This is a blog where I write about songs I like periodically 👍
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Yeah it's been three days whatever
Tho I'm a Tortoise (by Madilyn Mei) (submitted by @lavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) time!! Keep in mind that I haven't listened to this one as much as other songs I've reviewed here.
So, in case someone couldn't tell, this song is based on The Tortoise and the Hare. It's also got a really nice Medieval theme, which is neat :>
Basically the themes of the song are that death is inevitable, and that you should spend your life doing things you enjoy instead of trying to prove something about yourself. The Tortoise isn't running to prove something, and neither is the Hare.
"And though I'm behind, I need a nap too. And though I'm a Tortoise, I've nothing to prove."
I dunno, I don't have much say about this one tbh. Great song though. Another notable part is the post Chorus, which is just "Death is Marching" repetitively. But, that's not really shown as a bad thing, just a fact. Which is a little scary, but that's how we all should see it.
Live your life guys!! (To the maximum of two people who might see this post)
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Do tho im a tortoise
im dragging u down into the depths of the madilyn mei hyperfixation with me
Mmm, okay!! I'll do that as soon as I've got time :3
Prolly shoulda responded to this yesterday oops
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Song Thingy Three: Long Time Friends.
Me: Oh shoot it's already been two days? It's time for a Song Thingy? I can't just do Good Kid again! Okay well silly skeleton band it is then
"Another little abuse, another pointless excuse. Another joke that's not to laugh at. Another day, feeling like I don't belong."
Yeah I started off with the quote, what about it? Anywho- This quote is pretty fun. I'm sure most of you have interacted with people like this in the past. People who just, put you down constantly. Who think bullying you is a joke. And as the song continues, we see that the protagonist has been 'friends' with this person for a long time. And they don't know if their friends still love them, or even care about them. And, though they feel bad about it, they end every day feeling angry and betrayed.
But in the end, he frees himself from his old friends. "Pulling at the root to tear [them] off [him]", and acknowledging the this means they're starting over. It's scary, losing everything like that, but when the people you have are abusive, it's the best for you.
And yeah, the song follows up with that. He "feels fucking awesome", which is always nice. Oh yeah, and I should probably mention-
"Another thing to remake, another patient mistake. Another day, happy that I don't belong. Does anyone belong?"
Remember, you don't have to fit in. Be yourself, love yourself. Because you're amazing. (I say, to all 2 (?) people who actually read these)
Andb the ending of the song really brings the point home. If you're old friends could see you happy and healthy, it might ruin their day. 'Cause now all their poison is stuck with them. That's always nice, isn't it?
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Off topic but don't you hate when you accidently put things on the wrong blog?
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No Time To Explain - Good Kid
I have chosen the literally worst time to make a music blog wtf Rabbit Hole has hypnotized my brain I can't think of any other songs
ANYWAY today we're going over "No Time To Explain" by Good Kid. That's probably a well known enough song for my second post? Idk we'll see.
So, this is a song about anxiety and growing up. Pretty powerful too, I must say. Very relatable.
"I said I don't like change, but I'm not afraid. I can't keep it together ever anyway."
Yeah, that. Change is scary, but so is life, honestly. And if you're failing miserably at life anyway, what's a change gonna do to you? Make you continue to fail, I suppose? But, "when every page is in disarray" (which is the lyrics according to Genuis, I can't actually tell), just push on, you'll be okay.
The little bridge (?) or second verse (?) (I've got no clue tbh) is also very powerful. It has mentions of thinking things will change, like maybe hoping the anxiety and stuff will Jay go away, but "The only change that [he] could feel was the aging of [his] bones". However, somehow, someone managed to help. We don't know the method, but life was pulled from the loam (which is a kind of dirt, I'm not very smart so I had to Google it). And, uh, yeah. People can help.
"It's been a while, I've been out on my own. And I'm in denial about living life alone."
Dont love life alone, guys. 💜💜
(BTW I had to listen to this song on loop for this, I am literally incapable of recalling anything except Rabbit Hole right but, help me)
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First actual post
Today, I'm gonna be covering "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World. Why? Because it's a song I know that probably has overlap with songs other people know.
There's not actually much to analyze about it, no particularly poetic bits. But it is a real nice song. Also trans-positive, if you wanna look at it that way (I would like to look at it that way). But that I think that was intentional.
I feel as if I should explain myself on that, maybe. Although chances are, every other trans girl out there also immediately latched on to it like I did. It's not the deepest thing in the world though, just-
"It just takes some time. Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride. Everything, everything will be just fine."
And obviously, it's positive for any girl. Not just us. But hey, it's still really nice to listen to.
That's all for today, I'll try to do daily posts but no promises. Go listen to "The Middle", by Jimmy Eat World, if you haven't yet.
—KittyChristal, Kitty's Song Things
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Welcome to Kitty's song things!
I'm gonna start out with a short introduction of what this is, I guess. Basically, I write about songs I like. Chances are, no one's effect heard of them. But I will go through a song, pick out specific parts, and tell you why I love them. Basically I'm analyzing poetry :P
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