55 posts
🎨Art. ☕️Tea. 🌿Run. ⟭⟬ Army. 🎤🕺 https://klubickovo.tumblr.com🖌️ 📚 https://klubickoart.carrd.co🕮 🖌Stories hidden in water 🌊
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Life. Art. And what not.
I have too much artwork to post, but it´s been a difficult time. I´m way too active on Instagram, where I have an awesome and supportive community. I´m gonna continue posting here tho, so keep your eyes peeled!
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
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Day 5 of #10daysartistchallenge  I’m thinking about Kungsleden the most. I wonder what hike adventure, if any is awaiting me this year. As I’m getting healthy after a month of illness I feel more then ready to pack my back and disappear. Hopefully, there will be something cool to warm my heart and giving me as many inspiration photos as I took in Sweden🎒🥾🌳💪
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Tea in the snow
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Day 4 of #10daysartistchallenge From a long forgotten walk with a long forgotten friend. We would trailed off road and mark our own paths, watching birds and talking about everything imaginable. But I learn every friendship does have its own expiration date. Or life keeps reminding me. I hope the ones I have made and still have will persist, will survive all the tribulations. So let’s have a tea and recall friends we once have 🎨🖌☕️
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Jendas January
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Day 3 of #10daysartistchallenge I randomly found this picture laying in my reference folder. And I must say, it was done under 2hrs💜
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
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Day 2 of #10daysartistchallenge I went overboard with details, but it made me calmed down and focus before I had my caffeine crush😅🎨🖌 Same trip from way back when we rent out cottage in the middle of the woods with friends. There are plenty photos I still wanna make. It’s place where I yearn to return. No electricity, no people. Just deep forest and old stove who smokes the entire living room 🙈Today I permit only nice memories to keep me company💜 🖌
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Rip hill sunrise
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Day 1. Because @invertouch_art nominated me for #10daysartistchallenge. I’ll start today, with this one. And hopefully I’ll do more during the weekend to have some more to post. But definitely no pressure, honestly, if its only this one I’ll live😅 It’s from the seeing the sunrise trip I’ve talked about in previous posts. But the mist here haven’t come up good. Maybe next time.🎨
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Freezing hike
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Since yesterday’s post was such a bummer I have this amazing story to tell! It was a few days after Christmas and we didn’t want to go back home from our rental place where we’d have been chilling with friends. So we decided to hike up Czechia’s highest mountain, Sněžka 1602. The milage was decent and our spirits were high. Guess what? I did clothed badly again. Only thin leggings separated me from the bone-chilling cold. We got lost a fee times and when we reach the hut on the top to get instant noodles I couldn’t believe it. Hike back was equally hardcore and when we reach our car it was pitch black. On the way home we pick up lost British-Polish family and drove them to the nearest bus station❄️🌨💨
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Serenity before storm
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This is a kind of story I don’t even want to tell. So it will be brief. I got into the worst mental state ever while hiking this path. It was way beyond my skills and comfort zone and I foolishly thought I’ll manage. I literally got a existential crises in between of this, being abandoned in a very exhausting hot weather. Contemplating the meaning of my life, wanting to disappear. It scarred me for life I can’t even talk about it more. For every amazing hikes I’ve got this one will always be my red flag. Be safe. Lessons were learned and I’ll never feel comfort in the higher elevations ever again. 🎨🖌 .🥺❄️
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Transmigration of the soul II.
