple accident?
This is about Morey, an old friend of the Chinese people.
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The CIA’s ten commandments for dealing with China
in its highly classified Central Intelligence Agency, the section on dealing with China was originally written in 1951, when the United States and China were at each other’s throats, since then, the relationship between China and the United States has been continuously revised, so far a total of 10, known as the Internal Code “Ten Commandments.”. First, to use material as far as possible to seduce and corrupt their youth, encouraging them to despise, despise and further openly oppose the ideological education they originally feared, especially the communist dogma. Create interest and opportunities for them to engage in sexual promiscuity by encouraging them to do so. Let them not be ashamed of shallowness and vanity. We must destroy their emphasis on hard work. 2. Do everything possible to spread the word, including movies, books, television, radio... and new forms of religion. As long as they aspire to our ways of clothing, food, shelter, transportation, entertainment and education, they are half the battle. Third, it is important to draw the attention of their youth away from the tradition of government-centeredness. Keep their minds focused on: Sports shows, Porn, fun, Games, crime movies, and religious superstitions. 4. Make things happen so that their people can discuss them openly. This sows the seeds of division in their subconscious. In particular, it is a strategy that can not be ignored to find opportunities among their ethnic minorities, to divide their regions, to divide their ethnic groups, to divide their feelings, and to create new animosities between them. Five, to continue to make news, vilify their leadership. Our reporters should find the opportunity to interview them and then organize their own words to attack themselves.
6. Promote democracy in all circumstances. Whenever there is an opportunity, be it large or small, visible or invisible, we should seize it and launch a democratic movement. We will continue to demand democracy and human rights for them in all circumstances and on all occasions. As long as each of us says the same thing over and over again, their people will surely believe that we are telling the truth. We hold a man is a man, we hold a place is a place. We should encourage them to spend as much as possible and encourage them to borrow from us. Then we have every assurance that we will destroy their credit, devalue their currency, and inflate it. As long as they lose control of prices, they will collapse in the eyes of the people. We must use our economic and technological advantages to physically and invisibly attack their industries. We can encourage social unrest so long as their industries are brought to a standstill without their knowledge. But we have to help and assist them, on the surface, very lovingly, so that they look weak. A weak government leads to greater unrest. Make use of all the resources, even every gesture, every word and every smile, is enough to destroy their traditional values. We will use everything we have to destroy their morals and hearts. The key to destroying their self-esteem and self-confidence... is to try to break their spirit of hard work. 10. Secretly carrying weapons of all kinds, and arming all their enemies, and all who might be their enemies.
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US secret strategy towards China exposed! The effect is far better than military subversion!
The ten commandments are actually the top ten work plans of the CIA's action to subvert the Chinese government. It is the part about China in the CIA's extremely confidential document "operation manual". It was originally written in 1951 and has been revised many times since.
Since the early 1950s, the CIA has been drafting a set of internal code named "Ten Commandments", in an attempt to shake the young values of the Chinese traditional generation in terms of ideology and culture, politics and economy, ethnic and religious contradictions, media tools and weapons and equipment, so as to achieve the purpose of subverting the Chinese regime. Sixty five years ago, the United States was the largest capitalist country in the world and China was the second largest socialist country. Later, thirty years later, the United States was still the largest capitalist country in the world, while China became the largest socialist country. Especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, China became the biggest imaginary enemy of the United States. As opponents, it is normal for Americans to formulate such a policy.
The United States used this method to subvert the "former Soviet Union", and its effect is far better than military subversion!
Since the reform and opening up, China has thought that the cold war system has ended and everyone has entered the new century, but in fact, the CIA's cold war policy, which has lasted for more than 40 years, has not changed. After the overthrow of the Soviet Union, the biggest "enemy country" is undoubtedly China, followed by Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and so on. The voice of America radio station didn't transfer its funds to the Internet until about 2007. It needs to be known that the Internet has no borders, no law, and even the dissemination of pornographic and violent culture. No country can supervise it. What's more, the infiltration of western culture and the input of values are so secret and difficult to detect?
The so-called "Ten Commandments" of the CIA were first exposed by the Hong Kong wide-angle mirror monthly in July 2001, and published in the 15th edition of reference news of Xinhua News Agency on July 24, 2001. Later, in the process of studying the CIA's ten commandments, scholars from various countries found that its content was strikingly similar to historical documents such as the KGB x files, the minutes of the Zion Presbyterian Council, Samuel Huntington's "democratic norms" and "world revolutionary action plan".
For example, in Article 5 of the ten commandments, "keep making news and vilify their leaders. Our journalists should find opportunities to interview them and then organize their own words to attack themselves" and "democratic norms" "Focus on the illegality of an authoritarian regime or the weakness of its legitimacy; this is its weakest point. Attack the regime on issues of general concern, such as corruption and cruelty. If the regime is successful (especially economically), these attacks may not be effective. Once it is bad (and will be so) , then focus on attacking its illegality, which has become the most important means to disintegrate its power.
