Hello, I saw that you all had a tag for Super Junior Reactions but on your about it doesn't mentions super junior, so I was wondering if I could submit a request for a super junior reaction?
With that...I am the only one who is at all familiar with Super Junior, but at the time I realized I didn't know them well enough to portray them properly. I've been doing research and everything on them recently, so yes, I will start taking Suju requests. I apologize for the confusion. - Admin Irish
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so first of all i lOVE UR BLOG ITS MY LIFE I CHECK IT DAILY OMG ILYSM:) and second your header or whatever it's called (the thing with all the logos in b and w) is so cool and i really want a good kpop wallpaper for my laptop so is there a way i can find it or you could give it to me (dont worry ill jut use it for my wallpaper and thats it pinkie promise) and again ur blog is so cool
You mean our header? You can pretty much find it and many like it by searching Kpop Symbols on Google Image Search. That’s how we found that one. ^_^ I hope this helps. There are many to choose from there too.good luck. And thank you for the compliment, and I apologize we don’t regularly update, but I’m hoping this will change after my final exams are over. 
- Admin Irish
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Is the askbox open? :)
Yes, then askbox is open. Very rarely do we close it, and if we do, we would put a notice in the description column of th blog. ^_^ So please do feel free to submit your requests.
- Admin Irish
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Are ships open?
All requests are always accepted unless we post otherwise. You can submit any request as long as the askbox is open. So, please do feel free to send in your ship request, if you’d like. ^_^
- Admin Irish
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Admin Irish Signing Off!
And with that last ship, I’ve finished eleven requests, and it is now almost 6:30 in the morning. Whew...
I do hope you all enjoy the reactions, ships, and scenario I finished today. I know you all waited a long time, and hopefully I will be able to come on the blog in regular intervals, but I can’t guarantee quite yet. I’ve got 14 credits worth of Final Exams to study for, plus my job, so unfortunately the real world does demand the majority of my attention these days, but I will try to catch up on the requests as best as I can.
Well, have a great night/morning, and I’ll see you all sometime soon. As for me, it’s bedtime. lol Thankfully I’m off work today, so I can sleep in.
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An accurate representation of the fact for most of you, it’s morning and you’re all starting your days, and I’m about ready to sleep for three years. lol Good night.
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EXO - I ship you with Kai. Kai strikes me as the type of guy who would really love you for your kindness and caring nature. He would value your honesty, and find your awkwardness endearing. He may not be able to draw, but he would certainly be a huge supporter in everything that you do. He’d be able to take your moods in stride, is patient enough to balance your impatience, and gentle enough to be sure he won’t hurt you. 
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- Admin Irish
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SHINee - I ship you with Jonghyun. This boy needs a little sweetness in his life, and I say think you’re just what he needs to live happily.
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EXO-K - I ship you with Chanyeol. The gentle giant would feel a protective instinct around you, and I feel like he’d find your shy, sweet side endearing and precious.
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EXO-M - I ship you with Lay. He’s soft-spoken but has a big heart, and he would fit perfectly with you.
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VIXX - I ship you with Leo. Another gentle giant, this one, however, is bashful and awkward, and I think you are just what he needs to open himself up and let go of all that timidity. He would appreciate intelligence and would respect you for your selflessness.
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- Admin Irish
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VIXX Reaction: Their girlfriend got bored with the conversation and walked away to find something else to do.
Leo - “Come back here.”
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Hongbin - “Could you not do that. I’m trying to talk to you.”
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Hyuk - “Why are you like this?”
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Ravi - “Excuse me, little miss, but that’s extremely rude.”
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N - *Follows after you and continues talking.*
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Ken - “Um, no. You can leave after we’re finished talking.”
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- Admin Irish
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VIXX - I ship you with Ravi. I feel like he’s just the right amount of extrovert to help you to open up to him faster, and you can trust he won’t hurt you.
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EXO - I ship you with Suho. Being the leader of an originally twelve-member idol group, I can tell Suho has experience dealing with a wide array of different personalities, and that would certainly help him to understand you. He’d also appreciates respect. He’d both give respect and expect it in return.
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- Admin Irish
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SHINee Reaction: You tell them that you (their wife) just went into labor while talking to them over the phone.
