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Day 7
I decided to draw the bird they were watching, since on black and white the picture wouldnt make that much sense, i decided to color it
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Day 6
At my lab a friend of mine asked for Egghead jr. since it is a bird i couldn’t say no, who remembers this guy
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Day 5
The friend in orni that informs me of their reactions of the drawings hates ducks, so a small drawing for him quack
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Day 4
A humming bird, i didn’t care enough for the wings, actually that day i was like “fuck it *throws paper*”
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Day 3
One of my orni friends told me on 3 classes to draw a Scaled Quail, i had been noticed by more orni people, slowly but surely the drawings on the window kept growing
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Day 2
I didn’t know what to draw so i googled parakeet and found this one, so the design isn’t mine.. credits to the original artist i hope i find you again
it kinda reminds me of Hatoful Boyfriend
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Around 3 weeks ago i begun a small project to annoy some of my ornithology friends...
Day 1
Context: There is this  Madagascar palm (Pachypodium lamerei) between our place and theirs, this palm got itself a resident, a bienteveo/great kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus) decided to nest on the top of the palm. All is good, i didn’t know about it until later that day they sent me a text saying “we are filming you”. They had placed a camera to film its nesting and this camera has as background our windows, to which i did the first drawing and pasted it on the window.
“We see you”
I wanted to draw something like the facebook dove.. and so it begun
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While i was reading It devours and I wanted to draw the description of the third column (among others but i never got to it.. cuz laziness)
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I really like this story called Tera by Starysky205, and in this story there is a description of Evan’s dragon form, here is how i visualize it ( =0w0= )S A link to the story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14329635/chapters/33067446
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