My mood in in the slumps. Why is my MIL like this 🙃
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Gonna get back to my BTS writing. I’ve had a writers block for 3 years now 😭
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im begging you guys: unfollow riize on all of your accounts (instagram, twitter, tiktok, and leave their weverse). we can always refollow them when our 7 boys are back together again but right now we need to boycott. do not interact with any of their content, we can’t keep putting money into SM’s pockets. do this for seunghan, for RII7E. they need BRII7E more than anything right now. we need to be their voices.
132 notes
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we need to have a concentrated effort to boycott as international fans. ofc not streaming and interacting with official accounts is a good start, but does anyone have any official parameters?
23 notes
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I haven’t posted in a while but what some of these so called briizes have done really made me angry to the point that it’s beyond intolerable. They really outdid themselves with bullying a mere 20 years old, who, by the way, god knows, how has been keeping himself sane for the past 11 something months, into leaving a group just so his members and company don’t have to tolerate the harassment some completely nonsense and insanely ‘free’ people have thrown his way.
0 notes
Sick and in Love!
Pairing: Yangyang x reader
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: angst, fluff, a little pining though you can barely spot it
Warning(s): mention of food, lots of mention of a sick reader, mention of a Mark lee (though it's brief)
'Where are they?', a huffing Liu Yangyang, who was carrying a large bag of various food items, asked a not-so-pleased Mark Lee who had opened the door after his friend's incessant ringing of the doorbell.
'Erm, didn't I tell you theyre sick. Where do you think they would be?'
Well, in Mark's defence, he did just tell the latter on call about the whereabouts of the person in question.
'C'mon man. You don't have to be snarky at least today of all the days', Yangyang reasoned.
'Good point. Come on in'. The elder of the two made way for his band member to enter the premises. To be honest, Mark had no reason to make the other wait outside for that long, especially since he was the one who asked his member to come in the first place. But, for being the little devil that Mark secretly was, it was fun while it lasted.
Yangyang sprinted towards the room as soon as he saw the opportunity, I mean he didn't have the energy to indulge himself in baseless conversations with Mark or to do anything really after a long hard day of photoshoots and other promotional activities but when it came to a certain someone, it was all worth it.
'Hey you', Yanygang pointed toward a your timid shivering figure who was almost on the verge of falling asleep but now was completely awake after Yangyang's dramatic barging inside the room. 'Why did you not tell me you had fever and chills? Your brother, of all people, called me to inform about your sickness'
'Excuse you, what do you mean by of all people, dude, not cool', said Mark, who was leaning on the doorframe now, and had his arms folded, and in Yangyang's opinion, looked like a mom on a mission, who was ready to scold their ward for not eating vegetables. But heavens forbid, yangyang was gonna say it out loud, so instead he said:
'Were you eavesdropping on our conversation? What if we were talking about weird stuff? as he looked at the elder member in feigned disbelief.
'OK for 1) you always talk about weird stuff and I have absolutely no interest in eavesdropping on your conversation 2) I literally didn't need to, you were loud af and 3) honestly I have nothing better to do as I don't know what to do in my free time or how to be free in general'
'I hear you man, must be really tough', saying that, the former's expressions immediately changed to that of sympathy and understanding.
A moment or two passed.
'Eh. Guys? I'm literally right here, suffering?', you said as you repeatedly looked between the two idols of the same group but different units, or to put it in a rather better way, your elder brother and best friend.
'Oh sorry', yangyang said as he started to make his way towards the bed. He'd kept the bag on the side now and was making space on the bed while cleaning it of all the tissues and empty lozenges wrappers which were occupying the free space on the bed.
'What exactly are you doing?' You asked your best friend who was concentrated on getting rid of the wrinkles on the bed.
'Just making some space on the bed for myself', the latter said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, to be in such a close proximity to a sick infected person.
'No. You're not. You'll fall sick, Yangyang. And you have big things going on for the upcoming album', you reasoned as you started to make more distance between the two of you with the little energy you had.
'Hush, don't tire yourself. You anyway look like shit' yangyang said as he climbed on the bed excitedly, making you startled with the sudden wobble.
