kylethekings · 10 years
Oops, my bad. How is your drink? Gin and tonic I see. You have excellent taste in alcoholic beverages. I assume you're old enough to be drinking that, miss.
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My gin and tonic is also delicious. Although you didn’t ask.
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kylethekings · 10 years
It's very possible, isn't it? But I'll be sneaky and shit and keep that drink on lockdown. That would be rude anyways, aren't stars supposed to have manners? I can see your point, it just won't work on me, hah.
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"What if someone just took your drink? Wouldn’t that be an efficient way to get someone to get you a drink? — I had a point to this, but I forgot it, crap."
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kylethekings · 10 years
Ha, I’m getting a lot of the same. But that rule is such a cliche one to break. I’m leaning more towards the sex rule. So many lowered standards, so little time.
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Man, if I had someone to break it with I'd be right there with you. Unfortunately I'm not as cool and studly as the rest of these famous folk. Got anyone in mind? I make a mean wingman.
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kylethekings · 10 years
But aren't you really being the party pooper by not following the party's rules?
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Now now don’t be a such party pooper.
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kylethekings · 10 years
Consider us even after you called me boring the other day. But how's that search coming along for your after party date? There are some lookers around.
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I prefer the after party to be me and one more person, just have to find that person. Thanks though. Oh, you are an angel sent from above, thank you so fucking much. 
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kylethekings · 10 years
Kids these days, not breaking the rules. Crazy shit! I'm sure there are plenty of them who could sweet-talk any of these hired bartenders. Like most of them forget they're famous actors that people admire deeply.
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It shocks me that in this day and age people still use other people to get them alcohol, has no-one heard of sweet talking or I don’t know, even stealing.
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kylethekings · 10 years
"Um - okay?" Kyle asks in defeat as he shrugs his shoulders questioningly at his little brother before pulling his glass back from the table. "What's wrong with you? Not having a fun time? You want more? You're probably the only person I'd actually get a drink for."
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"Yeah, you tell them, Kyle," Jordan mumbles as he sat down, reaching over and grabbing his brother’s glass, taking a quick drink before setting it back down with a small sigh. "Thanks, man. I really needed that."
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kylethekings · 10 years
I probably could do that but it's more fun to watch them suffer. I completely understand though, it's like most of them are now privileged young adults but only so privileged. We're probably awful people. But you're right, they definitely don't care. Although to be fair I probably would have pre-gamed this shit too.
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Yeah, I’m pretty sure you could get a round of shots for every underage person here and no one could really do anything. Not that you should do that, I’m just saying you could. Use your family’s power for good, not evil. Yeah, I know. The sick twisted part of me really enjoys sipping a beer as I talk to a group of twenty year olds. Kinda mean, mostly amusing. Half of them already seem drunk though. They either pre-gamed, or have found a way around that no drinking rule. They just don’t give a fuck.
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kylethekings · 10 years
Damn, so you can feel my pain. I'm the same way about the law. That's just my excuse for the most part. Well then again only for certain people under the age I guess, like my siblings or a girl that might be really cute and getting her a drink is the only way I know how to talk to her. I could care less about getting in trouble with the studio and I think the studio fears my parents a little to much honestly, but it's almost kind of fun to watch these kids all suffer and beg desperately. You know?
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Yeah, I’m pretty much in the same boat. I think everyone over 21 is repeatedly being hit up by the younger talent. I’ve only agreed to get drinks for one or two people. I’m not so much concerned about following the law as I am with one of the kids ratting me out and getting my ass in trouble with someone at the studio. 
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kylethekings · 10 years
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Oh come on, it's a party for your show and you didn't think to have an after party?! I'm just fucking with you. Sort of. Congrats on the show, by the way. But still no on the drink, if this were anywhere else but considering the people that pay our paychecks are watching and filming our every move.. i'd rather put my almost empty glass down and let you accidentally pick it up.
But it’s still a party so you should get me a drink. I’d get it myself if it was a wrap party for every different show but I can’t because it’s my own show and the producers will kill me, even if I did maybe drink before coming here.
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kylethekings · 10 years
I swear if one more person asks me to get them a drink. I mean, you're all stars right? I'm so surprised to see you all following the rules. Okay, yes I know I'm following the rules by not getting you a drink but I'm also following the law. If this were a house party I would gladly help you out! But my gin and tonic is great, thanks for asking.
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kylethekings · 10 years
Aw, you're too sweet! Thank God I have a friend like you to rocket me into fame... Just messing, man. Well because you're being so nice to allow me to watch the game at the bar then deal. Are you going to hit up some girls? Because they're going to be whining into my ear while I'm trying to watch the game... Maybe that's our trick then. You'll get double the girls while I get double the alone time to watch the sports! We should hit the gym up next week, I'll make a man out of you.
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"Always thinking about other possibilities, what a great friend you are. If I even get the job, I’ll hook you up with some sort of part. I’ll get you one with one of the dumbest lines or something embarrassing just so we can make this all memorable for the both of us — oh we’re so hitting up a bar, we can call some friends over after as well and just have a riot of a party to celebrate. We can watch football at the bar as well, just to please your little heart if you’d like. I can get drunk enough to not even know what we’re watching. Never was a fan of the sport, seems alright though.”
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kylethekings · 10 years
@bellakingsley: i've never hold someone else's hand than my mom's, so please take it gently if you will.
@kylethekingsley: are you being philosophical or deep or literal because i know you've held my hand..
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kylethekings · 10 years
Maybe if you're a girl or a guy that isn't only on this show because his parents gave him no choice! I mean, I looked good, but I also turned my sheets orange for weeks. Yeah, I'm not so sure that would go over well. Maybe halloween because I could learn to play along. I know! It's like, what are we even paying you for?
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C’mon though. Spray tans are a life saver! You don’t to look like a ghost on set with dark hair. That would just look very awkward, don’t you think? I would love to make you look like a girl but I’m not sure how well the producers would like that. I’m sorry ‘bout that, but hey — you gotta do what you gotta do, right? Good thing you’ve grown out of the acne stage. It just makes that 100 times easier for me.
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kylethekings · 10 years
Well it's completely possible, I wouldn't rule it out of the realm of possibility. I'm just kidding again - even though I suppose it is still possible. But dude, that would be sick! You'd have to get me a cameo. I mean, I don't act, but dude I would make a great extra. Maybe an extra with two lines too, you know what I mean? I was just going to hang around and watch football all evening, we could hit up a bar maybe. maybe invite over some friends and have a small celebration party? I don't care, bro, you just need a drink.
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"Let’s be real here, I’ll steal the last bit even if you don’t offer them up. Man I know! I seriously can’t believe it still and I’m hoping I don’t get some email later on saying ‘Shit man— that wasn’t for you, disregard that. Thanks.' Maybe a bit more formal than that but only thing I'd picture if that was the case. I've gotten some word it might being a second instalment of the Ninja Turtles and if that's the case, I'm fucking ecstatic. Thanks though! And obviously it's your treat. What are you thinking we do tonight?”
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kylethekings · 10 years
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kylethekings · 10 years
Hey, as long as they don't make me get a fake tan again then you can have free range. Although I'm not sure I would like eyeliner.. I hate when things go near my eyes. You do do a really nice job with the foundation though, but every time you do it I feel like I'm slowly losing my masculinity. You're lucky you missed out on my puberty years. My acne was impossible to cover up back in the day.
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That’s totally why. It’s such a blessing getting to put foundation all over the great Kyle Kinglsey’s face. What did I do to deserve something as great as this? You’re face isn’t so bad. I mean — at least I don’t have to put eye shadow and eyeliner on you so that’s not so much of a hassle.
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