kuremu · 3 years
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kuremu · 4 years
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Underrated glitra moment tbh
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kuremu · 4 years
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I haven’t gotten to watching she-ra but with all the shit goin down in america I’m drawing some of my friends comfort characters!! anyways!! entrapta!!
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kuremu · 4 years
top ten danny phantom episodes based solely on how gay dash is in them
i will not be ranking these based on plot, animation, or literally any other criteria ok here we go
10: Public Enemies
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dash himself is not very gay in this one but danny does beat him up and he gets the angst of being possessed and not remembering what happens. also this screenshot is literally so gay
4/10 for wasted potential in proving dash is gay. this couldve gone so much harder. but bonus points for for passed out dash
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9: Doctor’s Disorders
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fellas is it gay to lock yourself in a bathroom stall so fenturd doesnt see the horrible monster youve become, tell him to ‘get away,’ and then pass out before being able to fight him despite being a school jock who could probably deal some damage and has a better immune system than the other kids? is it also gay to then when your entire life revolves around ghosts and having ghost powers to watch a sappy romcom while waiting for phantom to come save you? the answer is yes. 6/10 again it couldve gone harder
8: Frightmare
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again dash himself isnt explicitly gay in this episode. but danny why is your ultimate dream scenario being best friends with dash and having him know your secret. it gets a higher rating than the other two bc its literally a wish fulfillment scenario aka 174% more gay. but mathematically speaking 2/10 for baiting me with dash in the first two minutes and then never bringing him back
7: Forever Phantom
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“watch it, fentertainment tonight! i’m chasin’ a real somebody!” 10/10
also spending the entire episode devoted to hanging with phantom + another reference to the romance channel. not very nuanced but still very gay
6: Reality Trip
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what do you think it means when the school jock finds out your secret, wastes exactly 0 time in helping you, and finds a way to shoehorn in giving you his clothes to wear while doing it. dash was only in this entire movie for like 4 minutes but damn if he wasnt homosexual for all of them 7/10
5: Ultimate Enemy
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”but dash wasn’t even IN the ultimate enemy!!11!1!” EXACTLY. if older dash had been in the future with dark dan he simply would have smooched him and then there would have been no conflict. if younger dash had shown up to the big fight then dark dan wouldve broke down sobbing at what couldve been. they had to restrain dash from this entire episode bc of his power. 9/10 i know the truth.
4: Splitting Images
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it is important to remember that dash has no goddamn idea that’s sidney. danny literally does 1 (one) nice thing for him and dash decides “ok well i will be his best friend and play football with him and be impressed by his skills and then throw a party and also put my hands on his shoulders several times.” this proves my point that if danny werent a little shit he and dash would already have been dating by the time the show starts. 8/10 for letting dash be mundanely gay instead of knowing anything about ghosts. it doesnt happen very often
3: Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
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do you ever just get a tutor who happens to be the exact sister of that nerd you pick on and also call him a twink and then invite him to your party even though you do not have to and specifically tell him the dress code and get him at the popular kids table and then realize he might not have the money for the dress code so you intentionally seek him out to give him money for some computery thing you dont know about but you also also realize that probably isnt enough so last minute you change the entire dress code to something you know he has and wear his exact outfit to make him seem cool by comparison. do you ever do that.
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also these two shots are back to back 10/10
2: Micro Management
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the pièce de résistance of all dash content. im talking 20 minutes of nonstop dash. im talking taking every opportunity to talk about how cool phantom is. im talking abt getting grabbed by phantom to be saved by him. im talking abt having a mental breakdown cause you think youre not good enough. im talking about casually flirting via jokes. im talking being unable to stop thinking abt fenton even when youre face to face with your biggest hero. im talking about saying “we did it!!! :D” to cheer on said hero. im talking taking his hand. holding his hand. being lifted or pulled. im talking abt flipping the switch to save the day! im talking abt micro fucking management baybey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12/10
but what in the goddamn world could have more gay dash than micro management??? well ill tell you
1: Pirate Radio
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he SAVES him. he calls him a hero. they are on EQUAL FOOTING and they KNOW IT. they have MATCHING GODDAMN OUTFITS!!!!!!!!!!! dashs personality doesnt have to be absolutely scrapped for him to be gay (”but i will be wailing on you”) but he clearly DOES get better (”sorry, old habits.”) he puts his heart and soul into fighting side by side w danny and we dont even SEE dashs parents which means that is Not Exactly The Reason he Is Here. he also believes with 0 hesitation that fenton is capable of throwing a total rager. NO there is not as much dash here as in micro management but. i mean look at these screenshots. THIS is gay representation. THESE are some genuine fucking boyfriends. 18/10
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kuremu · 4 years
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How about a relaxing cruise?