'Wow, geez, thanks, I guess'
'Hey, I didn't mean it like that, you know that, right?' Yangyang stated as he got more and more close to his best friend.
'I'm serious Yang, you'll fall sick'. The latter conveniently ignored the your protestations as he proceeded to check your temperature by putting his hand against your forehead.
You would have lied if you'd said that the simple act didn't make you shiver or make your heart skip a beat. It was just probably the fever and cold. Or who were you lying to? Because in reality, you had started to feel very different around your best friend since the last couple of days. But, suppressing these confusing emotions seemed like the best option for now, since you were already sick and thinking about this was too stressful, especially if he didn't feel the same way.
'Hmm, it seems pretty high. Did you check your temperature?', Yangyang asked as he looked at you. You just nodded, totally (not) affected by Yangyang's proximity. He was indeed very beautiful, though.
It wasn't an issue before, you have been best friends for so long, you couldn't even remember, so when did it change?
'Okay, then it's fine I guess, hope you're taking the medicine while putting into consideration, the severity of the problem?
'Yes, sir', you sighed. 'I really think you should reconsider being near me, you can take care of me from afar too you know? That's why I didn't wanna tell you'
'Tsk tsk. That was a bad decision on your part, ynnie. I would've regretted a lot not taking care of you when you had fever this high. Love your nasally voice BTW. You sound like a donkey. A very cute doney, indeed', stated Yangyang as he started to rummage through his bag of food items and extracted out a tetra pack of oral rehydration salt and handed it to you. You took it weakly from his hands and struggled to put the paper straw inside the pack. Yangyang graciously took it from your hands and effortlessly handed it back to you. 'You need to stay hydrated, ynnie. I wonder what would you do without me?' Yangyang wondered out loud.
'Will probably continue to struggle with paper straws', yoyhypothised and gulped down the sweet-salty liquid.
'Ikr? Like I understand the need and the thought behind it and I promise I'm not complaining but they become way too soggy way too quickly', the latter pondered again.
'It's paper, what do you expect?', you replied as you finished the drink.
'So, why don't you pick a movie while I heat up this delicious chicken noodles soup? No soda on the side for you BTW.' Yangyang asked as he extracted out three different Disney movies from the same bag along with a big pack of the said soup he'd mentioned. 'I'm sorry I couldn't find many options in the little time I got. We have Moana, Inside Out and Elemental. Take your pick!', he competed in sheer excitement as he passed on the movie CDs to his best friend.
'Wait, what all do you have in that bag?' You asked incredulously as you looked at the movies in your hands.
'Just some knick-knacks for the both of us', the best friend in question said as he started to make his way towards the door. 'I'll be back in a few. Pick a movie by then!'
'Do you think all our emotions are really like that, interacting with each other?' Yangyang asked a half asleep you, who had their head planted on their best friend's chest and was lying by his side.
'You always ask this question whenever we watch Inside Out', you replied in a groggy voice.
'And yet you chose this movie, everytime', Yangyang smirked even though he knew that his best friend was not looking, and on the verge of falling asleep on his chest, he only prayed that he weren't able to hear his quickened heartbeat with the way you were softly breathing on top of it.
'That's cause it's our movie. And I like to see you get all emotional whenever Riley informs her parents about the whole ordeal of missing her homeland and hockey', you lazily replied.
'Pft. I don't get emotional'
'Yeah. You only just shed a tear or two', you exclaimed as you raised your head from top of Yangyang's chest and looked at him directly in the eyes. In that moment, you must have forgotten to calculate the distance because this sudden action brought both of you into sudden closeness and left your breath hitched.
'You guys do realise that I'm very much inside this room and when I said yes to the movie invite, I didn't expect that witnessing you being all cute and fluffy will be a part of the memo', Mark stated somewhere from the corner of the room, making both of you to separate from each other not-so-gracefully.
'Geez, I forgot you were in the room', Yangyang said as he awkwardly shuffled back to his side.
