klance hell 2k25
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hii you can call me manta or bea 😼 im 20 i draw and kl is my roman empire!!! vld sideblog
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klanceogies · 3 days ago
and if i wrote cheesy soft klance. what then
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klanceogies · 7 days ago
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im normal. don’t look at my url
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klanceogies · 9 days ago
Soulmate au where it’s not the first words your soulmate says to you, but the words most important/impactful to you that appear on your wrist.
This doesn’t always mean something nice or love confessing, it can also be the cruelest thing they ever say. It’s also completely in the eye of the beholder, the most important thing your soulmate might say to you might be their first words, or maybe it’s them remembering your favorite color.
I like this because i feel like it leaves room for the relationship to develop before they actually realize that they’re the one.
But then take this with Klance
One day Lance gets hit from a blast by the core reactor and suddenly Keith’s telling him that they’re soulmates. That they had some “bonding moment” that Lance /doesn’t even remember/ in which Lance had happened to say Keith’s words. Words that god knows Lance would NEVER say to Keith. “We make a good team” what a load of bullshit. Keith must be messing with him.
And Keith let’s it go eventually, because anyone in space could say that to him when you’re fighting on such a big team. So Lance and Keith go back to normal, if not fighting even more, with Lance trying to compensate for the fluke of the “bonding moment”.
Then, Lance starts to think, as he and Keith get closer, that maybe Keith wouldn’t be so wrong for him, that maybe it wasn’t such a fluke. But something’s not adding up.
Lance had always been teased for his words. How could something so mean be the most important thing they ever say to you? Basically calling you dumb, even if maybe they’re just poking fun at you.
“Maybe your soulmate saying that is what gets you to finally realize that you really are stupid,” the kids at his school would always tease.
Lance didn’t want to think that his soulmate thought he was stupid, one of his biggest insecurities, so he ignored them. All his life he believed that there must be some explanation he was missing, until now.
If Keith was his soulmate then it would add up. Keith was always calling Lance stupid.
“The amount of information inside your brain could be stored in a paper airplane,” he had once mocked.
But then again, it doesn’t quite add up. If Keith was always saying things like that, then what made this one more impactful? What makes this one important?
He concludes that it must not be Keith and leaves it alone after that.
But another wrench gets thrown in when Shiro comes back. It throws everything off kilter and Lance feels like he’s knocking into walls he didn’t know existed.
6 paladins. 5 lions. And he’s the weakest link.
It runs through his head like a mantra. He should talk to someone about it. Hunk, or Shiro, or even Allura. But something draws him to Keith’s room late at night instead.
“I’ve been thinking,” he starts, wringing his hands and looking at the floor to avoid eye contact, “that there’s six lions and only five paladins.”
He explains how when everything sorts itself out, when all the math adds up, he’s going to be the odd one out. The weakest link, his brain helpfully supplies.
He lays his broken mess out in front of Keith and watches as he doesn’t falter in picking it all up and putting the pieces back together.
Security falls over Lance and makes him feel so much better. Maybe it had been the right choice to talk to Keith. He’s really grown into the position of team leader.
Keith sends him out, but not before quickly tacking on, “And Lance? Leave the math to Pidge.” Before the door shut behind him.
Lance’s eyes widened and the realization hit him like a truck. Is his room that night, he didn’t sleep at all. He stared at the ceiling and contemplated everything his groggy brain could get its hands on.
It didn’t quite make sense to him why that was the most impactful thing Keith ever said to him. Because, of course it mattered and of course it helped him feel better, but there were so many more important things that could be said or even had been said. It still didn’t add up. But maybe Keith was right, and math just wasn’t his thing.
He found out that he wasn’t half bad at math the next morning, when Keith was gone.
He ran off to join the Blade of Mamora. He’d left Lance behind. And Lance just knew, that it was all his fault.
If he hadn’t gone whining to Keith about the lions, he wouldn’t have put that stupid idea into his head. And now they wouldn’t see each other for the next who-knew how long.
So, finally, all the math added up, and Lance was all alone.
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klanceogies · 10 days ago
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I crave that "accidental coming out because they are too happy to see each other after a battle". Crave it 24/7.
