knowpedia · 6 years
Never believe that it's the end Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZQ8Z-chMJOzJZrvwgs7nA
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knowpedia · 6 years
Change starts from you Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZQ8Z-chMJOzJZrvwgs7nA
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knowpedia · 6 years
Change starts from you. We often want to change others, change a lot of things. We blame others because they don’t change. But did you try to change yourself? Your mentality, your habits, your decisions? Before changing others, first focus on yourself, change yourself first. How can you change others, if you can’t change yourself?
When you start changing yourself, people around you, will get influenced by you. Be a good example to others, and others will be motivated to become like you. So change yourself, and focus on yourself. You can’t change the world, if you don’t change yourself. Change is hard, no one likes it, that’s why people stay the same, they fear change, it’s uncomfortable. But that’s the challenge, you have to try. Take the first step, it may not happen in one day, but it will happen. Remember change starts from you.
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knowpedia · 6 years
Never believe that it’s the end. Sometimes it will feel like everything is lost, everything ended, and you will feel helpless, and powerless. But never believe, that it’s the end. When you don’t accept that everything is lost, you can go on, there is hope. You must keep going no matter what, life presents us with many difficulties, and we feel lost. We feel that it won’t get better, it will get worse, but that’s not true. Our mind shapes our realities. If you refuse to believe that it’s the end, and act on it, everything will change.
We all feel lost at some point of our life. Everything goes to hell, and nothing works out. You keep trying and trying, but you fail again, and again. Then you get real depressed, and give up. But that’s not a solution. Giving up is never a solution. You can’t lose until you decide to lose. So force yourself to keep going, keep your hopes alive, no matter how bad the situation is. Keep going, yes it’s hard, but giving up will make your life worse. Never ever believe that it’s the end, keep going, keep trying no matter how many times you fail, one day you will win, and everything will get better.
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knowpedia · 6 years
Do you have the qualities to become a detective? Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting Quizzes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2fxOohyimxtzHo8VRug9kg
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knowpedia · 6 years
Each question will have multiple options. Add the points of the options you choose in every question. You will have 10 seconds to choose an option for each question. Q1. Do you observe people's body language when they talk? A. Yes. B. No, never. C. Sometimes. A- 1 Point, B- 3 Points, C- 2 Points. Q2. How good is your memory? A. Very good. B. I have a normal memory. C. I hardly remember things. A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q3. Do you easily trust people? A. Yes. B. Sometimes. C. I never trust someone easily. A- 3 Points, B- 2 Points, C- 1 Point. Q4. How good you are at reading people? A. I am pretty good. B. Sometimes i succeed in reading people. C. I am bad at reading people A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q5. Do you easily catch someone who is lying? A. Yes. B. Sometimes, C. No A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q6. Are you physically fit? A. Yeah, i workout regularly. B. I am, but i don't workout. C. No, i am not fit A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q7. Do you understand complex things like complicated science theories? A. Yes, very easily. B. Sometimes, i don't know. C. No, it's hard. A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q8. Do watch detective movies, or read detective books? A. Yes. B. No. C. Sometimes A- 1 Point, B- 3 Points, C- 2 Points. Q9. Are you a good liar? A. Yes. B. No. C. Sometimes, i lie well. A- 1 Point, B- 3 Points, C- 2 Points. Q10. You have to choose one door to survive, which one you will choose to escape? A. A door which have an expert assassin. B. A lion who is hungry for 3 years. C. A door which has a lot of deadly spiders. A- 3 Points, B- 1 Point, C- 4 Points. Results If your points is 0-10, then you are a great detective. You know how to read people, you are a good observer. You love solving problems. If your points is 11-20, then you are a decent detective. You have some detective skills but sometimes people succeed in betraying you. If your points is 21 or more, then you have very low detective skills. You find it very hard to read and understand people. You get betrayed a lot.
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knowpedia · 6 years
Getting hurt is a choice. We all get hurt because of our emotions. Whenever we lose control over our emotions, we get hurt, we say stupid things to the people we love. We get angry even at small things. Well, you don’t realize it, but getting hurt is actually your choice. Your mind decides, if you are gonna get hurt or not. We feel, and it’s a very good thing, we are all emotional beings, but sometimes it creates very big problems, sometimes it can make our life a living hell.
If you can control your mind, you can control your emotions, and if you gain control of your emotions, it will minimize the emotional pain, that you get when someone say something bad to you, or any situation that attacks your emotion. The best solution is to ignore, and take it like nothing. We react badly when we are hurt. Don’t react, let it pass. Take a deep breath, and ignore those who are trying to hurt you mentally. It needs practice, but when you master it, you will be more peaceful. Choose not to get hurt, it’s on your mind, it’s a choice you can make. It’s about your emotions, so gain control of it.
