Codename: S.I.L.L.Y.
7 posts
Hello! I recently rewatched Codename Kids Next Door and decided to make this account to post my fanart of it :D
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kndsillies 2 months ago
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Fun oc sketch I created. Working on some Flora content rn :)
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kndsillies 2 months ago
Hi guys! I currently have real bad art block and I was wondering if anyone had any art ideas for knd i could do? It could be like promts or questions about my ocs, doesnt matter. Im still working on my comic of Flora but my adhd likes to focus on like 4 things at once lol. This of course isnt required, feel free to ignore this if you want, I just need ideas cause I'm uncreative lol. If you do, just comment them. My only real requirement is that its knd related and NOT nsfw. Thank you to anyone who does. Have a good day/night!
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kndsillies 2 months ago
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Her children are angels, fuck you, Nigel. Shed believe anything her devious little tyrants say. She does have a bit of a soft spot for the kids in sector v since it's her nephew and his friends so she scolds them like she's their mom and they're just like 馃槩
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kndsillies 2 months ago
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Pg. 1
Just a short little comic I'm making :) it'll only be a few pages lol don't know how many rn. Simplified Floras design a bit for the comic lol. Sorry if it looks like crap I'm not the best at doing comics lol. Feedback always welcome :)
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kndsillies 2 months ago
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And here we have Florence Uno, or as she's better known, Mother. Wife to 'Father' and the adoptive mother to the dcfdtl. Idk if I wanna make it in my au where the children are the delightfulized sector z kids or just some creepy ass children they adopted. Please give me your feedback and for more context I'll tell you both of my ideas :)
In my au Father is a lot kinder to his own children, still hates all others though. If I decide to do the sector z kids, this was my idea.
Florence always wanted children yet suffers severely from infertility issues. Seeing his wife so distraught deeply hurts Father. One night while on a mission, the sector z kids break into his home to stop one of his evil plans. Then basically just like in cannon, they're delightfulized and adopted by him and his wife, who's over the moon now with her new children. Gives good angst potential for when they turn back into their normal selves I think.
That's my idea if I do make them the sector z kids, but I do also like the idea of them just being weird creepy children they adopted. Feel free to tell me which you like better :) sorry for rambling I just like talking about my ideas.
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kndsillies 2 months ago
KND next gen au! Recently rewatched the show and I'm a suckered for next gen aus so I decided to make my own.
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Lemme tell you bout them! Some things may change as this is a concept and not polished BTW. So if anything isn't the same in the future you know why, it's still a wip :)
First off we have Hogarth P. Gilligan-Lincoln lll, or as he prefers, Gil. Gil is future Sector V's Numbuh 5. The second son of Hoagie Gilligan(Previously Numbuh 2) and Abigail Lincoln(Previously Numbuh 5), he is Sector V's new Stealth Specialist/spy. He is very chill and passive, not easy to anger. Though he does get frustrated, he prefers go about things with as little altercation as possible, though when push comes to shove, he can serve mean punch. Gil also is a big candy lover, just like his mother. He has two sibling, an older brother who is a teenager, and a younger sister, who is sector Vs Numbuh 2.
Next we have Charlotte Beetles, future Sector V's Numbuh 4. Daughter of Kuki Sanban(Previously Numbuh 3) and Wallabee Beetles(Previously Numbuh 4). The brawn of the group, she's a tough tombish girl. Despite her short stature she's hell in a pair of overalls. Sector Vs muscle. She hates being underestimated, which she frequently is whether that be because of her height, or the reason she hates the most, that she's a girl. She pretends to hate girly things yet secretly loves Rainbow Monkies and girly fashion magazines, though she's scared of her sector finding out and making fun of her. Has a baby sister, and is a total daddy's girl. 'Adults suck!... except my dad he's great.'
They're best friends and often seen together on missions or in battle! :) feel free to give feedback or ask questions.
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kndsillies 2 months ago
Kuki Sanban from codename kids next door :)
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