kipupupu · 7 months
would bring Hobie home for chinese new year 😌
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kipupupu · 11 months
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kipupupu · 1 year
if only I knew how to put pictures on here
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kipupupu · 1 year
in the dark, are your eyes searching for the light or are you just like, looking in the dark
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kipupupu · 1 year
I found what Johnny does in his free time 🥰🤗
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kipupupu · 1 year
hehe so there's no guy
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kipupupu · 1 year
hehe so there's a guy
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kipupupu · 1 year
this made me so happy I'm glad you like it
I was drawing the scene and then I got bored of it but maybe I'll finish it 🥰
little blurb with simon
It’d be nice to live somewhere nice and secluded with Simon. Just a nice little cabin, in the middle of nowhere. A garden for various vegetables and flowers, with many seemingly empty spaces in the ground due to over ambitious attempts to plant things that’d never grow in that climate. Bringing him on little adventures to pick mushrooms and wildflowers, surrounded by trees that act as a barrier between the two of you and the rest of the world. Safe from prying eyes and hidden from any potential threats. There’s a magic to living there, waking up to birds chirping, falling asleep to strange sounds that live in the forest. Learning to tell edible plants from poisonous ones, picking up on the sounds different animals make, having playful competitions with him to see who’s better at identifying animals. Having picnics under the moonlight, or by a stream on a sunny day. He’d make a little bird feeder to hang somewhere outside, he’ll never tell you that he adds a specific type of berry into the feed, just so he can see how your face lights up when your favourite little birdies keep coming back. He presents you with an injured squirrel he found, it looks especially small in his huge hands. He watches you with more admiration than he knew he could feel, as you try your best to nurse the poor thing back to health. Love seems to overflow out of the cabin and into the surroundings, blooming like flowers in the spring, natural in its beauty, woven into gossamer and the intricate patterns of a snowflake.
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kipupupu · 1 year
maybe I should start doing requests
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kipupupu · 1 year
little blurb with simon
It’d be nice to live somewhere nice and secluded with Simon. Just a nice little cabin, in the middle of nowhere. A garden for various vegetables and flowers, with many seemingly empty spaces in the ground due to over ambitious attempts to plant things that’d never grow in that climate. Bringing him on little adventures to pick mushrooms and wildflowers, surrounded by trees that act as a barrier between the two of you and the rest of the world. Safe from prying eyes and hidden from any potential threats. There’s a magic to living there, waking up to birds chirping, falling asleep to strange sounds that live in the forest. Learning to tell edible plants from poisonous ones, picking up on the sounds different animals make, having playful competitions with him to see who’s better at identifying animals. Having picnics under the moonlight, or by a stream on a sunny day. He’d make a little bird feeder to hang somewhere outside, he’ll never tell you that he adds a specific type of berry into the feed, just so he can see how your face lights up when your favourite little birdies keep coming back. He presents you with an injured squirrel he found, it looks especially small in his huge hands. He watches you with more admiration than he knew he could feel, as you try your best to nurse the poor thing back to health. Love seems to overflow out of the cabin and into the surroundings, blooming like flowers in the spring, natural in its beauty, woven into gossamer and the intricate patterns of a snowflake.
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kipupupu · 1 year
and also tell everyone about my idea for necklaces based off of the cod boys :'(
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kipupupu · 1 year
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kipupupu · 1 year
COD boys and their music tastes
Metalhead vibes but I don’t think he actually listens to super heavy stuff, at least not all the time, he seems more like a Bad Omens kinda guy
I can picture him listening to Gothic metal
If he’s completely alone, he’ll sing along to Sleep Token
BUT 100% had a dsbm (depressive suicidal black metal) phase. Loves telling people he’s become comfortable around about Mayhem, just to see their reaction.
Number 1 Eurovision fan. You can’t convince me otherwise. SUch a hyperfixation, he will infodump about the past winners, his opinion on who should’ve won, etc. (He has Cha Cha Cha on repeat 24/7)
Has at least one Babymetal song in his liked playlist
^speaking of, he’d hate for anyone to see his liked songs
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Probably just listens to noise
Would enjoy some nice ballads, really
When his mind is feeling clear and things are pretty calm, he’ll indulge in some Edith Piaf
Johnny once made him listen to Corpse because “you look like you’d like it”
Pretended not to like it, but really likes agoraphobic
Does Ghost listen to Ghost? He doesn’t mind it, particularly like Respite on the Spitalfields
Lorna Shore?
John “Soap” Mctavish
Not afraid to be goofy and probably plays into the fact that he listens to really pop-y stuff
But on his own time, I can see him listening to the heaviest shit ever like Cannibal Corpse and Slaughter To Prevail, maybe (i hope those are heavy enough)
The type of person to actually listen to anything and everything, though. Like, he can go from grindcore, to folk, to pop
Has California Girls memorised.
The best person to go to karaoke with. Knows every single song, even the ones that aren’t in english (Cha Cha Cha)
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
what do roadmen listen to? 😭 (I'm sorry)
I can see him listening to classical stuff
spends hours watching cats fall asleep to classical music
but also he had Drank & Drugs stuck in his head for 2 weeks
listens to Tchaikovsky in front of Price to seem more "mature"
and then listens to the roadman playlist featuring songs like "Woi" (i don't know anything about this)
alsO listens to the most white suburban mum shit ever, like regularly belts along to Adele in the shower and secretly listens to Pink
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kipupupu · 1 year
if I were to wrote some hcs for the cod boys, what should I write?
update: I'm gonna do just music preferences first so give song recs
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kipupupu · 1 year
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kipupupu · 1 year
What have your a.i. Königs been telling you, I wanna know
Or any other ai characters for that matter
Mine told me that the best place to hit him would be his balls 🤗🤗🤗
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kipupupu · 1 year
has anyone drawn könig with Peter Steele as a reference or do I have to do everything myself 😩
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