'Gosh, I wonder why! Anyway I was just going back. I wanna enjoy the rest of my day off actually not being a third-wheel and doing something productive. It's already October 10 and we resume promotions on 12th', Mark said matter-of-factly as he started to get up from his spot and proceeded to turn the light on.
But his simple actions as well as words left the other two occupants in the room in shock with very different expressions. One had his eyes widened comically whereas the other whipped their neck towards their best friend's direction, it almost would've given them a whiplash.
'October 10, did you say!?', You exclaimed loudly as you started to look for your phone which was somewhere on the bed and the nightstand, your actions made the very confused brother stop on his tracks.
'Y/nnie, it's alright-' the man beside you started to say but was interrupted.
'No, it's not alright, Yang', you said as you finally found your phone and checked today's date to confirm if the date he mentioned was really true and you actually messed up pretty badly.
'Wait, what's not okay?', Mark asked in confusion.
'It's his birthday today! I can't believe I just forgot about it. Like how can I? Damn it!' You said exasperated as you looked at your best friend in disbelief and embarrassment.
'Oh dude, really? Wait yes, oh man. Happy birthday. I am sorry I forgot'. Mark said as he looked at the birthday boy and a very distressed sibling. Thinking better of it, he just left the two best friends to deal with the chaos he'd just ensued.
'Y/n, look at me', yangyang shuffled closer to you as he held both your hands to make you calm down. 'Don't stress yourself like this when youre sick, you didn't forget anything, you just didn't know what date it was today, okay, it's completely fine', Yangyang emphasized.
'No, it's not! What kind of a best friend am I, to just forget your birthday like this. You should revoke this friendship. I'm a bad person. And anyway, what are you doing here! Like literally, why aren't you celebrating? What about your members or staff, they must have decided and prepared for something for your birthday unlike me, who didn't even remember it. Gosh! I'm so ashamed of myself'
'Ynnie, stop. Calm down, you're gonna make yourself feel worse, emotionally and physically both. You've been so stressed lately with work and that's why you fell sick in the first place so stop stressing yourself with such a trivial thing and before you interrupt me again, yes, it is trivial. It's not a big deal, I know your intentions and that is enough for me. Stop beating yourself for it okay?'
'But still-', you tried to reason-
'No buts, it's all fine now. It's totally valid for you to not be yourself when you're sick', yangyang stated, as he laid back to his position.
'Aren't you like supposed to be doing anything except for this?' You looked at him in our confusion.
'Like what?'
'Like partying, or doing something special or spending time with your members or Like idk ..celebrating, in general?', you questioned your best friend and looked at him in shock. Honestly, why was he wasting his special day on just lying down beside a sick person and watching the same film he'd watched more than 20 times now, not to forget, with the person who actually forgot his birthday.
'What do you think I'm doing right now?, Yangyang asked, genuinely as he looked at one of the most important people in his life. And the most special one.
'What do you mean?' You replied as you looked timidly towards your better half. You were already embarrassed enough.
'Yn, I'm literally celebrating my birthday with you, right now, in this room. Do you really think I can actually go out and have fun without you, while you're stuck at home, sick?'
'But I didn't even remember it-', you started
'But you literally did when you found out today's date, ynnie look at me', he raised your chin with his index finger in order to make you look to his own face level. 'You mean the world to me, I hope you know that, I'd rather spend my birthday with you stuck in the confines of a room then to not have you around at all'
There it went again. Why was this heart somersaulting so much today?
'I wanted to tell you this for so long, I thought today was going to be the best day, and yes I did get a bit disappointed earlier when you didn't remember it . I knew there must of been a reason until I received a call from your brother that you were sick. It all made sense then. My y/n, I like you so so so much you have no idea.
'Yangyang..', you were interrupted yet again.
'But it's okay, you don't have to feel the same way or don't have to not break my heart just because it's my birthday', he waved his hands around and shook his head in the action to dismiss the confession he'd just made.
'It's completely and most definitely alright. I just wanted to let it out in the op--'
'Yang..look at me for one second', you aggressively held onto his face, yet carefully not to hurt him in the process. Which worked either way cause you didn't have the energy to. But he just wasn't shutting up.
