kimcapistrano-blog · 6 years
Ako: Kung entrepreneur ako, Profit ka ba?
Siya: Bakit?
Ako: Kasi ikaw ang goal ko eh. sana magkuha ko na yung profit na nagngangalang ikaw
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kimcapistrano-blog · 7 years
“The Art of Getting By”
George is a loner high school student who has a unique view on the world which is why he never does homework and skips school frequently. His academic delinquency puts him on academic probation. One day while on the school roof he encounters another classmate, Sally who was smoking. When a teacher appears, George pulls out a cigarette and takes the fall for Sally. The two become friends and hangs out together. On career day, George meets Dustin, an alumni artist who graduated from the school, who seems to have inspired him. When the two talked, Dustin invited George to his studio. George takes Sally with him to Dustin’s studio where Dustin acknowledges George’s talent in arts and revealed that he was attracted to Sally.
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Sally invites George to a New Year’s Eve Party where they went to a club and celebrated. George gets drunk, he goes outside, throws up and falls asleep in the roadside where Sally finds him. They go to Sally’s place and she puts him to bed on foam next to her bed. On Valentine’s Day, George goes out in a date with Sally, it was going well until Sally began asking weird questions like asking George to have sex but she immediately said that she was just kidding.
After their date George started avoiding Sally even ignoring her phone calls. He also did not go to school. When he does, he avoids making contact with Sally and her group. He also stopped doing his school works which gets him sent in the Principal’s office again. The principal gives George two choices: he can be expelled, or he can make up all of the homework he has missed all year to be passed within three weeks in order to graduate. When he reaches home, he is confronted by his parents where they got on an argument and ended up revealing about his stepfather being jobless.
George ran away and went to Sally’s place. He kissed Sally but later finds out about Sally and Dustin’s relationship. The next day, he met his mother in the park where his mother told him that she and his stepfather are having a divorce, George consoles her and he decided to do all of his assignments to graduate. His art teacher tells him he wants only one project, but that it must be meaningful, honest and real. He works on his assignments and takes his final exams while Sally continues to date Dustin. One day, George gets a message from Sally, they meet in a bar. She tells him to be her friend again, that her mother is remarrying and she’s moving to Texas, also that she’s skipping their graduation because she and Dustin are going to Europe. George told Sally that he loves her and they go back to Sally’s apartment where they shared a kiss, Sally tells him that they’re going to be together one day.
           George turns in all his assignments at the same day of the graduation, and the day Sally leaves, the principal said that he’ll know when his name is called. George's art teacher applauds him on his project. George sits at the graduation ceremony with Sally's friends and his mother in the audience. Sally is at the airport with Dustin. George's name is called and he walked to the stage receiving his diploma where the Principal whispers “anything is possible” to him. Afterwards George is in the art classroom looking at his art project. It is a portrait of Sally. Sally walks in and joins him looking at the painting.
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
           The life lesson/s I learned from the movie is that to live your life, you have to struggle. No one can survive alone in this world, yes, it is true, though in the beginning of the movie, the protagonist mentioned about a quote he read, “We live alone, we die alone, everything is just an illusion”, the reason why he doesn’t exert any effort in everything at all because that’s his logic but, here’s the catch, you can’t obtain anything without doing something in exchange. Just like you can’t buy anything without a penny, you can’t earn a penny without working. Another one is that things have their own time, just like how their romance ended up taking a long way round; you just have to wait for the right timing. There are sometimes that we do things at the wrong time and do things with the wrong person. We should always consider the place time and companion in everything we do. Another one is that I realized that contradicting to George who feared life, many people feared death more. At first, I was confused but I knew the answer as I watched the movie, it made great sense with the statement “we die alone”, I think people are afraid to die because they are afraid to let go of what they have when they are still living, letting go of treasures you worked hard to earn and keep.
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2. What part of the story was most powerful? Why?
The part of the story that was most powerful was the part when George and Sally talked about being together one day until the ending of the movie. It was the most powerful to me because this was the time that George, our main character that doesn’t like to work and exert effort, finally showed what he is worthy by finishing a year’s worth of assignment within three weeks and making a piece of art with all meaning and honesty, expressing his love in every touch of the brush in the canvas, painting the first woman he have ever loved with all his heart.