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knowpedia · 6 years
Which good quality you have? Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting Quizzes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2fxOohyimxtzHo8VRug9kg
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knowpedia · 6 years
Each question will have multiple options. Add the points of the options you choose in every question. You will have 10 seconds to choose an option for each question. Q1. When a stranger asks for help, do you help? A. Yes. B. No C. Maybe. A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 0 Point. Q2. Do you tell people the truth, even if it hurts them? A. Yes, it is important to tell the truth. B. No, if it hurts them. C. I don't know, sometimes i tell. A- 2 Points, B- 1 Point, C- 0 Point. Q3. Can you sacrifice yourself for the people you love? A. Yes. B. No. C. I don't know, maybe A- 3 Points, B- 2 Points, C- 0 Point. Q4. Can you wait for a person you love to return for your entire life? A. Yes. B. No. C. Maybe, i guess. A- 4 Points, B- 2 Points, C- 0 Point. Q5. How often do you lie? A. A lot of times. B. Very less. C. Never A- 3 Points, B- 4 Points, C- 2 Points. Q6. Have you ever helped any homeless people? A. Yes. B. No. C. Sometimes A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 0 Point. Q7. Can you risk everything to have your dream job? A. Yes. B. No. C. Maybe. A- 3 Points, B- 2 Points, C- 0 Point. Q8. If you have to spend days doing something that you hate in order to be successful, would you do it? A. Yes. B. No, never. C. Maybe A- 4 Points, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q9. Did you ever forgive someone you hate? A. Yes. B. No, never. C. Maybe, i will someday A- 1 Point, B- 0 Point, C- 3 Points. Q10. Do you cheat while playing games? A. Yes, a lot. B. No, never. C. Maybe, I will someday A- 3 Points, B- 2 Points, C- 0 Point. Q11. Are you adventurous in life? A. Yes. B. No. C. Sometimes i am A- 3 Points, B- 4 Points, C- 2 Points. Q12. Are you that type of person who wants to party and have fun everyday? A. Yes, i need fun all the time. B. No. C. Sometimes i crave fun, but not all the time A-3 Points, B- 4 Points, C- 2 Points. Results If your points is 0-12, then you are a kind person. You understand others and help them when they need you.   If your points is 13-24, then you are an honest person. You stay loyal every time in life. You stay truthful most of the time. If your points is 25-30, then you are brave. You are very adventurous and like to take risks. Most of the time in life you crave fun and thrill. If your points is 31 or more, then you are very patient. There is a high chance that you are going to be successful in life. You observe things and learn. You put more time on your goals rather that sitting and enjoying.
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knowpedia · 6 years
Are you very romantic? Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting Quizzes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2fxOohyimxtzHo8VRug9kg
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knowpedia · 6 years
Each question will have multiple options. Add the points of the options you choose in every question. You will have 10 seconds to choose an option for each question. Q1. Do you watch many romantic movies and tv series? A. Yes. B. A little. C. Never A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q2. Do you dream of having a perfect life partner like in the movies who will make you special? A. Yes. B. Sometimes. C. Never A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q3. Which color is your favorite? A. Pink B. Red C. Black A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q4. How well do you handle breakups? A. I take a lot of time, it hurts. B. Sometimes i need time, sometimes i don't. It depends on the person i broke up with. C. I move on very easily. A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q5. Which one do you like most? A. Long term relationships. B. Casual relationships C. Both. A- 1 Point, B- 3 Points, C- 2 Points. Q6. Are you very sensitive? A. Yes. B. I am normal. C. I am not too sensitive. A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q7. Do you believe in soulmates? A. Yes. B. No. C. A little bit, maybe A- 1 Point, B- 3 Points, C- 2 Points. Q8. Are you always willing to sacrifice your time for others? A. Yes. B. No. C. Sometimes. A- 1 Point, B- 3 Points, C- 2 Points. Q9. Do you love animals? A. Yes i love animals too much. B. A little bit. C. No, i hate animals. A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 3 Points. Q10. You have a date with your lover and your best friend calls you to his birthday party? What would you do? A. I will postpone my date. B. I will go for the date and skip the party. C. I will ask my lover to go to my friend's party with me A- 3 Points, B- 1 Point, C- 2 Points. Results If your points is 0-10, then you are very romantic. You love watching romantic films and tv series. You wish that you find someone that makes you special. If your points is 11-20, then you are normal. You are romantic but to a limit. You like romantic things but not too much. You consider it as a part of your life not your whole life. If your points is 21 or more, then you are not romantic. You hate romantic things, you don't make time for this type of things. You just believe in casual relationships.
