krampusandthewitch · 10 months
Krampus & the Witch Update #6
Merry Krampusnacht everyone! It has been quite the year for Krampus & the Witch. The series is currently sitting at roughly 2 and a half chapters so far. Both Chapters 3 and 4 are being worked on diligently by the artists simultaneously. More details on that soon to come.
This year, I’ve dipped my toes into the world of conventions and flea markets, vending at a whopping total of 4 events. This coming week, I will be doing a 5th event, another punk flea market. That’s not me complaining, I think that was about all I can handle so far. Interacting with people and getting to tell them all about my comic while making a bit of cash is a fun way to spend a weekend. I’ve definitely learned a lot from experiencing these events and hope to carry that experience into 2024.
For those of you who don’t know, today, December 5th, is Krampusnacht. According to nationaltoday.com: “Throughout the night on December 5, men dress up as the Krampus, drink alcohol, and celebrate on the streets.” The character is theorized to predate Christianity, but  “Such a pagan entity may have been absorbed into the seasonal traditions to become part of the celebrations leading up to Christmas.” What’s interesting to me is that in post-Christian Alpine narratives, Krampus and Saint Nicholas are not opponents, but partners. Saint Nick would give the good children gifts, and instead of coal like us soft Americans get, the naughty kids would get a swat with a stick from Krampus, some legends saying Krampus kidnaps the naughty children.
Obviously there is only so much one could glean about a character from the first two chapters of a story, but just to state the obvious, I am taking substantial creative liberties with the K&tW version of Krampus. However, I want to make sure I pay respect to certain ideas and traditions that are inextricably linked to the character. I believe that’s why I was drawn to the character conceptually. This idea of a character tied to a holiday tradition that punishes others intrigued me, but I found myself asking many questions, such as:
“Does he enjoy it? Take glee in it?”
“Does Krampus actively choose who is going after, or is he bound by Saint Nicholas somehow?”
“What if Krampus wasn’t doing this because he wanted to, but he was being forced to through some sort of coercion?”
“Is Krampus good, evil, or something more complicated than that?”
As far as those who have read the comic on webtoon, globalcomix, bought a physical copy of chapters 1 or 2, bought a shirt, or hell even liked my posts on Instagram… anything that you have done to support this project. I have to say is thank you. You are the reason this is happening. Krampus & the Witch as a series is still just getting started.  I need all the support I can get so that the series can continue to a satisfactory conclusion.
Until then, have a merry Krampusnacht and once more, thank you for reading!
Eric Lee Parker, December 5, 2023
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krampusandthewitch · 2 years
Krampus & the Witch Update #5
The first chapter of the comic has been out for almost 2 months now and I'm happy with the results. Life has been chaotic (as usual) with so many things I need to do and so many things I'd like to do that keeping track of everything is a struggle.
I've also launched a Skyrim fanfic on AO3 based on my RP character, as well as working on new video content. Also playing a lot of Elden Ring. SOOOOOOO much Elden Ring.
The love/hate relationship I have with social media is the fact that in order to garner an audience nowadays you have to constantly be posting, all the time, always. It's nice that we can potentially reach millions of other people with one post from our phones, but also the pressure to constantly be performative and post even when you don't really want to can be tiring and frustrating.
I've fully accepted my role as "old man that yells at clouds" since I admit that this is me not being able to keep up with the times. Making TikToks for my comics and my band takes days off of my lifespan.
Speaking of being out of touch, I was also on a podcast! Three Books One Plot, its a twilight podcast and it's linked below. I got to read a book!
I'll be posting chapter 2 on Webtoons and GlobalComix soon. Please go check out chapter 1 in the links below!
Eric Lee Parker, February 16, 2023
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krampusandthewitch · 2 years
Krampus & the Witch Update #4 (Release Day!)
In less than an hour, Krampus & the Witch will be released on Webtoons and Globalcomix. I wanted to post on Tapas too but the formatting was difficult to crack with the pages already done. It's feeling weird, like it hasn't hit me yet that this idea i've had for over 4 years now is actually coming to life.
I hope everyone likes it. I keep trying to tell myself that the only expectations that matter are my own, but I don't think that's true. I want to make something that will impact others and make them think. I've been spending so much time worrying about giving people what I think is the answer that I've not spent enough time trusting that my writing will convey what I hope it will and the message will impact in a way I intend.
Once more, a huge shoutout to the artists Nicholas D (@nicod_five) for line art and lettering, Zeer0 (@Zeer0thehunter) for coloring, and my friend Isabel Ruiz (@isalinguica) for the logo and cover art. I am no artist, so it was really them who brought this project to life. Their labor made this happen.
I'll post the link here once it's out, thank you all so much.
Eric Lee Parker, December 19, 2022
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krampusandthewitch · 2 years
Krampus & the Witch Update #3
Halfway through November and hoping to have chapter #1 out for the world to experience next month. It's interesting to me that the first chapter still hasn't even been released when mentally and workload-wise I am many chapters ahead. It's also dawning on me that this will be a multi-year project and some of these ideas and stories I want to tell won't be shared with others until I'm well into my early thirties. Surreal.