'I love you. So much', you slowly spoke, looking directly into his beautiful eyes. He was ethereal this close. He blinked once, and twice.
A moment passed.
And then he snizzed.
You let go of his face in the exact manner you used, formerly.
'You love me!'
'I told you to stay away from me!'
You both exclaimed in unison.
'But you love me', he said as he looked at you with googly eyes, like you hung the stars in the sky.
'Of course I love your idiot ass', you huffed as you shuffled to get up. Who deliberately falls sick on his own birthday!
Yangyang quickly caught up to you before you get out of the comfort and warmth of the bed. He pulled you towards himself close so that both of your foreheads were touching.
'See, now we're both sick..', you trailed off as you closed your eyes.
'Sick and in love. I love you so much.' He said as he followed suit.
Note: Forgive me for I was supposed to post it on his birthday and I'm six whole days late 💀. Also, did I just make him sick on his birthday? Do I hate him or love him? Jk, he's my little cinnamon roll 🥺🥺🥺 also, guys, I'm posting an imagine after so long, so please be generous.
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Sick and in Love!
Pairing: Yangyang x gn!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: angst, fluff, a little pining though you can barely spot it
Warning(s): mention of food, lots of mention of a sick reader, mention of a Mark lee (though it's brief)
'Where are they?', a huffing Liu Yangyang, who was carrying a large bag of various food items, asked a not-so-pleased Mark Lee who had opened the door after his friend's incessant ringing of the doorbell.
'Erm, didn't I tell you theyre sick. Where do you think they would be?'
Well, in Mark's defence, he did just tell the latter on call about the whereabouts of the person in question.
'C'mon man. You don't have to be snarky at least today of all the days', Yangyang reasoned.
'Good point. Come on in'. The elder of the two made way for his band member to enter the premises. To be honest, Mark had no reason to make the other wait outside for that long, especially since he was the one who asked his member to come in the first place. But, for being the little devil that Mark secretly was, it was fun while it lasted.
Yangyang sprinted towards the room as soon as he saw the opportunity, I mean he didn't have the energy to indulge himself in baseless conversations with Mark or to do anything really after a long hard day of photoshoots and other promotional activities but when it came to a certain someone, it was all worth it.
'Hey you', Yanygang pointed toward a your timid shivering figure who was almost on the verge of falling asleep but now was completely awake after Yangyang's dramatic barging inside the room. 'Why did you not tell me you had fever and chills? Your brother, of all people, called me to inform about your sickness'
'Excuse you, what do you mean by of all people, dude, not cool', said Mark, who was leaning on the doorframe now, and had his arms folded, and in Yangyang's opinion, looked like a mom on a mission, who was ready to scold their ward for not eating vegetables. But heavens forbid, yangyang was gonna say it out loud, so instead he said:
'Were you eavesdropping on our conversation? What if we were talking about weird stuff? as he looked at the elder member in feigned disbelief.
'OK for 1) you always talk about weird stuff and I have absolutely no interest in eavesdropping on your conversation 2) I literally didn't need to, you were loud af and 3) honestly I have nothing better to do as I don't know what to do in my free time or how to be free in general'
'I hear you man, must be really tough', saying that, the former's expressions immediately changed to that of sympathy and understanding.
A moment or two passed.
'Eh. Guys? I'm literally right here, suffering?', you said as you repeatedly looked between the two idols of the same group but different units, or to put it in a rather better way, your elder brother and best friend.
'Oh sorry', yangyang said as he started to make his way towards the bed. He'd kept the bag on the side now and was making space on the bed while cleaning it of all the tissues and empty lozenges wrappers which were occupying the free space on the bed.
'What exactly are you doing?' You asked your best friend who was concentrated on getting rid of the wrinkles on the bed.
'Just making some space on the bed for myself', the latter said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, to be in such a close proximity to a sick infected person.
'No. You're not. You'll fall sick, Yangyang. And you have big things going on for the upcoming album', you reasoned as you started to make more distance between the two of you with the little energy you had.