It will be A5&A4 print in the pre-order and you can subscribe to a newsletter for a reminder when it drops on mmezzy.bigcartel.com
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klanceogies · 12 days ago
face card (no cash, no credit) by thefandomphantom_8 T | Completed | 7.3k | Keith/Lance, Valentine’s Day, 5+1 Things
Lance soon realized that not only was his boyfriend oblivious of his own attractiveness, he was also criminally unaware of the ways in which the universe seemed to bend over backwards for him because of it. It wasn’t just that Keith didn’t realize how attractive he was, he also simply couldn’t comprehend the numerous ways in which others treat him… differently because of it. And now, Lance was witnessing it first hand ✵ Or, 5 times Keith has major pretty privilege, and 1 time he actually uses it on purpose
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klanceogies · 14 days ago
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Doodles and other shenanigans for vday🫶🏽
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klanceogies · 14 days ago
i just realized all this time i never changed the title of my blog 😭😭 finally updated it to 2k25
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klanceogies · 14 days ago
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klanceogies · 14 days ago
i love when people refer to me as klanceogies like yesss that is ME!!!! i just love this user so much
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klanceogies · 14 days ago
the art of tending
Keith has a lot of scars. Some are more visible than others, but Lance makes sure each one receives the proper care that it requires. In the morning, as he sweeps into the kitchen with languid stretching, he slides up to the counter beside his love. Ever the early-riser, Keith smiles at him as he scrambles eggs. 
“Good morning, Lance.” Keith isn’t one for pet names, which never matters— the way he says Lance is enough. It echoes in the crisp morning air, traveling out through the ajar windows. 
It’s too early for words, so Lance cradles Keith’s jawline in his hand. He relishes in the feeling of his wedding band pressing softly against Keith’s scarred cheek for a moment before pressing a kiss into its slight ridges. His husband hums, content. 
They linger in mornings, now. And both of them are endlessly thankful for the ability to wake up slowly, together. 
Throughout their days on Earth, teaching occupies a large sum of their time. The students at the Garrison are brilliant. Lance has a fondness for one girl in particular, a 16-year-old named Vidhi who loves the simulator and loves pranks even more. He scolds her, of course, in an attempt to not be obvious with his favorites. Still, she knows that she can always come to him. It’s a source of pride for Lance. 
As wonderful as they are, they can also be… challenging. Lance is grading papers when Keith storms into his empty classroom at lunchtime. He throws himself into the chair opposite Lance with a drawn-out huff, dramatically leaning forward on the desk. 
“Carlo, again?” Lance doesn’t even look up, continuing to work. 
“He’s skipping math. I asked him about it, and he said that he’d rather fly, and that he doesn’t like the other kids. In less polite words,” Keith explains, balling up his hand in a fist. “I want to be there for him, I do, but he isn’t ever there for himself. It’s so—“ 
“Oh, Keith,” Lance clucks his tongue, drawing a glare out of his beloved. 
“Don’t do that,” Keith complains. “Just say what you have to say.”
“Carlo is a trouble kid right? Always does what he wants? Kinda a lone wolf?” Lance levels an unimpressed look at Keith. 
“Yeah?” Keith raises an eyebrow, clearly confused and frustrated.
“So, he’s like you, babe.” A range of emotions flash over Keith’s face. Indignation morphs into thoughtfulness before settling on realization. 
“Oh, shit.” He pushes back his bangs, eyes wide, and looks down at his hands with panic. “How am I supposed to even start with him? He’ll see right through me, and I am not equipped to handle an emotionally unstable kid. This is a horrible—“
Lance grabs Keith’s hand, forcing him to meet his eyes. “This is a wonderful idea. Who better to help him than a person who understands him? Who will treat him like an equal?”
“I don’t know where to begin, Lance,” Keith whispers. Lance rubs his thumb over Keith’s knuckles.
“Yes, you do.” He uses his free hand to turn around the frame on his desk. In it is a picture of the team, all smiling proudly while hugging one another. Lance taps the photo. 
“Shiro.” Keith follows his gesture, grabbing the photo and looking at it contemplatively. 
“Shiro,” Lance agrees, watching him take that information in. “You don’t have to be perfect, red. God knows Shiro wasn’t— he was just as young as we are now— but if you can do what he did for you… that’s powerful stuff.”
“Yeah,” Keith mumbles, glancing back up at Lance. “Okay, yeah. I can try.”
“I know this is hard,” Lance tells him. “There is no other person who could do this for Carlo, Keith. Not a one. You’ve got everything you need, and if you ever need help, you can always call him. You lived it first. Now pass it on.”
Keith stands abruptly and places the frame down on Lance’s desk, determination set into every muscle of his frame. “I’ll talk to him.” He swivels on his foot, turning to fast-walk out. 
“Up-bup-bup! You’re forgetting something!” Lance calls over. 
“Oh, yeah.” Keith grins, spins back to his partner, and draws him up into a kiss. It’s as grateful as it is fleeting. 