Taemin - *He would panic. Plain and simple. He’d be scared to death and upset with himself that he isn’t there for you.*
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Key - *He’d be in the car and speeding clear to your house just to get you to the hospital. No way would you have to call an ambulance if he, as your husband, was just as capable of taking you himself.*
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Onew - *He’d freeze, feeling completely numb, and ask you to repeat what you just said once or twice more to be sure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. After confirming that, yes, he had heard correctly, he burst into action, calling his manager to drive you to the hospital, since he’d more than likely be in the middle of a schedule, and once he was finished, he’d rush to the hospital in time to help you through the delivery.*
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Minho - *All forces in Heaven or Hell couldn’t stop him from dropping everything he was doing to get to you.*
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Jonghyun - *He would start tearing up, his emotions running ragged inside him. He would be delighted at the prospect that in a few hours, he would be a father, scared that something could go wrong during the delivery, angry that he had been off at work when you needed him at home, and impatient to make it to your side to welcome yours and his child into the world. By the time he made it to the hospital, he would be a blubbering mess.*
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- Admin Irish
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VIXX Reaction: You (their girlfriend) is having a nightmare.
Leo - *He would wordlessly drag you closer to him and hold you snug against his chest, waiting until your tremors fade before he falls asleep again, even if it takes you all night to do that.*
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Hongbin - “Hey baby.” *He whispers, shaking you lightly. Once he has you awake, he’d ask you what you were dreaming about, and he’d keep you calm and feeling safe so by the time you fall back asleep, all traces of the nightmare is gone.*
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Hyuk - *He really wouldn’t know what to do and accidentally panic, himself. He’d try to get a handle on himself, but hearing you whimpering/gritting your teeth/struggling against something in your sleep, it makes him feel so helpless, and he ends up waking you up with a cold glass of water because it’s the only thing he could think of to wake you quickly save from yelling at you, which could have scared you more.*
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Ravi - *He’d bring you into a spooning position, his hand stroking your arm and your back, trying to offer comfort even through the dreamscape that would calm your nightmare, even though he’s sick to death that he can’t do much more to help you.*
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N - *He’d feel a little upset as he carefully pulls you out of the dream. Once awake, he would ask if you needed anything, something to drink, anything that would help him and you get your mind clear from the experience of seeing you/experiencing a nightmare like that.*
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Ken - *It hurts him to see you afraid/hurting, and so he would try to wake you up, and once he did, he’d start telling jokes and pulling gags to help make you laugh to lighten the mood a little and relax you.*
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(Gifs are more to do with how they look or feel inside rather than physical representation of the actions depicted. Just so there’s no confusion. ^_^)
- Admin Irish
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VIXX Reaction - They play the Pepero Game with you.
Leo - *He’d be complaining* “Do I really have to play?
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*When you convince him to play with you, he’s a blushing, stuttering mess of nerves and timidity.*
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Hongbin - *He’d be really excited, his mind filled with ways that he can get away with kissing you.*
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Hyuk - *He would be a little nervous to begin with as he cautiously chews at the Pepero stick, his eyes tightly closed.*
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Ravi - *He would try to play regularly, but his eyes would be open while yours are closed, staring at you until he’s cross-eyed, before he gives into temptation and bends the rules so that your lips touch.*
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N - *He’d be playful, making it seem like he would try and use the game to kiss you, but once the game starts, his competitive side kicks in, and he plays seriously.*
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Ken - “Close your eyes.” *He says as he places the Pepero between your lips. When you obey him, he quickly takes the stick away and presses a bold kiss to your lips. When your eyes shoot open, you find him smiling like a goof and looking especially accomplished.*
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- Admin Irish
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F(X) Reaction - You propose after a few years of dating them. (Technically Gender Neutral)
Amber - *She gets bashful, looking down, not being able to meet your eyes, and giggles a little in delight, her cheeks coloring the softest shade of pink* “Yes.”
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Luna - "I...” * She begins, feeling both ecstatic and also bashful to be so out in the open for such a personal thing.* “Why did you have to ask me here? Yes, now please stand up.”
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Victoria - “Oh my God.” *She gasps as she covers her face to shield the blush that exploded across her face. Murmuring her response through her fingers.* “Do you really have to ask. Of course.”
