king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
Kissing Booth || OPEN
Adella: So let's say that Fairy okayed a kissing booth for the festival
Adella: Would you wanna help me run it?? We could do it for charity!
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
Wrong number [Jack &Clopin}
Jack: Already discovered I should be careful when I text people. But hey, I'm adventurous so this works.
Jack: Can safely say this is the most interesting conversation I've had with anyone in a while.
Jack: Not sure if that's good or bad. But. Alcohol is great for making you think everything's a great idea. Right?
Clopin: Truer words have never been spoken. It's why I run a bar.
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
Wrong number [Jack &Clopin}
Jack: Trying to decide if I'm curious. Or terrified.
Jack: Better to decide when I'm sober.
Jack: Define good.
Jack: my brain is not coherent enough to figure this out. This will be hilarious at work tomorrow
Clopin: Just keep drinking, Jack. I'm sure you'll discover illumination along the way
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: this is the bloody big time. The big leagues.
Lock: my clients have never had to been screened before mate.
Clopin: you should know who you are fucking selling to that's just 101
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
Wrong number [Jack &Clopin}
Jack: Not that I'm not up for a little mental trauma occasionally to keep life interesting. But that sounds better.
Jack: wait. what
Clopin: And that's only the beginning, if you're good
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: you offered and made it sound choice.
Clopin: And hasn't it been? For MONTHS? And now boo hoo, you fucked up and didn't screen your fucking clients and you're too much of a coward to even fix your own mistakes
Clopin: I've got to come in and clean up after you
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: whatever
Lock: i wouldnt be in this shit if it werent for you
Clopin: You wanted to do this. No one forced you to play
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
Wrong number [Jack &Clopin}
Jack: The last one almost put me out. Maybe if there's less mental trauma involved this time.
Clopin: I promise pleasure only
Clopin: This time
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: yeah of course. Again, im not a fucking idiot
Clopin: That's still to be determined.
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
Wrong number [Jack &Clopin}
Jack: Now I think less and less you're kidding.
Jack: Special. Yes, special.
Jack: This conversation is going to be full of cringing tomorrow when I'm more sober.
Clopin: Or perhaps you should just give in and do another shot for me.
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: something french. Fuck. Hold on.
Lock: berlioz? Bon something
Clopin: Right. Well I can work with that.
Clopin: I'll have a talk with Miss Bell and the boy and in the meantime, you lay low. If they tattled, they've probably already done so, but I might still be able to do some damage control. You better hope at least
Clopin: Oh and this goes without saying but if a copper takes you in, keep your mouth shut. Do that, and you'll be fine. Don't, and then I'll have to have a talk with you too
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
Wrong number [Jack &Clopin}
Jack: Sure thing boss, whatever you say.
Jack: Has to be great for business, right?
Jack: Probably some health code violation though.
Clopin: Haven't you ever been to the Court?
Clopin: The entire thing is a violation of /something/ or other. It's what makes it so special
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: nah think they got released?
Lock: seen the fairy walking around a few days ago. Not sure about her nancy boy
Clopin: I need a name or something of the Mundus. Surely you got a name
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: maybe. Might be a good idea. Yeah.
Clopin: So are they in the hospital now?
Clopin: where can i pay this little visit?
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: you think i didnt already do that?
Lock: im not a complete idiot
Clopin: Then tell me honestly. Do I have to go have a ... word with the mundus and Tink Bell?
Clopin: Because I can be very convincing if you think they'll tattle
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king-ofclowns-blog · 8 years
UGH! || Lock and Clops
Lock: used the name I always use. Lock. Ain't my real name anyways. And no. Its a burner phone ive been using. I can get rid of it quick.
Clopin: Then get rid of it. Cover your own ass before you come crying to me about it
Clopin: And if I have to step in, I'm not going to be happy.
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