Moved Account
93 posts
MOVED VIST MY NEW ACCOUNT @kervinfire in Tumblr
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Moving To A New Account
Hi guys. Its been a long time. The @staf on Tumblr wouldn’t fix my comment section for weeks so I might as well move to a new account. 
I was planning to delete this account and make another but I have some of that have more notes. One example is the screenshot comparing Wile and Roadie hug in Space Jam to Tec and Rev.
If I delete this old account the posts from Loonatics Unleashed would removed. So instead I just leave it. 
I will do some fixing up to do. So if you want to check my new account visit here.
I will post some Loonatics related posts or other fandoms like The Bad Guys or Zootopia and post my commissioned and requested fanart to share in my brand new account so please follow my new account!
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
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I posted 42 times in 2022
That's 13 more posts than 2021!
15 posts created (36%)
27 posts reblogged (64%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 37 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#loonatics unleashed - 26 posts
#tech e coyote - 15 posts
#fanart - 14 posts
#rev runner - 14 posts
#ace bunny - 13 posts
#oc - 13 posts
#loonatics - 10 posts
#lexi bunny - 10 posts
#the bad guys dreamworks - 9 posts
#danger duck - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 40 characters
#the great wolf pack: a call to adventure
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fighting Against The Real Predator - Mr. Wolf and Diane Vs Kervin (GTA Online)
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Art created by @segamarkiii
Kervin (GTA Online) Belongs to me
You have no right to use this art and my OC without permission and you have no right to use it for NFTs
Note: Another reference from the Yakuza games called Yakuza 4 (I got the game but I still have not played it yet due to playing it chronologically)
After the nightclub explosion, Kervin (GTA Online) is still hunting down the notorious Mr. Wolf the leader of The Bad Guys. Suddenly, Diane Foxington AKA The Crimson Paw rescues Mr. Wolf in fighting against Kervin. The entrances and exits have been blocked by the area by fire debris and now it is just only three. It is time for the trio to give each other the greatest beating of their night.
Another GTA Online Vs The Bad Guys art that I requested by @segamarkiii. I really want to make a one-shot fic about this art. But I don't have enough time because of schoolwork. Anyway, enjoy this piece that the artist made!
17 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Loonatics KR Update: New Characters
Kung Hei Fat Choi! Year of the Tiger has come and Happy Chinese New Year to all and my friends from Discord is still alive for Loonatics KR. Making the fic may take a long while to do but like I said before. In order to stay this project alive, I am going to post characters for Loonatics KR or in a spin-off of Loonatics KR. I am not telling which characters should appear so it won't ruin the story. So here are the characters for Loonatics KR.
However, if you plan to draw my character versions of Massive and Dr. Dare made by me. Please do not fanart, use, or draw my characters without my permission to me. I like to stay my characters safe, clean, and nothing weird or stupid. For the character, Rory ask @draze-a's permission.
Dr. Dare (KR-fied Character written made by me and drawn by DarthCraftus)
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Massive (KR-fied Character written made by me and drawn by DarthCraftus)
See the full post
20 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Zootopia+ Screenshot: Larry and Gary in Dinner Rush
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See the full post
44 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
2022: Loonatics KR updates and Loonatics R Comics
Hi guys this is @kervinredfire and I just want to say Happy New Year for a fresh start for 2022. I was pretty busy because of the parties I have been for Christmas and New Year and trying to catch up on the original Saints Row games before the release of the Saints Row reboot.
Anyway, let's start off with the updates of Loonatics KR. One year later and we have not published the KR cut and the continuation of Episode 2 yet. However, I may find ways to keep this project alive. I am going to post pictures of characters from Loonatics KR. Some are part of the episode in chapters and some are part of the future chapter or spinoff. Either way, showing the new character artworks from the other artist that I created with words and my group is one way to keep the project alive.
Also, It may be late but I recovered most of the pages from the Loonatics R comic. It was supposed to be a Christmas gift or another anniversary but anyway. You can read and save the images here. These are the only images that I recovered because purpleluckystar was not able to finish the comic. Meaning Tech is the only Loonatic not part of it. But one day after we made the written version of Loonatics KR. I may find a way to find more people who can continue this comic with the KR cut
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See the full post
76 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Bad Guys Screenshot - Prison Scene: Shirtless Mr. Wolf
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After watching The Bad Guys and even as an Aro-Ace I can't stop thinking about this scene...
