kwseongbin · 2 years
   he should have figured someone would end up approaching him. 
   is he surprised that it’s seongbin? maybe a little. though cory would never claim to be close with anyone on the team, he likes to think he is at least friendly with most of them. of course, friendly and cory are not really related. he’s polite and he doesn’t go out of his way to be mean – but he also doesn’t go out of his way to socialize with anyone else. those he talks with are either around him already or he needed to approach them for a specific reason.
      that’s beside the point.
        he loosens his hold on his bat, the end of it hitting the ground as he turns slightly to look at seongbin. sweat rolls down his forehead and makes him shake his head slightly. both chilled and hot right now, an odd combination.
           “sushi?“ he parrots the word. lifting his bat back into both hands and taking stance. "perhaps– ten more minutes though.”
“perhaps?” seongbin echoes, a laugh bubbling from his lips (though really, he doesn’t try that hard to suppress it; he’s not that considerate). “what, did you invent time travel and just get back from the 1600s? who talks like that anymore?” he thinks it’s funny. though his words are a bit berating, he means well. it’s just teasing, after all. “nah, not in ten minutes. right now. i’m starving and i’ll literally die right now if you don’t hurry up and come with me.”
hyperbole probably isn’t the most convincing argument, but it’s the only one seongbin knows how to make. he leans up against the chain link fencing of the batting cage, making it very clear that he’s not going anywhere, not going to stop bothering cory, until he relents to his demands to go get food with him and saves the batting practice for another time.
“hurry up. you still need to shower and change. i can’t walk into the sushi place with you and you smell like the whole locker room. they’d kick us out,” seongbin clutches his chest, pantomiming how broken his heart would be if he was denied his sushi after getting so close to it. cory’s not going to ruin this for him, but he’s also not going to let cory ruin himself by grinding until there’s nothing left but dust. it is possible to work too hard.
“come on,” he repeats his request, not really taking no for an answer. “it’ll be fun. when’s the last time you’ve had sushi?”
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kwseongbin · 2 years
›      on the brink
     he finds a granola bar at the bottom of his backpack and eats that quietly, satiating his hunger just slightly for a moment. it’s enough to stave off his stomach growling for now and he turns his attention back to his books. he feels a bit bad that he had spammed seongbin, but he had figured his roommate probably wasn’t doing anything too important anyway.
     only managing to get through about half a page of notes before his phone buzzes again, noah tugs it out to read the notifications that had popped up on his screen. he feels a wave of guilt wash over him at what he reads, though it dissipates not too long after. he taps into the chat though, since he feels slightly apologetic about it though he’s not going to let seongbin guilt-trip him into doing something. especially considering he was unaware of what the other had been up to.
(  ✉  )  𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐓𝐎      ›    seongbinnieee 🥳
••• sent : oops ••• sent : this is just how i text though? ••• sent : also if you were going to do something important you should’ve DNDed your phone ••• sent : anyways you’ll probably see her again ••• sent : and if you don’t then you’ll find someone else hot haha
     he frowns slightly to himself, not sure of what else to say though the hungry part of his brain has noted that seongbin hadn’t said no to his request so he hopes he still picks up the chicken. if not, noah guesses he’ll just have to bite the bullet and order delivery and have to foot the pricey delivery fee. his phone buzzes again and he can’t help the grin that spreads across his lips, suddenly very pleased.
(  ✉  )  𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐓𝐎      ›    seongbinnieee 🥳
••• sent : drinks on me! ••• sent : just send me the receipt and i’ll send u money for my half + drinks ••• sent : ur the best
his phone buzzes five more times. ugh, noah. he really doesn’t learn, does he? seongbin tries not to get too frustrated by it, but then he sees the first text, just one word, and he wishes that modern phones still came with the ability to simply remove the battery at any moment. he’d very much like to throw it in the river to not hear it buzz ever again right now. but seongbin’s also aware that may be a bit of an extreme reaction so he tries to cool it. maybe he’s just hungry too and getting a little extra frustrated because of it.