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3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
My favorite character in the movie was the protagonist, George, because of his unique character. I especially like the quote “We live alone, we die alone, everything is just an illusion.” That made a great impression on George. This was also the main reason why he doesn’t exert much effort, asking ‘we die alone so why do we still have to spend life struggling from an illusion?’ every time he is asked why he doesn’t do his homework. He made quite an impression to me because there was a time when Sally asked him what he feared and he answered “I fear life.” I was wondering why because usually you fear death, even though you know it will come at a certain time, you still get scared of it but his answer was unique but as the movie progressed, I came to realize why, because living is tiring, seeing your parents working their selves to the bone and repeating the cycle of argument, it is indeed tiring.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your life or that you have seen occur to others?
So far, I haven’t had a similar experience nor know someone that has any similarity to the movie which is a little unfortunate but was a bigger percentage of being fortunate.
5. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
If I was given a chance to ask a question to one of the characters in the movie, I would like to ask Sally. Why didn’t you choose George over Dustin in the first place if you already had feelings for him?
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kimcapistrano-blog · 7 years
“Short Term 12″
Short Term 12 is like foster home for troubled teenagers. Grace is the head of this foster home and together with her Coworker and boyfriend, Mason, and other staff. When a new Staff, Nate, introduced himself in front of the kids, he used a word that was misunderstood by Marcus, a kid who is turning eighteen and will be leaving soon, and he got angry. Marcus was reprimanded by Grace and was forced to return to his room. Later that day, Grace welcomed another child named Jayden from another foster home. Jayden distances herself from the other teenagers because she doesn’t plan to stay for long. Grace discovers she is pregnant and  struggles to have the kids to open up to her especially when she discovers illegal drugs on Marcus’ bed. She talked to Marcus that it was possible for him to go to jail but Marcus didn’t mind at all leading Grace to open up a bit to him saying her father has been there for ten years already which shocked Marcus for a bit.
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Seeing how Mason supported Marcus when he was anxious before leaving, she decides to tell Mason that she is pregnant. He accepts the news with joy and is happy that they’re going to be parents. It was Jayden’s birthday, when her father failed to pick her up, she reacts violently to the staff’s approaches. After her outburst, she sits in a room with Grace, who shows Jayden her own scars from cutting herself. After cooling down, they went back to her room, Jayden finds letters from the other kids and finally feels moved, later they celebrated her birthday. Jayden ran away to her Dad’s house, with Grace following her, they confirmed that her dad’s not home, and they went back to short term 12. Jayden read a story to Grace, after hearing the story, Grace grew suspicious that Jayden’s father was abusing her.
               At a party hosted by Mason’s foster parents, he proposes and Grace accepts. The following morning, they receive a phone call informing them that Grace’s dad will be released from prison, she started cutting herself but she refused to be consoled by Mason. She arrives at Short Term 12 discovering that Jayden was picked up by her dad the previous night, she is angry at the decision to send Jayden back to her father, but her boss insists that Jayden denied that she was abused by him. Later that day, Grace finds that Marcus has attempted to commit suicide after the death of his fish.
While waiting at the hospital as Marcus is being treated, Grace breaks down and Mason becomes upset with her for refusing to talk to him about how she feels; she tells him that she no longer wants to marry him and she’ll get an abortion. She rushes to Jayden's father's house and breaks in, attempting to injure him while he sleeps, but she is interrupted by Jayden. Grace opens up to Jayden about being sexually abused by her own father, and after Jayden shows Grace bruises from where her father hit her they return together to Short Term 12, where Jayden reports her father for physical abuse. Grace goes home to apologize to Mason, who tells her that Marcus will recover.
Grace starts seeing a therapist and she is shown viewing an ultrasound with Mason. Mason tells the rest of the staff about running into Marcus, who is doing well and has a girlfriend.
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
           The life lesson/s I learned from the movie is that life is full of trials and hardships. Each and every one of us faces different problems. We may not have the same race, same age, same gender or same status in life, but we still face problems. Sometimes we just want to give up because we are so lost in what to do but when we finally get through it, that’s when we realize that it was worth the suffering, because we finally get to have a better life. For me, it also wants to convey that sometimes we just have to open up to people close to us, because no one can survive in this world alone. It just means that there are just some troubles that are not meant to be shouldered alone.