Seeing Mr. Wolf like that is just too dreamy 😳
If only someone make a scene interpretation art of this...
82 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
I May Plan Transferring or Recreate My Account Because of Reply Error (Read the post before you reply)
Hi guys. I hope your are still alive here. First all I like to thank more than 39 followers. Following me in Tumblr So I like to make an announcement but also its Loonatics Unleashed related too. 
While I was searching for fanart and wanting to comment something in my post there was an error. I tried to do it again but there is still an error. I report for Tumblr support but it would take two weeks to fix it.
If Tumblr can’t fix reply account for replying in the end of the month this maybe my time to transfer or delete my account
But. Don’t worry THIS IS NOT A GOODBYE POST. I just need to do some fixing up and clean up to do that's all.
I know Loonatics KR is taking forever wait but please take time because I have been working hard all because of the school work that  I have been. But at least I gave some characters to post from Loonatics KR. 
Stay tune for more updates soon
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Saints Row: Classic Vs Reboot by CookiesOnTheFloor27
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Art by CookiesOnTheFloor27
You have no right to use this art and my OCs without permission and you have no right to use it NFTs
Note: Reference from Tekken 6
I am still currently playing the reboot of Saints Row. Although the games does not really play like the old Saints Row games its just play a little fine.
There is not much story in this image but I have always imagined what is like My old Saints Row OC (that takes place in Saints Row IV) meets his reboot version of him if they were in a different universe. But honestly for me I think of the reboot that takes place after Gat Out Of Hell.
Saints Row Kervin (Classic)
Saints Row Kervin (Reboot)
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
I am just going to reblog here just to get the free pages from @zonecrosis
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Um… Disney? Who is the target audience of this children’s book?
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Fighting Against The Real Predator - Mr. Wolf and Diane Vs Kervin (GTA Online)
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Art created by @segamarkiii
Kervin (GTA Online) Belongs to me
You have no right to use this art and my OC without permission and you have no right to use it for NFTs
Note: Another reference from the Yakuza games called Yakuza 4 (I got the game but I still have not played it yet due to playing it chronologically)
After the nightclub explosion, Kervin (GTA Online) is still hunting down the notorious Mr. Wolf the leader of The Bad Guys. Suddenly, Diane Foxington AKA The Crimson Paw rescues Mr. Wolf in fighting against Kervin. The entrances and exits have been blocked by the area by fire debris and now it is just only three. It is time for the trio to give each other the greatest beating of their night.
Another GTA Online Vs The Bad Guys art that I requested by @segamarkiii. I really want to make a one-shot fic about this art. But I don't have enough time because of schoolwork. Anyway, enjoy this piece that the artist made!
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Loonatics KR Update: New Member, Character, Plus Sneak Peek Chapter!
Hello everyone. Still part of the Loonatics? Today I got new updates working on in Loonatics KR.
New Member: Today we got a new member for our project Loonatics KR. Thanks to @mysticinternetdinosaur we have just added @segamarkiii as the new member for Loonatics KR She is a Loonatics Unleashed artist who draws the art of Rip X Kit including her OC Tess to check it out in her account. Again thank you for being part of us!
2. New Character Koale: We have also added a new character in the for the KR cut named Koale written created by @mysticinternetdinosaur and drawn by @segamarkiii . In short this character will appear as a busker when meeting Ace and he will talk about joining in a contest to get the prize money. There is not much about him to avoid spoilers for the KR cut so you can check his OC here.
NOTE: You have no right to use this image or use this character without permission from the owner and you have no right to use for nfts
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3. Sneak Peek: I felt bad for not posting the KR cut but we don't rush the stories. As of now here is a sneak peek for the special KR cut from Episode 1 Chapter 1 featuring the first KR cut character Koale.
NOTE: Please do not use the fic without permission
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And donate to me in Paypal for support
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Originally written by @purpleluckystar
KR-fied re-written by @mysticinternetdinosaur and @kervinredfire
"Stupid Dad and his stupid dojo..." Ace mumbled under his breath, looking at his feet as he walked who knew where.
He'd been walking for a good while already but didn't know how long exactly. He just kept going until the hills, where his house was located, were lost behind the city's skyscrapers. The noises of flying cars and busy streets soon took over and he found himself not far from Acme University, where he had been studying for the past three years to obtain a Martial Arts coaching degree – which, of course, had been forced onto him by his paternal.
