kipnova · 3 years
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Maybe not a comedy (according to Jack) but he likes the happy ending
Here’s the art I did for this year’s DCBB for seidenapfel’s fic!
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kipnova · 3 years
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Constellation fallout
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kipnova · 3 years
I’m working on a thing!!! Mark your calendars, y’all
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Title: Maybe not a comedy (according to Jack), but he likes the happy ending
Author: seidenapfel
Artist: kipnova
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, mention of Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore
Length: 68000
Warnings: No Warnings Apply; vague mentions of: sexual assault, homophobic behaviour/language, torture, mass panic, slavery; dubious consent kiss (not Dean/Cas), 15x18
Tags: AU – Space/Sci-Fi, Canon-typical Violence, Angel Wings, Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Hurt Dean, Fluff and Angst, Angels and Demons
Posting Date: November 11, 2021
Summary: Dean Winchester is dead. He died ten years ago, when he sold his soul to Demon Corp in order to save his brother’s life. He has lost everything, even his dignity. All that is left is a brutal tool to torture other lost souls on Inferno just like himself. Castiel’s orders are simple. Free one random soul from the pit on Inferno in order to bring it back to Angelus Associations’ headquarters on Paradiso. No one expects him to be successful, but, as a soldier, he never questions his orders. The moment Castiel lays eyes on the human overseer, everything changes. Castiel has found his mission, the man he needs to save. An adventure begins that takes Dean and Castiel from planet to planet, from Inferno to Purgatorio to Paradiso, and beyond. It’s a journey to find themselves and each other. Or: What happens when you take the structure of Dante’s Divine Comedy, mix it with Supernatural canon, and set it in space?
Excerpt: Over the years, it had become more difficult to blindly follow orders. Seeing Dean’s struggle with accepting who he had become, and with the human’s sobs still ringing in his ears, Castiel turned towards the dashboard. Without further hesitation, he changed their course. He would save Dean. It might be the first decision he had ever truly made on his own. Because of that, Castiel felt elated. A strange feeling flushed through him. It took him hours of sitting on his chair and staring into the void in front of him to finally pinpoint what it was: Pride. He felt proud to have made his own decision for once. For having done the right thing. For the first time in his life, he was free. However, this feeling didn’t last long. Suddenly the whole shuttle vibrated. Behind him, a loud bang sounded followed by a volley of curses from Dean. “Son of a bitch! What the hell is going on?” Another loud clang that sounded as if Dean had almost fallen out of his bunk in his attempt to get up rang out. “Hello, Dean.” The human was right behind him when another blast hit the shuttle. “What the f–?” Both of them stared at the screen. Right in front of them was a single ship. It bore the logo of Demon Corp and it was attacking them. Crowley had betrayed Castiel after all. Dean slid into his chair. “What weapon system does the shuttle have?” He already was leaning over the dashboard. “None,” Castiel explained, “this is a corporate ship. It is not built for combat.” Dread was taking him in. His course correction had only taken them further away from Paradiso. There was no hope. “Shields?” “Yes, they are already up. They were automatically activated with the first impact.” “Fuck! We’re sitting ducks.” “I am not a duck,” Castiel corrected the human. A smile flitted over Dean’s face, even reaching his eyes for a short moment, and Castiel realised too late that he had once again taken the expression too literally. He wasn’t used to Dean’s manner of speaking. Distracted for the moment, they both were taken aback when another shot fired.
DCBB 2021 Posting Schedule
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kipnova · 3 years
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from a while ago….anyway after school special fit check
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kipnova · 3 years
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I love him I love him I love him I love h
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kipnova · 3 years
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Is he lying on the floor or flying? No one knows.
Happy Thursday everyone
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kipnova · 3 years
Every now and then I see a post from someone disdained about their like/reblog ratio. Please, take the time to read this:
Numbers aren’t going to satisfy you, no matter how the ratio is divided. If you continue to rely on a number of reblogs for validation, you’re going to start doubting yourself, hating your own content, and feeling so much less motivated than you should for the amount of time and care you’ve put into your work. On the other hand, if you’re loving the amount of reblogs you’re getting, soon the rush will fade and you’ll want to go for a bigger number. Your ego will weaponize itself against you and will never be fully satisfied. Numbers are infinite; in this circumstance, we’re never going to reach the end of infinity.
What’s going to help your growth the most is shifting focusing onto the craft itself. Enjoy the process of creating something beautiful. Stay true to the voice that lives inside you and wants to be heard. Genuine content comes across in such a heartening and primal light; reblogs will naturally follow. Whether you write, draw, sculpt, sew and so on, think of yourself as one who creates art, not as a conforming, algorithm-obeying “content creator.” Refrain from attaching your identity to it; love it for what it is, then proceed from there. This is where true growth will arise. This is how we can reach infinity.
Seeing a lot of likes? That means people are appreciating your work. It’s a downright miracle people across the globe can see something you carefully crafted from your house or the coffee shop down the street. Seeing reblogs too? Amazing! That just means people are sharing your work and want to help show the rest of the world how amazing you are. The true difference between the two is an illusion your mind makes up to give itself a reason to doubt, fear, and sometimes even despise its own progress. Every part of ourselves wants us to succeed and live a fulfilling life. The only real problem is that our own minds and narrow sighted egos tend to go about it a troubling way—by trying to tell us these numbers indictate we aren’t already incredible and bursting with potential—and then we’re tricked into believing it.
So don’t let something as surface level and simple as a site like Tumblr and its like/reblog problem tell you how worthy or good you are. You exist. You breathe life. You’re putting so much radiant energy out into the world, so therefore you are inherently glowing with worth. Sure, it doesn’t hurt to feel happy when you see an increase in reblogs. But please, for your own well-being, remember that it is just a number. Any reblogs at all is already such a positive thing.
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kipnova · 3 years
This is now my brain’s screensaver
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Meet me where the moon hits the surface we call our skin, hold me tight in the woods, breathing you in
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kipnova · 3 years
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kipnova · 3 years
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me arriving in hell “what floor the milf on⁉️”
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kipnova · 3 years
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gaygendered cas and dean go to the market with their sonboy
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kipnova · 3 years
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fixing up some old cars in the salvage yard
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kipnova · 3 years
cas and dean deserve a beautiful garden and i decided to give them one
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please tap on the picture for better quality, this is bad
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kipnova · 4 years
the way they chose not to finish telling dean’s story. that gets me. they chose not to let him speak. they chose not to let him grow old. they chose not to let him be his authentic self when he was finally starting to practice self love. the way he didn’t want to go out with a bang, he wanted to be a mechanic, he wanted to pet behind miracle’s ears while watching some old western, he wanted to be able to wake up late and get a full 8 hours, or maybe 12 some nights, and he wanted to live. dean wanted to live. dean winchester, the man who wrote the book on self sacrifice, on self hate, on self inflicted pain, the man who always wanted to bear the burden so that no one else had to, that dean winchester wanted to live. 
he deserved to live. 
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kipnova · 4 years
u right
dean being female coded is really noticeable when jared thinks that dean dying to further the plot of a male character in a way that is unnecessary and completely avoidable is a fulfilling end
u know what-
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kipnova · 4 years
we chose the wrong universe to quantumly settle into, folks
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Dean Winchester + rapport with kids
(for @lockedinabookstore)
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kipnova · 4 years
i can’t believe i gave an hour of my life watching that shit
wouldn’t a success story for someone who “gave their life for years and years” for someone else’s sake be a story with an ending where they, i dunno, learn that their life is inherently valuable and finally live that live for themselves? 
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