'Hush, don't tire yourself. You anyway look like shit' yangyang said as he climbed on the bed excitedly, making you startled with the sudden wobble.
'Wow, geez, thanks, I guess'
'Hey, I didn't mean it like that, you know that, right?' Yangyang stated as he got more and more close to his best friend.
'I'm serious Yang, you'll fall sick'. The latter conveniently ignored the your protestations as he proceeded to check your temperature by putting his hand against your forehead.
You would have lied if you'd said that the simple act didn't make you shiver or make your heart skip a beat. It was just probably the fever and cold. Or who were you lying to? Because in reality, you had started to feel very different around your best friend since the last couple of days. But, suppressing these confusing emotions seemed like the best option for now, since you were already sick and thinking about this was too stressful, especially if he didn't feel the same way.
'Hmm, it seems pretty high. Did you check your temperature?', Yangyang asked as he looked at you. You just nodded, totally (not) affected by Yangyang's proximity. He was indeed very beautiful, though.
It wasn't an issue before, you have been best friends for so long, you couldn't even remember, so when did it change?
'Okay, then it's fine I guess, hope you're taking the medicine while putting into consideration, the severity of the problem?
'Yes, sir', you sighed. 'I really think you should reconsider being near me, you can take care of me from afar too you know? That's why I didn't wanna tell you'
'Tsk tsk. That was a bad decision on your part, ynnie. I would've regretted a lot not taking care of you when you had fever this high. Love your nasally voice BTW. You sound like a donkey. A very cute doney, indeed', stated Yangyang as he started to rummage through his bag of food items and extracted out a tetra pack of oral rehydration salt and handed it to you. You took it weakly from his hands and struggled to put the paper straw inside the pack. Yangyang graciously took it from your hands and effortlessly handed it back to you. 'You need to stay hydrated, ynnie. I wonder what would you do without me?' Yangyang wondered out loud.
'Will probably continue to struggle with paper straws', yoyhypothised and gulped down the sweet-salty liquid.
'Ikr? Like I understand the need and the thought behind it and I promise I'm not complaining but they become way too soggy way too quickly', the latter pondered again.
'It's paper, what do you expect?', you replied as you finished the drink.
'So, why don't you pick a movie while I heat up this delicious chicken noodles soup? No soda on the side for you BTW.' Yangyang asked as he extracted out three different Disney movies from the same bag along with a big pack of the said soup he'd mentioned. 'I'm sorry I couldn't find many options in the little time I got. We have Moana, Inside Out and Elemental. Take your pick!', he competed in sheer excitement as he passed on the movie CDs to his best friend.
'Wait, what all do you have in that bag?' You asked incredulously as you looked at the movies in your hands.
'Just some knick-knacks for the both of us', the best friend in question said as he started to make his way towards the door. 'I'll be back in a few. Pick a movie by then!'
'Do you think all our emotions are really like that, interacting with each other?' Yangyang asked a half asleep you, who had their head planted on their best friend's chest and was lying by his side.
'You always ask this question whenever we watch Inside Out', you replied in a groggy voice.
'And yet you chose this movie, everytime', Yangyang smirked even though he knew that his best friend was not looking, and on the verge of falling asleep on his chest, he only prayed that he weren't able to hear his quickened heartbeat with the way you were softly breathing on top of it.
'That's cause it's our movie. And I like to see you get all emotional whenever Riley informs her parents about the whole ordeal of missing her homeland and hockey', you lazily replied.
'Pft. I don't get emotional'
'Yeah. You only just shed a tear or two', you exclaimed as you raised your head from top of Yangyang's chest and looked at him directly in the eyes. In that moment, you must have forgotten to calculate the distance because this sudden action brought both of you into sudden closeness and left your breath hitched.
'You guys do realise that I'm very much inside this room and when I said yes to the movie invite, I didn't expect that witnessing you being all cute and fluffy will be a part of the memo', Mark stated somewhere from the corner of the room, making both of you to separate from each other not-so-gracefully.