His mind was still wrapped around his argument with his father. Why couldn't he understand that military life was his calling? Not like he hated martial arts, he found it to be of good use if somebody tried to mess with him. But being forced into it just for the sake of "legacy" was extremely annoying – if not oppressive. No matter what he said, Nao would never allow him to decide for himself. What kind of parent does that? And he was twenty-one, for goodness' sake! He shouldn't even have to obey his father's wishes!
Still lost in his thoughts, he didn't even see the tall, black limousine parking beside the sidewalk and the young lady getting out of it. Before he could even register her presence, they both bumped into each other. Ace felt the pain in his jaw and cursed between his teeth, putting his hand on his furry white cheek. He lifted his eyes toward the other person – a rabbit, just like him, with cream-colored fur and green eyes, wearing what he guessed was a cheerleading uniform. She was holding her head with a hand, most certainly where he accidentally hit her.
They both looked at the others, and right at the same time, they sputtered:
"I'm sorry!"
"No wait, I'm sorry," Ace objected, "I wasn't watching where I was going! Are you hurt?"
"I-I'm fine," the girl replied, still holding her head. "Just a bit stunned, that's all. What about you? I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!"
"Oh, nothing bad, don't worry!" he reassured her with a friendly smile, suddenly forgetting his anger from only a few seconds before. "I guess we both need to be more careful with our surroundings, right?"
The other rabbit nodded with an amused smile and, oh, welp, she was cute, Ace thought. She was around his age and could be attending Acme University too. But he never saw her before, so maybe she was on another course. There were more of them there than fingers on both hands after all.
Suddenly, the girl seemed to remember something as her expression changed for a concerned look.
"Oops, sorry, I have to go!" she excused herself, taking off toward a building a few feet from them. "And sorry again!"
She disappeared behind the doors of a multi-sports facility, leaving Ace alone where he stood while the limousine next to him finally left. Apparently, she was also rich.
He sighed; he was a bit disappointed he didn't get the chance to talk a bit more with her. At least that would have helped him ease his mind. Well, maybe he'd run into her again in the future, who knew?
Deciding he needed something to keep himself busy, preferring not going home yet, at least not until lunch, he thought about his options. Many of his classmates had already gone home to other states to see their families, leaving him on his own. He remembered there was a science forum at Acme University, but science wasn't his thing and it was mostly for future students who chose scientific courses. With a sigh, Ace finally opted to go to the beach. He didn't attend to swim – he had no swimsuit with him anyway – but rather found a quiet place to think.
The rabbit then walked until he saw a subway entrance and took off toward the west of Acmetropolis. Thankfully, he had his credit card on him to pay for a ticket. But while he was waiting, he could hear a familiar song play across the subway. It was an old song that he used to listen to a long time ago. The artist who performed that song had mysteriously disappeared during a series of events. He continued to go inside the train.
The beach wasn't entirely quiet – it was right next to some restaurants and much smaller buildings than the skyscrapers in the middle of Acmetropolis. But for now, the place was mostly calm, with only the sound of the waves to break the silence. Ace didn't take his shoes off and simply walked on the almost white sand. He stopped only a few meters from where the waves gently crashed on the beach and lifted his brown gaze toward the horizon. He took a deep breath, feeling a small breeze caress his fur.
So, what now? He couldn't convince his father to let him live his dreams. Serving his country really mattered for him, but as long as he lived with his father, Nao would always come in the way.
Maybe... maybe he needed to move out. Find another place to live, far from his paternal so he would finally be left alone. He would have to find a job in another city to rent a small flat for himself, and once he saved enough money, he would be able to register in the army. That sounded like a good plan. Now he just needed to break the news to his father. Another day, of course; he had his fair share of arguments today.
As he was walking down the sand, he heard someone singing faintly in the air. He soon comes across an armadillo lizard playing on an electric guitar. The music is good to say the least. His voice was a bit scratchy, but the lyrics matched perfectly with the tempo. The busker finishes the song they were playing. He looks around, seeing that there is no one listening. Ace decides to tip him a few dollars. The busker takes notice of Ace's donation. "Thanks man!" He says in satisfaction.
"Sure, anytime." He says showing some slight stress. The lizard also takes notice of this. "Hey, why the blues?"
"Oh, uh. It's nothing really." Ace answers to him. "Just having a bad day, that's all."
