kevinprint · 1 year
i killed the biggest bug i have ever seen in my life and to cope i started thinking about what if you were the contestant on a new dating show set on a yacht going to fuck all (idk, alaska i love alaska but like you get it) and every possible boo is a member of seventeen 
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kevinprint · 3 years
hello! do u take ship requests?? :>>
i do! but they’re closed now, sorry TT
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kevinprint · 3 years
Ok so i’m sending this again ( thank you for understanding that tumblr sucks 🙃)
Hello! I hope you’re well. I’m here to request a romantic ship with someone from nct if you can do this.
I wanna start by saying i’m the mom of the group, mature and i always want to take care of people around me. I’m an artist as well and i adore fashion. I’m pretty sociable (from 1-10 i’m an 8), friendly but i chose the people around me carefully because i have this 6th sense where i can smell people’s true selves from miles away. What i want in a relationship is very good communication and trust, i want someone mature yet playful and funny:,) I love a good laugh. And i dislike misogyny and careless people. I hope it’s enough and thank you for doing this!
hii !! i ship you with johnny!
johnny is everything you could've asked for. true to himself, has a level head on his shoulders but is able to relax and have fun whenever. he takes care of you in the little ways; whether it be by making you a cup of coffee in the morning or simply just giving you a massage after a long day. he has a sense of appreciation for art, and is the fashion enthusiast™ of the group - you'd click well and understand each other's enthusiasm ! date idea: relaxed shopping dates <3 !!
johnny communicates - no matter whatever happens between the two of you. it's something you're both grateful for, and has saved you from many chances of miscommunication. even when he feels far away, he'll always try to check up on you (facetimes/calls/conversations can last for hours. once you both fell asleep still on call by accident). overall, he's a partner you trust, and you're both grateful for the other's presence everyday.
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kevinprint · 3 years
Hi can I ask for a rom ship with NCT. I'm 5'0 with long black hair, A lot of my friends would say that I'm a loud person but I get shy in front new people and it takes me a while to open up to them. Many say I have a bubbly personality and I'm a very laid back person. I enjoy cooking, singing and just spending time with my loved ones. I really love hanging out with my friends but I get socially drained easily, so I spend a lot of time alone. I have a big fear of birds (like I can pass out), but I love animals. My big three is Gemini sun, Cancer rising and Scorpio moon.
my ship reqs are closed rn, maybe return when they’re open again?
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kevinprint · 3 years
not sure if requests are still open but could you do romantic ship with nct for me? i’m a person who’s shy when you first meet me but as soon as we’re close i’m really hyper and loud. i’d say on a scale from 1-10 i’m a 5 for social, not too outgoing but not completely closed off. dlslike: if the person is unwilling to listen to me/my pov. like: happy vibes? idk. i enjoy singing dancing and acting :] thank you !!
ship reqs are closed atm!! the ones im posting now were submitted when they were open
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kevinprint · 3 years
hi! if the match up is still open for requests, can i have a romantic matchup with NCT please?
- my personality : i'm an ambivert, ambitious, sarcastic from time to time, i tend to be unintentionally funny mostly at the wrong type of situations hehe, i'm also known for being supportive and daring.
- being social i'm a 5, sometimes i'm so quiet that you won't even notice that i'm there and sometimes i'm loud but not that loud.
- what i like in a relationship is a private but not a secret type of beat, night walks, listening to music, taking cute pics and ofc learning new things together. what i dislike is breaking promises and not knowing what the difference between being protective and possessive, i don't like a guy who can't trust me.
- my hobbies are reading and improving my singing, i love listening to music and sometimes i write down everything that's on my mind, and i also love editing pictures and videos during my free time.
that's all, i'm sorry if i got some of it wrong or missed anything. please let me know:)
hi anon! i ship you with doyoung
ah... doyoung. everything about him screams bf material!! i can imagine there’s plenty of late night walks, shared comfortable silences, and visits to cute cafes. your humour just clicks and you guys bounce off of each other’s jokes all the time (in his classic dry humour) date idea: stargazing from a rooftop, w snacks laid out and music playing.
we all know he’s an avid appreciation for music, and that slots in perfectly with you. relationship-wise, he’s one of the most trusting and supportive partners you could ever ask for; he trusts you completely, and he hopes you do to. he might not say it out loud very often, but he’d support you through thick and thin, making sure that you can both lean in each other when you need to.
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kevinprint · 3 years
omg im having thoughts about a dream elementalist college au
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kevinprint · 3 years
do u ever just... fall in love w chenle
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kevinprint · 3 years
[7:09pm] z.cl
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wc: 409 ; warnings: mentions of food, alcohol, and intoxication ; networks: @neoturtles
When it comes to a restaurant as romantic as this, there’s nothing more humiliating than being the only party of one. Not even the bonus of a cheaper bill outweighs the embarrassment you currently feel. Waiter!Chenle’s eyes fall on the secluded corner where you’re sitting, a dejected expression on your face.
