Kriis | Krossed My Mind
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Copyright | Eldred v Ashcroft
Congress passed the Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act of 1998 (CTEA), which extended the copyright of all works by 20 years, stopping content from entering the public domain for the next 20 years. Eldred who had ownership of a library of work in the public domain fought back with a lawsuit, claiming it was unconstitutional because of the intellectual property clause which only empowers Congress to extend copyrights for “limited times” AND violated the 1st amendment of free speech. The court ruled that CTEA was constitutional.
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Industry Today | Representation
Zainab Akhtar & Representation at comic conventions
Comics Criticism
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Final Zine | Bibliography
NPR - Changing Colors In Comics
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Industry Today | Inclusivity
How can new readers get into the comics medium?
Better marketing and integration into schools will help and hugely change attitudes towards the medium. In my English course in high school we read David Small’s “Stitches”, I know a friend read “Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel in her class too. I think it makes everyone try something new and something that isn’t tied to the superhero genre (although the superhero genre needs to be treated with more respect than it currently is). I think more relatable stories about mental health, growing up, experiences that feel realistic are all things that help people who don’t really consider the medium to actually give it a chance. Beyond stories, more comics that function like instructions, or guides, things that we flip through to build something from Ikea or understand airplane safety, I think if they were more comic-y and human feeling, people would also find themselves looking towards comics as being a part of daily life.
How Did I get into comics?
When I was 8 years old, I was hooked into an interactive picture book series known as the “Osborne Puzzle Adventures”. Essentially each book had their own mystery and you would follow a group of kids and be asked to solve certain problems on each page in order to advance the story. The book was never labeled as a comic but I consider it one because it made use of speech bubbles, panels and sequencing of scenes. I used to own quite a large collection of them and I remember getting my teacher in second grade to scan the books so everyone could have a copy and we could go through it in class. 
In terms of comic book “issues” and that whole format, I started collecting “Sonic the Hedgehog” and “The Simpsons” comics at my local news agency when I was 9 and maybe for 2 years. Comic book stores and graphic novels didn’t really enter my life until I was around 16, however I read manga occasionally starting from when I was probably 11 or 12.
What sort of comics would my parents like?
I think my parents would enjoy self-help and improvement comics. My step-father does marketing and business for a living and he really appreciates visual aid to things even if he isn’t visually inclined in the way he works (other than mind maps). He also enjoys Sci-fi and political dramas so there is definitely plenty of comics that would catch his interest there. 
My mother would probably want something based on Christianity and her spiritual faith, but also light-hearted slice of life comics like Snoopy & Charlie Brown are something she grew up with. Anything that is uplifting and simplistic usually catches her attention.  
Why don’t we think of comics as books?
Comics is attached to a niche culture that have never claimed it to be books so it never will be until a majority force this change and type of recognition. Either way I don’t care and I think it all depends on how you market and label something. 
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
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Draculalalala by Kriis
Silly dracula X F(x) comic (Public Domain Inspired Comic)
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
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“Womanism - A brief look at Womanist Critical Perspectives” zine by Kriis
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
I declared myself a womanist when I realized that white women’s feminism really didn’t speak to my needs as the daughter of a black, single, domestic worker. I felt that, historically, white women were working hard to liberate themselves from housework and childcare, while women of color got stuck cleaning their kitchens and raising their babies. When I realized that feminism largely liberated white women at the economic and social expense of women of color, I knew I was fundamentally unable to call myself a feminist.
Taigi Smith 
Colonize This! Young Women of Color on Today’s Feminism (Fernandez and Rehman, 2001)
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Webcomics by black creators
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Spotlight | Sue Coe
“Sue Coe is a contemporary English artist, noted for her intensely political graphic illustrations and activism. Born on November 28, 1951 in Staffordshire, England, she grew up near a slaughterhouse, which helped instill a lifelong passion for animal rights activism. This political sensibility characterizes Coe’s work, which often explicitly makes animal rights and other social issues its central subject. The artist uses painting, printmaking, and a realistic drawing style to depict scenes of animal suffering, as seen in BP Burns Turtles (2010). Her work is notably influenced by Chaïm Soutine, Käthe Kollwitz, and Francisco de Goya, among others. Along with her investigation of cruelty against animals, Coe has also explored topics such as sweatshops, prisons, AIDS, war, and anticapitalism throughout her work. Her illustrations have appeared in a wide variety of publications, including The New York Times, The New Yorker, and The Nation. She lives and works in upstate New York.” (
What made them radical?
Animal rights activism is centralized in her work, but she is political in many other areas. 
What did they care about communicating most of all?
Animal rights
How did their work impact the industry?
What about their unique illustrative style made their work underground?
Or was it the content? What techniques in their work might you experiment with?