"Really?" He says while tuning his guitar. "Well if it could cheer you up, got a song request?"
He was a bit surprised to hear this. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I am!" He answers, cheerfully. "Besides, I can play any song of any genre. Name it, and I'll play it. Your call."
He thinks of a song they can play. Then, a song comes up in his mind. "Can you play 'Faded Paradise' by Discorded?"
When the busker heard this, he was taken aback. "Uh..." He starts to look around in random places. "Are you sure you can't choose something else?"
Ace was confused by this statement. "But didn't you just say that you can play any song?"
"Sorry, any song BUT electronic." He says. "If you want, I can play anything else. I can play pop, folk, country, blues, R&B, jazz, rock, classical, classic rock..." He started to see Ace's disapproval of this. "You really want me to play this, don't you?"
"Just this one time?" He asked politely.
The busker sighs loudly. "Fine. But just this one time." He then started to play the song Ace requested. The performance of the song was beyond words. It was calm and peaceful, and it was as if his worries had faded away. He could only listen in awe at the way he was playing. The busker finally finishes the song. "So, how was it?"
"That was awesome!" Ace excitingly says. "You were able to sound like Discorded himself! It was perfect! Almost too perfect..." The song he played sounded familiar to the one he heard on the subway. He then started to put the two and two together. "Wait a minute..."
"Oh no." The busker says worryingly.
"You're Discorded!" He shouted. A few people started to stare at the two.
"Shhh! Not too loud!" Discorded whispered at him. The people ignored them and walked away.
"Fine, you caught me." He said, defeated. "I am Discorded. I mean, I was Discorded. But please just call me Koale."
"So this is where you've been for the past few years!" Ace says with excitement. "What happened to you?"
"Hum... Well... Uhhh... " Koala started to fiddle with his guitar pick. "Alright, I'll tell you. Just sit down with me for a bit, okay?"
Ace decides to sit next to him as Koale tells his story.
"I started to play music when I was around 14 years old." He said as he fiddled with his guitar pick. "For some reason though, no matter what I create, it becomes a total hit. Soon, some music producers found out about my talent and asked me for a partnership. I got a bit too cocky and said yes."
"What happened then?" Ace asked him.
"Let's just say I fell down hard. Very hard," He continued. "It turned out that I wasn't really making as much money as I thought. And I was a fool back then. I started to spend my money on almost everything. Clothes, shoes, and music gear; I wasn't keeping track of my savings. Eventually, they decided to cut my partnership with them and do it with some other dude."
Koale took a moment to inhale his vape pen, then blew out a big puff of vapor. "After that, everything went downhill for me. I lost my career, my so-called friends left me, and I basically shamed myself. I just couldn't handle the pressure I was under. So I left my hometown and drove to anywhere I could go. During my travels, however, I heard that Acmetropolis was going to be holding a music competition with a big prize at the end. So yeah, that's why I'm here."
He then looks up at the clear blue sky. "But I'm super nervous right now. What if I fail again just like I did last time? I don't want to go through that again."
"I think I can feel the same way." Ace finally talks to him. Koale looks at him with curiosity. "Oh?"
Ace continues with his problems. "I've been getting into fights with my dad recently. For some reason, he doesn't approve of the ideas I have. I want to go into the military and help others, but he wants me to inherit our family legacy when he becomes old. But I'm twenty-one for crying out loud! I already have dreams of my own! I don't want to be trapped inside the dojo for the rest of my life!"
"So, a 'dream being held down' type of problem?" Koale replies.
"I guess you can say that." He answers.
Koale takes another puff from his pen. "I don't think he's wrong. Being in the military is a hard thing to do. He probably just wants to keep you safe."
"C'mon, my father raised me in martial arts." Ace interrupts Koale. "I think I'll be fine."
"Fine, show me some of your moves."
Ace starts to show him some of the moves he was taught over the years. There were a few punches here and there, but one of the moves that really got his attention was when he jumped and did a roundhouse kick. After that, Koale was left speechless.
"Whoa..." He said in awe. "Okay. I think you'll be fine."
Ace wipes some of the sweat on his fur. "I'm glad I got some of that out of my system, but I need to go now. Thanks for helping me talk about my issues."
"No problem," Koale says. "But I think you should patch things up with your father. Try to see if things can work out. Take it easy."
Ace waves at him. "Later." He continues to walk on the sand.