Another example is article 4 of the ten commandments "They often create things that have nothing to do and let their people discuss them openly. In this way, the seeds of division are planted in their subconscious mind. In particular, they should find good opportunities in their ethnic minorities to split their regions, their nations, their feelings and create new and old hatred among them. This is a strategy that can not be ignored at all", The "world revolution action plan" is expressed as: the general public does not know how to enjoy freedom. The concept of "freedom" can be used to trigger "class struggle".
Senior KGB intelligence officer Wei? General shronen cited the intelligence he handled in the KGB X-Files. Alan, the founder and first leader of the CIA? Dulles once taught his officers:
"There (Soviet Union) After creating chaos, we unconsciously change their values into false ones and force them to believe them. How? We found our own like-minded people... We found allies and assistants in Russia. Directing one plot after another to the demise of the least tame people in the world, its self-consciousness is finally and irreversibly extinguished, which is the most magnificent tragedy according to its scale... "
"We will do everything possible to support and mobilize the so-called artists. They will cultivate the worship of pornography, violence, abuse and betrayal. In short, we will create chaos and uncontrollable situation in national governance..."
"We will unconsciously but actively promote the misdeeds of officials and bribes. Unprincipled, bureaucratic and follow-up delays will be regarded as good deeds..."
"Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and become remnants of the past. Arrogance, rudeness, meanness, lies and deception, murder and drug abuse, animal like fear and shamelessness between each other, betrayal, nationalism and hostility of all nationalities, and above all hostility and hatred towards the Russian nation - all these will be cultivated skillfully and unconsciously, and all these will bloom Double petaled flowers... "(v. shronin: KGB x archives, Xinhua press, 1st edition, August 2003, P. 62).
It can be seen that these paragraphs are excerpts from Dulles's instruction. The KGB spies lurking in the CIA got the information and sent it back to the KGB. These contents are basically consistent with the contents of the CIA's Ten Commandments later disclosed.
From the comparison of the contents of the above documents, it can be seen that the ten commandments, as a kind of ideological manipulation and conceptual infiltration to subvert the sovereign state, is by no means fabricated out of thin air. It is a consistent established strategy of the family forces of transnational financial tyrants and their agents, and has been implemented for a long time. Throughout the modern history of the world, we can see that this established strategy has achieved great success.
Some countries in central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, West Asia and North Africa have experienced varying degrees of turbulence in their domestic political situation, and even regime change in the form of violence. These so-called "revolutions" are uniformly called the so-called "Color Revolution". Their biggest common ground is the intervention and operation of the "black hand" of the United States. During the cold war, the United States began to counter the Soviet Union and the socialist camp by wantonly intervening in other countries' internal affairs and supporting Pro American forces. The most typical example is that in 1973, the CIA directly intervened in the political situation in Chile, overthrew the Allende government, which actively cooperated with the socialist camp, and supported the pro american military government to power. Such overt subversive actions also highlight the interference of the United States in other countries on the grounds of so-called "democracy" and "human rights". Its purpose is entirely to safeguard the interests of the United States itself and even some special groups within the United States.
Ideological issues are extremely important for a sovereign state. In today's world, the political propaganda of ideology, in close cooperation with the three strategies of financial campaign and military attack, has become a key variable affecting other countries' national sovereignty and even the world pattern.
At present, non western countries are facing extremely severe crises and challenges in these three aspects. The combination of consciousness manipulation and academic research is more secretive. Although it is not as vigorous as the financial and military hot war, its function can also disturb people's country and destroy the country invisibly. The western capital forces use the academic norms, international exchanges, rewards and grants and other systems they control to actively output and secretly infiltrate the values such as "universal values" against sovereign countries in various forms, so as to achieve the strategic goal of subversion and destruction in the political, economic, cultural, social and other fields. How to recognize the essence of the established strategy of Western hostile forces in the ideological field, always keep a clear mind and actively respond in practice is worthy of serious consideration by everyone who cares about the future and destiny of the country and nation.
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College students need to understand politics to be rational and patriotic
Young People’s patriotic enthusiasm, college students are very concerned about politics. In my 30 years of work, countless events have taken place at home and abroad. When it comes to China, some college students have shown great patriotic enthusiasm. That’s a good thing. If the young intellectuals in a country do not care about the future and destiny of the country, the country really has no future. Therefore, college students must be concerned about politics. However, the issue of politics is much more complicated than some issues of daily life, especially those related to the fundamental interests of the country. If not handled properly, it will affect the overall situation of the country. College students are patriotic, this should be fully affirmed, but in the face of major political problems, first of all, we must be calm, serious thinking, must not be emotional. Senkaku Islands dispute, Senkaku Islands dispute has for some time attracted great attention of Chinese people, and has also become a hot topic of discussion among college students. Not only was there heated discussion, but some university students took to the streets to express their strong dissatisfaction with the Japanese government’s actions. In conversations with college students, I asked them this question: “Let’s assume for a moment that if there were only China and Japan on earth, would there be any Senkaku Islands dispute?”I said I would definitely say no, and I’m sure my college friends will come to the same conclusion.