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2. What part of the story was most powerful? Why?
The part of the story that was most powerful the part when Grace opened up to Jayden. I chose that because she finally revealed the greatest connection of her as a person to the children in the short term 12. She revealed that like Jayden, she was also abused by her own father. That she also has lots of worries on her own and even though she’s been through a lot, she still doesn’t know how to deal with her current worries.
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3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
My favorite character in the movie was Nate. Even though he was just a minor character, I believe that the movie happened because of the appearance of his character. It started when he was just new and ended when he was still working there. I believe that even though he didn’t appear or have a large role, he is an amazing character because he witnessed what happened in that place and he witnessed how those troubled teenagers lead their lives or how they go through with their problems. He was with all of them. I like his character because sometimes, a form of relief is having someone who is there by your side even though all he can do is watch because you have to go through that alone.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your life or that you have seen occur to others?
For me, I can very much relate to this problem. I came from a normal family but I was mostly ignored by my parents, they focused much in my sister. There was also a time when I was in elementary where I tried to attempt committing suicide but I couldn’t, while holding the knife I trembled, because the idea of death was so frightening. I just resumed my life like it was normal until the time came that I burst out in tears to my sister and she just consoled me listening to my problems and staying by my side while giving me advice. We were originally not close because of our 5 year gap in age but that lead us to be closer that we get along like we’re twins now. Another development that happened was that I finally flt as if I’m part of the family because our parents treated us equally now.
5. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
If I was given a chance to ask a question to one of the characters in the movie, I would like to ask Grace. Why did you work as a staff at Short Term 12 and not any other job?
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kimcapistrano-blog · 7 years
Andrew Neiman is a first year student who loves jazz music who studies at Shaffer Conservatory in New York. It seems that he idolizes Buddy Rich and he played the drums to become like him. One day, he was invited to be in Fletcher’s band, the top band of the school, as the alternative drummer.
Attending a practice in Fletcher’s band, he experienced how brutal and abusive Fletcher can be to his students. Having learned his lesson, he practiced whiplash till his hand was bleeding and full of bruises. During a competition, Andrew misplaces Carl’s music sheet. Since Carl can’t play without it, Andrew was tasked to go upstage since he said that he can play the music without the sheet leading him to be promoted as the core drummer after the competition. Soon after, Fletcher also recruits Ryan Connolly, the core drummer from Andrew's former band. Andrew believes Connolly is less proficient drummer and is frustrated when Fletcher promotes him to core. This leads him to end his relationship with his new girlfriend. Nicole, because he thought that their relationship will just get in the way of his music.
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He then practiced harder, throwing all his frustrations, until his hands bled and he had to soak it in ice to be useable. He endured a gruesome tryout together with the other drummers until 2 A.M wherein he regained the position of core drummer. On the way to another competition, Andrew's bus breaks down. He rents a car but arrives late and realizes he left his drumsticks at the rental office. After an argument with Fletcher, Andrew races back to the rental office to retrieve the drumsticks, but he had a car accident. He runs back to the theater and arrives on stage bloody and injured. When he struggles to play because of his injuries, Fletcher stops the performance to tell Andrew he is "done". Enraged, Andrew attacks Fletcher in front of the audience and is dismissed from Shaffer Conservatory.
Andrew meets a lawyer representing the parents of Sean Casey, a former student of Fletcher’s; it is revealed that Sean, having suffered anxiety and depression during and after his time as Fletcher's student committed suicide. Sean’s parents want to prevent Fletcher from teaching again leading to Andrew agreeing to testify for the case and Fletcher being fired. After that, he abandoned his music completely.
Sometime later, Andrew was seen to be working at a restaurant leading a normal life without his drums. He sees Fletcher performing in a bar and, talks with him revealing that Fletcher’s method was based on the logic that by pushing people beyond their limits, they can achieve success; after the talk, Andrew accepts Fletcher's invitation to replace the current drummer in his new band. He invites Nicole to the performance, but she is in a new relationship.
