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kimvtae · 3 years ago
baby steps
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Summary: Jimin's ex reveals her pregnancy months after they've broken up. Jimin's best friends are there to help. Pairing: vmin, yoonkook, platonic ot7 Word Count: 7.2k words Tags: fluff, ot7, found family, a look into jimin's life with his daughter
Available to tier 2 patrons on patreon! Keep reading for a sneak peak!
“Did you show him the plan?”
“I’m trying to,” Seokjin says. “Basically, Jimin, if you look at the chart I’ve organized all of our class and work schedules, and one of us is always around when you have class or work. And we can still do movie night. And there’s room for you to have a night off at least once a week. Just let us know in advance so I can change anything.”
“I do have a sitter,” Jimin points out.
“But you won’t need her as often.”
“I really can’t ask you guys to do this.”
“Good thing you’re not asking,” Yoongi says. “What kind of uncles would we be if we never helped out?”
Jimin’s head spins. “Since when are you all her uncles?”
“They decided on the elevator on the way up,” Namjoon says. He’s sitting at the other end of the table, close to Jiwon, but he was still a little hesitant when it came to holding the infant. Jimin constantly assured him that he wouldn’t drop her, but Namjoon was still quick to pass Jiwon to anyone else in the room. “Taehyung insisted he’s uncle number one.”
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kimvtae · 3 years ago
Dark Shadows
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Summary: Taehyung's birthday ends in disaster when, after fighting with Jimin, Taehyung is attacked by a vampire. Pairing: vmin, side jinkook Word Count: 11.2k Tags: mature, vampire attacks, blood drinking, angst Notes: the beginnings of a 'what we do in the shadows' sequel
Available for tier 3 patrons! Keep reading for a sneak peak!
Taehyung turns away to order a drink, turning back around to locate Jimin. He takes his drink without looking, knocks the whole thing back, and heads to where he spotted Jimin in the kitchen.
Jimin’s entire face lights up. “Baby-”
“Drink from me.”
“What the fuck?” A girl in the kitchen gives him a weird look. “What is wrong with you-?”
Jimin takes her hand, catching her gaze. “Forget he said that. Go back to the party.”
Wordlessly, she walks away.
Taehyung doesn’t even complain about the compulsion, moving closer to Jimin. “Drink from me.”
“Baby, you’re drunk.”
“So?” Taehyung puts on his best pout, shifting his hips against Jimin’s. “It’s my birthday.”
“Your birthday was, ah-” Jimin tilts his head, eyes fluttering shut as Taehyung trails his teeth along the skin. “Yesterday.”
Jimin shivers at the warm breath on his neck. His hands find Taehyung’s hips, and before Taehyung can draw the breath to beg again, Jimin’s fangs break his skin.
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kimvtae · 3 years ago
Summer Nights
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Summary: Yoongi and Seokjin surprise Jeongguk with a two-week vacation at a Grecian villa. Pairing: yoonjinkook Word Count: 14.1k words Tags: explicit, threesome, multiple orgasms, orgasm control, top seokjin, top yoongi, bottom jeongguk, free use Notes: a 'summer sands' story!
Available to tier 3 patrons on patreon! Keep reading for a sneak peak!
“Mister Kim,” the man says, reaching forward to take Seokjin’s bags. “I trust the flight wasn’t too rough?”
“It was fine, thank you.”
“Would you care to choose your rooms?”
“All the bags will go to the same room,” Seokjin says. “Thank you.”
Jeongguk expects the odd look that usually follows an order like that, but instead the man nods and calls to another butler to assist taking the luggage up the staircase. Yoongi doesn’t look surprised, but Jeongguk whirls on his heel to face Seokjin.
“Do they know-?”
“Everyone here has been hired for their discretion and has signed an NDA,” Seokjin says. He takes Jeongguk’s face in his hands, and kisses him deeply. His lips were chapped from the long flight, and Jeongguk can’t help but smile, thinking back on their first meeting in that tiny cafe.
Jeongguk rests his forehead against Seokjin’s. “Wait, what do you mean by everyone here?”
“The villa is fully staffed,” Yoongi explains. “Chefs, mixologists, gardeners. Even someone to drive the boat near the underwater caves.”
“So we won’t be alone?” Jeongguk asks, feeling a shred of disappointment.
Seokjin winks. “The staff leave each night.”
“Oh, fuck yeah.”
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kimvtae · 3 years ago
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Summary: Three hundred years after a nasty breakup, Seokjin runs into Yoongi and his new boyfriend. Pairing: yoonkook, past yoonjin Word Count: 3k words Tags: angst, vampires, heartbreak
Available to all patrons! Keep reading for a sneak peak!
The name spills from Seokjin’s lips before he can even register it. Before he can come to his senses and swallow his surprise, shut his mouth and leave the grocery store. And then quickly explain to Taehyung why he can’t make dinner and why he needs to leave the country already.
Yoongi’s face- his beautiful, devastating, haunting face- closes off faster than Seokjin can blink. Whereas before he was smiling, his eyes shining as he stared up at the boy he must love now, his eyes are cold. His eyes are cold, and his body tenses imperceptibly. He’s on guard. There’s anger simmering in every inch of Yoongi’s frame, barely held at bay by the public setting and the other man’s presence between them.
“Come on.” Yoongi says quietly, looking at Seokjin but speaking to the other man. “Let’s get out of here.”
