Lost Love. Chapter One
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Trigger warning : Mentions and graphic descriptions on self harm in later chapters.  This is also posted on wattpad and asianfanfics by Kora_Khan
It was the first day back after the accident, it happened so fast and she didn't know what had happened or what was going on, how could she? She was only 16. Her parents had been on their way to pick her up from her grandmother’s house after winter break, she had spent the last leg of her free time up at the cottage that her grandmother had bought a few winters ago. It was a beautiful cottage, like one you would see in movies. When the phone rang she expected it to be her parents, so she happily answered before dropping the phone and bursting out in tears just moments later. “I'm sorry miss but there has been an accident, no survivors were found. This was the only number that had an emergency connection. We are sorry for your loss.”
She had her grandmother take her to the hospital back in seoul that night, meeting up with some detectives as soon as they had arrived. They told her that a drunk driver had hit her parents while they were turning onto the highway, the crash had sent their car flying into oncoming traffic, where a semi truck had t-boned them.
For months after the accident Jieun suffered from severe nightmares, she started eating less, keeping to herself, even away from her friends. She didn't go to school that semester, only staying at home. Mourning the loss of her parents. Every morning she would wake up extra early to go check the mail, finding gifts on her doorstep as a ‘sorry for your loss’ from people she knew. Her parents death had been all over the news, the suspect that they believe had caused their deaths had not yet been caught.
No one knew what had gone on inside of their car before the crash, or why they hadn’t seen the car swerving on the highway before they began to merge onto the first lane of traffic. Only they would be able to tell what happened, no evidence was found inside that showed that they were anyway under the influence of anything. It's like they drove into the car on purpose. After spring break Jieun was forced to go back to school, her grandmother even bought her new uniform and drove her to school. Jieun didn't want to leave home, didn't want to be at school and didn't want to see her friends. Her life had been a living hell since the day of the accident, her sleep was plagued with nightmares, she woke up with bruises on her body from tossing and turning. Her throat was always sore from screaming in her sleep, crying for her mom and dad to come back. She knew they wouldn’t hear here, they were long gone by now.
 “Jieun sweetie you have to get out now.” She didn't hear her, she didn't want to hear her. She just wanted to stay in the car. She could see the people from her school looking at their car, she ducked her head and pulled the hood over her head as she sighed heavily. “Okay..” She mumbled as she looked at her grandmother and reached into the backseat to get her bag. “Don't forget to talk to the principle about make up work Jieun.” Her grandmother reminded her as she got out of the car. Jieun waved at her grandmother slightly as she turned to look up at the school, biting her lip as she tugged at her sleeves, her heart pounding as she made her way into the building, ignoring the whispers that were directed at her. She knew that people talked about her, she had skipped an entire semester. Who wouldn’t talk about that. She stopped when someone bumped into her and she bowed a bit. “I-I'm so sorry.” She said and then looked up and froze “ Y-Yuuki…” She said and looked at the girl infront of her with wide eyes. Yuuki stared at Jieun with worried eyes and held onto her shoulders. “Jieun where the hell have you been? Everyone thought you had moved away because of-” She cut herself off and bit her lip. “Are you okay?” She asked, genuine worry laced in her voice. “You dissapeared right after winter break and when we heard the news we thought you..” “Killed myself?” Jieun asked softly and looked at Yuuki with dull eyes.”If you know knew.” She mumbled as she rubbed Yuuki’s arm. “I don't want to talk about it right now Yuuki, i don't ever want to talk about it.” She said softly and sighed heavily when Yuuki nodded and let go of her. She gave her friend a weak smile as she walked away towards the principal's office. She sighed as she tugged down her sleeves once more before knocking on the door, waiting for the secretary to let her in. “Come in!” She slipped into the office and looked at the secretary. “Hello miss kim.. I'm here to pick up my makeup work.” She said softly, not noticing the male that was in the room. She pulled her sleeve up slightly and scratched at the scars on her wrists, they were getting itchy again and she couldn’t stand it when they got as itchy as they were. It meant that the urges were coming back. She had to force them down as much as she could now that she was forced to go back to school. She bowed slightly and took the box from Miss Kim and then smiled slightly as she turned to look around and froze when she finally noticed the male sitting on the couch just behind her. She gulped slightly and hung her head as she adjusted the box in her grip. “May i use the empty classroom to work on my stuff? I can do this semester’s work during the summer if that would be alright.” She said meekly and then let out a small sigh of relief as she scurried out of the room and headed towards the second floor were the empty classrooms were.