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Diane Foxington (The Bad Guys) Vs Kervin (GTA Online)
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Art created by theconfusedacorn
You have no right to use this art without permission and you have no right to steal for NFTs
Another one of GTA Online vs The Bad Guys art that I requested. There is not much of any story of it yet but long story short my GTA Online version is trying to assassinate Diane for the reward money. The reasons is to imagine what is like if my GTA Online OC fought against Diane Foxington
Note: If you are asking about this reference pose then yes this image is a reference to Yakuza 4. Also, I am still in Kiwami in the Yakuza series
I also have another art of my GTA Online OC fighting Mr. Wolf here. Needed more likes:
If you want to support me. Send me likes and feel free to follow me on Tumblr and on Wattpad
And donate to me on PayPal
Kervin (GTA Online) belongs to me
Diane Foxington belongs Aaron Blabey/ Dreamworks Universal.
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Zootopia+ Screenshot: Larry and Gary in Dinner Rush
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I have already watched all the episodes of Zootopia+. Sam is such a cute otter character! The best part of this episode is Larry and Gary as background characters. (The 2 wolves who howled together)
I'm not sure if they are dating or just hanging out but who knows! It would be so cute to see the art of them on the dining table
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
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hoodie time!
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
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hoodie time!
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
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for such a wiry little guy Rev sure can hoist Tech up with ease
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Love that TechRev Hug
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hoodie time! Wip
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Loonatics KR Update: New Characters Part 2
Happy Halloween / All Saints Day everyone I'm back for Loonatics Unleashed content with Loonatics KR. Sorry, I got bust because of the face-to-face classes but now it's time to bring part 2 of my character of Loonatics KR.
Please do not fanart, use, or draw my characters without my permission to me. I like to stay my characters safe, clean, and nothing weird or stupid.
Caren (Loonatics R Character adopted by me from @purpleluckystar and drawn by DarthCraftus)
For those who don't this character, this was written by @purpleluckystar from Chapter 2 which is Lexi's chapter, and the similar jealous cheerleader from Episode 6 Comet Cometh.
This is one of the characters that I adopted for those who have read my update here
For those who read it, we all know that she is responsible for kicking Lexi out of the cheerleading squad and not much else in the chapter. But I may plan to give her a bio and character perspective or put her in future chapters or spinoffs for different characters to add her on
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Cane Lupo (Blond Wolfdog), Cane Lupo (Brown Italian Wolf) & Tiger Leaps (Red Tiger) (Loonatics KR OC Character written by me and drawn by @pink-chameleon13n13 )
Now I show you my 3 new OCs joining Loonatics KR. To explain each of my 3 new characters without any spoilers here is some detail and some trivia inspiration.
Rage Shards - is a Wolfdog who escaped from prison after being framed for a crime he did not commit and after many long times in prison, he became unstable. After the meteor hit him giving dark powers to escape and lay low. I took inspiration from WWE Immortals Dean Ambrose as Back Alley Brawler and Lunatic Fringe
Cane Lupo - is the youngest godfather who leads his own mafia group called The TriColores alongside his allied mafia group Colonie de Rats. After the meteor strike, he has the ability to turn any part of his body into ebony steel making his melee takedowns more brutal than ever before. I took inspiration from the Godfather video games but only two protagonist characters. Aldro Trapani (Godfather) & Dominic Corleone (Godfather 2)
Tiger Leaps - is a student character who schools the same place as Lexi but in a different class. Despite his secret past he starts to have his new life in a new school with adventures to explore and what life can throw at him. He has no effect on the meteor and has no powers. But he can fight against bullies, play sports on his own, and loves to make fireworks. I took inspiration from Jimmy Hopkins from the game called Bully.
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Don't forget to follow me though including Wattpad for more updates of my stories coming soon. Or just post fanart
And donate me to PayPal if you want. So I may use commission money for comics and characters in the future
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
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advice for WB: reboot loonatics and make techrev canon for infinite money
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kervinredfire · 2 years ago
Reblogging this because of his birthday. Happy Birthday Mr. Wolf!
The Bad Guys Screenshot - Prison Scene: Shirtless Mr. Wolf
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After watching The Bad Guys and even as an Aro-Ace I can't stop thinking about this scene...
Seeing Mr. Wolf like that is just too dreamy 😳
If only someone make a scene interpretation art of this...
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