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Making a Venus Bottle to Attract or Strengthen Love
There are many “love spells” out there, and also quite a few “friendship spells,” as well as spells designed to target a particular person or relationship. Self-love spells exist too, and are arguably the most efficacious of all love-inclined magickal workings. The herbal charm I am about to describe can fulfill any of these roles - drawing friends, new love, strengthening relationships, inspiring self-love. I will be describing the way I used it, as well as ways to modify it for other love-based purposes
It’s another bottle charm, like my Witch Bottle variation, but this one is aligned with Venus in particular, obviously, and has a much different purpose overall. It can be made quite easily, depending on what you have on hand.
The ingredients are more or less the same for all of these concerns. I realize this particular charm will come across as a wee bit complex, and many people may not have all these ingredients around, but that’s okay! This can be done with as few or as many of the ingredients as you want.
To perform this, you must have a bottle, ideally with a cork, but other bottle types will work as well. I recommend it be rather small, because you’ll be filling it all the way up with ingredients, and a mason jar would not be ideal - you’d not want to use up so many herbs for just one charm! Thus, keep it small, but it can be as large or small as you want.
I recommend a small glass bottle, perhaps of the Tim Holtz line, but there are other people who produce them. If you wear vial contact lenses, you can easily repurpose one of those bottles for this charm. Keep in mind that you might want to carry this with you, so choose a bottle according to the space you have available. You could wear it on a string around your neck, but realize that doing so is likely to let everyone know you practice herbal magick. The bottle I used here is the same type as I used for the big bottle in the Witch Bottle spell, as you can see above.
First, you must pick some herbs associated with Venus and love, either in the eyes of tradition, or for you personally, or any combination thereof. I myself stuck to those which were classically used for drawing love and Venusian workings, though some of them have dual associations. More about that later.
Secondly, think about your intent in the spell. Is it about self-love? Romantic love? Friendly love? Is it to strengthen an existing relationship, or create a new one? This is important to consider, because that will determine how you go about mixing the ingredients, what else you might add, things like that. Since mine was focused merely on invoking Venusian forces into my life, it might not be ideal to follow these instructions verbatim if you’re not looking for that.
Ingredients associated with Venus (which you can pick and choose from, if you’d like to do so) are:
Rose. This has a direct association with Aphrodite and Venus within the story of Her birth from the sea. I used it in a very small amount, mostly only because it’s the most revered Venusian herb. It isn’t really terribly appropriate for friendship spells, but I do recommend including a small amount.
Jasmin. This has the dual correspondence of also being associated with the Moon. Given the Moon’s proximity to physicality, I don’t recommend this be used in spells to draw Platonic love.
Catnip. Ideal for friendship spells, due to its affinity for felines, which are traditionally friendly companions of humans.
Dill. A general Venusian herb.
Rose quartz. A stone usually associated with Venus due to its soft pink hue resembling a rose. As a stone, it is more solid than a rose, and will draw a more lasting relationship. I used it sparingly (a single chip).
Pink Himalayan sea salt. Associated with Venus for much the same reason as rose quartz. I used a small amount.
Damiana. I didn’t use this. Damiana has a dual association of Mars and Venus, with the Martial associations being much older. It is a very sexual herb and not appropriate for drawing a non-sexual relationship. It is also aphrodisiac if consumed. I’ll be posting details on a way to use damiana pretty soon.
Patchouli. Ceremonial magicians associate this with Saturn, but folk traditions which consider it a strong herb of attraction lend a dual association with Venus. Given the dual association, I would say it promotes healthy stability in a relationship of any sort and quells drama. Useful, depending on if the smell is tolerable. It also has money-drawing properties, and would be ideal for that, as well.
Pick and choose between any number of these things based on your general intent and the availability of ingredients. There’s no need to go out and buy a ton of herbs for this singular charm - you can get them in small amounts, or, even better, just use what you have on hand. If you can’t lay your hands on any of them, research other Venusian herbs that may be more available, but be sure to make yourself aware of why they are associated with Venus and any dual associations.
