kingswoodmuseum · 5 days
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We had some trouble focusing on the camera at first (thanks Bucket) but I managed to get a great shot of @kingswoodmuseum’s gorgeous Bronzor!
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kingswoodmuseum · 13 days
gonna try this here. haha. i have anxiety (:
Adopts! Accepting payment via ko-fi only, all is going to my friend! <3
Here's a link in case you want to donate just because!
Helping a friend with bills, money for food and other stuff, so he can rest a bit and worry less ^^
Please note that bought adopts can't be refunded. If you are not on toyhouse, I will be providing the full png file via dms or email <3
*forgot to mention, but, until the end of August, you can request a sketch icon for each design you adopt! Feel free to tell me the expression or mood if you have anything in mind!
Kiwi Sage moth - $10
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Candy pop moth - $10
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Cypress Sap moth - $10
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Death's Hawk - $20
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kingswoodmuseum · 13 days
So excited to adopt the Bronzor, I think their name is officially Harvest! I'll be bringing em home soon but you might see them around the Museum every once in a while, making sure that all of our beautiful plants are happy and healthy since they really like gardening! They seem very sweet, super calm and patient, I'm sure they'd love to say hello to visitors!
Adoption Sundays
Welcome to the fourth Adoption Sunday! This time they are a bit uncommon and a bit harder to adopt! Hope we can find 'em a forever home!
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If you're interested in any of 'em, respond to this posts with your qualifications and why!
Clockwork Natu: Adopted by @naturally-elegant!
Harvest (Shiny) Bronzor: Adopted by @kingswoodmuseum!
Spook'd Clobnopus: Adopted by @reimagining-johto!
Symphony Sygilyph: Available!
//I'll send DMs to potential adoptees to confirm and, once "adopted", they'll get a background-less PNG from this drawing. You're free to do whatever you want with them! No need to credit me from the design unless you use the OG picture.
//As always, it's not first come first get, I reserve the rights to give them to whoever I want. Pokeblogs have priority!
//(This is the last Adoption Sundays this month for reasons I'll explain in the future (I'm having surgery so, small hiatus) so, more designs than usual!!)
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kingswoodmuseum · 13 days
What people expect when i say that I have a houndoom: Feral, evil, heartless monster
My houndoom in reality: [Picture of a houndoom with his muzzle caught in a cardboard tube. His tunge is sticking out the other end.]
What people expect from a Garchomp: Battle-hardened dragon that can AND WILL destroy you with an Hyper Beam
My actual Garchomp:
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kingswoodmuseum · 13 days
This could be fun! ❤ Please do let me know if you'd prefer Bishop or Fawn to answer, otherwise I'll just go off of vibes!
more pokéblr asks
What type(s) do you think you would be as a pokémon?
Do you tend to keep your pokémon in- or out-of-ball? Are there any exceptions to this?
What type do you have the most of? Least of?
Are there any pokémon that live in your area that scare you / squick you out?
Are there any pokémon that live in your area that you see around all the time?
Are there any pokémon that, upon first learning of them, you almost didn’t believe were real creatures?
Have you ever seen a shiny pokémon in person?
Have you ever encountered an extremely rare mon?
Have you ever hatched an egg yourself?
First pokémon you ever evolved yourself?
Your favorite season vs. your partner pokémon’s favorite season?
Your favorite weather vs. your partner pokémon’s favorite weather?
Your favorite music vs. your partner pokémon’s favorite music?
Can you bring your partner pokémon to places like museums, aquariums, etc? Do you/have you?
Do you catch a lot of pokémon, battle them, or just leave them be?
Do you use Potions and other manmade medicines for your pokémon, or do you prefer herbal/natural healing items?
Do you prefer Pokémon Centers to heal up your team, or just a good night’s rest?
Do you prefer to let your pokémon learn moves naturally, or do you supplement their learning with TMs?
What’s your favorite bonding activity to take part in with your pokémon?
How did you meet/obtain your partner pokémon?
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kingswoodmuseum · 18 days
Shout-out to the time the Nacrene Museum had Zekrom on display. Not fer bein' a legendary dragon or anythin', but fer bein' a really cool rock.
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kingswoodmuseum · 18 days
Strange Unown Update
Just heard back from Dr. Dawn, they excavated a lot more of the ruins, discovered a lot of important historical stuff but no signs of any unown. So I suggested setting up a motion sensitive camera in one of the rooms, I had a few spare so I loaned her one and here is what we got last night:
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These come from about 2 am, the camera did not survive but at this point I could care less these photos are cool, I am more interested in finding out stuff like why it attacked the camera and why its just kinda staring at it like that (the 2nd to last pic is just one of about 15, it sat their for about half an hour just staring right into the camera). I'll keep you updated with any new info.
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kingswoodmuseum · 18 days
You receive a package, it's a jar about the size of a large pickle jar, inside is a red liquid, in which floats red orbs about the size of a golfball. Tied to the jar is a note.
