koreanwordaday · 11 years
what's the Korean word for electric?
전자 or 전기
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
나는 당신이 내 친구인 줄 알았어요 in English
"I thought you were my friend."
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
거꾸로 - upside down / backwards
Upside Down: 우표를 거꾸로 붙이다     put a stamp the wrong side up. 꽃병이 거꾸로 놓여 있었다     The vase was placed upside down[bottom up].
사진을 거꾸로 들다 hold a picture upside down Backwards: ABC를 거꾸로 말하다     say the alphabet backward. 거꾸로 걷다     walk backward(s). 수를 거꾸로 셀 수 있느냐     Can you count backwards?
모자를 거꾸로 쓰다 wear one's cap backward(s) 양말을 거꾸로 신으신 것 같네요 You seem to have your socks on inside out.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
즉석 [卽席] Impromptu, on the spot, without warning
그렇게 큰 일을 즉석에서 떠맡을 수 없다     I can't undertake such a big job just like that. 그가 즉석에서 나타낸 반응은 부정적이었다     His immediate[instantaneous] reaction was negative. 그 문제는 즉석에서 결정되었다     The matter was decided on the spot[without any discussion]. 나는 즉석에서 그 제의를 거절했다     I declined the offer on the spot. 나는 즉석에서 노래를 지었다     I improvised[made up] a song. Hanja Time: 卽 (즉) - Immediately     + 席 (석) - place, spot
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
경매 (競賣): auction
    경매에서 값을 매기다        bid a price at auction.     집을 경매에 부치다        put up a house for auction. The profits from the auction will go to charities. 경매에서 나온 이유는 자선단체에 기부될 것이다. Recently, a lock of hair cut from Napoleon's head was auctioned off in New Zealand. 최근 뉴질랜드에서 나폴레옹의 머리카락 한 다발이 경매에 올랐습니다. Recently, a very old wooden box was sold at an auction in North Yorkshire in the U.K. 최근, 아주 오래된 나무 상자 하나가 영국 노스 요크셔에서 열린 경매에서 팔렸습니다.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
주유소 (注油所): Gas Station
Where is your favorite station to fill up your car? 당신이 가장 좋아하는 주유소는 어딘가요?  
Steve was at a gas station when he spotted a banana in a bowl of fruit. 스티브는 주유소에서 과일 그릇에 담긴 바나나를 보았다.
Recently, self-service gas stations across Seoul have experienced long lines of drivers anxiously waiting for gas. 최근, 서울 전역의 셀프 서비스 주유소에는 주유하려고 애가 타는 운전자들로 긴 줄이 늘어져 있었다.
주 (注) - Pour
유 (油) - Oil
소 (所) - Place
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
주목 (注目) attention; observation; notice
세인의 주목의 대상이 되다     become the center[focus] of public attention. 세계가 (대단한) 관심을 갖고 한국의 공업을 주목하고 있다     Korea's industry is watched by all the world with (keen) interest. 경찰관은 그 남자의 수상한 행동에 주목했다     The policeman noticed the man's suspicious conduct. 한국의 한 신인 여가수가 미국 언론으로부터 주목을 받고 있다. A female rookie singer from Korea is receiving the attention from U.S. media.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
왕조 (王朝):A dynasty
Gyeongbokgung was built in the Joseon Dynasty era. 경복궁은 조선 왕조 시대에 지어졌습니다. It took a very long time for the dynasty to resuscitate and reconstruct the palace and the gate. 조선 왕조가 그 궁전과 문을 소생시키고 재건 하는 데에는 아주 오랜 시간이 걸렸다. The lanterns became part of official festivities during the Goryeo Dynasty , when Buddhism was the national religion. 등은 불교가 국교(國敎)였던 고려왕조(918년 – 1392년) 동안 공식적인 축제행사의 일부가 되었습니다.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
Hey everybody.  I'm going to be posting online versions of past Hanja Time articles that I have been writing for our local Korean American magazine.  As I get them online (in blog format) I will post links here as well.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
열등감 [劣等感] inferiority complex
