khosrowkhonyagar · 2 years
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The Only NATIONAL FLAG of IRĀN [or the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE Of IRĀN (EARUN)] : the "LION & SUN" Flag [with OUR Unique and Beautiful and ANCIENT "LION-&-SUN" Symbol]. Please Remember This is the Only Real NATIONAL FLAG of IRĀN: GREEN (the CYPRESS/EMERALD GREEN) 🟩 on WHITE (the EGGSGELL/MILK WHITE) ⬜️ on RED (the SCARLET/TULIP RED) 🟥 Exactly the Opposite of the Flag of Hungary! ---------------- 👑🌲🔥 ----------------
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khosrowkhonyagar · 2 years
OUR "LION & SUN" ------ 👑🌲🔥 ------
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WE are the LIONS, and the SUN is behind US … This is the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE Of IRĀN's (IRĀN's) "LION & SUN" … ---------------- 👑🌲🔥 ----------------
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khosrowkhonyagar · 2 years
the OCCUPIED IRĀN" (under nearly 44 years of OCCUPATION of Islamic Regime of Mullas' Tribe) ...
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The Girl is "the OCCUPIED IRĀN" (under nearly 44 years of OCCUPATION of Islamic Regime of Mullas' Tribe), and the Dirty Disgusting Ball-and-Chain is simply "Islam" and "the Islamic Occupying Tribe (Regime)" that has occupied "IRĀN".
By "Michael de Adder" [+ little bit of Edit by Me]
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khosrowkhonyagar · 2 years
For the Western World ... Beware! WE are IRĀN (EARUN), Not the Islamic ReFucklic of Mullahs!
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For the Western World ... Beware! WE are IRĀN (EARUN), Not the Islamic ReFucklic of Mullahs!
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khosrowkhonyagar · 2 years
The name of the language of "IRĀNIANS" was, is, and will be "PERSIAN", not "Farsi"!
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The name of the language of "IRĀNIANS" was, is, and will be "PERSIAN", not "Farsi". The word "PERSIAN" was, is, and will be the CORRECT word to name the language of "IRĀNIANS" in "English", not the word "Farsi", and the word "Farsi" was, is, and will be one hundred percent WRONG.
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khosrowkhonyagar · 2 years
◾ Qajar Dynasty (Not-Irānian) ◾ 👑 PAHLAVI Dynasty (IRĀNIAN) 👑 ◾ Islamic ReFucklic of Mullahs (Fake-Irānian) ◾ ...
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◾ Qajar Dynasty (Not-Irānian) ◾ 👑 PAHLAVI Dynasty (IRĀNIAN) 👑 ◾ Islamic ReFucklic of Mullahs (Fake-Irānian) ◾ ...
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khosrowkhonyagar · 2 years
NATIONAL Flag of the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE of IRĀN (EARUN) + the Flag of the HOUSE of PAHLAVI (PERSIAN ROYAL FAMILY) around the SHAHYĀD Tower in SHAHYĀD Square in Tehrān, Tehrān, the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE of IRĀN (EARUN) - Before 1979 Coup d'état ... 👑
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NATIONAL Flag of the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE of IRĀN (EARUN) + the Flag of the HOUSE of PAHLAVI (PERSIAN ROYAL FAMILY) around the SHAHYĀD Tower in SHAHYĀD Square in Tehrān, Tehrān, the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE of IRĀN (EARUN) - Before 1979 Coup d'état ... 👑
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khosrowkhonyagar · 2 years
NATIONAL Flag of the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE of IRĀN (EARUN) + the Flag of the HOUSE of PAHLAVI (PERSIAN ROYAL FAMILY) around the SHAHYĀD Tower in SHAHYĀD Square in Tehrān, Tehrān, the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE of IRĀN (EARUN) - Before 1979 Coup d'état ... 👑
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NATIONAL Flag of the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE of IRĀN (EARUN) + the Flag of the HOUSE of PAHLAVI (PERSIAN ROYAL FAMILY) around the SHAHYĀD Tower in SHAHYĀD Square in Tehrān, Tehrān, the GREAT IMPERIAL STATE of IRĀN (EARUN) - Before 1979 Coup d'état ... 👑
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