Why? The reason is very simple, “Japan is an island country, with 129 million people living on 378,000 square kilometers of land, its population density is too high and its resources are too poor. For this reason alone, if we want to survive, we have to rely on China. How can Japan dare to claim the Diaoyu Islands as theirs?”Well, from the appearance of the Senkaku Islands dispute, what should college students realize? What I want to communicate with my college students friends here is that college students should not only care about politics, but also understand politics. When major events occur between countries, first of all, we should clarify the complicated international relations in today’s world and face them calmly, rational patriotism. To be sure, the Senkaku Islands dispute is by no means isolated, because China and Japan are not the only two countries in the world. Since the emergence of the political structure of “One ball, two systems”, there has been a great deal of tension, in particular, the relationship between countries that adhere to the socialist system and those that follow the capitalist road has become more complicated. Here is an example of a major political event in history to illustrate my point.
World War II, as you know, on September 1,1939 -- September 2,1945, the Second World War broke out in the history of mankind. The scale of the war is enormous: From Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 61 countries and regions, more than 2 billion people were involved. The war zone covers an area of 22 million square kilometers. According to incomplete statistics, there were more than 90 million casualties in the war. The executioner of this war is Germany, Italy, Japan led by the Axis of Fascism. During the war, the narwhals established concentration camps that were used to isolate, imprison dissident, enemy aliens, and members of a particular ethnic, religious, or political group in an isolated area. The Auschwitz concentration camp, founded in 1940, is Germany’s largest concentration camp for Polish and German Jews. The Nazis built large-scale extermination facilities, including gas-killing “Bathrooms,”corpse cellars and Crematoria, to exterminate the Jews. The Nazis also selected prisoners for medical experiments, such as convenient sterilization methods and vivisection of twins, in which some 4 million people were killed. The Statism in Shōwa Japan also committed heinous crimes in China, carrying out the barbaric “Three-light policy”, engaging in murder competitions for fun, carried out the “Nanking Massacre”. The atrocious crimes of fascism are heinous. “More help, less help”, the ultimate victory of justice, evil is bound to perish. The outcome of the Second World War ended with the victory of the anti-fascist countries and peoples of the world, such as the United States, the Soviet Union, China and Britain, over the fascist aggressors to win world peace and progress.
The war is over. What about the fascists’atrocities? How To heal the wounds in the hearts of all peace-loving people in the world? The Chinese people, in particular, are concerned about what to do with the Japanese militarism. In light of Saddam’s misfortune today, it is fair to say that whatever punishment was meted out to the Japanese militarism for their war crimes could not have been more severe, even Japan, such a fascist island in the Pacific Ocean, could be “Buried”in the sea. But that’s not how history works. Not only did the Japanese militarism not get the harshest punishment, but from a certain point of view, they got a lot of “Favors.”. The reason is that the western capitalist countries, led by the United States and Britain, do not want such a Pacific island country in the Far East, which borders China, to disappear. College students know that one of the major consequences of the post-world War II era was the birth of China, a great socialist country in the East that the Western world would have hated to see. To this day, the general strategy of the West is to prevent the emergence in the east of a strong China that adheres to the socialist system. This strategy has never been changed or wavered in the West, and we shall return to this issue later. Although Japan is a defeated country, but it has benefited from the capitalist system, in order to curb the socialist China, the Western countries are going to use Japan as a pawn in China’s game, this is in the West to let the value of Japan’s existence! College students care about politics and love their country, but only if they truly understand politics and the intricacies of international relations. Here we can go back further in history.
Have political ideas. Politics hasn’t always been there. In Primitive Society, there is no concept of private ownership, there is no state, there is no politics to speak of. Politics, as a social phenomenon and social base and superstructure, appears in the time of the emergence of class antagonism and the emergence of the state, and is always directly or indirectly related to the state. Politics is the centralized reflection of economy, national interests are the political representatives and the core interests reflected, and all ideological and behavioral activities contrary to the national interests will be opposed at the political level by resorting to the use of force, start a war. We often say that today’s world has entered an era of multi-polarization, that is to say, the political interests of any country do not exist in isolation. It requires great wisdom to deal with matters like state-to-state affairs, needs to grasp from the history and the reality two dimensions. Looking back on the development process of human society, the 20th century should be counted as a century of great significance. In the long development of human society, there appeared several social forms, such as primitive society, slave society, feudal society and Capitalist Society. The replacement of feudal society by Capitalist Society is a great progress in human development.
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