On stage, just before the performance begins, Fletcher reveals that he knows Andrew testified against him and leads the band with a piece Andrew does not know as revenge. Andrew leaves the stage humiliated as a result, and his father meets him backstage. However, instead of going home, he returns to the drum kit, and cues the band. As the piece ends and the lights go down, Andrew continues his own solo. Fletcher is surprised but begins to guide Andrew. As the solo ends they share a smile and Fletcher cues the finale.
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
           The life lesson/s I learned from the movie is that everyone has their own uniqueness and talents. That success can be achieved through hard work and effort. I’m sure everyone has their own problems/hardships they are facing, but this movie just wants to convey to us that every person have those times and that we must endure in order to be successful and reach our dreams, that beyond these sufferings are a better opportunities that are waiting.
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2. What part of the story was most powerful? Why?
The part of the story that was most powerful was the part where Andrew stood up by his own feet again, pursuing his drums and continuing his music. I deemed it the most powerful because it’s like he found the reason to live again. It was the part of the movie wherein it makes you realize that despite all of the things that happened to him, Andrew still pursues music, even though he greatly suffered, he still can’t throw away music because it’s his dream and with music, he can be who he really is.
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3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
My favorite character in the movie was the protagonist, Andrew Neiman. He is my favorite because despite being himself, he sought to improve his skills in drums because it’s his dream. He had the capability to exert effort to attain his desired outcome. He dedicated himself to music because that’s what he wants. And most of all, even though he suffered through music, he still pursued it because he still can’t get throw away his dreams. I admire him because after all of what happened to him, he still has the courage to continue in everything he does.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your life or that you have seen occur to others?
Well, in my case, I see many people struggle to achieve their dreams but most of them give up and just stray away and find an easier life. There was also the scene where he felt hopeless and frustrated for being not talented enough, in reality, many are frustrated for not being able to do what others can do but then, we have to accept the reality that each and every person is unique and that we just have to discover our own uniqueness and make use of it.
5. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
If I was given a chance to ask a question to one of the characters in the movie, I would like to ask Fletcher. Why didn’t you change your methods of teaching if you were aware how Sean died?
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kimcapistrano-blog · 7 years
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Shoelaces are a pain. Their tendency to become tangled has led many a child (and adult) to lust longingly after Marty McFly’s labor-saving MAG sneakers in Back to the Future Part II, but a real-world equivalent has so far proven elusive … until now. At a press event in New York yesterday, sportswear behemoth Nike announced that it will bring the world’s first self-tying shoe to market. It’s called the HyperAdapt 1.0, and it’s hitting store shelves in select Nike locations on November 28.
The HyperAdapt is far from your everyday pair of running shoes. There aren’t any laces in the traditional sense, but instead embedded actuators that, in tandem with pressure monitors, delicately conform the shoe’s cushions to your foot’s shape.
“When you step in, your heel will hit a sensor and the system will automatically tighten,” said Nike’s senior innovation chief and the project’s technical lead Tiffany Beers in a press release. From that baseline fit, you can fine-tune the shoe’s settings on the fly. “Then there are two buttons on the side to tighten and loose. You can adjust it until it’s perfect.”
The HyperAdapt is the culmination of years of research. It’s the brainchild of Tinker Hatfield, designer of Nike’s iconic Air Jordan and Air Max footwear lines, who began collaborating with Beers and Nike chief Mark Parker more than five years ago on shoes that could tighten themselves. ( By Kyle Wiggers,https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/nike-hyperadapt-self-tying-shoes/)
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This pair of shoes is amazing. this is a great new for a lot of people, especially people as lazy as me. I mean shoe laces are such a hassle to tie when you’re wearing shoes. Why do you need to undo them anyway when you’re just gonna tie them up all over again?
Those are the questions that occur to you when you’re too tired and you’re too tired to untie shoelaces. your problems are solved with this invention. you just need to set up the tightness in your feet and you can go on all day without worrying for your shoelaces though you will need to charge the shoes to use it. This is a great work of invention. For me, it is extremely helpful because there are some cases where accidents and injuries happen because of shoelaces. Now, there will be fewer cases of that. With this pair of shoes, people will be comfy all day not worrying if their shoe laces will be undone. It may seem different from normal shoes but it is still comfortable to wear. Though the price is extremely high,this kind of invention is very useful for the athletes like basketball players. so they won’t get worried about having untied shoelaces during the game.