[ msg to: noah more like NOah 😡 ] when have i ever dnd’d my phone [ msg to: noah more like NOah 😡 ] that’s even more suspicious then it looks like i’m hiding something [ msg to: noah more like NOah 😡 ] anyway i hate you
he makes a promise to himself to stop replying to noah after that last message, at least until he gets back to the dorm. if he texts him again he can sweat it out and worry if seongbin actually does hate him, or if he got lost and died while going to the chicken place, or something. he thinks he deserves a little revenge; making noah worry for a few minutes will have to suffice. just drinks is not nearly enough payback for seongbin’s liking.
it’s intentional when seongbin takes a few extra minutes to pack up his laptop and gather up his other things before leaving the studio. he takes his time, strolling along leisurely and not at all in any rush to get the chicken. a trip that should have taken half an hour tops suddenly becomes forty-five minutes. and even though seongbin is aware that he’s also wasting his own time, he decides its worth it for the satisfaction of “getting even” with his terrible, horrible, inconsiderate roommate who sends way too many text messages.
when he’s finally back to his dorm room, seongbin decides that it’s far too much effort to shuffle the plastic bag chicken bag around to try to dig out his keys to let himself in. instead, he kicks the door in place of knocking and calls out without regard for their neighbors: “open up, noah! i have your damn chicken!” he hopes it startles noah. he’s still mad at him; his only company tonight will be a cold shower instead of the pretty girl who was really into him until his phone buzzed six damn times. he kicks the door six more times for good measure.
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kwseongbin · 2 years
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may i have retention my ladies and gentlemen 🎪
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kwseongbin · 2 years
the best laid plans.
he’s not usually a devious guy. maybe that’s why he’s apparently so bad at making devious plans.
it was supposed to be simple: convince eden that coach had suddenly called a team meeting in the gym. make sure he has his work keyring on him. lock eden in the gym, and suddenly the band has no lead guitarist for tonight’s practice. seongbin takes his spot, everyone likes him better, and he’s the band’s new official lead guitar. eden gets demoted to rhythm guitar. everyone (except for eden, possibly) is happy.
but of course things never work out how seongbin plans them to. of course now would be the time when an unusual bout of bad luck suddenly decides to curse a usually pretty lucky guy. he realized far too late into executing the plan that his work keys are sitting on his desk in his dorm, not in his backpack like he thought they were. and unfortunately, they’re already in the gym. which is now locked. and seongbin can’t get out of without his keys.
really, he did this to himself. he has no one else to blame. but, somehow, he still feels the need to blame eden for this.
he’s not exactly sure what to do now. does he fess up to his plan? does he play it off like he’s just as confused as eden is why the rest of the baseball team isn’t here? he decides on something in between: a truth and a lie; yes, he meant to get eden here and lock him in, but no, it had nothing to do with the band and was just a funny prank idea he had as a good ol’ friend, haha. nothing more, of course!
“shit,” seongbin lets out a curse, shaking the gymnasium door and listening to the hinges rattle. unfortunately, they build these things too strong to try to break down. not that he’s tried. “this was supposed to be funny. i was gonna leave you here and let myself out and then tell everyone you were dead or something. like, a joke, a prank. but i don’t have my keys.” he scowls at the offending door even if he’s talking to eden. “i’m so stupid.”
he tries searching his bag one more time, checking each and every one of his pockets, to no avail. he knows where they are; right next to where he charges his phone so he wouldn’t forget them. that helped so much, apparently. it settles that he’s trapped in a room with eden. possibly indefinitely, or at least until tomorrow morning when the athletics director comes to open up the building for the day. at least it’s not a small room; seongbin can sit on the opposite side of the gym and sulk if he really wants to. more than anything, he’s just embarrassed. and maybe a bit worried; he didn’t eat dinner and he’s gonna get pretty damn hungry if they don’t find a way out of here.
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kwseongbin · 2 years
look, hwang seongbin might be a little full of himself. he might think that he’s god’s gift to this desolate planet, that he’s the best thing since sliced bread. sometimes one might even think that seongbin thinks he’s the second coming of christ himself. but he’s not a total dick with his head shoved so far up his own ass that he can’t see anything but himself. sometimes he pays attention to other people and can be a good friend. and sometimes that benefits him too.
one thing he’s noticed is that cory always seems to work a little too hard. which is fine, do you, give 110% and all that, but sometimes it’s too much. sometimes seongbin notices that cory forgets to eat, or is a little too sluggish in practice, or looks like he’s about to fall asleep on the bench. and he’s not an asshole, so he worries about his teammate. he justifies it selfishly: if cory’s not taking care of himself and performing his best, then the team will suffer. so sometimes seongbin intervenes.
today, he realizes that he’s going to have to step in again. practice is over, everyone else is hitting the showers and heading home. to be honest, seongbin has an assignment due at midnight that he should really be working on, but he doesn’t really want to so he lingers just a little bit. long enough to see cory swinging away in the batting cages with no indication that he’s going anywhere any time soon.