What I love about this project in particular is that just when I think I've hit a dead end or am losing momentum, an idea or plot thread will come to me that ties things together rather nicely. Well, at least on paper, in concept. We'll have to see how it actually looks in execution.
As usual, I'm getting ahead of myself. Chapter 1 in particular is looking amazing, and while I am posting snippets of art on the comic's Instagram page (@krampusandthewitch please follow), I am withholding posting very much dialogue. I want people to be able to experience those moments in the greater context of the chapter as a a whole.
I once again have to shout out the amazing artists that are working on this project. Nicholas D is handling the line work and lettering, and the coloring is being done by Zeer0. They have been nothing but kind, patient, and professional as they send me their art and I ask for small changes here or there. Being your own editor can be a drag but they make it easy with how efficient and easy to work with they have been. Both can be found on Instagram at @nico_d and @zeer0thehunter00 respectively. Please follow them and give them your support!
For now, I simply want to post this as my presently monthly update. I hope I can make them more frequent as usual, and I will be posting more as time goes on.
Eric Lee Parker, November 16, 2022.
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krampusandthewitch · 2 years
Krampus & the Witch Update #2
The flow on this project has been steady and it has me feeling very good about it. We have multiple pages completed, and just this evening I received sketches from my principle line artist. Seeing these pages fills me with glee, this project that was just an idea has evolved into a tangible thing I can share with the world.
Originally this project was only meant to be 14 chapters/issues that I completed in 2021. However, the more time I spent thinking about these characters and this world, I realized I wasn't satisfied with the story that was told, and that these characters deserved more development. So, I kept what worked in the early scripts, and began to add to it. It has grown from a meek first project into a hydra of intertwined storylines and characters that I am still actively developing.
For example, the storyline that was originally in chapter 5 and concluded in chapter 6 is now starting in chapter 12 and concluding in chapter 16. As far as I can tell. That might change, though. I might feel inspired to add to it.
That's what's so fun about the act of writing itself. I've done multiple outlines and idea boards and what not, but there have been so many times in the moment that I've had an idea and it just worked in the story in that moment. Fleshing out these characters through their actions and interactions with the world around them and the other characters in their lives is fun. That's how I want it to stay for me.
As for the art itself, it's stunning and I'm ecstatic about the contracted artists that are working on the project. Line art and lettering is being worked on by the wonderful Nicholas D. who can be found at @nicod_five on Instagram. Coloring is being handle by an artist by the moniker of Zeer0, who is doing amazing work bringing the characters to life with vibrant colors and lighting tricks, shit I hadn't even considered, really.
We're less than two months now from the release date. I'm going to do my best to post more updates.
Eric Lee Parker, October 11, 2022.
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krampusandthewitch · 2 years
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The first ever page of Krampus & the Witch has been drawn and colored!
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krampusandthewitch · 2 years
Krampus & the Witch Update #1
It's smack dab in the middle of August as I write the first ever blog post on the official Krampus & the Witch tumblr. I write this after talking to multiple artists about taking on the project and believe I've settled on a team for the first volume of this story.
Krampus & the Witch first came to me as an idea in late 2017/early 2018. I had recently gotten into "The Sandman" by Neil Gaiman (now a week old Netflix original at the time of this writing) and was feeling inspired to work on a graphic novel of my own. Thinking of the many different folklore characters throughout history, the character of Krampus crossed my mind. I, like many Americans, was first exposed to the figure through the 2015 Michael Dougherty film of the same name.
The movie left an impact on me, the concept of an "evil Santa" who punishes instead of rewards was interesting to me. For some reason, the idea of the figure being a sort of anti-hero who is doing things out of necessity as opposed to pure malice stuck with me. Especially reading into the actual myths and learning that Krampus and Saint Nicholas would travel and judge children *together* as a team. The two working in tandem to pass judgment on children in Eastern Europe.
As I was thinking of what story could come from that character the name "Krampus & the Witch" came to me, and the story poured out from there. Witches, demons, yetis, elves, and of course the classic and emblematic character of Jack Frost, who I knew would play the role of a sort of antagonist.
My original plan was to release the first four chapters of Krampus & the Witch all at once as a trade paperback collecting volume 1 so that I could start to sell them as a sort of return on investment as soon as possible. After some talking down a la "Jumper" by Third Eye Blind by my wonderful and supportive partner, I believe the best move is for me to release the first chapter this December. Less of a financial strain on myself and less of a workload with ominous deadlines for my contracted artists. The trade paperback of volume 1 will come out when it comes out.
This is my first ever foray into comic creation. I've read and loved comics for at least nearly 20 years, but that's a story for another time. I'm so excited to share this project with the world and if you're reading this, thank you for taking the time to do so. I hope you'll stick around for the release of Krampus & the Witch this December.
- Eric Lee Parker, August 15, 2022
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krampusandthewitch · 2 years
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Krampus & the Witch is an upcoming webcomic/graphic novel written by Eric L. Parker. The story follows the journey of a young witch named Irena who recruits the claw of the Winter Council, Krampus, to hunt down the demon that destroyed her coven. Along with Irena's familiars Anastasia and Sebastian, the group will face many enemies, uncover secrets, and explore a world of magic. The comic will premiere in December 2022 online and in trade paperback. Follow this blog and @krampusandthewitch on Instagram for more updates!
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