kit-katrina · 7 years
text -> eric
Eric: that you're going to have to find out
Kat: deal
Kat: you beg for my boobs and i'll beg for whatever
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kit-katrina · 7 years
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The male follows her to the mini bar and shook his head”Surprise me.”
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       katrina shrugged before pouring two rum and cokes, emphasis on the rum, and handing one to him.
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kit-katrina · 7 years
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        “don’t take offense, mein mann. the only baseball i ever watched was BUNDESLIGA and i’m pretty sure that isn’t the league you played in.” katrina shrugged.
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“So what you’re telling me is you have never seen me play baseball before.”
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kit-katrina · 7 years
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       “sounds suspicious but okay....” katrina said hesitantly eyeing the boy before laughing lightly. “so what exactly do you need my help with?”
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“I need your help. I know it’s going to sound really weird and you may think there is a hidden thing about it, but I swear it’s super innocent.” He smiled innocently and shrugged. “please?”
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kit-katrina · 7 years
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Jason laughs as he looks into her eyes”Well hello hello” He said as he smiles “I’d love a drink to be honest with you.” licking his lips as he smirks.
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       “right this way and i’ll pour you one.” kat winked heading towards the mini bar they had. “any requests?”
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kit-katrina · 7 years
text -> eric
Eric: kinky
Eric: you know, if i do beg then i'm going to make you beg as well
Kat: oh yeah?
Kat: and what exactly do you want me to beg for?
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kit-katrina · 7 years
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Cailin Russo
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kit-katrina · 7 years
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“Well what if I told you I was already at your house and your door? Would you believe me?” Jason said as he knocks on the door three times and waited for her to answer the door.
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       kat grinned as she heard the knock at the door. “well would you look at what the cat dragged in.” she smirked eyeing the boy, she moved out of the doorway letting him in. “care for a drink?”
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kit-katrina · 7 years
text -> nick
Nick: scary isn't it
Nick: what alcohol can do bro
Nick: gotta love it
Kat: it's blessing and a curse
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kit-katrina · 7 years
text -> clifton
Cliff: not much
Cliff: grilling some burgers
Cliff: you?
Kat: mmmm burgersss
Kat: not much just wishing i had a burger rn
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kit-katrina · 7 years
text -> eric
Eric: so are you saying you want me to beg?
Kat: i wasn't but now that you've brought it up it doesn't sound like a horrible idea
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kit-katrina · 7 years
Robert: You didn't happen to see a pair of swim trunks on the beach this morning did you?
Kat: maybe
Kat: do you have a tendency of leaving them there?
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kit-katrina · 7 years
text -> eric
Eric: pfft
Eric: why not
Kat: idk
Kat: just doesnt seem like it
Kat: trust me im one to please
Kat: but only if someone really wants me to
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kit-katrina · 7 years
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“Well thank you. I wanted to make a name for myself because people know my father for being a hero back in 2001 during 9/11 where he past away so I didn’t wanna be just known as Andre’s son but I wanted to be known as more so I worked hard and here I am.” He said to her with a smirk”So when should I come over then?”
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       “that’s really respectable actually, props to you for making a name for yourself in the world.” she smiled. “whenever you’re free, i mean i expect you’ ll be busy with all of your fans here on the island...”
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kit-katrina · 7 years
“Yay! Now what do you want on it?”
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       "i like everything honestly, even pineapple so whatever you want on it i’ll eat.”
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kit-katrina · 7 years
text -> naomi
Naomi: i'll be watson bc i can't handle the pressures of being a title character
Kat: lol okay im down for that
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kit-katrina · 7 years
text -> eric
Eric: exactly
Eric: so my points are all reasonable
Kat: youre not wrong
Kat: i dont think you like actually want it though
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