“hey,” seongbin leans up against the fence, getting the other’s attention whether he wants it or not. “practice is over. you wanna get sushi with me?”
    the afternoon heat was doing nothing to stop cory from training. the weight of the bat in his hand is a familiar one. a comfortable one. he swings, taking careful measures to make sure his form is perfect. that there isn’t even a toe out of line. he swings again, and again. the process repeated for a moment before he pauses. the bat is held long ways across his shoulder and he rocks to each side. getting a good stretch in. 
     practice had ended for the day, coach didn’t want anyone to over do it for too long with games coming up. it wouldn’t be good for the first string players to be worn out before game. but cory hadn’t been happy with his performance at practice. as a catcher he felt assured he could lead the team for the point position. but as a batter? he was sub-par today. even if no one said anything against his performance. 
     thats how he finds himself on the field still as everyone else finishes packing up and heading for the showers. he could spend at least another hour here swinging until he was sure the feeling had sunk into his bones. with that in mind he takes up the bat again, bending his knees slightly and imagining a ball coming his way. so focused he didn’t notice @kwseongbin headed his way. 
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kwseongbin · 2 years
his phone buzzes once, left unanswered. then again. and when it buzzes six times in a row, seongbin is absolutely convinced that someone must have died or something. he lets out a frustrated groan, peeling himself away from the very pretty girl who’s very into him and a remarkably good kisser to snatch up his phone and see just what the emergency is. and he can’t help but scowl at the screen when he sees noah’s contact popping up for each of those six messages that have caused him so much regret for not remembering to put his phone in do not disturb mode.
“sorry,” he grumbles, clearly frustrated, “it’s just my roommate.” he tries to put his phone down, to go back to what they were doing, but in the next moment she’s getting up and grabbing her bad. seongbin’s never been more disappointed in his life.
“no, i need to go finish an essay anyway. i’ll see you around.”
she’s out the door just a moment later, leaving a very frustrated seongbin alone in the studio, his final project nowhere near completed, and his ‘muse’ snatched from his fingertips. he’s going to kill noah for this, he swears.
[ contact updated: noah 🤠 → noah more like NOah 😡 ] [ msg to: noah more like NOah 😡 ] i literally hate u so much right now [ msg to: noah more like NOah 😡 ] did you really have to text me six times?? you could’ve sent that in one message but nooooo you just HAD to send SIX [ msg to: noah more like NOah 😡 ] she probably thinks you’re my girlfriend or something if i never see her again this is your fault. she was hot too. [ msg to: noah more like NOah 😡 ] get your own chicken 😤
the problem is that if he’s not going to get any work done in the studio now anyway, he may as well go back to the dorm and be grumpy in the comfort of his own bed. but now he can’t since he’s trying to be mad at his roommate... and apparently needs to bring back chicken if he wants to go home. he lets out another long groan, rubbing the heels of his wrists into his eyes as he tries to wipe away a semester’s worth of sleep deprivation. he can probably throw something together for final critique in just a couple hours over the weekend anyway...
[ msg to: noah more like NOah 😡 ] i’m charging you a delivery fee.
›      on the brink
✨  ——  requesting help from the roomie  /  @kwseongbin​
     he’s dying.
     it’s official. he’s going to die in this dorm and no one will know until seongbin comes home and then all of his friends will mourn him. or something. maybe he’ll get some funny eulogies at his funeral? that’s all he can hope for. maybe a friend will play a slideshow of memes. that would be great. 
     anyways, he’s probably just being dramatic but the dorm fridge doesn’t have anything to eat in it right now and he doesn’t want to bother any of his friends to come and feed him. he had announced that he wouldn’t be leaving the place until he finished reviewing for this class, but the dent he had made so far wasn’t as big of one as he hoped and he was starving. and he had broken his own resolve by stepping outside just to go to the convenience store, but they had run out of everything—he’s not surprised, considering it’s finals season and everyone is stressed. 
     so, his last resort is seongbin. not because he doesn’t like his roommate, but more like he doesn’t really want to bother him. he’s probably busy with his girlfriend anyway. but seongbin also has to come home eventually, so that’s also the reason why he’s the best backup plan.
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     taking a short moment to decide what chicken he wanted, he checks the location of the chicken restaurant that he and seongbin like before texting his roommate, hopeful. 