'Geez, I forgot you were in the room', Yangyang said as he awkwardly shuffled back to his side.
'Gosh, I wonder why! Anyway I was just going back. I wanna enjoy the rest of my day off actually not being a third-wheel and doing something productive. It's already October 10 and we resume promotions on 12th', Mark said matter-of-factly as he started to get up from his spot and proceeded to turn the light on.
But his simple actions as well as words left the other two occupants in the room in shock with very different expressions. One had his eyes widened comically whereas the other whipped their neck towards their best friend's direction, it almost would've given them a whiplash.
'October 10, did you say!?', You exclaimed loudly as you started to look for your phone which was somewhere on the bed and the nightstand, your actions made the very confused brother stop on his tracks.
'Y/nnie, it's alright-' the man beside you started to say but was interrupted.
'No, it's not alright, Yang', you said as you finally found your phone and checked today's date to confirm if the date he mentioned was really true and you actually messed up pretty badly.
'Wait, what's not okay?', Mark asked in confusion.
'It's his birthday today! I can't believe I just forgot about it. Like how can I? Damn it!' You said exasperated as you looked at your best friend in disbelief and embarrassment.
'Oh dude, really? Wait yes, oh man. Happy birthday. I am sorry I forgot'. Mark said as he looked at the birthday boy and a very distressed sibling. Thinking better of it, he just left the two best friends to deal with the chaos he'd just ensued.
'Y/n, look at me', yangyang shuffled closer to you as he held both your hands to make you calm down. 'Don't stress yourself like this when youre sick, you didn't forget anything, you just didn't know what date it was today, okay, it's completely fine', Yangyang emphasized.
'No, it's not! What kind of a best friend am I, to just forget your birthday like this. You should revoke this friendship. I'm a bad person. And anyway, what are you doing here! Like literally, why aren't you celebrating? What about your members or staff, they must have decided and prepared for something for your birthday unlike me, who didn't even remember it. Gosh! I'm so ashamed of myself'
'Ynnie, stop. Calm down, you're gonna make yourself feel worse, emotionally and physically both. You've been so stressed lately with work and that's why you fell sick in the first place so stop stressing yourself with such a trivial thing and before you interrupt me again, yes, it is trivial. It's not a big deal, I know your intentions and that is enough for me. Stop beating yourself for it okay?'
'But still-', you tried to reason-
'No buts, it's all fine now. It's totally valid for you to not be yourself when you're sick', yangyang stated, as he laid back to his position.
'Aren't you like supposed to be doing anything except for this?' You looked at him in our confusion.
'Like what?'
'Like partying, or doing something special or spending time with your members or Like idk ..celebrating, in general?', you questioned your best friend and looked at him in shock. Honestly, why was he wasting his special day on just lying down beside a sick person and watching the same film he'd watched more than 20 times now, not to forget, with the person who actually forgot his birthday.
'What do you think I'm doing right now?, Yangyang asked, genuinely as he looked at one of the most important people in his life. And the most special one.
'What do you mean?' You replied as you looked timidly towards your better half. You were already embarrassed enough.
'Yn, I'm literally celebrating my birthday with you, right now, in this room. Do you really think I can actually go out and have fun without you, while you're stuck at home, sick?'
'But I didn't even remember it-', you started
'But you literally did when you found out today's date, ynnie look at me', he raised your chin with his index finger in order to make you look to his own face level. 'You mean the world to me, I hope you know that, I'd rather spend my birthday with you stuck in the confines of a room then to not have you around at all'
There it went again. Why was this heart somersaulting so much today?
'I wanted to tell you this for so long, I thought today was going to be the best day, and yes I did get a bit disappointed earlier when you didn't remember it . I knew there must of been a reason until I received a call from your brother that you were sick. It all made sense then. My y/n, I like you so so so much you have no idea.
'Yangyang..', you were interrupted yet again.
'But it's okay, you don't have to feel the same way or don't have to not break my heart just because it's my birthday', he waved his hands around and shook his head in the action to dismiss the confession he'd just made.