"Howdy there, hope this finds you well. I figured I would share a taste of the Ohrken region with some of my fellow bloggers. These are a berry native to Ohrken called Cran Berries. These ones have been pickled so they may be a bit tart. Stay safe out there."
-- Ranger Sveppir
"Hey, 'boss', think someone left a present for you!" Came Fawn's soft voice outside the office door, and Bishop could tell even without seeing her face that she was grinning. "The first one since the museum opened up!"
Bishop chuckled quietly at his cluttered desk, smoothly brushing some papers aside to make way for...whatever it was. "Come on, then, let's see." Her enthusiasm was infectious, the usually wound tight man smiling a little more sincerely than usual.
She seemed tired as she bounded in, shadows under her eyes, sweater rumpled and hair tossed into a messy bun, but very very happy. Oh so gently, Fawn put the jar down before gleefully cracking it open and popping a berry into her mouth without any hesitation. "Always wanted to try a Cran Berry...they're really good!" The researcher gave a pleased hum as she chewed, casually leaning over to give the note a more through look. "Hm, don't know all that much about the Ohrken region but I bet it's fascinating..."
Bishop arched a perfect white brow while gingerly dipping his fingers into the jar, eying the strange berries as if they might bite before trying one. For a second, his face puckered a little at the tartness but then...his head tilted, and he helped himself to another. "Not...really my usual taste, but...it was rather kind of him, I must make it a point to thank him sometime."
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kingswoodmuseum · 20 days
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Check out this absolutely incredible commission from @charlie-ver! ❤ Had a beautiful mental image of a butterfly (er, Beautifly?) House and he brought it to life amazingly, thank you so much!
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kingswoodmuseum · 26 days
This blog is a more realistic take on the Pokémon world that many know and love! Going for a down to earth, adult sort of vibe, so not everything will quite follow the games. Roleplay and 'asks' are totally okay, encouraged even, the Museum is for everyone to explore! Bishop (the Museum owner) and Fawn (member of the Pokémon research team) will be answering questions most of the time.
Museum's Mission
We aim not only to teach about the wonders of Pokémon, but to give you a sense of awe that sticks with you long after you leave! Everyone is welcome, no matter what the age or walk of life, and we have plenty of accommodations for any guest that needs them. We're a 'natural' museum that tends to focus on Pokémon themselves, their history, our coexistence and how they've touched our lives across the centuries. We work closely with various institutions in Galar-especially schools-to share our research and grow, and are always happy to take on new sponsors for those who wish to support our work.
Where we are
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We're closest to Hammerlocke, in the 'C' area of the map, just an easy Train or Taxi ride away! If you can see the Giant's Cap, you're getting close! We've recently put up some signs and posters to point you in the right direction, and we've got helper Corvisquire for anyone who has trouble finding us. Just be careful on the way, we can get some rough sandstorms thanks to the Dusty Bowl.
What we offer
We have many educational tours of our exhibits, special events, and more in the works! We want everyone to enjoy what we have to offer, our staff and assistant Pokémon are always happy to help.
Bug Exhibit
We are home to a bug exhibit that is dedicated to bug type research and education! Visitors can learn all about them, while observing them in an exhibit that mimics their natural environment closely as possible. We boast many rare and unique Pokémon here. My personal pride and joy is our Beautifly Conservatory, our gardening staff has done an amazing job of making it beautiful, and it's a crowd favorite.
Aquarium Exhibit
Anyone who loves water dwelling Pokémon will enjoy our aquarium! We pride ourselves in giving our Pokémon the best of care, and sometimes take in rehab cases or Pokémon who would struggle in the wild, although I admit it's not our specialty-I would certainly recommend Dotaku Island for 'mons that need special attention. Feel free to interact with our more visitor friendly Pokémon, there's even a Mantyke petting tank for the kids!
Fossil Exhibit
Kingswood is home to a wide array of fossils, including some fascinating specimens that you can't find anywhere else! An interesting place to explore for anyone who enjoys the more historical side of what we do here. No, we don't have 'revived' Pokémon here at the moment, sometimes they tend to...struggle unless they have very special care.
Kingswood Café
We have a beautiful café if you need a rest during your visit, and we're growing our menu all the time!
Gift Shop
Want special photos of your visit, or maybe you're looking for a fun souvenir? Drop by our gift shop, all proceeds go directly to Kingswood, which means you're supporting our hard working staff and keeping our darling Pokémon cared for with everything that you bring home. We even have some lovely merchandise of our 'stars' like Herne!
Can you revive fossils, like the Pewter Museum does?
That is not something that Kingswood offers at this time, although I admit as our museum grows it might be possible. It's a touchy subject that not all of our sponsors agree on, though...
Is the Museum hiring?
By all means, such an ambitious project needs as many hands as possible! We are always on the lookout for researchers, gardeners, Type experts, tour guides, all sorts of people, feel free to get in touch if you're curious about job openings!
Header art by PollutedGhost
Logo by Silvs
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