kinzokusuzume · 2 years
i really should start writing on here again but i have had a considerable lack of energy lmao.
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
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                     There’s rapid deflation of tension in the astrophysicist at Genji’s continued– yet, startlingly– genuine reassurances that things should be different; primarily because he speaks with a gentle conviction very unlike any of which he’s heard with TALON or OVERWATCH, shockingly enough. Especially when Genji goes on to further express not sympathy, but instead expresses empathy in the open acknowledgement that he cannot procure these things for SIGMA– when had another expressed any mode of commiseration with how he is perpetually tethered to such an unpleasant, unwelcoming, waking world….?
He is… calm.
                      At least, enough to feel more levelheaded and less agitated by the intrusion of whom had formerly been an enemy only days prior. “I– I do feel empathy for your situation…” SIGMA insists quietly, expression vacant– but distinctly devoid of his hatred from earlier– as he gazes back at the cyborg quizzically. “… I feel empathy for every living thing, actually, in some way or another– perhaps not even in a way that I always understand… That is precisely what makes me quite, ah… incompatible with TALON.“
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“– I– I mean, it doesn’t… It doesn’t sound like anyone requested your consent, either. That bothered you, didn’t it? How they “fixed” you before they asked for their repayment? It had to have– were you even aware for any of it? At what point did they inquire as to your perception of your so-called “quality of life”…?“ None of it is said with the intention of openly discomforting the other– rather, it’s simultaneously a self-projection of his own animosity juxtaposed with Genji’s own story… As well as a genuine observation– in much the same fashion as Genji had assured him that he would’ve considered granting his desires were it within his realm of capability.
                         “… If OVERWATCH does not plan on assimilating me within its ranks, what will… A-ah… What is going to happen to me…? When you say “options”, what do you mean…?“
“… What even are my options…? Do you know?“
Genji listens - and he listens attentively ; lets every single word that Sigma says sink in - and god, does he feel for the man . Sigma acknowledges his incompatibility with Talon, so why , then , does he stay ? And was there a chance of getting him to leave Talon ? Not change sides, no, Genji could never ask Sigma to do so ( even if he knows that the only options Sigma truly has are to join Overwatch’s cause or stay imprisoned ) , but to leave Talon and do his own thing?
What was his own thing , though ? Was it something that could be done without Talon’s aid ? Or was that exactly why Sigma joined them in the first place ? Or, did Sigma just stay with Talon because they rescued him ? Genji wishes he knew the full picture - no , he wishes with all his heart that he could give Sigma what he wanted .
‘ That bothered you , didn’t it ? How they “ fixed ” you before they asked for their repayment? ’ 
Of course it did, he thinks, heterochromatic eyes shifting to his visor once more . The thoughts that run through his mind on a near-daily basis aren’t kind , they haven’t been since his brother struck him down . Even now , even after he’s forgiven his brother , those thoughts remain and grate at his very conscience . Is his brother happy being forgiven ? Sure , things have gotten much better between the two since their first reunion post the ‘ incident ’ but was it what his brother wanted ? What he wanted ?
This isn’t what Sigma asked , though , he reminds himself as he turns his attention onto the other in the room with him . “ Consent is hard to give when you’re on the cusp of death , hanging on to life out of sheer anger and pettiness . ” he says , “ That is no excuse for what they did to me , though . At the time , all I had on my mind was enacting vengeance for what had happened to me , I doubt I would have passed up an opportunity to do so , no matter the form it presented itself in to me . ” 
“ But to answer your question , I do not think they ever did . And rather than try and get me the help I needed after I was . . . saved , Overwatch turned me into a weapon for them to use however and whenever they wanted . ” The visor is slotted back into place as Genji looks to the door leading out of the room .
“ If what you want is to join Overwatch then I doubt they will deny you that privilege . You would undoubtedly not be the first to have left Talon for Overwatch . . . While I do not know what they will do if you do not join them , I can only imagine it involves imprisonment . . . Which is not unlike your current situation . ” The smile hidden behind the visor that graces his features when he speaks is a sad one .
“ What are your options ? Well , the most obvious ones are to join Overwatch or stay imprisoned . . . ” he pauses , “ But there is always a choice and your escape is not impossible . The question is does Talon care enough to come to your rescue or is an , ah , ‘ inside ’ source going to be the one to do it ? ”
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄      [ … ]   𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄, .