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knowpedia · 6 years
Why Rats are used in medical experiments? Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwIf0cX3uC1iPCTN6bwqNeg CHECKOUT MY OTHER VIDEOS: UFO Sightings that makes us wonder if aliens are visiting us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7YyiNEcDO4 Nostradamas predictions that came true https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw60YvGC9C0 Why is it colder in mountains than in the plains? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siqrPJ4DHkw Why some people believe in Flat Earth theory? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipuOr9DRqXk What is time? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKlAw8eymwk Can we mine an asteroid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LUQz3UoUEY What if time didn't exist? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK0_62ghPr8 How will the universe end? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybNluuylc88 What is butterfly effect and chaos theory? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZOreVSXQME Top Most 8 Wettest places in the world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zooDg9CwQR4 #science #experiments #labrats
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knowpedia · 6 years
Getting hurt is a choice Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZQ8Z-chMJOzJZrvwgs7nA
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knowpedia · 6 years
Which avenger are you? Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting Quizzes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2fxOohyimxtzHo8VRug9kg
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knowpedia · 6 years
Each question will have multiple options. Add the points of the options you choose in every question. You will have 10 seconds to choose an option for each question. Q1. What matters to you the most? A. Family B. Knowledge C. Honor D. Order E. Faith F. Justice G. Love A- 6 Points, B- 1 Point, C- 3 Points, D- 4 Points, E- 7 Points, F- 2 Points, G- 5 Points Q2. What is your favourite superpower? A. Super Strength B. Super Intelligence C. Flying D. Super sense E. Super speed A- 2 Points, B- 1 Point, C- 4 Points, D- 7 Points, E- 6 Points. Q3. What is your biggest strength? A. My confidence. B. My physical strength. C. My good observation D. I am a good leader. E. I am a friendly person A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 6 Points, D- 3 Points, E- 7 Points. Q4. What is your life like? A. It's very struggling. B. I am enjoying my life. C. I don't know what is going on in my life. D. I am very focused on my life's dream. A- 2 Points, B- 1 Point, C- D- 3 Points, 4 Points. Q5. How do you handle hard situations in your life? A. I ignore it and just have fun. B. I keep on solving the problem until it gets fixed. C. I get very angry when life becomes hell A- 1 Point, B- 3 Points, C- 2 Points. Q6. What is your weakness? A. I am very stubborn. B. I have anger issues. C. I trust people too easily. D. I am a little bit arrogant. E. I am very impatient. F. I lie way too often. A- 1 Point, B- 2 Points, C- 7 Points, D- 4 Points, E- 3 Points, F- 5 Points. Q7. Who is your favourite villain in the avengers film series?Results A. Loki B. Ultron C. Thanos A- 4 Points, B- 3 Points, C- 1 Point. If your points is 0-7, then you are Iron Man. You are very humorous and confident. You have hunger for knowledge and wants to make world a better place. If your points is 8-14, then you are The Hulk. You are strong both physically and mentally. You may sometimes lose your anger, but you want to do good. If your points is 15-20, then you are Captain America. You have a pure mind and defeat any difficulties that come in your life. If your points is 21-25, then you are Thor. You know how to survive in hard times, and never give up no matter what happens. If your points is 26-30, then you are Black Widow. You are strong, intelligent and cunning.  If your points is 31-35, then you are Hawkeye. You have a sharp mind and a quick learner. You know what it means to have a family. If your points is 35 or more, then you are Spiderman. You are a very good observer and a quick learner. You understand people and help them whenever they need you.
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knowpedia · 6 years
Stop blaming others for your problems Subscribe our youtube channel for more interesting videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZQ8Z-chMJOzJZrvwgs7nA
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knowpedia · 6 years
Stop blaming others for your problems. Blame yourself. Blaming doesn’t solve your problem, it can make you feel better, for a short amount of time, but it never gives a solution. We often blame others when we have a problem. Try to see the reality, think before blaming others. When you stop blaming others for your problem, you will be happier.
Most of the people in this world think, that all the problems they have, are caused by others, but they don’t see it, that it’s their own fault. Because, no one likes to blame themselves. No one likes to take responsibility for their problems, which never gives them a solution, and make their problems bigger. Blaming is easy, it’s like, trying to escape your problems. Don’t try to escape it, face it, no matter how hard it is. Learn to take responsibility of your mistakes, because that’s a mature, and sensible thing to do. Blaming is easy, but it’s not worth it. It isn’t going to solve your problems. So when you have a problem, don’t try to blame others, try to find the solution of your problems.
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