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Spotlight | Roman Muradov
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
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Fair Use by Kriis
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Critcal Perspectives | Womanism
Alice Walker’s (Author of the Color Purple)
Womanism: Perspectives Past and Present - Essay's_Womanism_Perspectives_Past_and_Present
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Copyright Case | Sophia Stewart
- Wrote & copyrighted “The Third Eye” 1981
- Sent it to Wachowskis/WB who were seeking original material that could become comic books through an advertisement
- Noticed her script being plagiarized in The Matrix & Terminator films
- Tried to sue, but didn’t show up to court date (yet claimed she did?)
- Some small newspaper got facts incorrect about the case and spread information that she won the case - spun out of control on the internet
- Her case was actually dismissed in 2005, however Stewart continues to speak out about the case (June 2017 at a panel
- Others have accused Wachowskis of stealing their material also (Thomas Althouse - The Immortals). 
To be updated...
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Fair Use | Questions
How would you describe this law? 
Fair use is a defense against a claim of copyright infringement. Under this law you can search/research, comment, criticize, parody a copyrighted work if it is open to Transformative use. Transformative use is a relatively new addition to fair use law, having been first raised in a Supreme Court decision in 1994. (Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, 510 U.S. 569 (1994.) A derivative work is transformative if it uses a source work in completely new or unexpected ways.
Who started these laws?
The term originated in the US, The 1709 Statute of Anne, an act of the Parliament of Great Britain, created copyright law to replace a system of private ordering enforced by the Stationers' Company. The Statute of Anne did not provide for legal unauthorized use of material protected by copyright. In Gyles v Wilcox,[3] the Court of Chanceryestablished the doctrine of "fair abridgement," which permitted unauthorized abridgement of copyrighted works under certain circumstances. Over time, this doctrine evolved into the modern concepts of fair use and fair dealing. Fair use was a common-law doctrine in the U.S. until it was incorporated into the Copyright Act of 1976,
Who uses them? (Give an example)
Anyone can, Education system as a whole to share information.
Who abuses them?
Video hosting websites, Reaction videos,
Employers could use their systems to spy on you e.g. reading emails, watching browsing history, video footage?
Would you consider using these laws with regards to your own work? Why? Why not?
Yes because it’s important to be able to comment, criticize, parody work that contributes to a cultural dialogue of a range of subjects and topics. Fair Use would allow me to speak freely without facing a law suit. 
Find a specialist piece of information on your topic that you believe no one else will have found.
H3H3productions (Youtuber, Content Creator) winning lawsuit -
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Doujinshi and Fanwork | Questions
1. What are the conditions that have allowed Fanwork to flourish in Japan? 
In Japan there’s an agreement between lawyers and creators (both professionals and fans) that prohibits the production of copy-cat/pirate comics. The Prime Minister acknowledges the differences in market for Doujinshi and Official comics. It’s unheard of that there would be any sort of ban on fanworks. 
2. How could this happen in the West, if we wanted it to?
The West could take a look at Japan and how they navigate this issue, and confront the market space for it. Come up with some streamline rule because a lot of it is cherry-picking things that are issues and things that aren’t.  It’s also unfair to the property itself that fans can’t create content that helps the franchise thrive beyond it’s official end. 
3. Are there any dangers to seeking a greater platform for the sale and movement of fanworks?
The fan artists themselves (including literal children) are at risk for getting sued by big corporations, potentially devastating their lives by demanding money they don’t have or will ever make.
4. Can you think of any other examples of fanwork that we might not immediately think of as fanwork?
Most things in art derive from something that came before. Music and the covering of songs, especially covers that have become staples in pop music (Elvis ‘Hound Dog’ was originally sung by Big Mama Thronton). Books such as 50 Shades of Grey is a fan-fiction of Twilight, yet the general public doesn’t know this or much about fan-fiction in general. Movies such as Star Wars is derivative of The Hidden Fortress and Star trek. The list goes on...
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krossedmymind · 7 years ago
Pechakucha on Comic Conventions | Reflection
September, Tuesday 26th
One of our modules for the first semester deals with how the comics industry is today. As a quick activity for the first lesson, we were split into groups and given a topic to make a ‘Pechakucha’ (a REALLY short presentation…like 2 minutes for an entire topic). My group were interested in discussing how Comic conventions have changed.
Our stance was critical of the modern conventions as the main appeal has definitely shifted from being simply about comic books, to now shining a bigger spotlight on anime, celebrities or nerdy pop culture in general. Blockbuster events like San Diego Comic Con have a lot to offer in terms of comics, but it’s definitely become diluted by advertisements and marketing opportunities for literally anything entertainment. Having a comics bent is kinda the bare minimum. We recognised that such growth for conventions has come due to the widening of interests, but we couldn’t help but feel like the spirit has gotten lost in the process.
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