He has a way of making me feel so inferior. 그 사람은 내가 열등감을 느끼게 만들어요. I think you have an inferiority complex. 너 열등감이 있는 것 같애. Deep down, I think he had an inferiority complex. 이용자 참여 마음속으로는, 난 그가 열등감을 가지고 있다고 생각한다. I feel inferior to her when it comes to learning English. 나는 영어에 있어서 그녀에게 열등감을 가지고 있다 She makes me feel inferior. 그녀는 나로 하여금 열등감을 느끼게 한다.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
Was having dinner with a few friends and the conversation turned to Mandu, and we got curious about the history of it.  Here is a summary of my "RESEARCH"
(That means I looked it up on wikipedia)
The Korean word Mandu (만두) comes from the Korean pronunciation of the Chinese characters 饅頭, (which is said as "mantou" in China). The word Mantou (饅頭) is derived from "manty" and "mantı"; which are filled dumplings in Turkish, Persian, Central Asian, and Pakistani cuisines. What we call Mandu originally comes from middle east and central asia, and then made it's way into china and Mongolia. Mandu made its way into Korea during the 14th century Mongolian invasions. In Mongolia they say "mantuu". Manty/mantı->Mantau->Mantuu->Mandu (만두) Chinese 'Mantou' now means 'steamed buns', and what we call Mandu (만두) they call Jiǎozi (餃子).
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
주사를 맞다 - To get a shot.
엉덩이에 주사 한 대를 맞다 get a shot[injection] in the buttock 독감 예방주사를 맞다 get a flu shot Don't just take pills, go to a hospital and get a shot. 약만 먹지 말고 병원 가서 주사 한 대 맞어. After you get a shot of Novocain you won’t feel a thing. 마취 주사를 맞은 후에는 아무런 감각이 없을거예요.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
Hi. I dont use Tumblr, but I'm the same guy that asked about not truncating your RSS feed. I believe the directions are: (If you're not familiar, click Customize on the dashboard, then under Advanced, uncheck "Truncate RSS Feed") ... I yanked those from another site -- they could be wrong buts its 10 seconds to try it out :). Thanks for the site and daily "word".
Done. Let me know how that works out for you.  But since I have done that for you, you have to introduce yourself.  Age, location, and why you are studying Korean!
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
인력거 (人力車)- rickshaw
He pulls a rickshaw, probably the oldest form of human taxi service. 그는 아마 최초의 인간 택시라고도 할 수 있을 인력거를 끈다. A rickshaw is a two-wheeled cart that seats one passenger and is pulled by a person. 인력거는 승객 한 명을 태우고 한 사람이 끄는, 바퀴가 두 개 달린 수레이다.
Hey, why not?  I was trying to read about the history of the automobile in Korea and this work came up.  I had to look it up.  You never know when it might come in handy.
OK probably not often.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
Can you disable truncating of your RSS feed? .... It's only showing the most recent items. I ride a vanpool and am trying to study sentences :).
Sure.  How do I do it?
p.s. Don't get car sick.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
단위 (單位) 'unit'
미터는 길이의 단위다 The meter is a unit[measure] of length 한국의 화폐 단위는 '원'이다 The monetary unit of Korea is the 'Won'. 가족은 사회의 가장 작은 구성단위다 The family is the smallest unit of society. Oil is sold by the barrel. 원유는 배럴 단위로 판매한다. A calorie is the measure of energy produced by food. 칼로리는 음식에서 생산되는 에너지의 단위이다.
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koreanwordaday · 11 years
Korean Trivia
The Korean alphabet was invented in 1443. It wasn't until 1912 that the term "한글" was coined as the name for the alphabet. The man who came up with the name "한글" was named 주시경.
  주시경 also thought that 한글 should be written linearly like this:ㅈ ㅜ ㅅ ㅣ ㄱ ㅕ ㅇ. ㅈㅗㅎㅇㅏㅇㅛ! This idea obviously did not catch on.
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