At this point, it is advisable to have a mortar and pestle ready, or another means of grinding and mixing herbs. If you’re going to use any herbs that are not edible, do not mix them in the same container that you would mix your edible herbs in for teas and other consumable preparations. It isn’t safe.
If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, just put the herbs in a bowl (using the below method) and crush them with a spoon, or, provided none are poisonous, your hands. Wash everything (including your hands) afterwards, even if your ingredients are benign.
Add the herb you’re using the most of first. This should be decided by you based on your intent. For example, if you’re trying to draw romantic love, you might add rose in copious amounts, if possible. I personally was just trying to experiment with Venusian forces, so I just added the ingredients based on what was the most available. Add them one at a time, and remember that, if you’re using a mortar and pestle, it shouldn’t be full enough to spill while grinding. You can slowly feed the herbs into the bottle to prevent this.
This may seem a bit sketchy, but you can add a taglock, too. For a self-love spell, use some of your own hair or nail clippings, or something more creative that’s tied to you. If you’re trying to strengthen an existing relationship of any sort, add taglocks from both of you. It’s kind of intuitive as to how to do this for someone you want to have a relationship with, but I’ll not speak of that, because it still makes my skin crawl after that creepy would-be Atlantean chap tried something similar on me.
Add the salt and stones last, if you’re using them. They have a more solid nature and help to form a seal on the spell, to help it germinate. The stones in particular always have at least a passing acquaintanceship with the element of earth by their very nature, as does salt. So, think of it as planting a seed, and, as you’ve “planted” the herbs to grow into Venusian forces in your life, you should cover them with “Earth,” albeit only symbolically.
Finally, as was the case with the Witch bottle, seal the whole thing up with sealing wax, or failing that, candle wax. This can be tricky and takes some practice, but it needn’t look pretty to work! Ideally, you would use an appropriate color like green or even pink, but, given that I didn’t have those available, I used gold. Gold is traditionally associated with the Sun, the strongest and most active of the two Luminaries, and I thought that using a bit of gold would help to activate things and allow the force of the charm to flow in a controlled fashion from the bottle.
What you do with it next is really up to you. You can keep it in your room. You can carry it discreetly on your person. Or out in the open. You can wear it on a necklace if it’s small enough. The possibilities are vast, and, as usual, you need to choose your course of action based on your intent.
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Mi vagyunk ketrecbe zárva, de ők az állatok.
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Nem tudom, hogyan kell jól szeretni. Nem tudom, ezért kénytelen vagyok ilyen esetlen és halandó módon szeretni téged. Igen, szeretlek.
Olyan könnyű kimondani. Csak egy szó, ami a sok használattól már rongyosabb, mint a csizmám amit öt éve vettem. Elkopott, poros, fáradt. És mégis mondom, mert mondani kell, mert félek, hogy elfelejted, hogy nekem te vagy minden. Ott vagy a reggeli napsütésben, az eső halk kopogásában, a friss kenyérben de még a cigaretta táncoló füstjében is. Mindig velem vagy. És te sem vagy egyedül. Hogyha magányosan is fekszel le éjjel, a takaróban én ölellek át, és hallgatom, hogyan szuszogsz a puha párnán. Rajtunk nem fog ki idő és távolság, mert szerelmem átszakítja az univerzum szövetét és rád talál, mindig.
Félek, hogy egyszer kételkedni kezdesz abban a varázslatos dologban, ami összeköt minket. Hogy egy nap ez a varázslat majd megfakul és elfárad.
Egy nap talán elhagysz engem, de én akkor is megőrizlek majd. Bennem élsz, és hajtod a kis fogaskerekeket. Minden emlék egy fordulat. És ha az emlékek elfogynak, a fogaskerekek meg fognak állni és én meghalok. És boldogan fogok meghalni mert az utolsó dolog amit látni fogok, az a te gyönyörű arcod lesz, amikor először megláttam.
Mindig szeretni foglak.
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