kharamagic · 1 year
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Powershipping pokemon AU commission!
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kharamagic · 5 years
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dissidia nt said aerti rights!
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kharamagic · 7 years
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I have missed you, Sunset Shimmer
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kharamagic · 7 years
anastasia merch alert: music boxes!
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The Anastasia Broadway musical is releasing its own custom Once upon a December music box, featuring Anya and Dmitry! It’s definitely different, but I really like this design. From the ship date I’m guessing it’ll be available at the Broadhurst in December, or you can pre-order it online here. Retails $85 US, plus shipping if applicable.
If you’d instead like to purchase a replica of the music box design from the animated movie, the one that’s also used on-stage in the musical, it’s available for the same price here. 
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kharamagic · 7 years
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Original Billy and Trini friendship appreciation post
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kharamagic · 7 years
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These caps from the end of the press reel are from that scene!
Anya’s just had a nightmare about her family’s deaths. Dmitry is there to comfort her (much like the scene from the animated film) and starts to tell her a story. When Anya remembers Dmitry bowing that day, she’s overjoyed to have found her love at last. In the first cap, they’re singing the last line:
But I knew even then...in a crowd of thousands, I’d find you again...
..and Dmitry’s happy too, but he now knows that she’s way out of his league.
So as the song ends they gravitate toward each other and nearly kiss, but nope! Dmitry pulls back and bows to her again, saying “Your Highness...” in that second cap, in that sad, resigned tone.
Does anyone know what the scene from Crowd of Thousands in the Anastasia musical looks like? Favorite song and haven’t seen it yet and I want to draw a moment from it because it’s the best thing ever someone help me please please.
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kharamagic · 7 years
More Anastasia cast recording excitement: Entertainment Weekly has the OBCR in its entirety up for preview! Beautiful.
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kharamagic · 8 years
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Another small nod from the reboot to the 90s incarnations: 90s Billy loves country music too, as you can see on the left.
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kharamagic · 8 years
fixed-in-stardustreplied to yourpostimpressions from last night’s preview:
Is in a crowd of thousands still in?
Yes, absolutely! And its reprise in the finale. Actually, I’ll post a photo of the whole songlist from my Playbill under the cut:
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kharamagic · 8 years
impressions from last night’s preview:
Everybody reading’s probably already familiar with the basic structure of the Anastasia musical and its themes, so I’m just going to break down what I remember of the changes since Hartford! Spoiler-heavy, though of course this is all subject to change due to the nature of previews.
I only saw the bootleg once when it was first released and my memory isn’t the best, so I couldn’t note every detail that I wanted to, but:
Subtle tweaking of the book throughout and Christy’s own improvements as an actress have made me really fall in love with her Anya. She’s still lost and dealing with severe trauma, so she won’t be an exact copy, but I thought her personality was a bit closer to the headstrong Anya from the cartoon this time. But it’s Christy’s own spin here, and you really see her confidence grow over time.
An example of the small changes: in the original ending, Anya and Dmitry are standing on the bridge in Paris when he tries to say goodbye and she runs off with him. On Broadway, this scene is subtly re-staged with the addition of a suitcase. Dmitry’s sitting on it glumly, then he stands and prepares himself to go. But Anya strides on up, slams that suitcase down, stomps on it, and uses her new height leverage to kiss him. Gives that scene a tiny extra kick.
Gleb is the most changed, as he’s the only one of the principal cast with a new actor for Broadway. He’s now played by the beloved Ramin Karimloo, and though I’m not familiar with his work...well, let’s just say I now understand why he’s so goshdang popular. He was given a new song toward the end of Act 1, ‘Still’, and it’s a beauty. Very powerful and layered with conflict. He appears more often throughout Act 2 now, and in Gleb and Anya’s scenes he seems to establish their connection better than in Hartford. He’s sweet and awkward in his attempts to be Anya’s friend at first, and then duty rears its ugly head and he has to grapple with a painful decision. I really didn’t like this character in Hartford, but I really get what they were going for now.
The backgrounds are improved, with a few more real props added in front. One example: the original Journey to the Past was in front of a purple night scene. The Broadway version adds a little more movement, and the background is changed to blossoming spring trees that sweep out to the Paris landscape.
Costumes are largely the same. Anya’s still blonde, that photo was unfortunately a trick of the light. But there are two changes I noticed: Vlad’s last suit jacket was changed from mustard yellow to a more fitting blue...or was it green? I’ve forgotten already. And as I mentioned last post, Anya’s ballet outfit is now a gorgeous replica of the blue dress from the animated version. It was so beautiful that there were audible gasps when we saw it---that shimmering in the cartoon is cleverly translated to the real world, let’s just say. Also, the burgundy velvet robe that appears in all the advertising is used for the reunion with Marie.
That’s about all I can remember! I can try to answer any other questions, but bear in mind that  I’m not as familiar with the bootleg as most of you.
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kharamagic · 8 years
/resurrects blog after a thousand years to discuss Anastasia on Broadway So I was at the first Broadway preview tonight. I'll type a full review tomorrow when I have a computer again, but here's a tiny tidbit: The blue dress is back, and it's stunning. We gasped when she walked out.
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kharamagic · 8 years
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Pinkie and her Dad’s.