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Krystal - *You panic a little when she starts crying, and you try to comfort her, saying that she should forget you said anything.* “No, no! I love you. I want to marry you. I’m just so happy.”
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Sulli - *Her smile is blinding as she nods her head in answer, her eyes shining with moisture as you slide the ring on her finger.*
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- Admin Irish
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EXO Reaction: They find their pregnant girlfriend doing something on her own.
Kris - "This doesn’t look like a very good idea...”
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Chanyeol - “Couldn’t this have waited until I got here?”
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Tao - “I just don’t want you or the baby to get hurt.”
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Sehun - “No. Please go sit down. I’ll do it.”
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Kai - “Are you okay? What is it you were doing? Let me help.”
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Suho - “Please don’t worry me?”
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DO - “Aren’t you supposed to stay off of your feet?”
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Lay - “Are you allowed to do that?”
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Chen - “Am I seeing what I think I am? I hope not...”
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Baekhyun - “Um...what are you doing?”
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Xiumin - “I know you’re not an invalid, but I wish you would be careful, at least. Okay?”
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Luhan - “Isn’t this dangerous? Please be careful.”
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(All of these nerds are protective, and would act like you were climbing up on the roof, even if you were just going to the bathroom. Half-crack reaction, but it should be about accurate.)
- Admin Irish
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SHINee - I ship you with Minho. That boy can eat, and cooking would certainly be all for having someone who can make him delicious food. He also has stated that his ideal type is someone pure and girly. I feel like this would certainly describe you.
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EXO - I ship you with DO. I feel like your honesty and caring nature would be really attractive to him. He does like skinship, and would enjoy sharing that with you.
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VIXX - I ship you with Hongbin. Hongbin, to me, is the type to prefer someone motherly, sweet, and caring like you. He’s definitely all for skinship, and he would admire you for your style, and the fact that you are so complete in giving your love...he’d fall very quickly. Plus, that height difference is just far too precious! (Sorry, but it is adorable. I hope you don’t get offended by my fangirling.)
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- Admin Irish
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Pairing: Minho x You
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,156 Words
Genres/Warning: Sports/Exhibitionism-Voyeurism
Written By: Admin Irish
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How did I get myself into this? 
It was the first thought that came to mind as you lay atop your best friend out on the soccer field, your thighs spread, one leg on either side of his waist, panting from exertion, and Minho staring at you with a strangely fierce expression on his face. Was he angry with you? Why was he looking at you like that?
Sure, you were well aware that Minho was competitive to a fault, especially when it came to playing soccer, and fool that you are, when he had asked to play a one-on-one scrimmage match during lunch, you had thought it would be an exciting way to pass the time, and to relieve some of the stress school put on you, so you accepted his challenge, and very soon you found yourself in a heated battle to win the ball from each other as you played half-field by yourselves.
The lunch bell had long since sounded, alerting students that they had five minutes to make it to their next classes, but the sound was completely blocked out, and you lost track of time on how long you had been going at it. Sweat glistened from the sunlight hitting your bodies, exhaustion at the merciless match had you feeling out of breath and a little dazed.
Perhaps that was why when Minho swept in front of you to make a bold steal of the ball, your legs had gotten tangled up, and you tripped, with Minho taking the brunt of the fall. You heard him grunt at the impact, and you laid across his chest for a second too long before you pushed yourself upright, and found yourself in your current position.
You seemed to be moving in slow motion as you picked yourself off of him. Once you were standing, Minho was quick to rise to his feet as well, but instead of his usual bumbling, awkward self, that strange expression never left his face.
Minho grabbed you by your biceps and pulled you closer and up a little, forcing you to stand on your tiptoes as he stares at you, his dark, coffee brown eyes searching your face for...something, but you weren’t sure about what he was looking for. You assumed that he did find this something because suddenly, he lowered his head, and his lips were on yours, his mouth hungry and burning like his namesake.
You felt like the air had been completely sucked out of you, and you could only stand in Minho’s grasp, all the while you felt a gentle buzz start in your head, and those flutters in your stomach from earlier grew wings and teeth, and it felt like your abdomen was being shredded by the wave of feeling coursing through you. Strangely though, it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling.