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kimvtae · 3 years ago
Come Alive In The Dark
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Summary: Jeongguk thinks Seokjin is joking about inviting Namjoon for a threesome. Seokjin is not joking. Pairing: namjinkook, side vmin Word Count: 7.9k words; explicit Tags: vampires, threesome, blood-drinking Notes: a ‘what we do in the shadows’ companion piece.
Available to tier 2 patrons on patreon! Keep reading for a sneak peak!
“You never answered my question,” Seokjin says.
Jeongguk knocks back his drink. His third of the night. But Yoongi was behind the bar and he always made Jeongguk’s drinks strong, and with the tiny bit of Seokjin’s blood mixed into the drink, Jeongguk was already drunk. “What question?”
“About the threesome.”
“Oh,” Jeongguk laughs. He stumbles to the bar to order another drink. Yoongi takes one look at him and rolls his eyes, sliding over a drink and telling Jeongguk it was his last for the night. The drink goes to Seokjin’s tab automatically. When he sits again, Seokjin bites at his own wrist to draw blood, letting it drip into Jeongguk’s cup. “I thought you were kidding about that.”
Seokjin frowns. “I did not use sarcasm.”
“I know, babe.” Jeongguk clumsily pats Seokjin’s hand with his own, watching the wound on his wrist heal. Despite his aura and confidence, Seokjin still occasionally got self-conscious about his way of speech fitting in amongst the mortals. His words, not Jeongguk’s. “I just didn’t think you meant it.”
“You’ve asked for it before.”
“I know, but.” Jeongguk huffs out a breath, taking a long sip of his drink. “But I love you. I love you, and I don’t want you to think I’m in love with someone else because I sometimes joke about fucking someone else.”
Seokjin’s eyes soften. “Do you really think one threesome could end our relationship? Please. Sometimes sex is just sex.”
That gets Jeongguk’s attention. His brain is muddled from the drinks, but he recognizes the glint in Seokjin’s eye and the smirk on his lips. “Have you had threesomes before?”
“Let’s just say there was a queen who swore to her deathbed that I was the father of her child.”
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kimvtae · 3 years ago
if you’re interested in keeping up with my writing, please feel free to join my patreon!!
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kimvtae · 6 years ago
aksjkdks you got so many tickets omg you must be so rich and lucky. im happy for you!
Ah, I’m not rich!! I’m just lucky my job keeps a steady income! And I owe a lot of my luck to one of Traci’s friends!! but thank you!
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kimvtae · 6 years ago
damn anon you are not gonna be happy when you hear I got soundcheck for Chicago and New Jersey, and a good ticket for LA lmao
Yeah no you’re still pretty greedy lmao.
okie well it’s money out of my pocket so i’m the one dealing with it, but thank u for sharing that opinion with me :-) 
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kimvtae · 6 years ago
hey! do you have an ao3 acc? i'm really scared that tumblr will make a mess of all smut writers' blogs during this purge they have coming :(
I do have an ao3 my pseud is jvante
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kimvtae · 7 years ago
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180902 BTS_official’s Tweet
[예고장] OHOHOHOH~~! OHOHOHOHOH~~~! OHOHOHOH~~~~~~~~! 덩기덕 쿵더러러~~#얼쑤 #IDOL 안무연습영상 커밍순🤘🏻
[Preview Photo] OHOHOHOH~~! OHOHOHOHOH~~~! OHOHOHOH~~~~~~~~! Deonggideok kungdeoreoreo*~~#URSOO #IDOL choreography practice video coming soon🤘🏻
(*T/N: deonggideok kungdeoreoreo are one of the basic rhythms for gutgeori-jangdan used in traditional Korean folk music)
Trans cr: Kylie @ allforbts © Please credit when taking out
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kimvtae · 7 years ago
ohmygod. OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD. burnout, booze, and babes wassofuckinggoodlikeican'tevenbreatheilovethisiloveyousadlkfjiogjowirgo;rj
Anonymous said: I just wanted to let you know that your 'Burnouts, Booze, and Babes' was the best fanfic I've ever read and will continue to thank Jesus for it every day.
thank you guys so much :(( I’m sorry I don’t write here anymore but please remember that I write on ao3, and if you want you can come off anon and ask and keep reading my fics
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kimvtae · 7 years ago
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kimvtae · 7 years ago
turns out my army kit has been available for shipping to me since the middle of July, but interpark delivered all army kits as “difficult,” so no one was notified when they arrived.
if anyone used a Korean address and is still waiting for their Army Kit to be delivered, please email Interpark for your tracking number!! I guarantee it’s been there for at least a month!
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kimvtae · 7 years ago
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sk8r bois
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kimvtae · 7 years ago
i have 7 love yourself: answer albums coming to me and @cupofteaguk can’t even yell at me about it bc I didn’t pay for 2 of them
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kimvtae · 7 years ago
Hello😁is workofteaguk going to come back?
I think she plans on eventually making a new account but I don’t know when that’ll be, sorry!
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kimvtae · 7 years ago
unsureofwhathappens replied to your post “not to be dramatic but can interpark just fucking deliver my army kit...”
Ooooh. Rough. I am sorry! I wonder what is keeping them - I hope you get it soon! Have they given you an explanation?
no lmao my best bet is to contact interpark or DHL it’s just frustrating as fuck bc I used a Korean address so it shouldn’t take 2 weeks to be shipped a city over
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