kkalemis · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nod7rUzIX8w)
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kkalemis · 7 years
Virtual Reality in the Classroom: It’s Easy to Get Started
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Every teacher I know has virtual reality on their radar. It’s one of those short-listed disruptive technologies that kids want to be involved in and will change teaching for the better. I was…
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kkalemis · 7 years
[PDF] Redefining readiness from the inside out: The Future of Learning
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Babies born this year will have graduated from college by 2040 and be entering the workforce. Will they be ready? Download our paper on The Future of Learning: Redefining Readiness from the Inside Out and learn how career readiness may be redefined to better prepare students for an uncertain future, based on a series of in-depth interviews with employees at cutting-edge organizations, as well as site visits to workspaces and strategic foresight research into current trends. “By redefining readiness, we will better ensure all students are prepared for a future that is filled with uncertainty,” said KnowledgeWorks Senior Director of Strategic Foresight Katherine Prince. More flexible skills, such as those focused on social-emotional development, promise to help students become resilient, reflective and able to form positive connections and relationships. This paper explores three core skills that promote the social and emotional awareness needed to succeed in the future workforce:
Deep self-knowledge: Individuals will need to continue to discover their own personal and professional strengths, weaknesses, passions and emotional patterns.Emotional regulation: Workers will need to be able to recognize their own emotions, understand the triggers that create them and move to more productive emotional states.Empathy and perspective taking: People will need to be able to recognize others’ emotions and perspectives to help build inclusive, collaborative work environments.
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kkalemis · 7 years
Stephen's Web ~ IMS Global Learning Consortium Announces Open Badges 2.0 Certifications
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This post from late February was referenced today in an email dfrom Rob Abel to IMS members updating them on the status of open badges patents. He references "a public listing of potential prior art generated by the Open Badges community" and also that "Pearson Acclaim pledged a royalty-free RAND license to any essential claims under a pending patent." More recently, "the patent office subsequently rejected some of the patent claims that are listed on the prior art spreadsheet." He also references "the strong support for the newly released OBv2 standard" that is the subject of this link.
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kkalemis · 7 years
12 Ways to Upgrade Your Classroom Design - Cult of Pedagogy 
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A couple of years ago, I saw a picture on Facebook that stopped me in my tracks: It was the classroom of Michigan high school English teacher Rebecca Malmquist. It looked like a living room. Like a place you’d go to curl up and read a book, take a nap, or have a really good conversation. And yet it was a classroom.
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kkalemis · 7 years
6 top tips to design effective Instructional Videos
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There are a number of factors that contribute to the design and development of effective learning videos. In keeping with cognitive learning theories, video text, images, animation, and audio content should be designed to minimize cognitive load:
 Segment (chunk) content carefully.When providing tutorials, use a first-person rather than a third-person perspective.Provide both spoken narration and related imagery/action. (However, for accessibility provide a means for the learner to access the text of the narration.) Use a conversational tone in the narration.Provide advance organizers and other visual and verbal cues to assist learners in schema creation.Associate content with emotion (positive or negative) to increase motivation and retention.Give the user control by including interactive tools for searching and navigation. Doing so improves both learner performance and satisfaction (Zhang, Zhou, Briggs, & Nunamaker, 2006).
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kkalemis · 7 years
Sir Ken Robinson’s Next Act: You Are the System and You Can Change Education | EdSurge News
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Sir Ken Robinson’s views on creativity are abundantly well documented. In his 2006 TED Talk—still the most-watched of all time—he claimed that “we are educating people out of their creative capacities” and charged the current education system with being too rigid in adhering to traditional academic subjects. Kids, he argued, need time to dance, draw, create and find what they’re good at. But he hasn’t given up on schools or education—far from it, in fact. For his follow-up act, Robinson is releasing a new book for parents on how to raise capable children who thrive in school. Make no mistake, though, he’s still shaking up the system (and redefining what that actually means). In a wide-ranging interview, Robinson recently spoke with us about collaboration versus competition, the all-important parent-teacher relationship and what every parent and educator can do to improve education.