BOLD what applies - italicize sometimes.   repost, don’t reblog.
fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle / rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade /  prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon  / prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential / exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set / learning their skill - set
fancy footwork / sloppy footwork
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has PTSD / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
Tagged by: @chronal-anomaly <3
Tagging: you
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
What color is your aura?
wicker baskets, bookstores, wood rings, chocolate bars, suitcases, mochas, teddy bears. your essence is brown: you are a strong-hearted worker afraid to burden others. you are persistent, and thankless; you will be the wielder that your loved ones need and will fight for what they deserve. your tenderness only seeks to belong. you are the martyr. you are the unyielding. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of umber, beige, chiffon, and terracotta, who share your devotion to others. you are also drawn to the bright pink and yellow, who will help you grow and show you how to speak up for your needs. however, you may struggle to get along with the aggressive personalities of purple and red who look after themselves first.
tagged by: @buildabuddha <3
tagging: everyone that hasn't done this yet
0 notes
kinzokusuzume · 2 years
[Text: Definitely not 5'7] Jokes on you I’ll beat you there [Text: Definitely not 5'7] Put it off and you get double punches [Text: Definitely not 5'7] Is 200 punches realllly worth it
[Text: Goggles] ok [Text: Goggles] how about a deal [Text: Goggles] i treat you to your favorite food [Text: Goggles] and you DON’T punch me
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
[Text: Definitely not 5'7] absolutely not [Text: Definitely not 5'7] In fact, that means you get at LEAST 100 punches for your birthday [Text: Definitely not 5'7] where are you
[Text: Goggles] what [Text: Goggles] nowhere [Text: Goggles] you’ll never find me [Text: Goggles] see you next century
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
bro imagine writing anything, literally couldn't be me
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
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Multimuse for canon and original characters of Overwatch.
Independent. Private. Selective. Multimuse, Multiverse, and OC-friendly. Written by Walden.
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
✯ ━ “ You know what time it is. ”
" It’s high noon ! ”
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
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it must hurt to be torn apart and put together again
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
tungle do you mind not telling me about the message i literally just sent ?? why am i getting notifications for my own messages
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
@chronal-anomaly said:
She's got a cup of steaming tea, something strong and green from the last time she was in Japan, and some cookies. She doesn't have any words for him for once, just a nod. A silent offer of support, of help, if he needs someone.
The offer is accepted ; welcomed , even , as he sits on the ground , legs pulled up against his chest and chin resting on his knees . The mystery person's words have definitely gotten to him , even so Genji is eerily calm . The cup of tea isn't exactly graced with a reaction ; nor the cookies , for that matter. At least , not right away .
Genji sighs after a moment of silence , then unlocks himself and sits in a more comfortable position . One hand reaches for the tea while another undoes the latches of his visor , removing it and placing it down next to him . Despite the almost boiling temperature of the tea Genji brings it up to his mouth , about to take a sip no doubt — only to stop halfway and stare blankly at it .
" Well , that person was an asshole . " he says flatly , heterochromic eyes slowly turning to look at Lena . Although he smiles , it doesn't exactly reach his eyes . It was a lame attempt at a joke , probably .
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
@miqhtyfine said:
The cowboy is dressed up as a demon hunter — nothing new in that department — and carrying a pumpkin-themed plastic bucket. With a mischievous smile, he raises it before saying “Trick or treat! Share your candy or prepare for yeehawnt! ”
Genji's Halloween costume? For once, it's not a cyborg ninja. He'd gone and scavenged the net for anything that would fit him ; fortunately — and unfortunately — there had been quite a few choices . Ultimately, he'd settled with something simple ; an oni .
Cassidy's costume is given an amused though appreciative look , and he makes a show of hiding his bag of candies behind him ; dropping it to the ground and kicking it so it slides away from him . " You will have to show me this trick of yours , mister demon hunter . "
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
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“ run, run, run with the railroad // you’ll find the place you’re promised ”
about . credit .
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
For sinday you get 1 hc:
Genji likes holding hands with and just vibing next to his s/o
Ty for coming to my ted talk
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kinzokusuzume · 2 years
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my boyfriends been playing ow2 and i cant help but indulge him always <333 sweet little robo bastahhds
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