My brother said she looks like a LaLaLoopsy doll, lol.
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kharamagic · 8 years
My one delusional wish for cursed child part 2:
As I write this, Part 2 will premiere for the public in about an hour. Spoilers for the finale are a few hours away. I’ve had the same ‘what’ reaction as many others reading the spoilers from Part 1, but I’m not entirely pessimistic because...
A major reaction from most everyone else reading the spoilers is ‘Why tear apart spacetime to save Cedric, he’s so insignificant when every other character who died is more worthy of saving’ and I can see that, I guess? But I’m a huge Cedric Diggory stan and I always have been, so I see some potential in this storyline.
Just imagine, guys. Yeah, the rest of the wizarding world’s gone to hell, but imagine what Cedric could have become after graduating from Hogwarts. We might find out. If we see him trying to hero it up in a broken world, or fall to despair...it might just break my heart.
And it’ll break my heart even more if he somehow learns what his destiny was supposed to be. If he can’t accept it, or if he has a hand in setting things right, if he gets the chance to console his father one last time...
Realistically, Cedric’s role is likely to be practically zilch, but I can dream for an hour or two.
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kharamagic · 9 years
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Skele Moon, like anime, is now real.
Audio credit: myself
Art Credit: @orbatheimpalor
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kharamagic · 9 years
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The whole gang’s here!
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kharamagic · 9 years
...so. I wrote a fic other than an exchange assignment for the first time in forever. Naturally, it’s Undertale.
It’s about the gang trying to cheer up a sad Frisk by tossing them around like a football. And somebody’s been watching the wrong sport because he’s making baseball puns instead.
Papyrus is a big bro and it’s a little sad, yet also silly and stupid. I’m so sorry.
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kharamagic · 9 years
reading comics too closely:
So. The first two issues of the IDW Back to the Future comic are now available! They’re quirky little stories and worth the purchase, I think. My main complaint is that they mostly focus on Doc when I wish there was more Marty to balance it, but the very first story was like a punch to the heart.
I’m gonna talk in-depth about that first story, “When Marty Met Emmett”. On the surface it looks to be pretty straightforward: Doc’s in the Old West trying to build what will someday be the time train. He takes a break from work and  takes his family on a trip down memory lane back to October 1982, when a young teen first stumbled into his garage and somehow befriended him. It’s a quirky and cute first meeting, nothing earth-shattering. But there’s another layer to it:
 Look at the framing device: this version of the story is being told by the Doc living with Clara, Jules, and Verne in the Old West. This is the Doc who survived the encounter with the terrorists at the end of Part 1, the Doc who carried a letter from his future best friend for thirty years. For the Doc in this story, in 1982 he would’ve had to have known that someday a boy named Marty McFly would tumble into his life and become his best friend.
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What’s really interesting about this first meeting story is that there are a few very subtle hints that Doc remembers Marty and is hanging his hopes on him. At least...I hope they’re intentional hints. Doc pretends he knows nothing because the foreknowledge would alter their relationship and further jeopardize the timeline, but if we look at Doc very closely, he gives the game away. Let’s check it out:
The story: Marty is after some guitar tubes to fulfill a dare from Needles. It turns out Doc’s bought the whole town’s supply of these specific tubes, so Marty swallows his fear and approaches Doc’s lab. Knocking doesn’t work, buzzing doesn’t work, he’s locked out. Marty has to break in and pass through a gauntlet of booby traps to get inside, and then Einstein catches up with him. We know that Doc’s dogs tend to be excellent judges of character, so it’s no surprise that Einy instantly loves this boy. Then we meet our main man Doc:
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Doc’s first words (in a sense) to Marty are “Great Scott! It’s about time!” He immediately clarifies that he’s supposedly been waiting for someone to get through his gauntlet of booby traps and prove themselves worthy to be his assistant, but what he really means is that it’s about time Marty came back into his life.
The old man then eagerly offers Marty a job as his assistant, a bit too eagerly. Remember: Doc is feared and hated in this town and has every reason to distrust people breaking randomly into his house, especially after what happened to him in Issue 2 (which everyone should also go read asap). Marty then explains he didn’t want a job, all he was trying to get were those tubes Doc bought out. We then get this:
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Doc looks heartbroken here. Now if Marty were just any random teenaged punk, Doc probably wouldn’t be too disappointed. He’s used to guys like Needles disrespecting him. But Doc’s already seen that Marty’s week in 1955 altered history. The McFlys are happy and successful in this timeline, not the unsuccessful family Marty once complained about. Marty could be different too. What if he isn’t the kind, curious, and compassionate friend Doc remembers?
But Marty’s still the same good kid of course. Relieved, Doc reveals that this was all a social experiment. Yes, really.
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I can’t really see Doc just experimenting on random people who stumble into his home, so what’s really going on here? He’s specifically testing Marty to make sure this is the right guy, but doing it in such a bizarre way that it’ll never be figured out. He lays out those specific traps knowing clever Marty could solve them. His future best friend. And here he is at long last.
(I imagine their meeting in the original timeline to be the simpler version described before---Marty still breaks in, but instead of being tackled by Einy and all these traps and tests, he gets distracted by Doc’s record collection and after some questioning Doc offers him a job while they bond over music.)
Or maybe not. These are just the ridiculous things I think about.
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