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kkalemis · 7 years
22 Powerful Tools to Create and Edit your Own Instructional #Videos 
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We have collected the best video editing software for course creators. We tested and reviewed the most popular software to find the top video editing tool.
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kkalemis · 7 years
Video of the Week: Dealing with digital distraction in the classroom
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"Here are some of the best ways to manage digital distraction in the classroom."
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kkalemis · 7 years
Lessons From Social Psychology To Apply In The Workplace
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Running a successful organization requires lots of moving pieces running smoothly in tandem. At the heart of every organization are people just like you and me, whose performance can be influenced in a positive direction. Recently, companies like Google and Facebook have been redefining the standards of workplace culture, and in turn seeing improvements in employee satisfaction and company performance. Now, your company might not be large enough to have a dedicated HR (or “People Ops”) department, but there are some exciting takeaways from social psychology that you can apply to benefit your business.
 Reciprocity Principle
Reciprocity is one of the famous “Six Principles of Persuasion” defined in Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.'s book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. The idea is that we feel pressure to repay others for what they have given us or done for us. We often even give back more than we were initially given to minimize any guilt associated with the initial favor.
 Founders and CEOs can use this to their advantage. Internally, this can help improve or repair work relationships, win over co-workers and build consensus. As Dr. Cialdini writes, reciprocity is so powerful that it can overcome feelings of suspicion or dislike toward the person who gives the gift or favor. As a small business owner, how about giving gifts or bonuses on holidays or birthdays? You could also offer to bring back coffee for the office or surprise your colleagues with breakfast or lunch. A kind gesture can go a long way.
 Outside the office, the reciprocity principle can help you succeed in negotiations, build valuable business partnerships and win over investors — or even customers! When we launched our product and were at our first trade show full of retail managers and buyers, we realized that people only stopped at our booth if we handed them a free sample. So we handed samples to everyone who walked by! In turn, they stopped, listened to our pitch, and 99% of the time they placed an order for their store. In those first few hours, we sold over 100 cases into 100 new stores.
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kkalemis · 7 years
OMBEA - real-time formative assessment
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Our response system adds live polling to your Microsoft PowerPoint slides. It's ideal for small group teaching, huge lectures, and everything in between.
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kkalemis · 7 years
Gratisography - download free high-resolution pictures
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Free, use as you please, high-resolution pictures.
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kkalemis · 7 years
Schools Need to Include More Visual-Based Learning
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When asked what my first language is, I often answer, "visual." I think in images, prefer to be taught through images, and like to express what I know through images. I find it disconcerting that a...
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kkalemis · 7 years
Growth/Fixed Mindset, Math Practices, Standards Based Grading Visuals
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Instead of writing a syllabus or creating assessments or working on lessons plans, I have procrastinated and scoured some images from the web to make these. I have uploaded .png's of these into thi...
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kkalemis · 7 years
The Promises, Challenges, and Futures of Media Literacy
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Data & Society report responds to the "fake news" problem by evaluating the successes and failures of recent media literacy efforts while pointing towards next steps for educators, legislators, technologists, and philanthropists.
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kkalemis · 7 years
Visual Thinking
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There’s more information at your fingertips than ever before, and yet people are overwhelmed by it. When faced with too much information we shut down. If your ideas can’t be drawn, they can’t be done. Visual thinking is a vital skill for developing new ideas and designs, communicating those ideas effectively, and collaborating with others to make them real.
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kkalemis · 7 years
Literacy and Digital Technology - Observe Learn and Do #computationalthinking
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What does Possum Magic by Mem Fox have to do with computational thinking and digital technologies? Possum Magic by Mem Fox is a story about a magic grandma that makes her grandson Hush become invisible. To solve the problem they travel Australia looking for ways to make Hush visible again. Luckily the problem is solved for Hush as he consumes classically Australian foods. Strangely they need to travel to most of the capital cities to do it. 
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