knucklesnendo · 18 hours
I always get sick when I go in these. I went in one recently and have been out for a bit. I hate all the rotating and... just a lot. Plus I come out with these medals and I don't even know what to do with them. Sonic doesn't seem to mind them...
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knucklesnendo · 22 days
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the bros ever
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knucklesnendo · 22 days
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classic bunch
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knucklesnendo · 27 days
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Oodles and oodles of Sonic
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knucklesnendo · 27 days
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knucklesnendo · 27 days
Between the two siblings Sonic and Tails, who do you prefer more to be with? Especially at times of needing peace or rest.
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Tails, easy. Sonic's way too wound up and always wants to do something like race around the island or see the sights. Tails at least stays in one place so I can make sure he isn't messing anything up... although it is always fun when Sonic does come around. Still don't like him touching my Emerald...
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knucklesnendo · 28 days
do you ever have someone else guard the master emerald, when adventuring with sonic and everyone else, or do you have a good place to hide it from thieves? I could come over and guard it for you.
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That's actually a very good question. While I like to put it on it's altar, I assume Tikal and Chaos like that more as well, I do move it quite often. I've taken up the hobby of making altars myself! Although... They are nowhere near as good as the ones my ancestors built.
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I just kind of pile up a bunch of rocks and hide it a bit.
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Luckily, there are actually a few altars and places I can put the Master Emerald. Like Lava Reef... Found one in Sandopolis... and... wait...
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Why do you want to know where I put my Emerald?!
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knucklesnendo · 28 days
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I'm not going to wear those.
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knucklesnendo · 30 days
Knuckles , how do you feel about carnival night zone?
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Honestly I know how to get around it and how to deal with it but... it still feels weird. It's been here before Eggman but I'm not even sure who or what built it... or for what purpose.
It feels so alien with everything on the island, it makes me wonder if this was an advanced civilization of Echidna or something completely different. It doesn't match the style of any tribe from Angel Island... it's just so odd. A real mystery for me... Even Tails gets stumped.
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It also gets a bit creepy when the lights go out. It happens sometimes and at night it's real freaky. Have you ever been in a carnival or amusement park alone at night? It's like the world up and left... The whole island is that lonely but in a place so much more advanced... it feels extra strange.
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knucklesnendo · 1 month
Knuckles, what do you do when you're sick? Are there any doctors on angel island?
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Well there is nobody here but me. Amy says I should come down from the island when I get sick but that'd leave the emerald too vulnerable. I just sit by the emerald and hope to get better. Usually it's just a cold so soup or something like that helps.
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knucklesnendo · 1 month
hows tikal doing?
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That's a good question but... it's hard to say. i think I see Chaos more than Tikal and even then it's not by much. I've seen him once or twice more than Tikal herself. I assume she is doing good and hope she is too. I hope one day I can thank her for showing me what my tribe was like during her time.
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knucklesnendo · 1 month
What do you think is the cutest animal besides mammals?
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Good question, and nice profile picture. Appreciate the respect. As for your question... I like to relax on the beaches of Angel Island. Sometimes the jungle too... so my favorite are probably the seagulls here. They at least respect me... also helps that I don't carry much food on me.
Other than that, the bats in the Endless Mine help me find my way. Hard to get out of there otherwise... sometimes I have to burrow out.
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Those are more useful and symbolic than cute. I guess the cutest animal to me would be...
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I like bears. Cute as cubs and big and strong as adults. Can't argue with that, huh?
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knucklesnendo · 1 month
I'll give you a fresh bowl of hot soup with my grandma's recipe, it can cure any illness 😊
Warning: very very spicy
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Lucky I got over my sickness! Kinda hard to do but I had some friends help me! I'll say that soup helped too! So thanks anon!
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knucklesnendo · 1 month
aye can i borrow that emerald real quick
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No. Next question
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knucklesnendo · 1 month
yikes some of those anons were weirdos
Have some grapes knux you deserve it
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I appreciate the concern but by the time those grapes got here they were rotten... maybe mailing food to angel island isn't the best of ideas. Not that the old owl that delivers stuff actually gets here in time... Who knows, though.
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knucklesnendo · 1 month
Have you seen Froggy?
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I've seen a few frogs but not Froggy! I hope I don't see him on this island again after what he did last time! Big needs to keep off my island and keep Froggy in check! He ate one of my emeralds!
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He needs to stop coming up here! I don't care if the fish up here are rare or ancient! It's a sacred land and he doesn't even ask he shows up! I caught him on Monday! I bet Froggy is up here too! Wait... that question...
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Big is that you?! Get off my island!
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knucklesnendo · 1 month
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he’s a changed hedgehog, mighty
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