But you might as well appreciate the atmosphere. The jazz music playing has an intimate lilt, its saxophone scales and piano melodies floating through the air to intertwine with the indistinct chatter of nearby couples. Twinkling sounds of sparkling wine glasses and silverware fade in and out as your eyes take in the dim golden glow that falls over the exquisitely dark and elegant furniture.
The room smells of some lavish fragrance you could never afford, and the tablecloth feels like velvet beneath your fingertips. No wonder the place is famous for bringing people together; it’s impossible not to fall in love with it.
Tonight is a weeknight, and therefore a slow one, so Chenle is hardly surprised by his almost vacant section. You and your half-empty, two-person table are all he has to attend to, but the open seat proves strangely inviting.
He makes every excuse to stop by all throughout the evening, refilling your glass and dropping off spare napkins any chance he gets. You’re not quite sure why the server with such a brilliant smile and the most intoxicating features has taken such a liking to you, but you don’t mind. You could get drunk on his stare alone, so you’re glad you didn’t order any champagne.
“How was everything?” He inquires just after you’ve taken one last bite of your meal, the intonation of the words rising along with his heart rate.
You twirl your fork and respond first with a nod, a coy grin tugging at your lips. “Everything was great, Chenle.”
Oh, how he loves when customers address him by name. It’s personal, thoughtful. But coming from you, it’s another level of cloud nine.
“I’ll bring you the check,” he adds, then races back to the kitchen to conceal the pink that’s beginning to flood his cheeks.
When you’ve left and it’s time to clean up your table, he exits the kitchen sluggishly, not at all expecting to see any trace of your presence besides a few bills and loose coins. But in addition to a generous tip, there’s a lovingly-scribbled phone number waiting for Chenle on his copy of the receipt.
taglist: @astroboy-lele @hwiseungs @nakamotocore @navyhyuck @chicksung @mrkcore @radiorenjun @mieohmy @rouiyan @sicluvz @kunrengui-reblogs @helioos (send an ask/message to be added!)
feedback is welcomed and greatly appreciated <3
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kevinprint · 3 years
Heyy I was wondering if I could get a stray kids romantic ship?!
im a caring person, I act like a mom lol but I also am really sensitive.
on a scale from 1-10 on how social I am it’s probably a 6, I can be social but someone has to talk to me first lol
things I dislike in a relationship is toxic jealousy, flirting with other girls, and making it seem like they don’t care what I do for them
things I like in a relationship is cuddles, hugs/skinship, talking problems out, and taking care of each other
some hobbies I like are working out, dancing, and cooking/baking
thank you so much! I hope you have a good day!! :)
i ship you with hyunjin!
hyunjin is big on skinship, even if it may not seem like it initially. he would never pass up an opportunity to cuddle. hyunjin photographs the people he loves sincerely, and you are no exception. but then again, no matter how many photos he may have of you two together, he can’t deny he doesn’t miss you when you’re apart for long periods of time. date idea: cooking together and him takings tons of cute photos of you, and you guys together.
hyunjin is your reminder that its okay to press pause on taking care of others to take care of yourself; he makes sure your taking care of yourself and he makes sure to take care of you, too. he’s incredibly supportive, and is a perfect listening ear and shoulder to lean on after a hard day. he has a caring touch who he doesn’t share with many people, but he’s willing to do anything for you.
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kevinprint · 3 years
coming soon !
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kevinprint · 3 years
can i get a rom ship with nct? im 100% someone who expresses their love in a teasing manner. if im with older friends im quite bratty, with youngers i tend to be teasing but still responsible. im a 10/10 on a social scale. in a relationship im really dedicated and loyal, and i value my time and independence a lot. I dislike ppl who want me to sacrifice my future for them, and as for likes i p much die if someone plays any instruments. hobbies r finding new pretty cafes, photography and shopping
hey anon, i ship you with: renjun!
witty, and full of banter just waiting to occur, your relationship with renjun is just as exhilarating as it is comforting. the teasing is never-ending, and so are the amount of spontaneous dates you guys have. date idea: visiting niche & pretty cafes tucked into the corners of the city and taking a looott of photos
overall, if there was one word to describe your relationship, it’s that he understands. he understands when you need space and and he can underatand when you need a listening ear and he can read the room and your emotions in an instant. he tries to sort things out with a level head, and gives anything that involves you all of his effort. his relationship with you is important to him, and you can rely on the fact he will never stop trying his best for the two of you.
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kevinprint · 3 years
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kevinprint · 3 years
replying to @ex0tic-vgh on this ask:
please feel free to send in ur ship request now !! no need to wait. i understand tumblr’s pretty sucky and im totally down to do it if you dont mind waiting just a little bit more :)
here is the guidelines if you need it
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kevinprint · 3 years
helloo, i wanted to ask if you’ve received my ship request a while ago. I know tumblr is trash and idk if you’re busy or just the request didn’t get sent 😬😬 sorry to bother yoou!
hey !! i dont see your ship request in my inbox,, sorry (unless it was sent on anon?)
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kevinprint · 3 years
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lee know & han ✰ dekira 210607
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kevinprint · 3 years
replying to @wjnterchild’s comment on this post:
thank you so much for the comment !! im so glad you liked your ship :)
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