konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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@cara-luna’s archive
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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Criminal law student aesthetic requested by @be-gay-study-crime
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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Archive moodboard for @b1acksuit
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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@jjkbot’s archive
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
Sorry if this is kinda weird to say but Jotaro is so pretty in your style
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AHHHH so many of you said it and thank you!!! ;o; after all these, I would like to show you which part of drawing him has “rules” or at least I try to keep^^
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
The Day Shouto discovered his sister is a Girl
Notes: Fuyumi needs more love. That’s all
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Fuyusei (FuyumixTense) Huwumi (FuyumixHawks)
Summary: Or the four times Shouto Todoroki saw someone flirting with Fuyumi and the one time he did something about it.
WARNING: Mineta being Mineta
The first time it happened it took him by surprise and it left as soon as it came. He was also not prepared.
The whole class had just came back from winter break and were all sharing stories from their time apart in the common room. Mina had gone ice-skating, Jirou, Kaminari and Momo went to a concert together, Koda had gone to a rally in the park, Hagakure and Ojiro were now officially dating.
“What about you guys?” Asui asked, looking at him, Midoriya and Bakugou. “Did you do anything apart from the internship kero?”
“Well, I spent a lot of time with my mom. And my dad came back for two weeks, so I also spent a lot of time with him.” Midoriya said as his cheeks turned pinkish for being in the spotlight. “Oh, and I had dinner with Kacchans family.”
Bakugou growled at that as everybody chuckled at the image. They sometimes forgot how close the two actually were. Then all eyes turned to him. Guess it was his turn to talk.
“I…. I learnt how to make snow cones with my sister…”
“WAIT,” Kaminari interrupted him. “You have a sister?”
“Yeah, her name is Fuyumi. She’s a teacher…” He said, taking out his phone and displaying a photo of her on the screen (a selfie Natsuo took with him and Fuyumi squished to his side) and passed the phone for his classmates to see.
Their reaction were… wierd. At least for him. Fuyumi was like a second mom to him. She cooked for him, cleaned, took care of him, she even helped him in some subjects to enter U.A. So other people calling her thing like, cute, nice, or other was not what he was accustom to.
“Man, I sure wish your sister gave private classes….” Mineta slured with drool dripping out of his mouth. He was stopped by Jirou and one of her earjacks.
“So, IIDA,” Shouto got interrupted again but this time by Sero “What did you do on winter break?”
The second time lasted longer. And Fuyumi was there. Sort of. He wasn’t prepared this time either.
They had just left the hospital after an evening with Mom and were going to their now usual hangout, a small french cafe. They had come so many times that the staff already knew their orders by heart.
He went to the register as Fuyumi picked a table for them. But as he was waiting in line to order, he couldn’t help but listen part of the conversation between two men in front of him.
“You saw the hottie that just entered… the one sitting alone in the back,?”
“Yeah, what do you think her bra size is?”
He stoped listening after that. He was not going to pay attencion to two pigs without manners. Soon they left with their order and Shoto received his minutes later. When he turned to find his sister, he saw the two pigs were next to her table while she was looking at her phone, completly ignoring them.
He didn’t understood it. Why would they do that? And with Fuyumi no less.
Yes he knew his sister was pretty and polite, but that didn’t mean that guys should go after her. Yes, she was in a dateable age, but… but… Fuyumi didn’t date and that was it.
He was marching there with every intencion of roasting the two pigs, when they left on their own. But not before giving her a flimsy piece of paper and throwing her a kiss.
When he sat on the table, he asked her what happend to which Fuyumi responded: “Nothing I couldn’t handle, don’t worry. Besides, it happens all the time.”
Oh, okay. His sister could handle it…..
Wait, what does she mean by all the time?
The third and fourth time happened so close to each other that he was not able to react to neither of them. Even though he was prepared.
It was during an open class day. Kind of like a culture festival, but only two people per student. Natsuo wasn’t able to come due to a tournament, so Fuyumi came alone.
The day started as a normal school day, except when the heroics class came, the students guest’s were able to watch and or participate. During his hero class, he saw Fuyumi chatting animatedly with a guy on a wheelchair. Most likely Iida’s brother.
That was okay.
He was okay with that.
Iida Tensei was respectable, polite and hard working…. and if anything did went wrong, he was in a wheelchair…. a little push and it was over….. so, yes…. he was okay with it….. he was…
Okay, he wasn’t. Why wasn’t he?
And apparently he was starring too. Because Midoriya asked him what was wrong. “Nothing, I just…. nothing” He responded turning his back to his sister and watching her laught with the ex pro-hero.
"Todoroki, why are you glaring at Iidas brother?” Asui asked him bluntly as always. He could feel how everybody was waiting for his explanations to why he was rudely starring at a disabled man.
“Hey, pay attention half and half bastard!” To be honest, he has never been more grateful for Bakugou’s crude language.
When the exercise was over and class A and B joined their guest, the first thing he noticed was another guy talking to his sister.