(  ✉  )  𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐓𝐎    ›    seongbinnieee 🥳
••• sent : hey  ••• sent : no rush or anything  ••• sent : but can you pick up chicken for dinner when ur on ur way home  ••• sent : from the usual place  ••• sent : i’ll send u for half ••• sent : i’m starving 🥺
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kwseongbin · 2 years
out of a duty to his good friend hayun, or maybe because seongbin kinda sees haeun like a little sister of his own, he tries to keep an eye on her when they’re out in crowded public places like this. and if he’s being honest, he might have left this loser band already if he didn’t feel like he might be betraying the seo siblings by doing so. that doesn’t mean he’ll stop threatening to do it, but he’s still here for now. and haeun seems to have a knack for getting herself into trouble. seongbin knows what it’s like to live life a bit recklessly, but jesus christ, some common sense might be nice! doesn’t she realize that she’s flirting at best, putting herself in a potentially dangerous situation at worst when she lets them buy her drinks??
he thinks that he’s being the hero, the knight in shining armor, when he pushes his way up to the bar and sees that same asshole still trying to chat his friend’s little sister up. seongbin has the bright idea that he’ll be a human barricade, to block the guy off by putting himself in between them. so he oh so casually saunters up to the bar, ready to lean against the counter next to haeun and put in an order with the hot lady bartender (maybe this mission is a little self-serving). only he never touches the bar. he doesn’t even get to look at the menu. because he’s only just put himself next to haeun when she’s spraying some shit right in his face.
the shout that seongbin lets out is thankfully not one that would make him embarrassed later, just a very loud exclamation as he instinctively jerks away from the source of the pain, stepping backwards, only to realize that there’s no stepping away from shit that’s all over the side of his face. oh god- it’s in his eye! “haeun what the fuck!” he can’t help but exclaim, hands hovering near his face as he’s unsure if he wants to try to wipe the spray off or not touch it lest it only strings more. “what was that?? it fucking burns!”
        the bar is loud. 
    though these places normally are when they choose to have live music. tonight more than one band was playing and during the down time for their band, haeun was enjoying mingling with the crowd. it’s only been the last few months that she’s been allowed to go into places like this, so each time they have a gig it’s like a whole new experience. fun, and exciting, but sometimes a little over whelming. 
     tonight the place was more boys than girls which was a little disappointing, but it also meant haeun could have fun getting free drinks and snacks while also never giving out her number. sure, she didn’t mind flirting, but most guys just don’t do it for her. especially not the ones here. 
    at some point during the set of the current band, she had lost sight of her bandmates. normally she sticks close to one of them ( @kwseongbin or eden depending on the night) but somehow between getting a free soda and chatting up the cute bartender behind the counter (the girl, of course) she had ended up on her own. well, mostly. one of the guys tonight was being rather persistent. nothing new, but he seemed to find it funny when she insulted him meaning he was still around. “well, since you’re so eager to be hurt.” she remarked under her breath as she unclipped the keys from her belt to grab the pepper spray. 
        see, eden was right. this was going to come in handy. nothing like showing a creepy just what he deserves for being a creep. “it’s your lucky day!” she holds up the spray and hits the button without pause. 
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kwseongbin · 2 years
hi everyone!
super excited to be here and introduce my boy HWANG SEONGBIN! he's kinda an ass but that's okay at least he's cute. his full profile can be found here!
rather than a long introduction about myself, i'd rather just introduce the boy here. i'll but a tl;dr version of him under the cut along with some plot/relationship ideas!
also for the record i'm not super accessible off of tumblr so ims is probably the best place to reach me <3
ok so first of all this is a recycled muse from another rp so if he sounds familiar... that would be why!
basically, he grew up somewhat spoiled in the sense that he’s never had to work hard for anything unless he really wanted to. only child, received lots of love and attention and support for whatever hobby or interest he had. 
just happened that he had an aunt who lived in los angeles, california that he went to live with during middle school (his choice, he wanted an adventure). an aside, but he went by “steve hwang” over there. he fell in love with music, started to dabble in it more seriously. eventually, this turned into songwriting and now he’s a music production major! he’s tried to play almost any instrument on the planet at this point but he’s only actually any good at guitar, piano/keyboard, and maybe a little bit of drums/percussion if he practiced at it more.
he’s in that loser band (rhythm guitar)! he says he thought it’d be a lot cooler than it actually is and his bandmates are all losers forreal and he doesn’t want to be associated with them, but he’s also feuding with the lead guitarist for that position so what is the truth?
grew up playing baseball! started in little league and it was his way of making friends when he lived abroad for a bit, and kept playing even when he came back to korea. he’s probably not good enough to go pro, but he’s definitely good enough to be on the kwu team! plays shortstop and 2nd base interchangeably and has a slightly above average batting average.