Minho grew impatient with your immobility before long, and he moved one hand to the back of your neck and the other to the small of your back, dragging you against him, and you hummed at the sensation at the contact. Minho’s scent was overwhelming, a fusion of sweat and musk, cinnamon and eucalyptus.
Your body moved on its own, grasping Minho’s hips and beginning to kiss him back, your hands dipping beneath his school blazer, fingers twisting in the excess fabric of his white button down shirt underneath. The world about you faded, your heart hammering away in your chest, and all rational thought was thrown out the window as your everything became centered on Minho. His touch, his scent, his kiss, the feeling of his hard, firm body against you.
Abruptly, Minho broke the kiss, both of you gulping in air as you panted.
“God, I want you.” He growled in the sexiest, deepest, gravelly tone of voice you had ever heard come out of his mouth, roughened by arousal, and it did strange things to your insides.
Words escaped you, although you couldn’t have agreed more, and you felt your head bobbing in accordance to your thoughts. This was all the invitation Minho needed, and he grabbed your wrist and started pulling you off of the soccer field. Your vision was hazy and your mind disoriented; you didn’t even know which was was up right now, so how could you expect to realize what was on Minho’s mind until after he slammed you up against the cool surface of a brick building and attacked the flesh of your throat, licking, nipping, and sucking on your neck? His hands were all over you, his fingers working quickly to rid you of your uniform.
A gentle breeze flitted across your torso, and it was only then that you realized Minho had gotten your shirt open.
“Wait.” You breathed, “Are we really going to do it out here? Won’t we get caught?”
Minho gave you a wicked grin and mover his mouth to your ear, “Would it bother you if someone were to find us? Or would you like for people to see me slamming into you, ravaging you like you were the air I breathe? Hmm...” His voice trailed off into a low rumble as his fingers slipped under your skirt and he lazily drew lines into the skin of your inner thigh as he inched closer to your center.
The thought of you being so out in the open, that anyone could stumble upon you and Minho in such an obscene position had your abdomen clenching and you could feel your panties becoming damp. The way you subtly pressed into Minho’s touch was enough to have him chuckling in your ear, and his long middle finger fluttered along the crotch band of your panties.
“It doesn’t look like you mind at all, love.” He murmured, “In fact, I’d bet that you are wishing someone would catch us. Wouldn’t that be scandalous?”
The fingers of his free hand came up to the front clasp on your bra, and nimbly he unhooked the snatch, letting your breasts spill out. He pulled back to look at you, and he groaned, his dark eyes becoming like night as his hand cupped your right breast in his palm and he lowered his head to take your puckered nipple into his mouth.
You moaned as his tongue swept over you, mouth sucking firmly, each pull tugging at you erotically, and you tipped your head back, cupping Minho on the back of his head as he continued to do wicked things to you, moaning softly at the dual sensations of his mouth on your breasts and his fingers massage your core above the silk fabric of your panties. That moan turned into a cry of pleasure when Minho's fingers pushed the band aside and his heated fingers slid along the length of your moist heat, circling your clit and play along the inside of your lips before he prodded your pussy, sliding in slowly while twisting his hand at the wrist to give a corkscrew motion that had you panting and your hand gripping Minho’s hair tightly.
“You’re so wet, (Y/N). If I had a mind to, I could rip off your panties and fuck you right now...but where would the fun be in that?” He crooned against your flesh as he pulled back a little to blow cool air across your glistening, taut nipple before he dropped to his knees in front of you.
You felt like your heart was about to leap out of your chest as you realized what he was doing when he stayed true to his promise and tore your flimsy panties right off and tossed your left leg over his shoulder. You saw him lick his lips before he buried his head between your legs, his lips and tongue and teeth hungrily devouring you. Minho moved his hands to your thighs, his grip tightening as your right leg began to tremble from the strain of holding you up coupled by the violent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body, ripping sobbing moans of bliss from your lips.
He closed his lips around your clit and sucked strongly while two long fingers were inside you, twisting and hooking his fingers as he dragging them in and out of you. You were completely losing your mind, vaguely aware of hearing Minho’s little groans of pleasure as he tasted you, you couldn’t stop your hips from rocking into his touch, and when you came, it was all so sudden and all encompassing, and you had to bite your hand to keep from screaming out loud. As erotic as the thought of someone catching you like this was, you didn’t really want to purposely alert anyone to your presence. After all, then you would probably have to stop and go to class.