It leaves Lance’s heart fizzing with energy as Keith dashes out, adding a new pep to his grading. Lance is always relieved when he can soothe the pain from Keith’s oldest scars, the ones on his mind.
Eventually, when they turn in for the night, Keith will wince at the pull of his aching muscles. He’ll twist in their bed, trying to get comfortable until Lance finally gestures for him to move in front. Then, with quiet and calming hands, Lance will rub out the soreness from a long day of training and hard work. He makes sure to gently pull aside Keith’s long hair when necessary, lets his fingers skirt over the hard lines of Keith’s back. 
Keith will lean into his touch, as always. They’ll talk, voices long and low, about everything. Their classes. Hearing from teammates. A hard workout. An annoying call from family. Even, in their most difficult moments, they might mention missing some aspects of the war.
Those kinds of discussions are only reserved for nighttime. When the air from the windows is chilled, the stars are up instead of around, and Lance’s hands are tracing lines across Keith’s ribs and his shoulders. He maps out every scar from memory, pulls out every memory from each scar. 
Over time, Lance will lose his ability to speak, capable of just monosyllabic words. 
Keith will notice. He can never stop noticing. His eyes will wander over his shoulder, see his husband’s lids droop, and, with the grace of a much less rugged man, will ease Lance slowly to lie down. 
In a matter of seconds, Keith will wrap around Lance. They’ll close their eyes, limbs tangled, hearts thudding slowly in time. 
No “I love you” needs to be said when every action, every tender caress and guiding word, leads them to the same place day after day. 
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klanceogies · 14 days ago
Happy Valentine’s Day klancers!!!!!! Here are some sketches as a treat ^-^
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klanceogies · 15 days ago
me: focus on finishing writing your totbilb au so you can post it
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klanceogies · 15 days ago
fic tagged with "crack" and it's just the most biblically accurate thing you ever read ever
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klanceogies · 15 days ago
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screencap redraws my beloved
(i swear im normal about this scene)
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klanceogies · 15 days ago
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somewhere inside that starbucks lance is feeling way too pleased with himself
THANK U @riorotciv FOR THE IDEA!!
(og post here)
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klanceogies · 15 days ago
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klance yuri again <3
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klanceogies · 15 days ago
Keith snags the cuff of Lance’s Garrison uniform. His gaze remains trained on the fading sunset before them, the soft orange glow finally sinking below the horizon, yet still manages to capture all of Lance’s attention.
“Don’t go,” he says. Lance’s mouth opens, brows rising in confusion; Keith’s grip tightens. “Don’t go on that date with Allura.”
“You—You were the one who convinced me, dude.” Honestly, without Keith’s supportive words no more than a couple minutes ago, he wasn’t planning on going through with it. He’s still not convinced that Allura is entirely enthused by the idea anyways but he asked so he has a promise to keep.
“I was being selfless.”
Keith hasn’t let go of his sleeve but Lance hasn’t tried to pull away either. They’re frozen, locked together. When Lance refuses to give any sort of further response, Keith finally pins his gaze on him. Something churns inside Lance’s stomach, anticipation of sorts, something that sets his nerve endings on fire.
Leaning forward on the balls of his feet, Lance crouches to match Keith’s height where he sits. “What would you do,” he starts, mostly a whisper, as his eyes flick around Keith’s face, “if you were selfish?”
Keith cups the back of Lance’s neck, draws him in until even the last of the sun’s rays can’t find a gap between them, and kisses him. Lance gasps against Keith’s mouth. Caught by the surprise and soft pressure, he quickly returns the favor. He wraps his fingers in Keith’s hair and falls to his knees.
All the while, twilight descends around them.
“That,” Keith answers when he pulls away. His eyes glimmer like the stars and Lance is hypnotized. “I’d do that.”
Lance ducks his head. He struggles to breathe, still caught up in the ‘what the hell just happened’ and ‘did what I think just happened really happen.’ Hesitantly, he touches his lips. “You need to be selfish more often,” he croaks, voice hitching against the back of his throat. 
“So do you.”
An hour from now, Lance will still make good on his promise. He’ll bring Allura to his family’s house but she’ll be introduced as his friend and the woman who has saved him countless times. It’s something she’ll thank him for once the dinner concludes, confessing only platonic feelings for him and nothing more. He’ll never feel more relieved.
Afterwards, he will meet up with Keith. They’ll walk the midnight streets and enjoy each other's company while having a much needed chat. When they return to Earth after the war officially ends, he’ll bring Keith to his parent’s house as he should have done the first time and introduce him as his boyfriend.
Right now, however, in this moment, Lance leans forward to kiss Keith again.
Inspired by @lunewarden's amazing art!
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