It's too Cold Outside for Angels to Fly
525 posts
My name is Kurt Hummel, I am 19 years old and living in the city where dreams come true. Ironically enough I'm here in the big apple chasing the dreams I never even knew I had. If you need fashion advice don't be shy- ask away. My heart is currently in pieces and I'm trying to figure out what is and isn't worth fighting for. I never thought my life would come to this but maybe I was just naive to think I could carry something as important as my heart with me from high school
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Sebastian nodded once and sat down on the couch, shifting to keep some distance between himself and Kurt. “Thanks,” he said with a gesture towards the plate before he started to eat, mind drifting as he kept his gaze on the window.
Kurt nodded and moved the food around on his plate with his fork, not really paying any mind to the other boy as he took three bites before shaking his head and putting his plate on the table, giving up. He held the glass of wine in his hand, closing his eyes and taking a long sip, enjoying the silence.
Never Seen a Moon Like This || Kurtbastian
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Sebastian smiled slightly as he noticed that Kurt made a plate to himself - small, but nonetheless he’d eat it. “Wine’s good,” he answered, taking the plates and placing them. “Do you need help with anything?” It wasn’t something he’d ever expected himself to say on his own will, really, but his parents had always taught him to do this for their friends, why not to his own? As foreign as it still sounded for him, he could try it.
Kurt poured two glasses of wine and lead them to the sofa, placing the glasses on the coffee table and pulling it closer to the sofa before taking his plate from the taller male and sitting down, "Just relax and eat, 'bastian." He said, a small smile on his face.
Never Seen a Moon Like This || Kurtbastian
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Sebastian blinked, looking away from Kurt for a moment. “I don’t know what that is, to be honest. I can’t know if I want it or not,” he replied with a sigh, scratching the back of his neck. “But I’m staying. You promised me food, I’m not leaving without it,” he teased in an attempt to lighten the mood.
Kurt frowned slightly and shut off the stove, making a plate for Sebastian and then making a much smaller plate for himself deciding he would try to eat something at least. He covered the rest of the food so when Rachel woke up it would be ready and handed Sebastian the plates, "I'll get the drinks. Do you want wine?" He asked, a small smile on his face.
Never Seen a Moon Like This || Kurtbastian
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Sebastian rolled his eyes but complied, closing his eyes and eating some of the ‘meat’. He chewed slowly, humming as he felt the taste in mouth. “Not bad,” he said with a shrug, opening his eyes again. “Doesn’t mean I couldn’t eat crackers or drink water. I’d have survived, I’m sure.” He bit the inside of his cheek and leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Kurt. “So… That’s a thing, now? We’re friends?”
Kurt chuckled, heat rising to his cheeks as he felt the man's eyes on him, "Rachel is vegan so I'm making all the stuff that I don't think will last long with the power out." He explained, pausing and looking up at Sebastian with a frown, "I- I thought so?" He said carefully, looking the other man up and down before turning back to the stove, "Do you not want that? Either way I'm not letting you leave now that you're here."
Never Seen a Moon Like This || Kurtbastian
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Sebastian raised an eyebrow at Kurt’s words but parted his lips anyway and tasted some of the sauce. “It’s good,” he said with a nod, licking his lips. “You didn’t have to do anything for me, though. I could’ve stayed home and eaten some leftover or whatever.” He shrugged and held the flashlight up. “I brought this, by the way,” he added, looking around the place curiously.
Kurt rolled his eyes, nudging his side against Sebastian's with a small smile, "How would you heat up your leftovers? Isn't your oven electric?" He asked, watching the boy out of the corner of his eyes, "Also- don't open the fridge. I know what is in there so if you want something ask me and I'll tell you if we have it. I'm trying to keep the stuff cold for as long as possible in there." He said, turning back to the meal and stirring a few things. He then went into the oven and cut a small piece of something, "Close your eyes and try this." He said, placing the fake meat on in his mouth. It tasted almost like real meat and with the way he has spiced it you would never tell the difference but Kurt didn't want to tell the man that it was vegan until after he admitted to liking it, "And stop lying. You said you were bored and we're friends so you are here. Just shut up and enjoy it."
Never Seen a Moon Like This || Kurtbastian
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Sebastian couldn’t help but be fidgety as he made his way to Kurt and Rachel’s apartment. He still wasn’t used to this whole ‘friend’ thing, as fucked up as it was between them. He didn’t understand why Kurt would actually want him to come over or offer to cook for him after all that Sebastian did to the male, high school or during the last few weeks. He chose not to question it, though, as he walked up the stairs and stopped in front of the door, only staring at it for a moment and then knocking hesitantly, fiddling with the flashlight in his hands as he waited.
Kurt had managed to get a shower in before the lights went out and he was thankful for that since braving the storm to go to the doctor had left feeling more than a little dirty (both because of the appointment and the weather) and after waking up to his power still blown he decided that he would surprise Rachel with food. After a few texts with Sebastian Kurt added some food to his pans, thankful that the stove was still working as he lit a few candles and put on a lantern they had. When he heard the knock he shouted that the door was open and called the other man into the kitchen, holding a spoon of  sauce to his lips, "taste." he said simply.  
Never Seen a Moon Like This || Kurtbastian
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Kurt: Same here, I'm cooking by candlelight right now..
Kurt: Come over here. Rachel is still sleeping and I'll cook for all of us.
Sebastian: Yeah, okay. I'll be there in a bit.
Kurt: I'll leave my apartment door open for you. Please lock it when you come inside. And bring a flashlight if you have one because the generator for the hallway lights didn't come on.
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Sebastian: No. One of the reasons I'm bored.
Sebastian: Nah, stay with Rachel.
Kurt: Same here, I'm cooking by candlelight right now..
Kurt: Come over here. Rachel is still sleeping and I'll cook for all of us.
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Sebastian: Yeah, okay.
Sebastian: I'm bored. Entertain me.
Kurt: Do you have power? Because I don't.
Kurt: You want me to come over still?
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Sebastian: Yeah, okay.
Sebastian: Are we still on for that party?
Kurt: I'm not sure yet- depends on the damage done I suppose..
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Sebastian: How was it?
Kurt: I really rather not talk about it to be honest..
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Sebastian: I'm staying here.
Kurt: Well I just got back from the doctor...
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Sebastian: Why? That's silly. I'm a grown man, I can be on my own. Stay with her.
Kurt: Are you willing to brave the storm with me?
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Sure thing, Berry. Great.
This Past Week has been Horrendous....
Great! There is also an after-party. It’s a few blocks away…
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All week long, no matter how hard we get hit. I’ll have to throw a costume together really quick, but if we can, I’d love to! I’m not sure. It really depends on the location of it, I suppose…
Great! There is also an after-party. It's a few blocks away...
This Past Week has been Horrendous....
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Kurt: I'm starting to think you should bring your coffee pot here you know. With the storm coming and all...
Sebastian: If you want coffee that bad, you can take it with you.
Kurt: I don't want you to be alone and Rachel is usually always at school but she's off so I don't want to leave her here. So come here!
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Texts: Kurtbastian
Kurt: mhmm. Just know I'm only in this for the coffee.
Sebastian: Somehow I don't believe you.
Kurt: I'm starting to think you should bring your coffee pot here you know. With the storm coming and all...
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