The male looked away from the door once the girl had left, turning his head back to the woman behind the desk. “Was that her mom?” He asked her curiously and she nodded. “So she’s the one.. Are you ever going to tell her?” He asked and stretched his hands above his head, his joints popping as he sighed. His mother knew exactly what he was talking about, over winter break they had lost a family member as well, his father had left in a fit of rage after getting into a verbal and physical fight with his mother, he had gone to the nearest bar and got drunk off his ass.
 His father wasn’t dead, he was just missing, they hadn’t seen him since that night, they knew what he had done. They knew that he knew what he had done. With the threat to turn him him they made him stay away, his mother had issued a warrant for his arrest and filed divorce papers on him. Their life wasn’t too great from the time he was born up until that day. His father being an alcoholic and his mother being the brunt end of the man’s abuse. “I can't Yug, you know it would devastate her even more.” She said softly and then sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I want you to keep an eye on her this school year alright? Make sure she doesn't get into any trouble.” She told Yugyeom and then pulled a file out of her desk and placed it onto her desk. “This is everything we have on record for her. I know you have a busy year this year but i need your help. She isnt like she used to be, last year she was the life of this academy.” She said softly and then gave her son a pleading look.
 Yugyeom nodded and sighed as he stood up and took the file off his mom’s desk and went back to sit down on the couch. He flipped through the file and hummed softly. “Yoo Jieun. Age 16, she’s 4’9? Wow she’s short, why didn’t I realise that?” He asked and then laughed slightly before his face fell once he got to her medical record. “Oh god.. Mom you're making me look after a basket case?” He asked as he ran his fingers through his hair gently. “Alright, just give me a while before i start on this, i really hate it when you give me these kinds of projects. He said as he got up and put the file back on his mother's desk.
 He sighed as his mother nodded, leaving the room so he could head out of the building to get some air. He was going to need to mentally and possibly physically prepare himself for looking after Jieun. He sighed as he pulled his phone out and sent a text to one of his friends on the dance team, telling him to meet him out back.
 “I really hate when she does this to me.. I'm not a fucking charity worker. He grunted out as he pushed open the door to the back of the school. He sighed as he pulled his bag off his shoulder and dug around in it, glancing up at the closed windows as he slipped around to the covered hallway and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
 “Yo Gyeom!” Yugyeom almost jumped out of his skin as a hand clapped down on his back, he turned and instantly slapped the tan male on his arm. “Jongin you asshole don't fucking scare me!” He hissed as he pulled a cigarette out and patted around on Jongin’s pockets. “Where's your lighter?” he asked as he looked at the elder.
 Jongin rolled his eyes as he pulled his lighter out of his back pocket. “Here Gyeom. What’s got you so stressed that you’re actually smoking at school?” He asked as he waited for Yugyeom to take a hit from the cigarette before he snatched it from the younger and took a drag off it with a hum. “My mom stuck me with another charity case.” Jongin choked on the smoke as he was inhaling it and then started to cough, keeling over to hold his knees. “W-What do you mean another charity case? She’s doing it to you again? I thought we got past that whole having you fix other people to fix yourself phase.” He said and then hit his chest a few times to regain control of his breathing. Yugyeom nodded and laughed as he took the cigarette back and flicked the ash off it. “Yeah, that girl that lost her parents a while back, my mom wants me to look after her, i read her file. Don't tell anyone that i told you this but.. After her parents died she was found in her bedroom almost bled out.” Jongin stared wide eyed at Yugyeom at the gossip that he was being told and his jaw dropped. He knew Jieun personally, they had drifted apart after her parents had passed, he knew her as a spunk, rainbow of a child, he never thought that he would ever hear that she had tried to kill herself. “Wow…” He muttered and looked down at the ground. “Last year she was like, a fresh breath of air, you wouldn’t know that since you just moved here at the end of that year but.. She was really crazy, we made out once at a party.” He said and then watched as Yugyeom face turned sour. “So she had a drastic change? Shit.. This is going to be worse than I thought..”
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Taking Requests! Kpop only
Hi there im Kora! Im am taking requests for one shots and dabbles of your choice/ If you have a scenario tht you would like to have written out for you then just specify it in your message!
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