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Transmigration of the soul - I find this photographer from Poland on DevianArt and I’m mesmerized by his haunting pictures. @kriskeleris spoke about the trip: “I took the photo in The Snieznik Mountains in Poland, Śnieżnik Mountains are a massif in the Eastern Sudetes on the border of the Czech Republic and Poland. Photo was taken on the peak of the mountain, the highest border peak on the Polish side in the Eastern Sudetes and in the Śnieżnik Massif. It was very cold on that day, freezing. The weather conditions were harsh and visibility was very low. But the place looks mystical, out of this world.” It spoke to me due its hiking nature and I always wanted to go there. I got close to hike there several times, but it never come to fruition.🥺❄️ 🖌
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Pandemic hike with my mum
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one if the best highlights of the early era. We went on a five day hike and slept in hotels before everything shut down. The path was abandoned, no one was walking or hiking. It was magical, but it rained a lot and the dirt was soaked in water so we constantly had a wet shoes. Hiking in mud or meadows which turned to swamps was hard labour. I love these moments, spending time with hiking partners, developing deep conversations on every topic imaginable. I cherish then so much. I can’t imagine better spend time then this. Also the stamina my mum have leaves my hurting knees in shame. Throwback to my pink hair 💁🏻‍♀️🎨 🖌
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Lonely ice-skater
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This is actually memory from @k_fantova from whom I borrowed the original picture from. They ice skated until sunrise on the last day of their vacation. It was wonderful and sad at the same time. I’m not good at figure drawing, I always mess up the figures in my landscapes, but there is time and place for relentless trying. And its not that bad🎨🖌
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Pink anniversary
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A memory from the last year’s February. Me and my hb rented a AirBnB. It was a tiny house with stove. The host build it himself year prior. The night were awfully cold, but the romantic atmosphere was wonderful. We walked a bit, freezing, but enjoying ourselves. No other people around, not even in the woods. We basked in weak sun on a rocks or nearby frozen lake. I caught a cold afterwards, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Sometimes staying in discomfort helps us appreciate the thing we have back home like warm water 😅
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Sami relict
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Sami relict - this is s Kungsleden landscape on which there can be seen a structure made by Sami people of Sweden. At least that’s what map and other hikers told us. These landscapes brings me do much joy. I like how simple they turned out to be and still heavy with memories. My husband had a really bad pain in his legs. It got so bad he couldn’t walk for two days. But we both love to think back, maybe we romanticize the hike, but I don’t care. I don’t know what is point of living, but for me it’s time spend in nature. I always choose to go to the woods instead of working, creating, socializing. There’s always those moments when you just sit or lay down and listen to the ambiance
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Invisible sunrise
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I’m still very much sick, but I have this one ready. 🤒 It’s a throwback to the times we tried to see s sun rise sometime in march way back when a worldwide pandemic was still a movie trope. We drove to the parking lot 4AM and hiked in a total darkness uphill. 🥾🎒There was a severe mud on the ground snd mist all over mixed with faint rain. In the end sun didn’t rise and the mist enveloped us more. So at least we had a tea picnic and breakfast in a wooden shed barely holding together nearby. ☕️🤌🏻⛰ It was magical nonetheless snd I hope i attempt to see a sunrise once again. ☀️🙏 Me and @lesejky separated from a group and hiked 30 km that day. Seeing hoe Rip mountain was totally covered in cloud. We had a nice walk and sun caressed our skin in the end. 🥰
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Distant lights
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Second picture from the same trip where my dear friend @lesejky finished her masters degree. We took a tea and get going to the snow filled walking in midst of February. It was a year ago, oh my, how the time flies. This is the view from when we got back to our drive in the falling night. It was long and wild of course. We had tea picnic at a gazebo near s castle ruin, we saw a bunny and deer, we lost batteries in our phones while looking for the magic lone stones (menhir stones). Just a usual adventure we always bound to have together. 🎨🖌🥶❄️
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Kungsleden VI.
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I finding myself going back to fond memories of my Kungsleden hike. Near this landscape I experienced the worst heatstroke in my life. I waited in exhaustion to seriously get a heart attack, but fortunately I was able to fell asleep. My hb found a small streak and wet our only towel in it. He put it on me and brushed my hair to sleep. It was over 30°C and during the day rained. I don’t remember how it all happened. I only see us setting a tent up to hide because of the mosquitos and I felt sick. Be safe while hiking! 🙏🎨🖌☀️🔥
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klubickoart · 3 years ago
Kungsleden V.
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I took so many Kungslegen landscapes photos. Its so dear to my heart to paint these. The memory of how untamed the nature was and how incredibly hot weather we got. Although we went there to be in cold. Climate change is merciless and everybody told us how unlike and bad it was to have this heat there. I got several heatstrokes along the way and one so bad I thought I’d get a heart attack. The water was scarce too and the midsummer insects were my worst nightmare. But the nature with its views is forever etched in my brain. I yearn to go back so much! 🎨🖌🥾⛰🏔
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