'It's completely and most definitely alright. I just wanted to let it out in the op--'
'Yang..look at me for one second', you aggressively held onto his face, yet carefully not to hurt him in the process. Which worked either way cause you didn't have the energy to. But he just wasn't shutting up.
'I love you. So much', you slowly spoke, looking directly into his beautiful eyes. He was ethereal this close. He blinked once, and twice.
A moment passed.
And then he snizzed.
You let go of his face in the exact manner you used, formerly.
'You love me!'
'I told you to stay away from me!'
You both exclaimed in unison.
'But you love me', he said as he looked at you with googly eyes, like you hung the stars in the sky.
'Of course I love your idiot ass', you huffed as you shuffled to get up. Who deliberately falls sick on his own birthday!
Yangyang quickly caught up to you before you get out of the comfort and warmth of the bed. He pulled you towards himself close so that both of your foreheads were touching.
'See, now we're both sick..', you trailed off as you closed your eyes.
'Sick and in love. I love you so much.' He said as he followed suit.
Note: Forgive me for I was supposed to post it on his birthday and I'm six whole days late 💀. Also, did I just make him sick on his birthday? Do I hate him or love him? Jk, he's my little cinnamon roll 🥺🥺🥺 also, guys, I'm posting an imagine after so long, so please be generous.
#yangyang#yangyang x reader#yangyang fluff#yangyang imagines#wayv#wayv imagines#wayv fluff#nct yangyang#liu yangyang
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WayV TMEA Performance in Macau (230709)
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Leave me alone with my thoughts
‘Cause I want to ponder upon them.
But wait, don’t go,
‘cause I’m also scared of them.
They terrify me,
make me question my sanity.
For I’ve thunk these thoughts a lot already,
the aftermath of it is not pretty.
So, stay here,
right where you are.
But please don’t say anything,
let’s keep them far.
Away from my mind,
just for a little while,
just for a passing moment.
But just don’t go,
don’t leave me alone with my thoughts.
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Reblog this to give the person you reblogged it from a bear hug. (they might just need it)
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*Blue Hour era*
Yeonjun: Can we go shirtless this comeback?
Hybe: Wear a pink crop-top instead.
Yeonjun: oh okay.
*Fight or Escape era*
Yeonjun: Can we go shirtless now?
Hybe: How about…skirts?
Yeonjun: but..
Hybe: SKIRTS!!
#txt incorrect quotes#txt incorrect texts#incorrect txt quotes#yeonjun txt#choi yeonjun#yeonjun#tomorrow by together#txt#txt huening kai#txt moa#txt soobin#txt yeonjun
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Hueningkai: Party muffins!!
Soobin: Cupcakes
Hueningkai: BLOCKED!!
#incorrect txt quotes#txt#txt soobin#txt huening kai#soobin#huening kai#tomorrow by together#txt oneshots#txt imagines#txt incorrect quotes#txt incorrect texts#beomgyu#yeonjun txt#kang taehyun#choi soobin
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Listen. Dynamite got old-fast. 💥
I liked butter, I still like butter. It’s catchy as hell. 🧈
But with permission to dance I just feel like…..give them a break, ya know? 🕺🏻
Give them a break from pandering to America and American audiences who don’t give a shit about their music unless it’s in English.
Give them a break from letting other people write and produce their music when that’s their-especially Namjoon’s and Yoongi’s-passion.
Give them a break from conforming to English stereotypes of what men should and shouldn’t be. I don’t want to see them as cowboys, I want skirts and harnesses and anything else they’re comfortable in.
Give BTS a break from being Americanized.
Because those of us who love them loved them from the beginning, loved them from the stuff they wrote, from the stuff they were passionate about, loved them when they sang about love and absolute heartbreak and depression and the hardest years of their lives, loved them when butter was just a thing on their popcorn.
I’m not saying artists can’t grow and change with the times. They absolutely can and should! But let the boys have control again; let them love what they do, let them stretch and expand and grow without trying to fit into the narrow minded ideas the Western Industry holds of what music is.
If they’re happy, I’m happy. 💜 But just let BTS be whoever and whatever they love the most.
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