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kuremu · 4 years
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Winter NaruGaa Week - Day 4 - Under the Mistletoe
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kuremu · 4 years
Not to be absolutely horny on main for the Aubreyad or anything but pls remember that Jack Aubrey,
Walked 200 miles in a fursuit, had to be tenderly nursed back to health in a Spanish castle
Is low-key stressed at all times
Jumped out a window at a party to avoid arrest, escaped to his ship, then had his pursuers pressed, thereby making it illegal for them to arrest their own captain
Boasts that his men have “pricks a yard long”
Captured a fucking 32-gun xebec with a 14-gun ship
Pretends to be a worse fiddle player than he is because he’d rather play modestly with Stephen than play excellently alone
and Stephen Maturin,
Called an aardvark “Honey”
Beat a man to death with a dildo
Fell into the sea while climbing between two boats, sank, resurfaced as the boats were drifting together, knocked his head between the two boats, sank again
Released 60,000 bees into the great cabin
Smelled his love interest’s perfume on Jack at dinner, responded by disappearing into his cabin and doing hardcore drugs
Performed emergency bullet-removal surgery on himself, survived
Wears a Wool Garment because it’s “practical”
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kuremu · 4 years
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kuremu · 4 years
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Knight In A Shining Armor Hordak for Lieutenant_Lizard
Designing the armor was a total blast and I had a ton of fun coloring the metal parts. It seems to be much more fun to do with watercolor brushes and has a nice texture to it.
Despite Hordak having a pretty dark color scheme in his original design, I went with silver and gold instead of black and dark metal. I also switched the Horde’s red for Entrapta’s magenta. A knight needs a lady, right? Or a very skilled blacksmith!
(ngl his green eyes kinda clash with the rest but oh well!)
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kuremu · 4 years
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Yes, I went onto your publicly available, publicly posted and tagged post and responded to your insane claims you made in the name of all creators. You got a problem with that? Then either stop speaking for others, or do it on a private blog.
Cuz i am a writer and an artist, and I survive and create just fine without gobs of people kissing my ass. If you can't, that's a YOU problem, maybe try therapy or working on your self-esteem, instead of posting frothing rants about how much you hate your audience for not gushing over your mediocre work.
You're a masterpiece in creating second-hand embarrassment.
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kuremu · 4 years
If you're going to post crazy, entitled nutcase shit, please just speak for yourself instead of all writers. I definitely don't hate my readers or feel entitled to their feedback. Most writers don't.
psa to everyone: if you read and enjoy fics and dont so much as leave a "great chapter" comment know that i and every writer hate you :) we spend weeks and months writing fanfics for yall to read them in 2 seconds and not even have the decency to leave a fucking KUDOS which is literally a click of a button. yall are the worst, yall will consume fan content with no appreciation and then wonder why your favourite creator stopped posting and disappeared. leave comments and tags on art and make sure to REBLOG art/writing/gifsets what have you, not just like/kudos it (though that is the bare minimum you could do). anyway im shaming consumers ive dropped the nice mask, now youre dealing with artist rage.
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kuremu · 4 years
can’t relate to people who don’t reread their own fic. whomst else’s work will I grin like a maniac as I reread thinking it’s as if it was written just for meeeee
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kuremu · 4 years
Me: I want to just make a fun self indulgent WIP with self indulgent characters and tropes without worrying about the plot
Me ten seconds into planning: If this story isn’t perfectly flawless and thought out and unique and ready for publishing I will explode
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kuremu · 4 years
me: i would like to activate my ability to create
my dumb fucking wrist: am hurtie
me: fuck
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kuremu · 4 years
will literally never get over the existence of the donner party memorial picnic area
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kuremu · 4 years
this shit sucks. wish bulbasaur was real . 
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kuremu · 4 years
Me, deciding to finally take a side in Skyrim’s awful civil war to get more game play
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