klinthingssss · 2 years
First-ever blog for my entrepreneurial mind.
Part I.
What comes in your mind about Entrepreneur?
I guess I've always believed that an entrepreneur is just a businessperson because I've heard that phrase in economics classes since I was in Senior high school.
Yet as I take the subject entrepreneurial mind, enlightens me of being an entrepreneur is more than just having a business. Although an entrepreneur is a businessperson, they vary from other people in that they have an entrepreneurial mindset.
They stand out from the rest of the world due to their distinctive set of thought processes, methods, resiliency and their mechanism in coping up in times of problems.It instill in my heart that if you genuinely want to succeed, you need to comprehend this subject because people do not automatically have an entrepreneurial attitude; rather, it is something we learn through earning experiences in our lives wether it is a journey of success or failure. Both You and I can change the way we think about being an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial mindset is basically your vision to do things in a unique and creative way. It’s like we all are looking at a same world but you have a totally different view of looking at it.
First activity that we did is the Berkeley index test it is a set of online assessments designed to enable people,work-groups and organizations to measure their attitudes, beliefs, and behavior in order to learn how they correlated with those of successful entrepreneurs and innovators, these assessment makes myself contemplate of my capacities, ability to trust others in a short period of acquaintances. And I realize that I am a resilient type of person.
During the conduction of our hypothesis testing is smooth and systematic because our team is a cooperative and we were able to identify the persons of our point of interest and my team conduct the survey simultaneously to our designated areas and once we gathered the data of our survey to know the main problem that is we need to solve, we research for ideas and innovate possible solutions of the point of pain.So, learning through the activities we did during the whole activities taught us to be the challenger, to step outside of our shells in order to conceptualize a solution to a problem.
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