kissitallbetter56 · 8 months
i don't pay attention to the world ending. it has ended for me many times and began again in the morning.
― Nayyirah Waheed, Salt
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kissitallbetter56 · 3 years
"The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something she may never get."
—Joanna Hoffman
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kissitallbetter56 · 5 years
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kissitallbetter56 · 5 years
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Cormac McCarthy, The Road
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kissitallbetter56 · 5 years
“I’m going to be stronger once this is all over. I am a survivor I will make it through this.”
— Affirmation of the day.
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kissitallbetter56 · 5 years
“Every moment of happiness requires a great amount of ignorance.”
— Honore de Balzac (born on this day in 1799)
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kissitallbetter56 · 5 years
I need to stop falling for my straight friends...
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kissitallbetter56 · 5 years
It’s real hard to study when all you can think about is how you wanna die
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kissitallbetter56 · 5 years
Am I broken??
When you pop an addy to study and the only effect you notice is overwhelming melancholy 🙃
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kissitallbetter56 · 6 years
Birthdays always remind you of how alone you really are
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kissitallbetter56 · 6 years
“Every moment of happiness requires a great amount of ignorance.”
— Honore de Balzac (born on this day in 1799)
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kissitallbetter56 · 6 years
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kissitallbetter56 · 6 years
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‘starvation’ artwork by Frank Moth
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kissitallbetter56 · 6 years
“I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place.”
— Michael Faudet    
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kissitallbetter56 · 6 years
How is it possible to continually idealize someone who turned out to be such a horrible person?
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kissitallbetter56 · 6 years
You know how people say “you don’t miss him, you just miss the idea of him” or “you just miss having someone.”
I wish that was my case.
As much as I try to convince myself otherwise, I truly miss you. Not just for what we were, or what we had. Just you.
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kissitallbetter56 · 6 years
“I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place.”
— Michael Faudet    
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