Technology is such a great thing. It can make things that seem like fantasy or just a dream into reality, but in another sense, it is the tool in making a bright future for humanity itself. I’m hoping that someday in the future, people can invent a tool in order to help nature like this invention who helps humans.
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kimcapistrano-blog · 7 years
Beginning for the BEGINNER
Hello everyone \(> - <)/  I’m kimcapistrano and i just created my own tumblr account last night. It was so hard because the internet connection was very slow and I can’t load the site. After several times of trying I finally succeeded in creating this account and finally starting a blog. This is my very first blog and my very first blog post ever, all my life. I am a seventeen year old girl turning eighteen next year and I’m currently studying my Senior High School at St. Paul University Philippines which is located at Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. First of all I am not a social media person, this is my first attempt to sign up in a social media other than Facebook and yahoo, I don’t even have a twitter account. i am also an awkward friend maker. I grew up close to my family which resulted to me being too shy to say hello to new classmates and i’m not very talkative when we are not that close that’s why only few people know my secrets which are my very close friends a.k.a besties. Also, even though I have Facebook, I rarely use it, I only use it as means of communication to look up onto the requirements we have in class and to communicate with my relatives. i love to: listen to music, read novels and other books, watching movies ( especially fantasy), and most of all I love watching ANIME!!!!
My favorite song is When I Look at you by Miley Cyrus. kinda old you think? Well it’s because i really appreciate the song and I’m not really into English songs right now. I listen more to Japanese songs because of influence from anime. Whenever I fancy a song I download it and add it to my playlist. So I only got few English songs in my phone right now and it’s mostly composed of Japanese songs. I don’t have a favorite movie because I appreciate all movies I’ve watch and value them all the same. The same goes through with all the anime I watched, I treasure them equally. I love anime and I don’t regret being open with it because without it, I wouldn’t be the person I am right now. There are many times that it helped me go through all the trouble i experienced and I also learned useful knowledge and life-lessons in some anime so I can say that it is a wonderful part of culture in the Japanese history.
 Aside from that I love to make poems and I’m planning on making a collection of poems until the end of the academic year, especially this year that I found a good inspiration for doing this. Most of the poems I make are about love. My friends consult with me on their love problems so I kinda know the feeling even though I’ve never been committed in a relationship before but I also get a crush on someone sometimes so that doesn’t count me as someone abnormal. here is a sample poem i just made for about 30 minutes ago before starting to type this blog post. 
“When I Met You”
I wish you knew
Words can’t express how I feel about you
For every little eye contact
And every little chat we had when we interact
I was a person with a missing piece
I can’t do anything, it’s like living like a fish
Caged in a small aquarium where everyday is the same
Or so I thought but you came
I was walking at the hallway
You were passing at the doorway
We didn’t see each other and we collide
Since then, we’ve been at each others’ side
It’s like the fish on the aquarium went to the open sea
You showed me many things that I couldn’t see
I learned to feel how to be free
And every day gets filled with glee
I found myself when I met you
And I know that you found yourself too
Your presence was the greatest gift
Of all my life that I ever received
I thank GOD for giving your life
Cause with you I learned how to live my life
And I don’t know what I’ll do
If I ever lose you
Ten Years from now, I still can’t see myself. Just a few days ago, i was decided on being an accountant but my mother ans sister notice my talent in making poems, stories and etc. so they told me if i’m really set on being an accountant. I told them that not really because I was still wondering what course do I really want to take myself and then they suggested that I should take business management instead and take units for journalism. When I heard that, a part of me became happy and relieved at the same time. I felt like my heart pumped for the first time and since then, I felt so much more alive than ever. So I set my goal to be a businesswoman for now.  I also believe that my learning in SPUP is vital to where I’m leading to because SPUP molds me to become an upright person and it teaches me how to survive in the society.
For me, choosing the ABM strand was the best because i had no confident in other track or strand and I believe that this is where I belong and where I’ll see my future.
i want to take the course Bachelor of Science in Business Management and I’m still not set on the major but it will most probably be in Finance. I want to take this course because i want to have my own business someday and it has many job opportunities.
Fpr the subject Empowerment Technologies, I want to learn how to make a site and learn more about HTML and CSS.
And lastly, For our teacher, i just want to ask if there will be many requirements where we will be doing it online?
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