he’s actually a very talented guy! and quite dedicated to his craft, but fortunately or unfortunately (depending on your perspective), it’s always come easy to him and never felt like hard work (maybe because he was enjoying it too much and never had to struggle or suffer for it). so he’s got this idea in his head that he’s just naturally better or more talented than everyone else.
side note: he works as a campus janitor. he’s not proud of this and it’s super lame but hey, a guy’s gotta make money somehow! he figures it’s an overnight gig and he has access to keys to the building so it’s kinda useful... especially if you need the answer key for that quiz on tuesday... not that he’d do that, no!
he’s not a bad guy, but he’s not the nicest either, as you might be able to tell. he’s fun, has a good sense of humor, and there’s really nothing to complain about as far as his work ethic goes. but he’s not exactly…. likable…. to some people……. unfortunately he is super cocky and full of himself, obsessed with image to the point that he’ll probably lie to make you think he’s cooler than he is, and 100% an attention whore. he won’t cause drama to get attention, but he wants to focus on him at all times, especially if it’s positive attention. he has problems.
while he’s not based off of any one particular character, he kinda gives me vibes from: steve harrington (stranger things), gretchen weiners (mean girls), a tiny hint of troy and chad (high school musical), and a little bit of a starlord (mcu) vibe.
that was supposed to be a tl;dr how did it get so long....
anyway, some plot/thread/relationship ideas!
would love to see him with some ex plots… unfortunately, he thinks he’s straight, so this would be limited to female muses only!! maybe it was a very short-lived fling, maybe your muse realized that he’s more in love with himself than he was with your muse. this would take a bit of plotting to figure out specifics, but i think it’d be interesting to explore: 
a) seongbin’s selfish side where he really only used your muse for attention and feels no guilt/regret about the breakup or 
b) someone that seongbin actually really liked but screwed it up by being… himself……. someone who actually broke his heart 
c) messy exes are also always fun and as much as i don’t condone his behavior he’s not above using others for attention/validation.
along with exes (romantically), i’d love to see some friend-exes too! someone who got fed up with seongbin’s shit and now hates his guts... maybe there was a dramatic falling out, or maybe you just slowly drifted apart. regardless, seongbin really gets on your last nerve these days.
current friends too would be nice! someone patient to help keep him grounded, or at least try. seongbin, for all his flaws, is actually quite a loyal friend. he does his best to make the people around him happy (if only because they, in turn, will think highly of him... which makes him happy)
for the record: he’s unreliable and flighty. he’s part of the music club technically but he’s never actually shown up to any meetings or events (or if he has, it’s been super late). i’m sure this could be a point of contention with someone!
since he’s kinda a jock-like character, it’d be fun to have like... another sporty muse workout buddies plot. seongbin takes baseball pretty seriously so he can often be found in the athletics center training/working out and could use a spotter!
along the same lines, a fellow jock who catches him doing his janitor rounds one night. i feel like seongbin keeps this job on the dl since it’s pretty lame and it’d hurt his “cool guy” reputation. your muse can either be understanding or a snake! snakes make for better longterm plots but an understanding muse we can still get at least one good thread out of!
someone who’s a fan of the band? a fan of seongbin?? he hasn’t actually been in the band all that long but it would Absolutely go to his head immediately... i’m so sorry
seongbin’s not a bad student but he’s not the best... it’d be nice to have a study buddy, or maybe you’re tutoring him in a class he’s not doing well in (writing essays doesn’t come easy to everyone!!), or maybe a study group or something
he likes to party and knows how to drink. there are only about a million college party shenanigans we can get our muses into and i intend to get seongbin involved with almost all of them! half-joking but seriously would love to have people he makes bad decisions with!
i’ll add more ideas as i think of them but hopefully this gives us places to start!!
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kwseongbin · 2 years
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HWANG SEONGBIN is 21 YEARS OLD and currently enrolled in kyungwon university. he is in his 3RD YEAR of the UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM, majoring in MUSIC PRODUCTION with a minor in SONGWRITING. he is notably part of the MUSIC CLUB, and is the 2ND BASEMAN/SHORTSTOP of the BASEBALL TEAM. he works part-time ON-CAMPUS as a CAMPUS JANITOR. you may find him in the EAST WING (ROOM #3).
                           + … // LOAD STUDENT BACKGROUND …
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kwseongbin · 2 years
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han / maniac fancam (220330)
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