Minho carefully set your leg back down and rose to his feet. As he sucked on his cum-soaked fingers, he dipped his other hand into his blazer pocket and pulled out of foil-wrapped condom. You stared at it as though it was your first time ever actually seeing one, and you watched as his fingers moved over it, checking to see if it was still good to use.
“Perfect.” He murmured and handed the condom to you, “Do you mind putting it on me, (Y/N)?"
You nodded, taking the condom from him and you knelt on the ground, undoing Minho’s trousers, pulling his remarkable erection out of his boxers, and lowering his pants to just above his knees. You made short work of rolling the condom onto his cock, eager to have that monster inside of you. As soon as he was fully wrapped, you stood and he slid his hand down your right leg and then dragging it up to loop around his waist. He had removed his blazer and shirt while you had been occupied, and the sweet thrill that jolted through you as the flesh of your bare torsos pressed together, a million tiny pinpricks triggering a mild second orgasm that had you biting your lower lip, moaning seductively.
You wrapped one arm around Minho’s neck as your other hand reached down to take hold of Minho’s cock, and positioned him at your entrance. Minho kissed you deeply, and you could taste yourself on his tongue as it swept inside the cavern of your mouth, while he slowly pushed inside you. You hummed at the fullness of feeling him inside, and wrapping your other arm around his neck, you widened your stance a little to encourage him that you didn’t need him to wait.
Once he was fully seated, he dragged himself back out and then in, setting such a maddeningly slow pace, but it sent wave after wave of pleasure through you, starting from your core and going up to echo from the crown of your head and shooting down into the tips of your toes. You didn’t care anymore about filtering the sounds coming from you, unabashedly moaning at the sensation.
Soon, Minho began picking up the pace a little at a time until he was slamming into you with every upward thrust. He paused for a second, and you hopped on your left leg and wrapped both of your legs around his waist. Opened so widely, the new angle as he rapidly thrust up into you had you seeing stars.
As the pleasure built back up against, you pressed your chin into Minho’s shoulder. His grunts and moans of pleasure was so erotic to you, how his fingers dug into your thighs as he came close to climax, how his breathing quickened, and a sudden burst of speed...it was all enough to have you teetering on the edge of oblivion.
Your eyes opened and you could see past Minho’s shoulder, and what you saw pushed you completely over the edge, taking Minho with you, after your eyes met those of a wandering security guard making his rounds. You knew he saw you, his eyes practically bugged out of their sockets. Laughing as the afterglow of twin explosive orgasms settled in your belly, and you could feel Minho softening inside of you.
“Don’t look now, but we’ve got a one-man audience.”
Minho turned his head so fast, you could’ve sworn he had just given himself whiplash He bit out a curse and scrambled to right his clothes, and you just began laughing a little harder.
“Oh yeah, you talk big but when it comes down to it, you weren’t really expecting company, were you?”
Your comment earned a sharp glare from Minho, “Button up, would you?” He snapped. His stare a promise for retaliation at a later time.
“Don’t forget to get rid of the condom when you get the chance.” You retorted with a sassy smile, starting to walk off in the direction opposite the blushing security guard.
“Yeah, laugh now, but you’ll have to get through the rest of the day commando.” 
You paused in mid-step in horror, forgetting he had destroyed your panties in the heat of the moment. He was the one laughing now, until you heard a different voice shout.
“Hey! You kids! What class are you in?!”
Looking back, the security guard appears to have recollected his composure and was heading right for you.
“Shit...” Minho breathed, grabbing his shirt and blazer, he caught up to you, grabbing your hand, and breaking into a dead run, ignoring the guards pleas for you to stop, as the pair of you chuckled at the adrenaline rush from the chase.
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Admin Irish Signing On!
As promised, here I am to get a lot of requests done. I took a three hour nap earlier so I’ll be fresh and awake to work, and I promise I WILL NOT SIGN OFF UNTIL I’VE FINISHED AT LEAST 10 REQUESTS!!!
I will ask if you can withhold your asks for tonight, because I have quite a few requests that need finishing first. And yes, I’ll be posting the Minho x Reader scenario first before starting anything new.
So, without any further adieu, let’s have some fun tonight! ^_^
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