This one was blonde and his laught was just like Monomas. He looked like an asshole.
“Why is everybody flirting with my sister?” He asked himself with a sigh quietly.
But apparently not quiet enough, since Mineta decided to answer him.
“She does have a great size of knockers”
Judging by how fast Minetas face had turned white, he must of not have reacted well to that.
The fifth time he saw it happened he did something. He was prepared. Or so he thought.
He was just arriving home for the weekend when he heard it. Laughter. From his sister and somebody else. He pressed himself against the tatami wall to hear better.
“… and somehow we ended up in the roof of the Empire State”
“You have the wildest night out, Takami”
Who the hell was Takami?
“Well, we are always looking for another partner in crime. We loved if you come”
Once he heard that, he automatically slided the door open. And in the couch, way too close to Fuyumi, holding a cup was the number 2 hero, Hawks. The door opening made both adults look up and, thankfully, separate a little.
“Hi Shouto” Fuyumi welcomed him with a smile “How are you? How was school?”
“Fine” He responded as he sat in between them. “My scar itches though, do we have something for it?” He turned his back to Hawks to ask his sister.
“I think we still do. Wait here” With that she left the room.
“Your eye okay, Shouto?” And now to deal with the bird infestations.
“No. You should leave” He told him looking at him dead in the eyes. He only got a confused stare as a response.
Time to bring out the big gun. “Does Endevor know you are here flirting with his only daughter?”
He doubted his old man would care. But from his reaction, he didn’t know that. Perfect.
“I have the cream for your scar Shouto.” And just in time for his sister to come back into the room.
She handed it to him and asked if he needed help applying it. “No, I’m fine. Thank you, sis”. He smiled at her and then returned to stare at Hawks.
She smiled in return and turned to Hawks, who jumped back to his feet when he felt her gaze. “Is everything okay, Takami?”
Suddenly, Hawks grinned at him but changed it to a smile when he turned to Fuyumi.
“Yeah, I just didn’t realise what time it was. But…” He took out a napkin and a pen from the pockets of his hero costume and scribbled something down. He then gave the napkin to Fuyumi. “If you want a wild night out, call me.”
His sister turned red like a tomato while he saw red. He chased Hawks out of the house and once he left, he went back to Fuyumi to see her staring confused at the napkin with Hawks number.
The end.
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
know im cryin' thx;;; -;;;
do you have any personal headcanon about what Jonathan would think of all the following Jojos?
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Some people think that Jonathan would be disappointed in them,Jonathan, who accepted Dio, I mean his descendants were all heroes with good heart, just like him
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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Jotakak Week 2019 | Day 1 | nightmares
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
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silly comic based on this:
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
I need a fafnir x takiya OVA
Reblog if you agree
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
Evergreen: Okay. Tell me what happened.
Freed: …I wanted to ask Bickslow what he thinks about… how big Laxus’s dick is, like if it’s proportional to his body etc., and if it’d change when he’s using his Dragon Force.
Evergreen: Weird but not surprising…?
Bickslow: Thing is, he didn’t text me.
Freed: I didn’t.
Evergreen: You didn’t text Bix or me.
Evergreen: So who did you-
Evergreen: …
Evergreen: -no.
Evergreen: Dear Mavis, did you…
Bickslow: He did!
Freed: I did indeed.
Freed: I texted Laxus.
Evergreen: And he did what?
Freed: …
Bickslow: Go on, tell her.
Freed: I don’t-
Bickslow: You know if you don’t, I will.
Freed: Okay, okay, fine.
Freed: He reacted with-
Freed: -Dear Mavis I can’t believe I’m actually about to tell you two about that-
Freed: -he reacted with ’…??’
Freed: Followed by a three minute pause.
Freed: And then he sent ‘idk, never thought about it?’
Evergreen: That can’t be all.
Evergreen: Or is it?
Bickslow: Oh, it isn’t.
Freed: Shut the fuck up, this is the last time I trust you with anything.
Bickslow: C'mon man.
Freed: Anywaym
Freed: He kind of-
Freed: He kind of-
Freed: He-
Freed: He sent a dick pic and asked if I thought it was proportionate.
Evergreen: NO!
Evergreen: …
Evergreen: …Was it though?
Evergreen: What did you say?
Freed: It was all lost anyway so I… wrote that I’d have to see for myself…
Freed: And now I have a date today…
Evergreen: Well that’s… something, I guess.
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konstantinschwarz · 5 years
Fuyumi: Honey bun?
Hawks: Yes?
Fuyumi, blushing: I meant, would you like one?
Hawks: Oh. Yeah, sure. Sugar?
Fuyumi: Yes?
Hawks, also blushing: I was just asking if you wanted some sugar in your coffee.
Fuyumi, flustered: Oh! Yeah. Sure.
Both: [completely flustered]
Enji, from a distance: Even I'm getting embarrassed from watching these dumbasses.
Rei: I think I know what you mean.
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